= 2) { \define(\MADELINE_WORKER_TYPE::class, \array_shift($arguments)); \define(\MADELINE_WORKER_ARGS::class, $arguments); } else { die('MadelineProto loader: you must include this file in another PHP script, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info.'.PHP_EOL); } \define('MADELINE_REAL_ROOT', \dirname($backtrace[0]["file"])); } $this->version = (string) \min(81, (int) (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.PHP_MINOR_VERSION)); \define('MADELINE_PHAR_GLOB', \getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."madeline*-{$this->version}.phar"); \define('MADELINE_RELEASE_URL', \sprintf(self::RELEASE_TEMPLATE, $this->version)); } /** * Destructor. */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->lockInstaller) { \flock($this->lockInstaller, LOCK_UN); \fclose($this->lockInstaller); $this->lockInstaller = null; } } /** * Extract composer package versions from phar. * * @return array */ private static function extractVersions(?string $release): array { $release ??= ''; $phar = "madeline-$release.phar"; $packages = ['danog/madelineproto' => 'old']; if (!\file_exists("phar://$phar/vendor/composer/installed.json")) { return $packages; } $composer = \json_decode(\file_get_contents("phar://$phar/vendor/composer/installed.json"), true) ?: []; if (!isset($composer['packages'])) { return $packages; } foreach ($composer['packages'] as $dep) { $name = $dep['name']; if (\strpos($name, 'phabel/transpiler') === 0) { $name = \explode('/', $name, 3)[2]; } $version = $dep['version_normalized']; if ($name === 'danog/madelineproto' && \substr($version, 0, 2) === '90') { $version = \substr($version, 2); } $packages[$name] = $version; } return $packages; } /** * Report installs to composer. */ private static function reportComposer(?string $local_release, ?string $remote_release): void { $previous = self::extractVersions($local_release); $current = self::extractVersions($remote_release); $postData = ['downloads' => []]; foreach ($current as $name => $version) { if (isset($previous[$name]) && $previous[$name] === $version) { continue; } $postData['downloads'][] = [ 'name' => $name, 'version' => $version ]; } $phpVersion = 'PHP '.PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.'.'.PHP_MINOR_VERSION.'.'.PHP_RELEASE_VERSION; $opts = ['http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => [ 'Content-Type: application/json', \sprintf( 'User-Agent: Composer/%s (%s; %s; %s; %s%s)', 'MProto v7', \function_exists('php_uname') ? @\php_uname('s') : 'Unknown', \function_exists('php_uname') ? @\php_uname('r') : 'Unknown', $phpVersion, 'streams', \getenv('CI') ? '; CI' : '' ) ], 'content' => \json_encode($postData), 'timeout' => 6, ], ]; @\file_get_contents("https://packagist.org/downloads/", false, \stream_context_create($opts)); } /** * Load phar file. */ private static function load(?string $release): mixed { if ($release === null) { if ((PHP_MAJOR_VERSION === 8 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION < 1) || PHP_MAJOR_VERSION <= 7) { throw new \Exception('MadelineProto requires at least PHP 8.1.'); } throw new \Exception('Could not download MadelineProto, please check your internet connection and PHP configuration!'); } $phar = "madeline-$release.phar"; if (!self::$lock) { self::$lock = \fopen("$phar.lock", 'c'); } \flock(self::$lock, LOCK_SH); $result = require_once $phar; if (\defined('MADELINE_WORKER_TYPE') && \constant('MADELINE_WORKER_TYPE') === 'madeline-ipc') { require_once "phar://$phar/vendor/danog/madelineproto/src/danog/MadelineProto/Ipc/Runner/entry.php"; } return $result; } /** * Unlock phar. * */ public static function unlock(): void { \flock(self::$lock, LOCK_UN); } /** * Lock installer. */ private function lock(string $version): bool { if ($this->lockInstaller) { return true; } $this->lockInstaller = \fopen($version, 'w'); return \flock($this->lockInstaller, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB); } /** * Install MadelineProto. */ public function install() { $remote_release = \file_get_contents(MADELINE_RELEASE_URL) ?: null; $madeline_phar = "madeline-$remote_release.phar"; $madeline_version = "madeline-{$this->version}.phar.version"; if (\file_exists($madeline_version)) { $local_release = \file_get_contents($madeline_version) ?: null; } else { \touch($madeline_version); $local_release = null; } \define('HAD_MADELINE_PHAR', !!$local_release); if (($remote_release === $local_release && \file_exists($madeline_phar)) || $remote_release === null) { return self::load($local_release); } if (!$this->lock($madeline_version)) { \flock($this->lockInstaller, LOCK_EX); return $this->install(); } if (!\file_exists($madeline_phar)) { for ($x = 0; $x < 10; $x++) { $pharTest = \file_get_contents(\sprintf(self::PHAR_TEMPLATE, $this->version, $remote_release.$x)); if ($pharTest && \strpos($pharTest, $remote_release) !== false) { $phar = $pharTest; unset($pharTest); break; } \sleep(1); } if (!isset($phar)) { return self::load($local_release); } self::$lock = \fopen("$madeline_phar.lock", 'w'); \flock(self::$lock, LOCK_EX); \file_put_contents($madeline_phar, $phar); unset($phar); self::reportComposer($local_release, $remote_release); } \fwrite($this->lockInstaller, $remote_release); \fflush($this->lockInstaller); return self::load($remote_release); } } return (new \danog\MadelineProto\Installer)->install();