. */ require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $logger = new Logger(new SettingsLogger); set_error_handler(['\danog\MadelineProto\Exception', 'ExceptionErrorHandler']); if ($argc !== 3) { die("Usage: {$argv[0]} layernumberold layernumbernew\n"); } /** * Get TL info of layer. * * @param int $layer Layer number * * @internal * * @return void */ function getTL($layer) { $layerFile = __DIR__."/../schemas/TL_telegram_v$layer.tl"; $layer = new TL(); $layer->init((new TLSchema)->setAPISchema($layerFile)->setSecretSchema('')); return ['methods' => $layer->getMethods(), 'constructors' => $layer->getConstructors()]; } /** @internal */ function getUrl($constructor, $type) { $orig = $constructor; $constructor = Tools::markdownEscape($constructor); return "[$constructor](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/$type/$orig.html)"; } $old = getTL($argv[1]); $new = getTL($argv[2]); $res = ''; foreach (['methods', 'constructors'] as $type) { $finder = $type === 'methods' ? 'findByMethod' : 'findByPredicate'; $key = $type === 'methods' ? 'method' : 'predicate'; // New constructors $res .= "\n\nNew ".ucfirst($type).":\n"; foreach ($new[$type]->by_id as $constructor) { $name = $constructor[$key]; if (!$old[$type]->$finder($name)) { $name = getUrl($name, $type); $res .= "- $name\n"; } } // Changed constructors $res .= "\n\nChanged ".ucfirst($type).":\n"; foreach ($new[$type]->by_id as $constructor) { $name = $constructor[$key]; if ($old[$type]->$finder($name)) { $new_args = $constructor['params']; $old_args = $old[$type]->$finder($name)['params']; $final_new_args = []; $final_old_args = []; foreach ($new_args as $arg) { $final_new_args[$arg['name']] = $arg['type']; } foreach ($old_args as $arg) { $final_old_args[$arg['name']] = $arg['type']; } $url = getUrl($name, $type); foreach ($final_new_args as $name => $ttype) { if (!isset($final_old_args[$name]) && $name !== 'flags' && $name !== 'flags2') { $name = Tools::markdownEscape($name); $res .= "- Added $name param to $url\n"; } } foreach ($final_old_args as $name => $ttype) { if (!isset($final_new_args[$name]) && $name !== 'flags' && $name !== 'flags2') { $name = Tools::markdownEscape($name); $res .= "- Removed $name param from $url\n"; } } } } // Deleted constructors $res .= "\n\nDeleted ".ucfirst($type).":\n"; foreach ($old[$type]->by_id as $constructor) { $name = $constructor[$key]; if (!$new[$type]->$finder($name)) { $name = Tools::markdownEscape($name); $res .= "- $name\n"; } } } $bot = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('testing.madeline'); $bot->start(); foreach (explode("\n\n", $res) as $chunk) { if (!$chunk || !trim(explode(':', $chunk)[1])) { continue; } $bot->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => 'danogentili', 'message' => $chunk, 'parse_mode' => 'markdown']); }