"noReportPeers":"Warning: no report peers are set, please add the following method to your event handler",
"manualAdminActionRequired":"!!!!!!!!! MANUAL SYSTEM ADMIN ACTION REQUIRED !!!!!!!!!",
"mmapError":"The maximum number of mmap'ed regions was reached (%s): please increase the vm.max_map_count kernel config to 262144 to fix.\nTo fix, run the following command as root: echo 262144 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count\nTo persist the change across reboots: echo vm.max_map_count=262144 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/40-madelineproto.conf\nOn Windows and WSL, increasing the size of the pagefile might help; please switch to native Linux if the issue persists.",
"extensionRequired":"MadelineProto requires the %s extension to run. %s",
"apiChooseManualAutoTip":"Note that you can also provide the API ID\/hash directly in the code using the settings: %s",
"apiChooseManualAutoTipWeb":"Note that you can also provide the API ID\/hash directly in the code using the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">settings<\/a>.",
"apiChoosePrompt":"Your choice (m\/a): ",
"apiManualInstructions0":"Login to https:\/\/my.telegram.org",
"apiManualInstructions1":"Go to API development tools",
"apiManualInstructions2":"Click on create application",
"apiAppInstructionsManual0":"your app's name, can be anything",
"apiAppInstructionsManual1":"your app's short name, alphanumeric, 5-32 characters",
"apiAppInstructionsManual2":"your app\/website's URL, or t.me\/yourusername",
"apiAppInstructionsManual4":"Describe your app here",
"apiManualWeb":"Enter your API ID and API hash",
"apiManualPrompt0":"Enter your API ID: ",
"apiManualPrompt1":"Enter your API hash: ",
"apiAutoWeb":"Enter a phone number that is <b>already registered<\/b> on telegram to get the API ID",
"apiAutoPrompt0":"Enter a phone number that is already registered on Telegram: ",
"apiAutoPrompt1":"Enter the verification code you received in Telegram: ",
"apiAppWeb":"Enter API information",
"apiAppInstructionsAuto0":"Enter the app's name, can be anything: ",
"apiAppInstructionsAuto1":"Enter the app's short name, alphanumeric, 5-32 characters: ",
"apiAppInstructionsAuto2":"Enter the app\/website's URL, or t.me\/yourusername: ",
"apiAppInstructionsAuto3":"Enter the app platform: ",
"apiAppInstructionsAuto4":"Describe your app: ",
"apiAppInstructionsAutoTypeOther":"Other (specify in description)",
"apiParamsError":"You didn't provide all of the required parameters!",
"apiError":"ERROR: %s. Try again.",
"loginChoosePromptWeb":"Do you want to login as a user or as a bot?",
"loginWebQr":"You can also login automatically by scanning the following QR code:",
"loginWebQr1":"Open Telegram on your phone",
"loginWebQr2":"Go to Settings > Devices > Link Desktop Device",
"loginWebQr3":"Point your phone at this screen to confirm login",
"loginBot":"Enter your bot token: ",
"loginUser":"Enter your phone number: ",
"loginQr":"Scan the above QR code to login automatically.",