# CodiceFiscale.js CodiceFiscale.js is a javascript and typescript utility library to compute and validate Italian Italian Tax code (codice fiscale). ### Check it out [CodiceFiscaleJS](https://lucavandro.github.io/CodiceFiscaleJS/) ### Donate [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-PayPal-green.svg)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=W2M92TNMXR3CC&source=url) ## Change log **Version 2.3.4** - Improved search - Bug fixes **Version 2.3.0** - Complete italian comuni list (comuni soppressi, che hanno cambiato provincia) [last update 29/05/2020] - Python script to update data directly from the ISTAT website **Version 2.2.5** - Added more comuni - Updated gh-pages sites - Security fix **Version 2.2.4** - Fixed lowercase validation issue - Updated country list - Security fix **Version 2.2.1** - Fixed UTC Date issue - Minor bug fixed **Version 2.0.0** - Added TypeScript support - Added Object-oriented API - Improved performance - Improved error detection - Backcompatible ## Installation **Node** ```sh npm install codice-fiscale-js --save ``` ```js var CodiceFiscale = require('codice-fiscale-js'); ``` **Web** ```html ``` AMD, UMD e CommonJS version are available. Check `dist` folder ## Docs - [Javascript](https://github.com/lucavandro/CodiceFiscaleJS/tree/master/docs/js-oop.md) - [TypeScript](https://github.com/lucavandro/CodiceFiscaleJS/tree/master/docs/typescript.md) - [Javascript v1.2.0 deprecated](https://github.com/lucavandro/CodiceFiscaleJS/tree/master/docs/js-static.md) ## Available npm scripts: - `npm run build`: build the bundle into `dist` directory. - `npm run test`: launch the tests.