{ "noReportPeers": "Warning: no report peers are set, please add the following method to your event handler", "manualAdminActionRequired": "!!!!!!!!! MANUAL SYSTEM ADMIN ACTION REQUIRED !!!!!!!!!", "mmapErrorPart1": "The maximum number of memory mapped (mmap) regions was reached (%s): please increase the vm.max_map_count kernel config to 262144 to fix.", "mmapErrorPart2": "To fix, run the following command as root: %s", "mmapErrorPart3": "To persist the change across reboots: %s", "mmapErrorPart4": "On Windows and WSL, increasing the size of the pagefile might help; please switch to native Linux if the issue persists.", "botAlreadyRunning": "The bot is already running!", "extensionRequired": "MadelineProto requires the %s extension to run. %s", "extensionRequiredInstallWithApt": "Try running sudo apt-get install %s.", "extensionRequiredInstallWithCustomInstructions": "Follow the instructions at %s to install it.", "extensionRecommended": "Warning: the %s extension is not installed, please install it to speed up MadelineProto!", "go": "Go", "apiChooseManualAutoTip": "Note that you can also provide the API ID\/hash directly in the code using the settings: %s", "apiChooseManualAutoTipWeb": "Note that you can also provide the API ID\/hash directly in the code using the settings<\/a>.", "apiChoosePrompt": "Your choice (m\/a): ", "apiManualInstructions0": "Login to https:\/\/my.telegram.org", "apiManualInstructions1": "Go to API development tools", "apiManualInstructions2": "Click on create application", "apiAppInstructionsManual0": "your app's name, can be anything", "apiAppInstructionsManual1": "your app's short name, alphanumeric, 5-32 characters", "apiAppInstructionsManual2": "your app\/website's URL, or t.me\/yourusername", "apiAppInstructionsManual3": "anything", "apiAppInstructionsManual4": "Describe your app here", "apiManualWeb": "Enter your API ID and API hash", "apiManualPrompt0": "Enter your API ID: ", "apiManualPrompt1": "Enter your API hash: ", "apiAutoWeb": "Enter a phone number that is already registered<\/b> on telegram to get the API ID", "apiAutoPrompt0": "Enter a phone number that is already registered on Telegram: ", "apiAutoPrompt1": "Enter the verification code you received in Telegram: ", "apiAppWeb": "Enter API information", "apiAppInstructionsAuto0": "Enter the app's name, can be anything: ", "apiAppInstructionsAuto1": "Enter the app's short name, alphanumeric, 5-32 characters: ", "apiAppInstructionsAuto2": "Enter the app\/website's URL, or t.me\/yourusername: ", "apiAppInstructionsAuto3": "Enter the app platform: ", "apiAppInstructionsAuto4": "Describe your app: ", "apiAppInstructionsAutoTypeOther": "Other (specify in description)", "apiParamsError": "You didn't provide all of the required parameters!", "apiError": "ERROR: %s. Try again.", "loginChoosePromptWeb": "Do you want to login as a user or as a bot?", "loginWebQr": "You can also login automatically by scanning the following QR code:", "loginWebQr1": "Open Telegram on your phone", "loginWebQr2": "Go to Settings > Devices > Link Desktop Device", "loginWebQr3": "Point your phone at this screen to confirm login", "loginOptionBot": "Bot", "loginOptionUser": "User", "loginBot": "Enter your bot token: ", "loginUser": "Enter your phone number: ", "loginQr": "Scan the above QR code to login automatically.", "loginQrCodeSuccessful": "QR code login successful!", "loginQrCodeExpired": "The QR code expired, generating a new one...", "loginManual": "Alternatively, you can also enter a bot token or phone number to login manually: ", "loginUserCode": "Enter the code: ", "loginUserPass": "Enter your password (hint %s): ", "loginUserPassWeb": "Enter your password: ", "loginUserPassHint": "Hint: %s", "signupFirstName": "Enter your first name: ", "signupLastName": "Enter your last name (can be empty): ", "signupWeb": "Sign up please", "signupFirstNameWeb": "First name", "signupLastNameWeb": "Last name", "loginNoCode": "You didn't provide a phone code!", "loginNoPass": "You didn't provide the password!", "loginNoName": "You didn't provide the first name!", "loginBotTokenWeb": "Bot token", "loginUserPhoneWeb": "Phone number", "loginUserPhoneCodeWeb": "Code", "done": "Done!", "nearest_dc": "We're in %s, nearest DC is %d.", "serialization_ofd": "Serialization is out of date, reconstructing object!", "api_not_set": "You must provide an api key and an api id, get your own @ my.telegram.org", "session_corrupted": "The session is corrupted!", "value_bigger_than_2147483647": "Provided value %s is bigger than 2147483647", "value_smaller_than_2147483648": "Provided value %s is smaller than -2147483648", "value_bigger_than_9223372036854775807": "Provided value %s is bigger than 9223372036854775807", "value_smaller_than_9223372036854775808": "Provided value %s is smaller than -9223372036854775808", "value_bigger_than_4294967296": "Provided value %s is bigger than 4294967296", "value_smaller_than_0": "Provided value %s is smaller than 0", "encode_double_error": "Could not properly encode double", "file_not_exist": "File does not exist", "deserialization_error": "An error occurred on deserialization", "rpc_tg_error": "Telegram returned an RPC error: %s (%s), caused by %s:%s%sTL trace:", "madelineproto_ready": "MadelineProto is ready!", "logout_ok": "Logged out successfully!", "already_loggedIn": "This instance of MadelineProto is already logged in!", "login_ok": "Logged in successfully!", "login_user": "Logging in as a normal user...", "login_bot": "Logging in as a bot...", "login_code_sending": "Sending code...", "login_code_sent": "Code sent successfully! Once you receive the code you should use the completePhoneLogin function.", "login_code_uncalled": "I'm not waiting for the code! Please call the phoneLogin method first", "login_2fa_enabled": "2FA enabled, you will have to call the complete2falogin function...", "login_need_signup": "An account has not been created for this number, you will have to call the completeSignup function...", "login_auth_key": "Logging in using auth key...", "not_loggedIn": "I'm not logged in!", "signup_uncalled": "I'm not waiting to signup! Please call the phoneLogin and the completePhoneLogin methods first!", "signing_up": "Signing up as a normal user...", "signup_ok": "Signed up in successfully!", "2fa_uncalled": "I'm not waiting for the password! Please call the phoneLogin and the completePhoneLogin methods first!", "peer_not_in_db": "This peer is not present in the internal peer database", "call_error_1": "Could not find and accept call %s", "accepting_call": "Accepting call from %s...", "call_already_accepted": "Call %s already accepted", "call_already_declined": "Call %s already declined", "call_error_2": "Could not find and confirm call %s", "call_confirming": "Confirming call from %s...", "call_error_3": "Could not find and complete call %s", "call_completing": "Completing call from %s...", "fingerprint_invalid": "Invalid key fingerprint!", "call_discarding": "Discarding call %s...", "file_parsing": "Parsing %s...", "src_file_invalid": "Invalid source file was provided: ", "bool_error": "Could not extract boolean", "not_numeric": "Given value isn't numeric", "long_not_16": "Given value is not 16 bytes long", "long_not_32": "Given value is not 32 bytes long", "long_not_64": "Given value is not 64 bytes long", "array_invalid": "You didn't provide a valid array", "predicate_not_set": "Predicate (value under _) was not set!", "update_madelineproto": "You're running an old version of MadelineProto, an update is required!", "type_extract_error": "Could not extract type \"%s\", you should update MadelineProto!", "method_not_found": "Could not find method: ", "params_missing": "Missing required parameter", "sec_peer_not_in_db": "This secret peer is not present in the internal peer database", "stream_handle_invalid": "An invalid stream handle was provided.", "length_too_big": "Length is too big", "type_extract_error_id": "Could not extract type: %s with id %s, you should update MadelineProto!", "constructor_not_found": "Constructor not found for type: ", "botapi_conversion_error": "Can't convert %s to a bot API object", "non_text_conversion": "Can't convert non text messages yet!", "file_type_invalid": "Invalid file type detected (%s)", "static_analysis_minor": "A minor issue was encountered during static analysis of %s: %s", "static_analysis_severe": "A severe issue was encountered during static analysis of %s: %s", "secret_chat_skipping": "I do not have the secret chat %s in the database, skipping message...", "must_have_declare_types": "for performance reasons, the first statement of an event handler file must be declare(strict_types=1);", "do_not_delete_MadelineProto.log": "the MadelineProto.log file must never be deleted, please set a custom max size in the settings, instead!", "do_not_remove_MadelineProto.log_phar": "Please do not remove madeline.phar or madeline.php, or else MadelineProto will crash. If you have any problem with MadelineProto, report it to https://github.com/danog/MadelineProto or https://t.me/pwrtelegramgroup", "do_not_use_blocking_function": "for performance reasons, event handlers may not use the non-async blocking function %s, please use %s, instead", "do_not_use_blocking_class": "for performance reasons, handlers may not use the non-async blocking class %s, please use %s, instead", "do_not_use_deprecated_function": "the %s function is deprecated, please use %s, instead", "do_not_use_non_root_require_in_event_handler": "for performance reasons, you must not use require or include inside of an event handler class, only root-level requires are allowed.", "recommend_not_use_filesystem_function": "usage of the %s function is not recommended, because accessing the filesystem during update handling will slow down your bot, please see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/UPDATES.html#avoiding-the-use-of-filesystem-functions for a list of alternative ways to store data that will not slow down your bot!", "plugins_do_not_use_require": "for performance reasons, plugins can only automatically include or require other files present in the plugins folder by triggering the PSR-4 autoloader (not by manually require()'ing them).", "plugins_must_have_exactly_one_class": "a plugin must define exactly one class! To define multiple classes, interfaces or traits, create separate files, they will be autoloaded by MadelineProto automatically.", "cli_need_dl.php_link": "Please specify a download script URL when using getDownloadLink via CLI!", "invalid_dl.php_session": "%s is not a valid download script because its session ID is different (expected %s, got %s)", "need_dl.php": "Could not generate default download script (%s), please create a dl.php file with the following content: %s and pass its URL to the second parameter of getDownloadLink", "dl.php_powered_by_madelineproto": "Telegram file download server (up to 4GB), powered by MadelineProto!
Click here for more info on how to setup your very own Telegram file download server!", "dl.php_check_logs_make_sure_session_running": "Either the associated MadelineProto EventHandler bot or the MadelineProto IPC server are offline, please check logs and make sure at least one of them is running!", "account_banned": "!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!\nTelegram's flood prevention system suspended this account.\nTo continue, manual verification is required.\nSend an email to recover@telegram.org, asking to unban the phone number %s, and shortly describe what will you do with this phone number.\nThen login again.\nIf you intentionally deleted this account, ignore this message.", "plugin_path_does_not_exist": "Plugin path %s does not exist!" }