. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2023 Daniil Gentili * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3 * @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\DeferredFuture; use Amp\Future; use Amp\Sync\LocalMutex; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic\PeriodicLoopInternal; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\OutgoingMessage; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\PermAuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\TempAuthKey; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Crypt; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\Connection as ConnectionSettings; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\ConnectionContext; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\HttpsStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\MTProtoTransport\HttpStream; use danog\MadelineProto\Stream\Transport\WssStream; use JsonSerializable; use Revolt\EventLoop; use function count; /** * Datacenter connection. */ final class DataCenterConnection implements JsonSerializable { const READ_WEIGHT = 1; const READ_WEIGHT_MEDIA = 5; const WRITE_WEIGHT = 10; /** * Promise for connection. * */ private Future $connectionsPromise; /** * Deferred for connection. * */ private ?DeferredFuture $connectionsDeferred = null; /** * Temporary auth key. * */ private ?TempAuthKey $tempAuthKey = null; /** * Permanent auth key. * */ private ?PermAuthKey $permAuthKey = null; /** * Connections open to a certain DC. * * @var array */ private array $connections = []; /** * Connection weights. * * @var array */ private array $availableConnections = []; /** * Main API instance. * */ private MTProto $API; /** * Connection context. * */ private ConnectionContext $ctx; /** * DC ID. */ private int $datacenter; /** * Linked DC ID. * */ private ?int $linkedDc = null; /** * Loop to keep weights at sane value. */ private ?PeriodicLoopInternal $robinLoop = null; /** * Decrement roundrobin weight by this value if busy reading. * */ private int $decRead = 1; /** * Decrement roundrobin weight by this value if busy writing. * */ private int $decWrite = 10; /** * Backed up messages. * */ private array $backup = []; /** * Whether this socket has to be reconnected. * */ private bool $needsReconnect = false; /** * Indicate if this socket needs to be reconnected. * * @param boolean $needsReconnect Whether the socket has to be reconnected */ public function needReconnect(bool $needsReconnect): void { $this->needsReconnect = $needsReconnect; } /** * Whether this sockets needs to be reconnected. */ public function shouldReconnect(): bool { return $this->needsReconnect; } private ?LocalMutex $initingAuth = null; /** * Init auth keys for single DC. * * @internal */ public function initAuthorization(): void { $logger = $this->API->logger; $this->initingAuth ??= new LocalMutex; $lock = $this->initingAuth->acquire(); try { $logger->logger("Initing auth for DC {$this->datacenter}", Logger::NOTICE); $this->waitGetConnection(); $connection = $this->getAuthConnection(); $this->createSession(); $cdn = $this->isCDN(); $media = $this->isMedia(); $pfs = $this->API->settings->getAuth()->getPfs(); if (!$this->hasTempAuthKey() || !$this->hasPermAuthKey() || !$this->isBound()) { if (!$this->hasPermAuthKey() && !$cdn && !$media) { $logger->logger(\sprintf('Generating permanent authorization key for DC %s...', $this->datacenter), Logger::NOTICE); $this->setPermAuthKey($connection->createAuthKey(false)); } if ($media) { $this->link(-$this->datacenter); if ($this->hasTempAuthKey()) { return; } } if ($pfs) { if (!$cdn) { $logger->logger(\sprintf('Generating temporary authorization key for DC %s...', $this->datacenter), Logger::NOTICE); $this->setTempAuthKey(null); $this->setTempAuthKey($connection->createAuthKey(true)); $this->bindTempAuthKey(); $connection->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getConfig', []); $this->syncAuthorization(); } elseif (!$this->hasTempAuthKey()) { $logger->logger(\sprintf('Generating temporary authorization key for DC %s...', $this->datacenter), Logger::NOTICE); $this->setTempAuthKey($connection->createAuthKey(true)); } } else { if (!$cdn) { $this->bind(false); $connection->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getConfig', []); $this->syncAuthorization(); } elseif (!$this->hasTempAuthKey()) { $logger->logger(\sprintf('Generating temporary authorization key for DC %s...', $this->datacenter), Logger::NOTICE); $this->setTempAuthKey($connection->createAuthKey(true)); } } $this->flush(); } elseif (!$cdn) { $this->syncAuthorization(); } } finally { $lock->release(); } if ($this->hasTempAuthKey()) { $connection->pingHttpWaiter(); } } /** * Bind temporary and permanent auth keys. * * @internal */ public function bindTempAuthKey(): bool { $connection = $this->getAuthConnection(); $logger = $this->API->logger; $expires_in = $this->API->settings->getAuth()->getDefaultTempAuthKeyExpiresIn(); for ($retry_id_total = 1; $retry_id_total <= $this->API->settings->getAuth()->getMaxAuthTries(); $retry_id_total++) { try { $logger->logger('Binding authorization keys...', Logger::VERBOSE); $nonce = Tools::random(8); $expires_at = \time() + $expires_in; $temp_auth_key_id = $this->getTempAuthKey()->getID(); $perm_auth_key_id = $this->getPermAuthKey()->getID(); $temp_session_id = $connection->session_id; $message_data = ($this->API->getTL()->serializeObject(['type' => ''], ['_' => 'bind_auth_key_inner', 'nonce' => $nonce, 'temp_auth_key_id' => $temp_auth_key_id, 'perm_auth_key_id' => $perm_auth_key_id, 'temp_session_id' => $temp_session_id, 'expires_at' => $expires_at], 'bindTempAuthKey_inner')); $message_id = $connection->msgIdHandler->generateMessageId(); $seq_no = 0; $encrypted_data = Tools::random(16).$message_id.\pack('VV', $seq_no, \strlen($message_data)).$message_data; $message_key = \substr(\sha1($encrypted_data, true), -16); $padding = Tools::random(Tools::posmod(-\strlen($encrypted_data), 16)); [$aes_key, $aes_iv] = Crypt::oldAesCalculate($message_key, $this->getPermAuthKey()->getAuthKey()); $encrypted_message = $this->getPermAuthKey()->getID().$message_key.Crypt::igeEncrypt($encrypted_data.$padding, $aes_key, $aes_iv); $res = $connection->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.bindTempAuthKey', ['perm_auth_key_id' => $perm_auth_key_id, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'expires_at' => $expires_at, 'encrypted_message' => $encrypted_message], ['msg_id' => $message_id]); if ($res === true) { $logger->logger("Bound temporary and permanent authorization keys, DC {$this->datacenter}", Logger::NOTICE); $this->bind(); return true; } } catch (SecurityException $e) { $logger->logger('An exception occurred while generating the authorization key: '.$e->getMessage().' Retrying (try number '.$retry_id_total.')...', Logger::WARNING); } catch (Exception $e) { $logger->logger('An exception occurred while generating the authorization key: '.$e->getMessage().' Retrying (try number '.$retry_id_total.')...', Logger::WARNING); } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { $logger->logger('An RPCErrorException occurred while generating the authorization key: '.$e->getMessage().' Retrying (try number '.$retry_id_total.')...', Logger::WARNING); } } throw new SecurityException('An error occurred while binding temporary and permanent authorization keys.'); } /** * Sync authorization data between DCs. */ private function syncAuthorization(): void { $socket = $this->getAuthConnection(); $logger = $this->API->logger; if ($this->API->authorized === MTProto::LOGGED_IN && !$this->isAuthorized()) { foreach ($this->API->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $authorized_dc_id => $authorized_socket) { if ($this->API->authorized_dc !== -1 && $authorized_dc_id !== $this->API->authorized_dc) { continue; } if ($authorized_socket->hasTempAuthKey() && $authorized_socket->hasPermAuthKey() && $authorized_socket->isAuthorized() && $this->API->authorized === MTProto::LOGGED_IN && !$this->isAuthorized() && !$authorized_socket->isCDN() ) { try { $logger->logger('Trying to copy authorization from DC '.$authorized_dc_id.' to DC '.$this->datacenter); $exported_authorization = $this->API->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.exportAuthorization', ['dc_id' => $this->datacenter], ['datacenter' => $authorized_dc_id]); $socket->methodCallAsyncRead('auth.importAuthorization', $exported_authorization); $this->authorized(true); break; } catch (Exception $e) { $logger->logger('Failure while syncing authorization from DC '.$authorized_dc_id.' to DC '.$this->datacenter.': '.$e->getMessage(), Logger::ERROR); } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { $logger->logger('Failure while syncing authorization from DC '.$authorized_dc_id.' to DC '.$this->datacenter.': '.$e->getMessage(), Logger::ERROR); if ($e->rpc === 'DC_ID_INVALID') { break; } } // Turns out this DC isn't authorized after all } } } } /** * Get temporary authorization key. */ public function getTempAuthKey(): TempAuthKey { if (!$this->tempAuthKey) { throw new NothingInTheSocketException(); } return $this->tempAuthKey; } /** * Get permanent authorization key. */ public function getPermAuthKey(): PermAuthKey { if (!$this->permAuthKey) { throw new NothingInTheSocketException(); } return $this->permAuthKey; } /** * Check if has temporary authorization key. */ public function hasTempAuthKey(): bool { return $this->tempAuthKey !== null && $this->tempAuthKey->hasAuthKey(); } /** * Check if has permanent authorization key. */ public function hasPermAuthKey(): bool { return $this->permAuthKey !== null && $this->permAuthKey->hasAuthKey(); } /** * Set temporary authorization key. * * @param TempAuthKey|null $key Auth key */ public function setTempAuthKey(?TempAuthKey $key): void { $this->tempAuthKey = $key; } /** * Set permanent authorization key. * * @param PermAuthKey|null $key Auth key */ public function setPermAuthKey(?PermAuthKey $key): void { $this->permAuthKey = $key; } /** * Bind temporary and permanent auth keys. * * @param bool $pfs Whether to bind using PFS */ public function bind(bool $pfs = true): void { if (!$pfs && !$this->tempAuthKey) { $this->tempAuthKey = new TempAuthKey(); } $this->tempAuthKey->bind($this->permAuthKey, $pfs); } /** * Check if auth keys are bound. */ public function isBound(): bool { return $this->tempAuthKey ? $this->tempAuthKey->isBound() : false; } /** * Check if we are logged in. */ public function isAuthorized(): bool { return $this->hasTempAuthKey() ? $this->getTempAuthKey()->isAuthorized() : false; } /** * Set the authorized boolean. * * @param boolean $authorized Whether we are authorized */ public function authorized(bool $authorized): void { if ($authorized) { $this->getTempAuthKey()->authorized($authorized); } elseif ($this->hasTempAuthKey()) { $this->getTempAuthKey()->authorized($authorized); } } /** * Link permanent authorization info of main DC to media DC. * * @param int $dc Main DC ID */ public function link(int $dc): void { $this->linkedDc = $dc; $this->permAuthKey =& $this->API->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($dc)->permAuthKey; } /** * Reset MTProto sessions. */ public function resetSession(): void { foreach ($this->connections as $socket) { $socket->resetSession(); } } /** * Create MTProto sessions if needed. */ public function createSession(): void { foreach ($this->connections as $socket) { $socket->createSession(); } } /** * Flush all pending packets. */ public function flush(): void { if (!isset($this->datacenter)) { return; } $this->API->logger->logger("Flushing pending messages, DC {$this->datacenter}", Logger::NOTICE); foreach ($this->connections as $socket) { $socket->flush(); } } /** * Get connection context. */ public function getCtx(): ConnectionContext { return $this->ctx; } /** * Has connection context? */ public function hasCtx(): bool { return isset($this->ctx); } /** * Connect function. * * @param ConnectionContext $ctx Connection context * @param int $id Optional connection ID to reconnect */ public function connect(ConnectionContext $ctx, int $id = -1): void { $this->API->logger->logger("Trying shared connection via {$ctx} ({$id})"); $this->datacenter = $ctx->getDc(); $media = $ctx->isMedia() || $ctx->isCDN(); if ($media) { if (!$this->robinLoop) { $this->robinLoop = new PeriodicLoopInternal( $this->API, $this->even(...), "robin loop DC {$this->datacenter}", $this->API->getSettings()->getConnection()->getRobinPeriod() ); } $this->robinLoop->start(); } $this->decRead = $media ? self::READ_WEIGHT_MEDIA : self::READ_WEIGHT; $this->decWrite = self::WRITE_WEIGHT; if ($id === -1 || !isset($this->connections[$id])) { if ($this->connections) { $this->API->logger->logger('Already connected!', Logger::WARNING); return; } $this->ctx = $ctx->getCtx(); $this->connectMore(1); $this->restoreBackup(); $f = new DeferredFuture; $f->complete(); $this->connectionsPromise = $f->getFuture(); if (isset($this->connectionsDeferred)) { $connectionsDeferred = $this->connectionsDeferred; $this->connectionsDeferred = null; $connectionsDeferred->complete(); } } else { $this->ctx = $ctx->getCtx(); $this->availableConnections[$id] = 0; $this->connections[$id]->connect($ctx); } } /** * Connect to the DC using count more sockets. * * @param integer $count Number of sockets to open */ private function connectMore(int $count): void { $ctx = $this->ctx->getCtx(); $count += $previousCount = \count($this->connections); for ($x = $previousCount; $x < $count; $x++) { $connection = new Connection(); $connection->setExtra($this, $x); $connection->connect($ctx); $this->connections[$x] = $connection; $this->availableConnections[$x] = 0; $ctx = $this->ctx->getCtx(); } } /** * Signal that a connection ID disconnected. * * @param integer $id Connection ID */ public function signalDisconnect(int $id): void { $backup = $this->connections[$id]->backupSession(); $list = ''; foreach ($backup as $k => $message) { if ($message->getConstructor() === 'msgs_state_req' || $message->getConstructor() === 'ping_delay_disconnect' || $message->isUnencrypted()) { unset($backup[$k]); continue; } $list .= $message->getConstructor(); $list .= ', '; } $this->API->logger->logger("Backed up {$list} from DC {$this->datacenter}.{$id}"); $this->backup = \array_merge($this->backup, $backup); unset($this->connections[$id], $this->availableConnections[$id]); } /** * Close all connections to DC. */ public function disconnect(): void { $this->connectionsDeferred = new DeferredFuture(); $this->connectionsPromise = $this->connectionsDeferred->getFuture(); if (!isset($this->ctx)) { return; } $this->API->logger->logger("Disconnecting from shared DC {$this->datacenter}"); if ($this->robinLoop) { $this->robinLoop->stop(); $this->robinLoop = null; } $before = \count($this->backup); foreach ($this->connections as $connection) { $connection->disconnect(); } $count = \count($this->backup) - $before; $this->API->logger->logger("Backed up {$count}, added to {$before} existing messages) from DC {$this->datacenter}"); $this->connections = []; $this->availableConnections = []; } /** * Reconnect to DC. */ public function reconnect(): void { $this->API->logger->logger("Reconnecting shared DC {$this->datacenter}"); $this->disconnect(); $this->connect($this->ctx); } /** * Restore backed up messages. */ public function restoreBackup(): void { $backup = $this->backup; $this->backup = []; $count = \count($backup); $this->API->logger->logger("Restoring {$count} messages to DC {$this->datacenter}"); /** @var OutgoingMessage */ foreach ($backup as $message) { if ($message->hasSeqno()) { $message->setSeqno(null); } if ($message->hasMsgId()) { $message->setMsgId(null); } if (!($message->getState() & OutgoingMessage::STATE_REPLIED)) { EventLoop::queue($this->getConnection()->sendMessage(...), $message, false); } } $this->flush(); } /** * Get connection for authorization. */ public function getAuthConnection(): Connection { return $this->connections[0]; } /** * Check if any connection is available. * * @param integer $id Connection ID */ public function hasConnection(int $id = -1): bool|int { return $id < 0 ? \count($this->connections) : isset($this->connections[$id]); } /** * Get best socket in round robin, asynchronously. */ public function waitGetConnection(): Connection { if (empty($this->availableConnections)) { $this->connectionsPromise->await(); } return $this->getConnection(); } /** * Get best socket in round robin. * * @param integer $id Connection ID, for manual fetching */ public function getConnection(int $id = -1): Connection { if ($id >= 0) { return $this->connections[$id]; } if (\count($this->availableConnections) <= 1) { return $this->connections[0]; } $max = \max($this->availableConnections); $key = \array_search($max, $this->availableConnections); // Decrease to implement round robin $this->availableConnections[$key]--; return $this->connections[$key]; } /** * Even out round robin values. */ public function even(): void { if (!$this->availableConnections) { return; } $min = \min($this->availableConnections); if ($min < 50) { foreach ($this->availableConnections as &$count) { $count += 50; } } elseif ($min < 100) { $max = $this->isMedia() || $this->isCDN() ? $this->API->getSettings()->getConnection()->getMaxMediaSocketCount() : 1; if (\count($this->availableConnections) < $max) { $this->connectMore(2); } else { foreach ($this->availableConnections as &$value) { $value += 1000; } } } } /** * Indicate that one of the sockets is busy reading. * * @param boolean $reading Whether we're busy reading * @param int $x Connection ID */ public function reading(bool $reading, int $x): void { if (!isset($this->availableConnections[$x])) { return; } $this->availableConnections[$x] += $reading ? -$this->decRead : $this->decRead; } /** * Indicate that one of the sockets is busy writing. * * @param boolean $writing Whether we're busy writing * @param int $x Connection ID */ public function writing(bool $writing, int $x): void { if (!isset($this->availableConnections[$x])) { return; } $this->availableConnections[$x] += $writing ? -$this->decWrite : $this->decWrite; } /** * Set main instance. * * @param MTProto $API Main instance */ public function setExtra(MTProto $API): void { $this->API = $API; } /** * Get main instance. */ public function getExtra(): MTProto { return $this->API; } /** * Check if is an HTTP connection. */ public function isHttp(): bool { return \in_array($this->ctx->getStreamName(), [HttpStream::class, HttpsStream::class]); } /** * Check if is connected directly by IP address. */ public function byIPAddress(): bool { return !$this->ctx->hasStreamName(WssStream::class) && !$this->ctx->hasStreamName(HttpsStream::class); } /** * Check if is a media connection. */ public function isMedia(): bool { return $this->ctx->isMedia(); } /** * Check if is a CDN connection. */ public function isCDN(): bool { return $this->ctx->isCDN(); } /** * Get DC-specific settings. */ public function getSettings(): ConnectionSettings { return $this->API->getSettings()->getConnection(); } /** * Get global settings. */ public function getGenericSettings(): Settings { return $this->API->getSettings(); } /** * JSON serialize function. */ public function jsonSerialize(): array { return $this->linkedDc ? ['linkedDc' => $this->linkedDc, 'tempAuthKey' => $this->tempAuthKey] : ['permAuthKey' => $this->permAuthKey, 'tempAuthKey' => $this->tempAuthKey]; } /** * Sleep function. * * @internal */ public function __sleep(): array { return $this->linkedDc ? ['linkedDc', 'tempAuthKey'] : ['permAuthKey', 'tempAuthKey']; } public function __wakeup(): void { if (isset($this->linked) && \is_int($this->linked)) { $this->linkedDc = $this->linked; } } }