diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8c2804be9..a5003f359 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -569,7 +569,6 @@ Some of MadelineProto's core components are also available as separate, standalo
* Get a list of default suggested channel emoji statuses: account.getChannelDefaultEmojiStatuses
* Get a list of default suggested emoji statuses: account.getDefaultEmojiStatuses
* Get a list of peers that can be used to join a group call, presenting yourself as a specific user/channel: phone.getGroupCallJoinAs
- * Get a list of sponsored messages: channels.getSponsoredMessages
* Get a message to show to the user when starting the bot: getWebMessage
* Get a payment form: payments.getPaymentForm
* Get a set of suggested custom emoji stickers that can be used as group picture: account.getDefaultGroupPhotoEmojis
@@ -747,7 +746,6 @@ Some of MadelineProto's core components are also available as separate, standalo
* Informs server about a purchase made through the App Store: for official applications only: payments.assignAppStoreTransaction
* Informs server about a purchase made through the Play Store: for official applications only: payments.assignPlayMarketTransaction
* Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they haven't been processed for a long time; for bots only: help.setBotUpdatesStatus
- * Informs the server that the user has either:: channels.clickSponsoredMessage
* Initialize a takeout session, see here » for more info: account.initTakeoutSession
* Initialize connection: initConnection
* Initialize self-restart hack: initSelfRestart
@@ -794,7 +792,6 @@ Some of MadelineProto's core components are also available as separate, standalo
* Manually convert HTML to a message and a set of entities: htmlToMessageEntities
* Manually convert markdown to a message and a set of entities: markdownToMessageEntities
* Manually mark dialog as unread: messages.markDialogUnread
- * Mark a specific sponsored message as read: channels.viewSponsoredMessage
* Mark a thread as read: messages.readDiscussion
* Mark all stories up to a certain ID as read, for a given peer; will emit an updateReadStories update to all logged-in sessions: stories.readStories
* Mark channel/supergroup history as read: channels.readHistory
@@ -1122,7 +1119,6 @@ Some of MadelineProto's core components are also available as separate, standalo
* bots.getPreviewInfo
* bots.getPreviewMedias
* bots.reorderPreviewMedias
- * channels.reportSponsoredMessage
* channels.restrictSponsoredMessages
* channels.searchPosts
* channels.setBoostsToUnblockRestrictions
@@ -1134,6 +1130,7 @@ Some of MadelineProto's core components are also available as separate, standalo
* invokeWithBusinessConnection
* invokeWithGooglePlayIntegrity
* messages.checkQuickReplyShortcut
+ * messages.clickSponsoredMessage
* messages.deleteFactCheck
* messages.deleteQuickReplyMessages
* messages.deleteQuickReplyShortcut
@@ -1149,13 +1146,16 @@ Some of MadelineProto's core components are also available as separate, standalo
* messages.getQuickReplies
* messages.getQuickReplyMessages
* messages.getSavedReactionTags
+ * messages.getSponsoredMessages
* messages.reorderQuickReplies
+ * messages.reportSponsoredMessage
* messages.requestMainWebView
* messages.sendPaidReaction
* messages.sendQuickReplyMessages
* messages.toggleDialogFilterTags
* messages.togglePaidReactionPrivacy
* messages.updateSavedReactionTag
+ * messages.viewSponsoredMessage
* null-byte RLE decode: rleDecode
* null-byte RLE encode: rleEncode
* payments.changeStarsSubscription
diff --git a/docs b/docs
index 954549439..bdd21f2b0 160000
--- a/docs
+++ b/docs
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 9545494397382ac8ebc073fc9e74fc97451f5fb0
+Subproject commit bdd21f2b051ebd23c56e39053c040ca23c1020f6
diff --git a/langs/ru.json b/langs/ru.json
index 49dbda17f..9170a902d 100644
--- a/langs/ru.json
+++ b/langs/ru.json
@@ -91,5 +91,44 @@
"login_code_sending": "Отправка кода...",
"login_code_sent": "Код успешно отправлен! Как только Вы получите код Вам нужно использовать функцию completePhoneLogin.",
"login_2fa_enabled": "2FA активно, вам необходимо сначала вызвать функцию complete2falogin...",
- "not_loggedIn": "Я вошёл в систему!"
+ "not_loggedIn": "Я вошёл в систему!",
+ "call_error_1": "Не смог найти и принять звонок %s",
+ "string_required": "Ожидана string!",
+ "waveform_must_have_100_values": "Массив waveform должен иметь 100 значений!",
+ "waveform_value": "Значение waveform должно быть между 0 и 31!",
+ "method_not_found": "Невозможно найти метод: ",
+ "params_missing": "Не хватает необходимого папаметра",
+ "sec_peer_not_in_db": "Этого секретного чата нету во внутренней базе",
+ "length_too_big": "Длина слишком большая",
+ "login_user": "Вхожу как пользователь...",
+ "signup_ok": "Запись прошла успешно!",
+ "accepting_call": "Принимяю звонок от %s...",
+ "call_already_declined": "Звонок %s уже был отвергнут",
+ "call_error_3": "Невозможно найти и подтвердить звонок %s",
+ "call_completing": "Финализирую звонок от %s...",
+ "fingerprint_invalid": "Невалидный фингерпринт ключа!",
+ "file_parsing": "Чтение %s...",
+ "src_file_invalid": "Невалидный файл: ",
+ "bool_error": "Невозможно считать boolean",
+ "not_numeric": "Данное значение не цифра",
+ "long_not_32": "Длинна данного значения не равна 32 байтам",
+ "array_invalid": "Вы указали невалидный массив",
+ "predicate_not_set": "Предикат (значение под ключом _) не был указан!",
+ "login_bot": "Вхожу как бот...",
+ "login_need_signup": "На этот номер телефона не найдена учётная запись Телеграм...",
+ "long_not_16": "Длинна данного значения не равна 16 байтам",
+ "signup_uncalled": "Я не в процессе записи! Пожалуйста, вызовите сначала методы phoneLogin и completePhoneLogin!",
+ "2fa_uncalled": "Я не жду сейчас пароля! Вызовите сначала методы phoneLogin и completePhoneLogin!",
+ "call_already_accepted": "Звонок %s уже был принят",
+ "call_error_2": "Невозможно найти и подтвердить звонок %s",
+ "call_confirming": "Подтверждаю звонок от %s...",
+ "translate_madelineproto_cli": "MadelineProto можно локализировать на ваш язык (на данный момент переведено: %d%%), откройте https://weblate.madelineproto.xyz чтобы помочь с переводом!",
+ "translate_madelineproto_web": "MadelineProto можно локализировать на ваш язык (на данный момент переведено: %d%%), кликните сюда чтобы помочь с переводом!",
+ "peer_not_in_db": "Этот peer не находится во внутренней базе",
+ "call_discarding": "Отвергаю звонок %s...",
+ "stream_handle_invalid": "Использован невалидный стрим.",
+ "long_not_64": "Длинна данного значения не равна 64 байтам",
+ "update_madelineproto": "Вы используете старую версию MadelineProto, необходимо обновится: сейчас используется версия %s, но последняя версия со многими поправками и с новым функционалом - %s!",
+ "type_extract_error": "Невозможно распаковать тип \"%s\", необходимо обновить MadelineProto!",
+ "could_not_convert_object": "Невозможно сконвертировать объект типа %s"
diff --git a/schemas b/schemas
index f0d60e35a..4262abdbc 160000
--- a/schemas
+++ b/schemas
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit f0d60e35a9566ade2a29cd3e9e7f67f323e9ad4d
+Subproject commit 4262abdbc43f48d82c70987c0e85ec010fecc373
diff --git a/src/Lang.php b/src/Lang.php
index c2336e884..439c4a98a 100644
--- a/src/Lang.php
+++ b/src/Lang.php
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ final class Lang
'ckb' => 74,
'fa' => 100,
'pt' => 0,
- 'ru' => 58,
+ 'ru' => 82,
'uz' => 75,
@@ -1383,8 +1383,8 @@ If you intentionally deleted this account, ignore this message.',
'ru' =>
- '2fa_uncalled' => 'I\'m not waiting for the password! Please call the phoneLogin and the completePhoneLogin methods first!',
- 'accepting_call' => 'Accepting call from %s...',
+ '2fa_uncalled' => 'Я не жду сейчас пароля! Вызовите сначала методы phoneLogin и completePhoneLogin!',
+ 'accepting_call' => 'Принимяю звонок от %s...',
'account_banned' => '!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!
Telegram\'s flood prevention system suspended this account.
To continue, manual verification is required.
@@ -1419,23 +1419,23 @@ If you intentionally deleted this account, ignore this message.',
'apiManualWeb' => 'Введите ваш API ID и API hash',
'apiParamsError' => 'Вы не заполнили все обязательные параметры!',
'api_not_set' => 'Необходимо указать свой api ключ, достаньте свой @ my.telegram.org',
- 'array_invalid' => 'You didn\'t provide a valid array',
+ 'array_invalid' => 'Вы указали невалидный массив',
'baseDirLimitation' => 'Настройка basedir сконфигурирована: это может повлиять на производительность и вызвать некоторые проблемы, отключите её если это возможно!',
- 'bool_error' => 'Could not extract boolean',
+ 'bool_error' => 'Невозможно считать boolean',
'botAlreadyRunning' => 'Бот уже запущен!',
'botapi_conversion_error' => 'Can\'t convert %s to a bot API object',
- 'call_already_accepted' => 'Call %s already accepted',
- 'call_already_declined' => 'Call %s already declined',
- 'call_completing' => 'Completing call from %s...',
- 'call_confirming' => 'Confirming call from %s...',
- 'call_discarding' => 'Discarding call %s...',
- 'call_error_1' => 'Could not find and accept call %s',
- 'call_error_2' => 'Could not find and confirm call %s',
- 'call_error_3' => 'Could not find and complete call %s',
+ 'call_already_accepted' => 'Звонок %s уже был принят',
+ 'call_already_declined' => 'Звонок %s уже был отвергнут',
+ 'call_completing' => 'Финализирую звонок от %s...',
+ 'call_confirming' => 'Подтверждаю звонок от %s...',
+ 'call_discarding' => 'Отвергаю звонок %s...',
+ 'call_error_1' => 'Не смог найти и принять звонок %s',
+ 'call_error_2' => 'Невозможно найти и подтвердить звонок %s',
+ 'call_error_3' => 'Невозможно найти и подтвердить звонок %s',
'cli_need_dl.php_link' => 'Please specify a download script URL when using getDownloadLink via CLI!',
'constructor_not_found' => 'Constructor not found for type: ',
'could_not_connect_to_MadelineProto' => 'Could not connect to MadelineProto, please enable proc_open and remove open_basedir restrictions or disable webserver path rewrites to fix! If you already did that, make sure the CLI version of PHP is exactly the same as the web version (same version, extensions, et cetera) and check out the MadelineProto.log file for more info about the error that prevented the IPC server from starting.',
- 'could_not_convert_object' => 'Could not convert object of type %s',
+ 'could_not_convert_object' => 'Невозможно сконвертировать объект типа %s',
'deserialization_error' => 'Произошла ошибка при deserialization',
'dl.php_check_logs_make_sure_session_running' => 'Either the associated MadelineProto EventHandler bot or the MadelineProto IPC server are offline, please check logs and make sure at least one of them is running!',
'dl.php_powered_by_madelineproto' => 'Telegram file download server (up to 4GB), powered by MadelineProto!
Click here for more info on how to setup your very own Telegram file download server!',
@@ -1453,12 +1453,12 @@ If you intentionally deleted this account, ignore this message.',
'extensionRequiredInstallWithApt' => 'Попробуйте запустить sudo apt-get install %s.',
'extensionRequiredInstallWithCustomInstructions' => 'Следуйте инструкциям в %s для установки.',
'file_not_exist' => 'Файл не существует',
- 'file_parsing' => 'Parsing %s...',
+ 'file_parsing' => 'Чтение %s...',
'file_type_invalid' => 'Invalid file type detected (%s)',
- 'fingerprint_invalid' => 'Invalid key fingerprint!',
+ 'fingerprint_invalid' => 'Невалидный фингерпринт ключа!',
'go' => 'ОК',
'invalid_dl.php_session' => '%s is not a valid download script because its session ID is different (expected %s, got %s)',
- 'length_too_big' => 'Length is too big',
+ 'length_too_big' => 'Длина слишком большая',
'loginBot' => 'Введите токен бота: ',
'loginBotTokenWeb' => 'Токен бота',
'loginChoosePromptWeb' => 'Авторизоваться как пользователь или как бот?',
@@ -1484,20 +1484,20 @@ If you intentionally deleted this account, ignore this message.',
'loginWebQr3' => 'Наведите ваш смартфон на этот экран чтобы подтвердить вход',
'login_2fa_enabled' => '2FA активно, вам необходимо сначала вызвать функцию complete2falogin...',
'login_auth_key' => 'Вход с помощью ключа авторизации...',
- 'login_bot' => 'Logging in as a bot...',
+ 'login_bot' => 'Вхожу как бот...',
'login_code_sending' => 'Отправка кода...',
'login_code_sent' => 'Код успешно отправлен! Как только Вы получите код Вам нужно использовать функцию completePhoneLogin.',
'login_code_uncalled' => 'Я не ожидаю код! Пожалуйста сначала вызовите метод phoneLogin',
- 'login_need_signup' => 'An account has not been created for this number, you will have to call the completeSignup function...',
+ 'login_need_signup' => 'На этот номер телефона не найдена учётная запись Телеграм...',
'login_ok' => 'Мы залогинены!',
- 'login_user' => 'Logging in as a normal user...',
+ 'login_user' => 'Вхожу как пользователь...',
'logout_ok' => 'Logout!',
- 'long_not_16' => 'Given value is not 16 bytes long',
- 'long_not_32' => 'Given value is not 32 bytes long',
- 'long_not_64' => 'Given value is not 64 bytes long',
+ 'long_not_16' => 'Длинна данного значения не равна 16 байтам',
+ 'long_not_32' => 'Длинна данного значения не равна 32 байтам',
+ 'long_not_64' => 'Длинна данного значения не равна 64 байтам',
'madelineproto_ready' => 'MadelineProto готов!',
'manualAdminActionRequired' => '!!!!!!!!! НЕОБХОДИМЫ РУЧНЫЕ ДЕЙСТВИЯ СИСТЕМНОГО АДМИНИСТРАТОРА !!!!!!!!!',
- 'method_not_found' => 'Could not find method: ',
+ 'method_not_found' => 'Невозможно найти метод: ',
'mmapErrorPart1' => 'Превышено максимальное количество маппированных зон памяти (%s, это НЕ потребление памяти, а mmap): пожалуйста увеличьте значение настройки ядра vm.max_map_count до 262144, чтобы исправить проблему.',
'mmapErrorPart2' => 'Чтобы исправить, необходимо запустить эту команду как root: %s',
'mmapErrorPart3' => 'Чтобы сохранить настройки даже после перезапуска: %s',
@@ -1508,16 +1508,16 @@ If you intentionally deleted this account, ignore this message.',
'noReportPeers' => 'Внимание: не настроен ни один юзер для сообщения ошибок, пожалуйста добавьте этот метод в Event Handler',
'non_text_conversion' => 'Can\'t convert non text messages yet!',
'not_loggedIn' => 'Я вошёл в систему!',
- 'not_numeric' => 'Given value isn\'t numeric',
- 'params_missing' => 'Missing required parameter',
- 'peer_not_in_db' => 'This peer is not present in the internal peer database',
+ 'not_numeric' => 'Данное значение не цифра',
+ 'params_missing' => 'Не хватает необходимого папаметра',
+ 'peer_not_in_db' => 'Этот peer не находится во внутренней базе',
'plugin_path_does_not_exist' => 'Plugin path %s does not exist!',
'plugins_do_not_use_require' => 'for performance reasons, plugins can only automatically include or require other files present in the plugins folder by triggering the PSR-4 autoloader (not by manually require()\'ing them).',
'plugins_must_have_exactly_one_class' => 'a plugin must define exactly one class! To define multiple classes, interfaces or traits, create separate files, they will be autoloaded by MadelineProto automatically.',
- 'predicate_not_set' => 'Predicate (value under _) was not set!',
+ 'predicate_not_set' => 'Предикат (значение под ключом _) не был указан!',
'recommend_not_use_filesystem_function' => 'usage of the %s function is not recommended, because accessing the filesystem during update handling will slow down your bot, please see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/UPDATES.html#avoiding-the-use-of-filesystem-functions for a list of alternative ways to store data that will not slow down your bot!',
'rpc_tg_error' => 'Телеграм возвратил RPC ошибку: %s (%s), из-за %s:%s%sTL trace:',
- 'sec_peer_not_in_db' => 'This secret peer is not present in the internal peer database',
+ 'sec_peer_not_in_db' => 'Этого секретного чата нету во внутренней базе',
'secret_chat_skipping' => 'I do not have the secret chat %s in the database, skipping message...',
'serialization_ofd' => 'Сериализация старая, реконструкция объекта!',
'session_corrupted' => 'Сессия повреждена!',
@@ -1527,26 +1527,26 @@ If you intentionally deleted this account, ignore this message.',
'signupLastName' => 'Введите вашу фамилию (может быть пустым): ',
'signupLastNameWeb' => 'Фамилия',
'signupWeb' => 'Зарегистрируйтесь, пожалуйста',
- 'signup_ok' => 'Signed up in successfully!',
- 'signup_uncalled' => 'I\'m not waiting to signup! Please call the phoneLogin and the completePhoneLogin methods first!',
- 'src_file_invalid' => 'Invalid source file was provided: ',
+ 'signup_ok' => 'Запись прошла успешно!',
+ 'signup_uncalled' => 'Я не в процессе записи! Пожалуйста, вызовите сначала методы phoneLogin и completePhoneLogin!',
+ 'src_file_invalid' => 'Невалидный файл: ',
'static_analysis_minor' => 'A minor issue was encountered during static analysis of %s: %s',
'static_analysis_severe' => 'A severe issue was encountered during static analysis of %s: %s',
- 'stream_handle_invalid' => 'An invalid stream handle was provided.',
- 'string_required' => 'A string was expected!',
- 'translate_madelineproto_cli' => 'MadelineProto can be translated in your language (current translation progress: %d%%), go to https://weblate.madelineproto.xyz to contribute with the translation!',
- 'translate_madelineproto_web' => 'MadelineProto can be translated in your language (current translation progress: %d%%), click here to contribute with the translation!',
- 'type_extract_error' => 'Could not extract type "%s", you should update MadelineProto!',
+ 'stream_handle_invalid' => 'Использован невалидный стрим.',
+ 'string_required' => 'Ожидана string!',
+ 'translate_madelineproto_cli' => 'MadelineProto можно локализировать на ваш язык (на данный момент переведено: %d%%), откройте https://weblate.madelineproto.xyz чтобы помочь с переводом!',
+ 'translate_madelineproto_web' => 'MadelineProto можно локализировать на ваш язык (на данный момент переведено: %d%%), кликните сюда чтобы помочь с переводом!',
+ 'type_extract_error' => 'Невозможно распаковать тип "%s", необходимо обновить MadelineProto!',
'type_extract_error_id' => 'Could not extract type: %s with id %s, you should update MadelineProto!',
- 'update_madelineproto' => 'You\'re running an old version of MadelineProto, an update is required: currently running %s, but the latest version with multiple bugfixes and new features is %s!',
+ 'update_madelineproto' => 'Вы используете старую версию MadelineProto, необходимо обновится: сейчас используется версия %s, но последняя версия со многими поправками и с новым функционалом - %s!',
'value_bigger_than_2147483647' => 'Значение %s больше чем 2147483647',
'value_bigger_than_4294967296' => 'Значение %s больше чем 4294967296',
'value_bigger_than_9223372036854775807' => 'Значение %s больше чем 9223372036854775807',
'value_smaller_than_0' => 'Значение %s меньше нуля',
'value_smaller_than_2147483648' => 'Значение %s меньше чем -2147483648',
'value_smaller_than_9223372036854775808' => 'Значение %s меньше чем -9223372036854775808',
- 'waveform_must_have_100_values' => 'A waveform array must have 100 values!',
- 'waveform_value' => 'A waveform value must be between 0 and 31!',
+ 'waveform_must_have_100_values' => 'Массив waveform должен иметь 100 значений!',
+ 'waveform_value' => 'Значение waveform должно быть между 0 и 31!',
'windows_warning' => 'For Windows users: please switch to Linux if this fails. You can also try modifying the firewall settings to allow all PHP processes to create sockets (it\'s 100% easier to just switch to Linux, on Linux MadelineProto just works out of the box, no changes needed)',
'uz' =>
diff --git a/src/Namespace/Channels.php b/src/Namespace/Channels.php
index 057431c6d..44bdd374f 100644
--- a/src/Namespace/Channels.php
+++ b/src/Namespace/Channels.php
@@ -420,27 +420,6 @@ interface Channels
public function convertToGigagroup(array|int|string|null $channel = null, ?int $floodWaitLimit = null, ?string $queueId = null, ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = null): array;
- /**
- * Mark a specific sponsored message as read.
- *
- * @param array|int|string $channel Peer @see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/types/InputChannel.html
- * @param ?int $floodWaitLimit Can be used to specify a custom flood wait limit: if a FLOOD_WAIT_ rate limiting error is received with a waiting period bigger than this integer, an RPCErrorException will be thrown; otherwise, MadelineProto will simply wait for the specified amount of time. Defaults to the value specified in the settings: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/PHP/danog/MadelineProto/Settings/RPC.html#setfloodtimeout-int-floodtimeout-self
- * @param ?string $queueId If specified, ensures strict server-side execution order of concurrent calls with the same queue ID.
- * @param ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation Cancellation
- */
- public function viewSponsoredMessage(array|int|string|null $channel = null, ?int $floodWaitLimit = null, ?string $queueId = null, ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = null): bool;
- /**
- * Get a list of sponsored messages.
- *
- * @param array|int|string $channel Peer @see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/types/InputChannel.html
- * @param ?int $floodWaitLimit Can be used to specify a custom flood wait limit: if a FLOOD_WAIT_ rate limiting error is received with a waiting period bigger than this integer, an RPCErrorException will be thrown; otherwise, MadelineProto will simply wait for the specified amount of time. Defaults to the value specified in the settings: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/PHP/danog/MadelineProto/Settings/RPC.html#setfloodtimeout-int-floodtimeout-self
- * @param ?string $queueId If specified, ensures strict server-side execution order of concurrent calls with the same queue ID.
- * @param ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation Cancellation
- * @return array{_: 'messages.sponsoredMessages', posts_between?: int, messages: list, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, media?: array{_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageMediaPhoto', spoiler: bool, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, color?: array{_: 'peerColor', color?: int, background_emoji_id?: int}, button_text: string, sponsor_info?: string, additional_info?: string}>, chats: list, users: list}|array{_: 'messages.sponsoredMessagesEmpty'} @see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/types/messages.SponsoredMessages.html
- */
- public function getSponsoredMessages(array|int|string|null $channel = null, ?int $floodWaitLimit = null, ?string $queueId = null, ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = null): array;
* Obtains a list of peers that can be used to send messages in a specific group.
@@ -560,7 +539,7 @@ interface Channels
* @param ?int $floodWaitLimit Can be used to specify a custom flood wait limit: if a FLOOD_WAIT_ rate limiting error is received with a waiting period bigger than this integer, an RPCErrorException will be thrown; otherwise, MadelineProto will simply wait for the specified amount of time. Defaults to the value specified in the settings: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/PHP/danog/MadelineProto/Settings/RPC.html#setfloodtimeout-int-floodtimeout-self
* @param ?string $queueId If specified, ensures strict server-side execution order of concurrent calls with the same queue ID.
* @param ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation Cancellation
- * @return array{_: 'messages.forumTopics', order_by_create_date: bool, count: int, topics: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'inputReplyToStory', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, message: string, entities?: list, media?: \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|string|array, date: int, effect?: int}}>, messages: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_to_top_id?: int, quote_text?: string, quote_entities?: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'messageReplyStoryHeader', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, date: int, message: string, media?: array{_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageMediaPhoto', spoiler: bool, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_markup?: array, entities?: list, views?: int, forwards?: int, replies?: array{_: 'messageReplies', comments: bool, replies: int, replies_pts: int, recent_repliers?: list, channel_id?: int, max_id?: int, read_max_id?: int}, edit_date?: int, post_author?: string, grouped_id?: int, reactions?: array{_: 'messageReactions', min: bool, can_see_list: bool, reactions_as_tags: bool, results: list, recent_reactions?: list, top_reactors?: list}, restriction_reason?: list, ttl_period?: int, quick_reply_shortcut_id?: int, effect?: int, factcheck?: array{_: 'factCheck', need_check: bool, country?: string, text?: array{_: 'textWithEntities', text: string, entities: list}, hash: list}}|array{_: 'messageService', peer_id: array|int|string, out: bool, mentioned: bool, media_unread: bool, silent: bool, post: bool, legacy: bool, id: int, from_id?: array|int|string, reply_to?: array{_: 'messageReplyHeader', reply_to_scheduled: bool, forum_topic: bool, quote: bool, reply_to_msg_id?: int, reply_to_peer_id?: array|int|string, reply_from?: array{_: 'messageFwdHeader', imported: bool, saved_out: bool, from_id?: array|int|string, from_name?: string, date: int, channel_post?: int, post_author?: string, saved_from_peer?: array|int|string, saved_from_msg_id?: int, saved_from_id?: array|int|string, saved_from_name?: string, saved_date?: int, psa_type?: string}, reply_media?: array{_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageMediaPhoto', spoiler: bool, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_to_top_id?: int, quote_text?: string, quote_entities?: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'messageReplyStoryHeader', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, date: int, action: array{_: 'messageActionEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageActionChatCreate', title: string, users: list}|array{_: 'messageActionChatEditTitle', title: string}|array{_: 'messageActionChatEditPhoto', photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'messageActionChatDeletePhoto'}|array{_: 'messageActionChatAddUser', users: list}|array{_: 'messageActionChatDeleteUser', user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionChatJoinedByLink', inviter_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionChannelCreate', title: string}|array{_: 'messageActionChatMigrateTo', channel_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionChannelMigrateFrom', title: string, chat_id: array|int|string}|array{_: 'messageActionPinMessage'}|array{_: 'messageActionHistoryClear'}|array{_: 'messageActionGameScore', game_id: int, score: int}|array{_: 'messageActionPaymentSentMe', charge: array{_: 'paymentCharge', id: string, provider_charge_id: string}, recurring_init: bool, recurring_used: bool, currency: string, total_amount: int, payload: string, info?: array{_: 'paymentRequestedInfo', name?: string, phone?: string, email?: string, shipping_address?: array{_: 'postAddress', street_line1: string, street_line2: string, city: string, state: string, country_iso2: string, post_code: string}}, shipping_option_id?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionPaymentSent', recurring_init: bool, recurring_used: bool, currency: string, total_amount: int, invoice_slug?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionPhoneCall', video: bool, call_id: int, reason?: array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed'}|array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect'}|array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup'}|array{_: 'phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy'}, duration?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionScreenshotTaken'}|array{_: 'messageActionCustomAction', message: string}|array{_: 'messageActionBotAllowed', attach_menu: bool, from_request: bool, domain?: string, app?: array{_: 'botAppNotModified'}|array{_: 'botApp', id: int, access_hash: int, short_name: string, title: string, description: string, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, hash: list}}|array{_: 'messageActionSecureValuesSentMe', credentials: array{_: 'secureCredentialsEncrypted', data: string, hash: string, secret: string}, values: list, files?: list, plain_data?: array{_: 'securePlainPhone', phone: string}|array{_: 'securePlainEmail', email: string}, hash: string}>}|array{_: 'messageActionSecureValuesSent', types: list}|array{_: 'messageActionContactSignUp'}|array{_: 'messageActionGeoProximityReached', from_id: array|int|string, to_id: array|int|string, distance: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGroupCall', call: array{_: 'inputGroupCall', id: int, access_hash: int}, duration?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionInviteToGroupCall', call: array{_: 'inputGroupCall', id: int, access_hash: int}, users: list}|array{_: 'messageActionSetMessagesTTL', period: int, auto_setting_from?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGroupCallScheduled', call: array{_: 'inputGroupCall', id: int, access_hash: int}, schedule_date: int}|array{_: 'messageActionSetChatTheme', emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageActionChatJoinedByRequest'}|array{_: 'messageActionWebViewDataSentMe', text: string, data: string}|array{_: 'messageActionWebViewDataSent', text: string}|array{_: 'messageActionGiftPremium', currency: string, amount: int, months: int, crypto_currency?: string, crypto_amount?: int, message?: array{_: 'textWithEntities', text: string, entities: list}}|array{_: 'messageActionTopicCreate', title: string, icon_color: int, icon_emoji_id?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionTopicEdit', title?: string, icon_emoji_id?: int, closed?: bool, hidden?: bool}|array{_: 'messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto', photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'messageActionRequestedPeer', button_id: int, peers: list}|array{_: 'messageActionSetChatWallPaper', wallpaper: array{_: 'wallPaper', id: int, creator: bool, default: bool, pattern: bool, dark: bool, access_hash: int, slug: string, document: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, settings?: array{_: 'wallPaperSettings', blur: bool, motion: bool, background_color?: int, second_background_color?: int, third_background_color?: int, fourth_background_color?: int, intensity?: int, rotation?: int, emoticon?: string}}|array{_: 'wallPaperNoFile', id: int, default: bool, dark: bool, settings?: array{_: 'wallPaperSettings', blur: bool, motion: bool, background_color?: int, second_background_color?: int, third_background_color?: int, fourth_background_color?: int, intensity?: int, rotation?: int, emoticon?: string}}, same: bool, for_both: bool}|array{_: 'messageActionGiftCode', via_giveaway: bool, unclaimed: bool, boost_peer?: array|int|string, months: int, slug: string, currency?: string, amount?: int, crypto_currency?: string, crypto_amount?: int, message?: array{_: 'textWithEntities', text: string, entities: list}}|array{_: 'messageActionGiveawayLaunch', stars?: int}|array{_: 'messageActionGiveawayResults', stars: bool, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int}|array{_: 'messageActionBoostApply', boosts: int}|array{_: 'messageActionRequestedPeerSentMe', button_id: int, peers: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'requestedPeerChat', chat_id: array|int|string, title?: string, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}|array{_: 'requestedPeerChannel', channel_id: int, title?: string, username?: string, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}}>}|array{_: 'messageActionPaymentRefunded', peer: array|int|string, charge: array{_: 'paymentCharge', id: string, provider_charge_id: string}, currency: string, total_amount: int, payload?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionGiftStars', currency: string, amount: int, stars: int, crypto_currency?: string, crypto_amount?: int, transaction_id?: string}|array{_: 'messageActionPrizeStars', boost_peer: array|int|string, unclaimed: bool, stars: int, transaction_id: string, giveaway_msg_id: int}|array{_: 'messageActionStarGift', gift: array{_: 'starGift', limited: bool, id: int, sticker: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, stars: int, availability_remains?: int, availability_total?: int, convert_stars: int}, name_hidden: bool, saved: bool, converted: bool, message?: array{_: 'textWithEntities', text: string, entities: list}, convert_stars: int}, ttl_period?: int}>, chats: list, users: list, pts: int} @see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/types/messages.ForumTopics.html
+ * @return array{_: 'messages.forumTopics', order_by_create_date: bool, count: int, topics: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'inputReplyToStory', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, message: string, entities?: list, media?: \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|string|array, date: int, effect?: int}}>, messages: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_to_top_id?: int, quote_text?: string, quote_entities?: list, quote_offset?: int}|array{_: 'messageReplyStoryHeader', peer: array|int|string, story_id: int}, date: int, message: string, media?: array{_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageMediaPhoto', spoiler: bool, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}}}|array{_: 'messageMediaInvoice', shipping_address_requested: bool, test: bool, title: string, description: string, photo?: array{_: 'webDocument', url: array, access_hash: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}|array{_: 'webDocumentNoProxy', url: array, size: array, mime_type: array, attributes: list}, receipt_msg_id?: int, currency: string, total_amount: int, start_param: string, extended_media?: array{_: 'messageExtendedMediaPreview', w?: array, h?: array, thumb?: array, video_duration?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeoLive', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, heading?: int, period: int, proximity_notification_radius?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPoll', poll: array{_: 'poll', question: array, id: array, closed: array, public_voters: array, multiple_choice: array, quiz: array, answers: list, close_period?: array, close_date?: array}, results: array{_: 'pollResults', min: array, results?: list, total_voters?: array, recent_voters?: list, solution?: array, solution_entities?: list}}|array{_: 'messageMediaDice', value: int, emoticon: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaStory', peer: array|int|string, via_mention: bool, id: int, story?: array{_: 'storyItemDeleted', id: array}|array{_: 'storyItemSkipped', close_friends: array, id: array, date: array, expire_date: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveaway', only_new_subscribers: bool, winners_are_visible: bool, channels: list, countries_iso2?: list, prize_description?: string, quantity: int, months?: int, stars?: int, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', only_new_subscribers: bool, refunded: bool, channel_id: int, additional_peers_count?: int, launch_msg_id: int, winners_count: int, unclaimed_count: int, winners: list, months?: int, stars?: int, prize_description?: string, until_date: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaPaidMedia', stars_amount: int, extended_media: list}, reply_markup?: array, entities?: list, views?: int, forwards?: int, replies?: array{_: 'messageReplies', comments: bool, replies: int, replies_pts: int, recent_repliers?: list, channel_id?: int, max_id?: int, read_max_id?: int}, edit_date?: int, post_author?: string, grouped_id?: int, reactions?: array{_: 'messageReactions', min: bool, can_see_list: bool, reactions_as_tags: bool, results: list, recent_reactions?: list, top_reactors?: list}, restriction_reason?: list, ttl_period?: int, quick_reply_shortcut_id?: int, effect?: int, factcheck?: array{_: 'factCheck', need_check: bool, country?: string, text?: array{_: 'textWithEntities', text: string, entities: list}, hash: list}}|array{_: 'messageService', peer_id: array|int|string, out: bool, mentioned: bool, media_unread: bool, silent: bool, post: bool, legacy: bool, id: int, from_id?: array|int|string, reply_to?: array{_: 'messageReplyHeader', reply_to_scheduled: bool, forum_topic: bool, quote: bool, reply_to_msg_id?: int, reply_to_peer_id?: array|int|string, reply_from?: array{_: 'messageFwdHeader', imported: bool, saved_out: bool, from_id?: array|int|string, from_name?: string, date: int, channel_post?: int, post_author?: string, saved_from_peer?: array|int|string, saved_from_msg_id?: int, saved_from_id?: array|int|string, saved_from_name?: string, saved_date?: int, psa_type?: string}, reply_media?: array{_: 'messageMediaEmpty'}|array{_: 'messageMediaPhoto', spoiler: bool, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, vcard: string, user_id: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaUnsupported'}|array{_: 'messageMediaDocument', nopremium: bool, spoiler: bool, video: bool, round: bool, voice: bool, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, alt_documents?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}>, ttl_seconds?: int}|array{_: 'messageMediaWebPage', force_large_media: bool, force_small_media: bool, manual: bool, safe: bool, webpage: array{_: 'webPageEmpty', id: array, url?: array}|array{_: 'webPagePending', id: array, url?: array, date: array}|array{_: 'webPage', has_large_media: array, id: array, url: array, display_url: array, hash: array, type?: array, site_name?: array, title?: array, description?: array, photo?: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, embed_url?: array, embed_type?: array, embed_width?: array, embed_height?: array, duration?: array, author?: array, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list}, cached_page?: array, attributes?: list}|array{_: 'webPageNotModified', cached_page_views?: array}}|array{_: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: array{_: 'geoPointEmpty'}|array{_: 'geoPoint', long: array, lat: array, access_hash: array, accuracy_radius?: array}, title: string, address: string, provider: string, venue_id: string, venue_type: string}|array{_: 'messageMediaGame', game: array{_: 'game', id: array, access_hash: array, short_name: array, title: array, description: array, photo: array{_: 'photoEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'photo', has_stickers: array, id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, sizes: list, video_sizes?: list, dc_id: array}, document?: array{_: 'documentEmpty', id: array}|array{_: 'document', id: array, access_hash: array, file_reference: array, date: array, mime_type: array, size: array, thumbs?: list, video_thumbs?: list, dc_id: array, attributes: list