auth ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('auth'); $this->auth->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->account ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('account'); $this->account->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->users ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('users'); $this->users->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->contacts ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('contacts'); $this->contacts->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->messages ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('messages'); $this->messages->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->updates ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('updates'); $this->updates->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->photos ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('photos'); $this->photos->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->upload ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('upload'); $this->upload->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->help ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('help'); $this->help->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->channels ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('channels'); $this->channels->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->bots ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('bots'); $this->bots->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->payments ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('payments'); $this->payments->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->stickers ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('stickers'); $this->stickers->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->phone ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('phone'); $this->phone->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->langpack ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('langpack'); $this->langpack->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->folders ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('folders'); $this->folders->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->stats ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('stats'); $this->stats->setWrapper($this->wrapper); $this->chatlists ??= new \danog\MadelineProto\Namespace\AbstractAPI('chatlists'); $this->chatlists->setWrapper($this->wrapper); } /** * Convert MTProto parameters to bot API parameters. * * @param array $data Data */ public function MTProtoToBotAPI(array $data): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->MTProtoToBotAPI($data); } /** * MTProto to TD params. * * @param mixed $params Params */ public function MTProtoToTd(mixed &$params) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->MTProtoToTd($params); } /** * MTProto to TDCLI params. * * @param mixed $params Params */ public function MTProtoToTdcli(mixed $params) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->MTProtoToTdcli($params); } /** * Accept call. * * @param array $call Call */ public function acceptCall(array $call): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->acceptCall($call); } /** * Accept secret chat. * * @param array $params Secret chat ID */ public function acceptSecretChat(array $params): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->acceptSecretChat($params); } /** * Call promise $b after promise $a. * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @param Generator|Future $a Promise A * @param Generator|Future $b Promise B * @psalm-suppress InvalidScope */ public static function after(\Generator|\Amp\Future $a, \Generator|\Amp\Future $b): \Amp\Future { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::after($a, $b); } /** * Returns a promise that succeeds when all promises succeed, and fails if any promise fails. * Returned promise succeeds with an array of values used to succeed each contained promise, with keys corresponding to the array of promises. * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @param array<(Generator|Future)> $promises Promises */ public static function all(array $promises) { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::all($promises); } /** * Returns a promise that is resolved when all promises are resolved. The returned promise will not fail. * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @param array<(Future|Generator)> $promises Promises */ public static function any(array $promises) { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::any($promises); } /** * Create array. * * @param mixed ...$params Params */ public static function arr(mixed ...$params): array { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::arr(...$params); } /** * base64URL decode. * * @param string $data Data to decode */ public static function base64urlDecode(string $data): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::base64urlDecode($data); } /** * Base64URL encode. * * @param string $data Data to encode */ public static function base64urlEncode(string $data): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::base64urlEncode($data); } /** * Convert bot API parameters to MTProto parameters. * * @param array $arguments Arguments */ public function botAPIToMTProto(array $arguments): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->botAPIToMTProto($arguments); } /** * Login as bot. * * @param string $token Bot token */ public function botLogin(string $token): ?array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->botLogin($token); } /** * Executes a custom broadcast action with all peers (users, chats, channels) of the bot. * * Will return an integer ID that can be used to: * * - Get the current broadcast progress with getBroadcastProgress * - Cancel the broadcast using cancelBroadcast * * Note that to avoid manually polling the progress, * MadelineProto will also periodically emit updateBroadcastProgress updates, * containing a Progress object for all broadcasts currently in-progress. * * @param Action $action A custom, serializable Action class that will be called once for every peer. */ public function broadcastCustom(\danog\MadelineProto\Broadcast\Action $action, ?\danog\MadelineProto\Broadcast\Filter $filter = null): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->broadcastCustom($action, $filter); } /** * Forwards a list of messages to all peers (users, chats, channels) of the bot. * * Will return an integer ID that can be used to: * * - Get the current broadcast progress with getBroadcastProgress * - Cancel the broadcast using cancelBroadcast * * Note that to avoid manually polling the progress, * MadelineProto will also periodically emit updateBroadcastProgress updates, * containing a Progress object for all broadcasts currently in-progress. * * @param mixed $from_peer Bot API ID or Update, from where to forward the messages. * @param list $message_ids IDs of the messages to forward. * @param bool $drop_author If true, will forward messages without quoting the original author. * @param bool $pin Whether to also pin the last sent message. */ public function broadcastForwardMessages(mixed $from_peer, array $message_ids, bool $drop_author = false, ?\danog\MadelineProto\Broadcast\Filter $filter = null, bool $pin = false): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->broadcastForwardMessages($from_peer, $message_ids, $drop_author, $filter, $pin); } /** * Sends a list of messages to all peers (users, chats, channels) of the bot. * * A simplified version of this method is also available: broadcastForwardMessages can work with pre-prepared messages. * * Will return an integer ID that can be used to: * * - Get the current broadcast progress with getBroadcastProgress * - Cancel the broadcast using cancelBroadcast * * Note that to avoid manually polling the progress, * MadelineProto will also periodically emit updateBroadcastProgress updates, * containing a Progress object for all broadcasts currently in-progress. * * @param array $messages The messages to send: an array of arrays, containing parameters to pass to messages.sendMessage. * @param bool $pin Whether to also pin the last sent message. */ public function broadcastMessages(array $messages, ?\danog\MadelineProto\Broadcast\Filter $filter = null, bool $pin = false): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->broadcastMessages($messages, $filter, $pin); } /** * Convert generator, promise or any other value to a promise. * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @template TReturn * @param Generator|Future|TReturn $promise * @return Future */ public static function call(mixed $promise): \Amp\Future { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::call($promise); } /** * Fork a new green thread and execute the passed function in the background. * * @template T * * @param \Closure(...):T $callable Function to execute * @param mixed ...$args Arguments forwarded to the function when forking the thread. * * @return Future * * @psalm-suppress InvalidScope */ public static function callFork(\Generator|\Amp\Future|callable $callable, ...$args): \Amp\Future { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::callFork($callable, ...$args); } /** * Call promise in background, deferring execution. * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @param Generator|Future $promise Promise to resolve */ public static function callForkDefer(\Generator|\Amp\Future $promise): void { \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::callForkDefer($promise); } /** * Get call status. * * @param int $id Call ID */ public function callStatus(int $id): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->callStatus($id); } /** * Cancel a running broadcast. * * @param integer $id Broadcast ID */ public function cancelBroadcast(int $id): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->cancelBroadcast($id); } /** * Close connection with client, connected via web. * * @param string $message Message */ public static function closeConnection(string $message): void { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::closeConnection($message); } /** * Complete 2FA login. * * @param string $password Password */ public function complete2faLogin(string $password): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->complete2faLogin($password); } /** * Complete call handshake. * * @param array $params Params */ public function completeCall(array $params) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->completeCall($params); } /** * Complet user login using login code. * * @param string $code Login code */ public function completePhoneLogin(string $code) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->completePhoneLogin($code); } /** * Complete signup to Telegram. * * @param string $first_name First name * @param string $last_name Last name */ public function completeSignup(string $first_name, string $last_name = ''): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->completeSignup($first_name, $last_name); } /** * Confirm call. * * @param array $params Params */ public function confirmCall(array $params) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->confirmCall($params); } /** * Discard call. * * @param array $call Call * @param array $rating Rating * @param boolean $need_debug Need debug? */ public function discardCall(array $call, array $reason, array $rating = [ ], bool $need_debug = true): ?\danog\MadelineProto\VoIP { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->discardCall($call, $reason, $rating, $need_debug); } /** * Discard secret chat. * * @param int $chat Secret chat ID */ public function discardSecretChat(int $chat): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->discardSecretChat($chat); } /** * Download file to browser. * * Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads. * * @param array|string|FileCallbackInterface $messageMedia File to download * @param null|callable $cb Status callback (can also use FileCallback) * @param null|int $size Size of file to download, required for bot API file IDs. * @param null|string $mime MIME type of file to download, required for bot API file IDs. * @param null|string $name Name of file to download, required for bot API file IDs. */ public function downloadToBrowser(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|array|string $messageMedia, ?callable $cb = null, ?int $size = null, ?string $name = null, ?string $mime = null): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->downloadToBrowser($messageMedia, $cb, $size, $name, $mime); } /** * Download file to callable. * The callable must accept two parameters: string $payload, int $offset * The callable will be called (possibly out of order, depending on the value of $seekable). * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param callable|FileCallbackInterface $callable Chunk callback * @param callable $cb Status callback * @param bool $seekable Whether the callable can be called out of order * @param int $offset Offset where to start downloading * @param int $end Offset where to stop downloading (inclusive) * @param int $part_size Size of each chunk */ public function downloadToCallable(mixed $messageMedia, callable $callable, ?callable $cb = null, bool $seekable = true, int $offset = 0, int $end = -1, ?int $part_size = null) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->downloadToCallable($messageMedia, $callable, $cb, $seekable, $offset, $end, $part_size); } /** * Download file to directory. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param string|FileCallbackInterface $dir Directory where to download the file * @param callable $cb Callback */ public function downloadToDir(mixed $messageMedia, \danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string $dir, ?callable $cb = null) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->downloadToDir($messageMedia, $dir, $cb); } /** * Download file. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param string|FileCallbackInterface $file Downloaded file path * @param callable $cb Callback */ public function downloadToFile(mixed $messageMedia, \danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string $file, ?callable $cb = null): string|false { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->downloadToFile($messageMedia, $file, $cb); } /** * Download file to amphp/http-server response. * * Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads. * * @param array|string|FileCallbackInterface $messageMedia File to download * @param ServerRequest $request Request * @param callable $cb Status callback (can also use FileCallback) * @param null|int $size Size of file to download, required for bot API file IDs. * @param null|string $name Name of file to download, required for bot API file IDs. * @param null|string $mime MIME type of file to download, required for bot API file IDs. */ public function downloadToResponse(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|array|string $messageMedia, \Amp\Http\Server\Request $request, ?callable $cb = null, ?int $size = null, ?string $mime = null, ?string $name = null): \Amp\Http\Server\Response { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->downloadToResponse($messageMedia, $request, $cb, $size, $mime, $name); } /** * Download file to stream. * * @param mixed $messageMedia File to download * @param mixed|FileCallbackInterface|resource|WritableStream $stream Stream where to download file * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param int $offset Offset where to start downloading * @param int $end Offset where to end download */ public function downloadToStream(mixed $messageMedia, mixed $stream, ?callable $cb = null, int $offset = 0, int $end = -1) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->downloadToStream($messageMedia, $stream, $cb, $offset, $end); } /** * Asynchronously write to stdout/browser. * * @param string $string Message to echo */ public static function echo(string $string): void { \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::echo($string); } /** * Get final element of array. * * @param array $what Array */ public static function end(array $what) { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::end($what); } /** * Convert a message and a set of entities to HTML. * * @param bool $allowTelegramTags Whether to allow telegram-specific tags like tg-spoiler, tg-emoji, mention links and so on... */ public static function entitiesToHtml(string $message, array $entities, bool $allowTelegramTags = false): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\StrTools::entitiesToHtml($message, $entities, $allowTelegramTags); } /** * Export authorization. * * @return array{0: (int|string), 1: string} */ public function exportAuthorization(): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->exportAuthorization(); } /** * Extract file info from bot API message. * * @param array $info Bot API message object */ public static function extractBotAPIFile(array $info): ?array { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::extractBotAPIFile($info); } /** * Extract a message constructor from an Updates constructor. */ public function extractMessage(array $updates): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->extractMessage($updates); } /** * Extract a message ID from an Updates constructor. */ public function extractMessageId(array $updates): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->extractMessageId($updates); } /** * Extract an update message constructor from an Updates constructor. */ public function extractMessageUpdate(array $updates): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->extractMessageUpdate($updates); } /** * Extract Update constructors from an Updates constructor. * * @return array */ public function extractUpdates(array $updates): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->extractUpdates($updates); } /** * Get contents of remote file asynchronously. * * @param string $url URL */ public function fileGetContents(string $url): string { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->fileGetContents($url); } /** * Returns a promise that succeeds when the first promise succeeds, and fails only if all promises fail. * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @param array<(Future|Generator)> $promises Promises */ public static function first(array $promises) { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::first($promises); } /** * Asynchronously lock a file * Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock. * * @param string $file File to lock * @param integer $operation Locking mode * @param float $polling Polling interval * @param ?Cancellation $token Cancellation token * @param ?Closure $failureCb Failure callback, called only once if the first locking attempt fails. * @return ($token is null ? (Closure(): void) : ((Closure(): void)|null)) */ public static function flock(string $file, int $operation, float $polling = 0.1, ?\Amp\Cancellation $token = null, ?\Closure $failureCb = null): ?\Closure { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::flock($file, $operation, $polling, $token, $failureCb); } /** * Convert bot API channel ID to MTProto channel ID. * * @param int $id Bot API channel ID */ public static function fromSupergroup(int $id): int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::fromSupergroup($id); } /** * When were full info for this chat last cached. * * @param mixed $id Chat ID */ public function fullChatLastUpdated(mixed $id): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->fullChatLastUpdated($id); } /** * Get info about the logged-in user, not cached. */ public function fullGetSelf(): array|false { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->fullGetSelf(); } /** * Generate MTProto vector hash. * * Returns a vector hash. * * @param array $ints IDs */ public static function genVectorHash(array $ints): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::genVectorHash($ints); } /** * Obtain the ID of the admin of the bot (equal to the first user ID returned by getReportPeers). */ public function getAdmin(): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getAdmin(); } /** * Get full list of MTProto and API methods. */ public function getAllMethods(): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getAllMethods(); } /** * Get authorization info. * * @return \danog\MadelineProto\API::NOT_LOGGED_IN|\danog\MadelineProto\API::WAITING_CODE|\danog\MadelineProto\API::WAITING_SIGNUP|\danog\MadelineProto\API::WAITING_PASSWORD|\danog\MadelineProto\API::LOGGED_IN */ public function getAuthorization(): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getAuthorization(); } /** * Get the progress of a currently running broadcast. * * Will return null if the broadcast doesn't exist, has already completed or was cancelled. * * Use updateBroadcastProgress updates to get real-time progress status without polling. * * @param integer $id Broadcast ID */ public function getBroadcastProgress(int $id): ?\danog\MadelineProto\Broadcast\Progress { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getBroadcastProgress($id); } /** * Get cached server-side config. */ public function getCachedConfig(): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getCachedConfig(); } /** * Get call info. * * @param int $call Call ID */ public function getCall(int $call): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getCall($call); } /** * Store RSA keys for CDN datacenters. */ public function getCdnConfig(): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getCdnConfig(); } /** * Get cached (or eventually re-fetch) server-side config. * * @param array $config Current config */ public function getConfig(array $config = [ ]): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getConfig($config); } /** * Get async DNS client. */ public function getDNSClient(): \Amp\Dns\DnsResolver { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getDNSClient(); } /** * Get diffie-hellman configuration. */ public function getDhConfig(): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getDhConfig(); } /** * Get dialog IDs. * * @return list */ public function getDialogIds(): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getDialogIds(); } /** * Get dialog peers. * * @return list */ public function getDialogs(): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getDialogs(); } /** * Get download info of file * Returns an array with the following structure:. * * `$info['ext']` - The file extension * `$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension * `$info['mime']` - The file mime type * `$info['size']` - The file size * * @param mixed $messageMedia File ID * * @return array{ * ext: string, * name: string, * mime: string, * size: int, * InputFileLocation: array * } */ public function getDownloadInfo(mixed $messageMedia): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getDownloadInfo($messageMedia); } /** * Get event handler. */ public function getEventHandler(): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler|\danog\MadelineProto\Ipc\EventHandlerProxy|\__PHP_Incomplete_Class|null { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getEventHandler(); } /** * Get extension from file location. * * @param mixed $location File location * @param string $default Default extension */ public static function getExtensionFromLocation(mixed $location, string $default): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\Extension::getExtensionFromLocation($location, $default); } /** * Get extension from mime type. * * @param string $mime MIME type */ public static function getExtensionFromMime(string $mime): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\Extension::getExtensionFromMime($mime); } /** * Get info about file. * * @param mixed $constructor File ID */ public function getFileInfo(mixed $constructor): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getFileInfo($constructor); } /** * Get folder ID from object. * * @param mixed $id Object */ public static function getFolderId(mixed $id): ?int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::getFolderId($id); } /** * Get full info of all dialogs. * * Bots should use getDialogs or getDialogIds, instead. * * @return array */ public function getFullDialogs(): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getFullDialogs(); } /** * Get full info about peer, returns an FullInfo object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * @see */ public function getFullInfo(mixed $id): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getFullInfo($id); } /** * Get async HTTP client. */ public function getHTTPClient(): \Amp\Http\Client\HttpClient { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getHTTPClient(); } /** * Get current password hint. */ public function getHint(): string { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getHint(); } /** * Get the bot API ID of a peer. * * @param mixed $id Peer */ public function getId(mixed $id): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getId($id); } /** * Get info about peer, returns an Info object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * @param \danog\MadelineProto\API::INFO_TYPE_* $type Whether to generate an Input*, an InputPeer or the full set of constructors * @see * @return ($type is \danog\MadelineProto\API::INFO_TYPE_ALL ? array{ * InputPeer: array{_: string, user_id?: int, access_hash?: int, min?: bool, chat_id?: int, channel_id?: int}, * Peer: array{_: string, user_id?: int, chat_id?: int, channel_id?: int}, * DialogPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: int, chat_id?: int, channel_id?: int}}, * NotifyPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: int, chat_id?: int, channel_id?: int}}, * InputDialogPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: int, access_hash?: int, min?: bool, chat_id?: int, channel_id?: int}}, * InputNotifyPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: int, access_hash?: int, min?: bool, chat_id?: int, channel_id?: int}}, * bot_api_id: int|string, * user_id?: int, * chat_id?: int, * channel_id?: int, * InputUser?: array{_: string, user_id?: int, access_hash?: int, min?: bool}, * InputChannel?: array{_: string, channel_id: int, access_hash: int, min: bool}, * type: string * } : ($type is API::INFO_TYPE_TYPE ? string : ($type is \danog\MadelineProto\API::INFO_TYPE_ID ? int : array{_: string, user_id?: int, access_hash?: int, min?: bool, chat_id?: int, channel_id?: int}|array{_: string, user_id?: int, access_hash?: int, min?: bool}|array{_: string, channel_id: int, access_hash: int, min: bool}))) */ public function getInfo(mixed $id, int $type = \danog\MadelineProto\API::INFO_TYPE_ALL): array|string|int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getInfo($id, $type); } /** * Get logger. */ public function getLogger(): \danog\MadelineProto\Logger { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getLogger(); } /** * Get current number of memory-mapped regions, UNIX only. */ public static function getMaps(): ?int { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::getMaps(); } /** * Get maximum number of memory-mapped regions, UNIX only. * Use testFibers to get the maximum number of fibers on any platform. */ public static function getMaxMaps(): ?int { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::getMaxMaps(); } /** * Get TL namespaces. */ public function getMethodNamespaces(): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getMethodNamespaces(); } /** * Get namespaced methods (method => namespace). */ public function getMethodsNamespaced(): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getMethodsNamespaced(); } /** * Get mime type from buffer. * * @param string $buffer Buffer */ public static function getMimeFromBuffer(string $buffer): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\Extension::getMimeFromBuffer($buffer); } /** * Get mime type from file extension. * * @param string $extension File extension * @param string $default Default mime type */ public static function getMimeFromExtension(string $extension, string $default): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\Extension::getMimeFromExtension($extension, $default); } /** * Get mime type of file. * * @param string $file File */ public static function getMimeFromFile(string $file): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\Extension::getMimeFromFile($file); } /** * Obtain a certain event handler plugin instance. * * @template T as EventHandler * * @param class-string $class * * return T|null */ public function getPlugin(string $class): \danog\MadelineProto\PluginEventHandler|\danog\MadelineProto\Ipc\EventHandlerProxy|null { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getPlugin($class); } /** * Get download info of the propic of a user * Returns an array with the following structure:. * * `$info['ext']` - The file extension * `$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension * `$info['mime']` - The file mime type * `$info['size']` - The file size */ public function getPropicInfo($data): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getPropicInfo($data); } /** * Get PSR logger. */ public function getPsrLogger(): \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getPsrLogger(); } /** * Get full info about peer (including full list of channel members), returns a Chat object. * * @param mixed $id Peer * @see */ public function getPwrChat(mixed $id, bool $fullfetch = true): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getPwrChat($id, $fullfetch); } /** * Get secret chat. * * @param array|int $chat Secret chat ID */ public function getSecretChat(array|int $chat): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getSecretChat($chat); } /** * Get info about the logged-in user, cached. * * Use fullGetSelf to bypass the cache. */ public function getSelf(): array|false { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getSelf(); } /** * Returns the session name. */ public function getSessionName(): string { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getSessionName(); } /** * Return current settings. */ public function getSettings(): \danog\MadelineProto\Settings { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getSettings(); } /** * Get sponsored messages for channel. * This method will return an array of [sponsored message objects]( * * See [the API documentation]( for more info on how to handle sponsored messages. * * @param int|string|array $peer Channel ID, or Update, or Message, or Peer. */ public function getSponsoredMessages(array|string|int $peer): ?array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getSponsoredMessages($peer); } /** * Get TL serializer. */ public function getTL(): \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TLInterface { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getTL(); } /** * Get type of peer. * * @param mixed $id Peer * * @return \danog\MadelineProto\API::PEER_TYPE_* */ public function getType(mixed $id): string { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getType($id); } /** * Only useful when consuming MadelineProto updates through an API in another language (like Javascript), **absolutely not recommended when directly writing MadelineProto bots**. * * `getUpdates` will **greatly slow down your bot** if used directly inside of PHP code. * * **Only use the [event handler](#async-event-driven) when writing a MadelineProto bot**, because update handling in the **event handler** is completely parallelized and non-blocking. * * @param array{offset?: int, limit?: int, timeout?: float} $params Params * @return list */ public function getUpdates(array $params = [ ]): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getUpdates($params); } /** * Get a message to show to the user when starting the bot. */ public function getWebMessage(string $message): string { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->getWebMessage($message); } /** * Check if an event handler instance is present. */ public function hasEventHandler(): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->hasEventHandler(); } /** * Check if a certain event handler plugin is installed. * * @param class-string $class */ public function hasPlugin(string $class): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->hasPlugin($class); } /** * Check if has report peers. */ public function hasReportPeers(): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->hasReportPeers(); } /** * Check whether secret chat exists. * * @param array|int $chat Secret chat ID */ public function hasSecretChat(array|int $chat): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->hasSecretChat($chat); } /** * Manually convert HTML to a message and a set of entities. * * NOTE: You don't have to use this method to send HTML messages. * * This method is already called automatically by using parse_mode: "HTML" in messages.sendMessage, messages.sendMedia, et cetera... * * @see * * @return \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\DOMEntities Object containing message and entities */ public static function htmlToMessageEntities(string $html): \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\DOMEntities { return \danog\MadelineProto\StrTools::htmlToMessageEntities($html); } /** * Import authorization. * * @param array $authorization Authorization info * @param int $mainDcID Main DC ID */ public function importAuthorization(array $authorization, int $mainDcID): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->importAuthorization($authorization, $mainDcID); } /** * Inflate stripped photosize to full JPG payload. * * @param string $stripped Stripped photosize */ public static function inflateStripped(string $stripped): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::inflateStripped($stripped); } /** * Initialize self-restart hack. */ public function initSelfRestart(): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->initSelfRestart(); } /** * Whether this is altervista. */ public static function isAltervista(): bool { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::isAltervista(); } /** * Check if is array or similar (traversable && countable && arrayAccess). * * @param mixed $var Value to check */ public static function isArrayOrAlike(mixed $var): bool { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::isArrayOrAlike($var); } /** * Check if the specified peer is a forum. * */ public function isForum(mixed $peer): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->isForum($peer); } /** * Whether we're an IPC client instance. */ public function isIpc(): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->isIpc(); } /** * Whether we're an IPC server process (as opposed to an event handler). */ public function isIpcWorker(): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->isIpcWorker(); } /** * Returns whether the current user is a premium user, cached. */ public function isPremium(): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->isPremium(); } /** * Check whether provided bot API ID is a channel or supergroup. * * @param int $id Bot API ID */ public static function isSupergroup(int $id): bool { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::isSupergroup($id); } /** * Logger. * * @param mixed $param Parameter * @param int $level Logging level * @param string $file File where the message originated */ public function logger(mixed $param, int $level = \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE, string $file = ''): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->logger($param, $level, $file); } /** * Start MadelineProto's update handling loop, or run the provided async callable. * * @deprecated Not needed anymore with amp v3 * * @param callable|null $callback Async callable to run */ public function loop(?callable $callback = null) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->loop($callback); } /** * Manually convert markdown to a message and a set of entities. * * NOTE: You don't have to use this method to send Markdown messages. * * This method is already called automatically by using parse_mode: "Markdown" in messages.sendMessage, messages.sendMedia, et cetera... * * @see * * @return \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\DOMEntities Object containing message and entities */ public static function markdownToMessageEntities(string $markdown): \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\DOMEntities { return \danog\MadelineProto\StrTools::markdownToMessageEntities($markdown); } /** * Telegram UTF-8 multibyte split. * * @param string $text Text * @param integer $length Length * @return array */ public static function mbStrSplit(string $text, int $length): array { return \danog\MadelineProto\StrTools::mbStrSplit($text, $length); } /** * Get Telegram UTF-8 length of string. * * @param string $text Text */ public static function mbStrlen(string $text): int { return \danog\MadelineProto\StrTools::mbStrlen($text); } /** * Telegram UTF-8 multibyte substring. * * @param string $text Text to substring * @param integer $offset Offset * @param null|int $length Length */ public static function mbSubstr(string $text, int $offset, ?int $length = null): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\StrTools::mbSubstr($text, $offset, $length); } /** * Convert double to binary version. * * @param float $value Value to convert */ public static function packDouble(float $value): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packDouble($value); } /** * Convert integer to base256 signed int. * * @param integer $value Value to convert */ public static function packSignedInt(int $value): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($value); } /** * Convert integer to base256 long. * * @param int $value Value to convert */ public static function packSignedLong(int $value): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedLong($value); } /** * Convert value to unsigned base256 int. * * @param int $value Value */ public static function packUnsignedInt(int $value): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt($value); } /** * Check if peer is present in internal peer database. * * @param mixed $id Peer */ public function peerIsset(mixed $id): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->peerIsset($id); } /** * Login as user. * * @param string $number Phone number * @param integer $sms_type SMS type */ public function phoneLogin(string $number, int $sms_type = 5) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->phoneLogin($number, $sms_type); } /** * Positive modulo * Works just like the % (modulus) operator, only returns always a postive number. * * @param int $a A * @param int $b B */ public static function posmod(int $a, int $b): int { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod($a, $b); } /** * Initiates QR code login. * * Returns a QR code login helper object, that can be used to render the QR code, display the link directly, wait for login, QR code expiration and much more. * * Returns null if we're already logged in, or if we're waiting for a password (use getAuthorization to distinguish between the two cases). */ public function qrLogin(): ?\danog\MadelineProto\TL\Types\LoginQrCode { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->qrLogin(); } /** * Get secure random string of specified length. * * @param integer $length Length */ public static function random(int $length): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random($length); } /** * Get random integer. * * @param integer $modulus Modulus */ public static function randomInt(int $modulus = 0): int { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::randomInt($modulus); } /** * Asynchronously read line. * * @param string $prompt Prompt */ public static function readLine(string $prompt = '', ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancel = null): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::readLine($prompt, $cancel); } /** * Refresh full peer cache for a certain peer. * * @param mixed $id The peer to refresh */ public function refreshFullPeerCache(mixed $id): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->refreshFullPeerCache($id); } /** * Refresh peer cache for a certain peer. * */ public function refreshPeerCache(mixed ...$ids): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->refreshPeerCache(...$ids); } /** * Rekey secret chat. * * @param int $chat Secret chat to rekey */ public function rekey(int $chat): ?string { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->rekey($chat); } /** * Report an error to the previously set peer. * * @param string $message Error to report * @param string $parseMode Parse mode * @param bool $sendLogs Whether to also send logs */ public function report(string $message, string $parseMode = '', bool $sendLogs = true): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->report($message, $parseMode, $sendLogs); } /** * Report memory profile with memprof. */ public function reportMemoryProfile(): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->reportMemoryProfile(); } /** * Request VoIP call. * * @param mixed $user User */ public function requestCall(mixed $user) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->requestCall($user); } /** * Request secret chat. * * @param mixed $user User to start secret chat with */ public function requestSecretChat(mixed $user) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->requestSecretChat($user); } /** * Reset the update state and fetch all updates from the beginning. */ public function resetUpdateState(): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->resetUpdateState(); } /** * Restart update loop. */ public function restart(): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->restart(); } /** * Rethrow exception into event loop. */ public static function rethrow(\Throwable $e): void { \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::rethrow($e); } /** * null-byte RLE decode. * * @param string $string Data to decode */ public static function rleDecode(string $string): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::rleDecode($string); } /** * null-byte RLE encode. * * @param string $string Data to encode */ public static function rleEncode(string $string): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::rleEncode($string); } /** * Get secret chat status. * * @param int $chat Chat ID * @return int One of \danog\MadelineProto\API::SECRET_EMPTY, \danog\MadelineProto\API::SECRET_REQUESTED, \danog\MadelineProto\API::SECRET_READY */ public function secretChatStatus(int $chat): int { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->secretChatStatus($chat); } /** * Sends an updateCustomEvent update to the event handler. */ public function sendCustomEvent(mixed $payload): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->sendCustomEvent($payload); } /** * Sends a document. * * Please use named arguments to call this method. * * @param integer|string $peer Destination peer or username. * @param Message|Media|LocalFile|RemoteUrl|BotApiFileId|ReadableStream $file File to upload: can be a message to reuse media present in a message. * @param Message|Media|LocalFile|RemoteUrl|BotApiFileId|ReadableStream|null $thumb Optional: Thumbnail to upload * @param string $caption Caption of document * @param ?callable(float, float, float) $callback Upload callback (percent, speed in mpbs, time elapsed) * @param ?string $fileName Optional file name, if absent will be extracted from the passed $file. * @param "html"|"markdown"|null $parseMode Parse mode * @param integer|null $replyToMsgId ID of message to reply to. * @param integer|null $topMsgId ID of thread where to send the message. * @param array|null $replyMarkup Keyboard information. * @param integer|null $sendAs Peer to send the message as. * @param integer|null $scheduleDate Schedule date. * @param boolean $silent Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications. * @param boolean $background Send this message as background message * @param boolean $clearDraft Clears the draft field * @param boolean $updateStickersetsOrder Whether to move used stickersets to top * */ public function sendDocument(string|int $peer, \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream $file, \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream|null $thumb = null, string $caption = '', ?string $parseMode = null, ?callable $callback = null, ?string $fileName = null, ?string $mimeType = null, ?int $ttl = null, bool $spoiler = false, ?int $replyToMsgId = null, ?int $topMsgId = null, ?array $replyMarkup = null, string|int|null $sendAs = null, ?int $scheduleDate = null, bool $silent = false, bool $noForwards = false, bool $background = false, bool $clearDraft = false, bool $updateStickersetsOrder = false): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->sendDocument($peer, $file, $thumb, $caption, $parseMode, $callback, $fileName, $mimeType, $ttl, $spoiler, $replyToMsgId, $topMsgId, $replyMarkup, $sendAs, $scheduleDate, $silent, $noForwards, $background, $clearDraft, $updateStickersetsOrder); } /** * Sends a message. * * @param integer|string $peer Destination peer or username. * @param string $message Message to send * @param "html"|"markdown"|null $parseMode Parse mode * @param integer|null $replyToMsgId ID of message to reply to. * @param integer|null $topMsgId ID of thread where to send the message. * @param array|null $replyMarkup Keyboard information. * @param integer|null $sendAs Peer to send the message as. * @param integer|null $scheduleDate Schedule date. * @param boolean $silent Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications. * @param boolean $background Send this message as background message * @param boolean $clearDraft Clears the draft field * @param boolean $noWebpage Set this flag to disable generation of the webpage preview * @param boolean $updateStickersetsOrder Whether to move used stickersets to top * */ public function sendMessage(string|int $peer, string $message, ?string $parseMode = null, ?int $replyToMsgId = null, ?int $topMsgId = null, ?array $replyMarkup = null, string|int|null $sendAs = null, ?int $scheduleDate = null, bool $silent = false, bool $noForwards = false, bool $background = false, bool $clearDraft = false, bool $noWebpage = false, bool $updateStickersetsOrder = false): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->sendMessage($peer, $message, $parseMode, $replyToMsgId, $topMsgId, $replyMarkup, $sendAs, $scheduleDate, $silent, $noForwards, $background, $clearDraft, $noWebpage, $updateStickersetsOrder); } /** * Sends a message to all report peers (admins of the bot). * * @param string $message Message to send * @param "html"|"markdown"|null $parseMode Parse mode * @param array|null $replyMarkup Keyboard information. * @param integer|null $scheduleDate Schedule date. * @param boolean $silent Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications. * @param boolean $background Send this message as background message * @param boolean $clearDraft Clears the draft field * @param boolean $noWebpage Set this flag to disable generation of the webpage preview * * @return list */ public function sendMessageToAdmins(string $message, ?string $parseMode = null, ?array $replyMarkup = null, ?int $scheduleDate = null, bool $silent = false, bool $noForwards = false, bool $background = false, bool $clearDraft = false, bool $noWebpage = false): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->sendMessageToAdmins($message, $parseMode, $replyMarkup, $scheduleDate, $silent, $noForwards, $background, $clearDraft, $noWebpage); } /** * Sends a photo. * * Please use named arguments to call this method. * * @param integer|string $peer Destination peer or username. * @param Message|Media|LocalFile|RemoteUrl|BotApiFileId|ReadableStream $file File to upload: can be a message to reuse media present in a message. * @param string $caption Caption of document * @param ?callable(float, float, float) $callback Upload callback (percent, speed in mpbs, time elapsed) * @param ?string $fileName Optional file name, if absent will be extracted from the passed $file. * @param "html"|"markdown"|null $parseMode Parse mode * @param integer|null $replyToMsgId ID of message to reply to. * @param integer|null $topMsgId ID of thread where to send the message. * @param array|null $replyMarkup Keyboard information. * @param integer|null $sendAs Peer to send the message as. * @param integer|null $scheduleDate Schedule date. * @param boolean $silent Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications. * @param boolean $background Send this message as background message * @param boolean $clearDraft Clears the draft field * @param boolean $updateStickersetsOrder Whether to move used stickersets to top * */ public function sendPhoto(string|int $peer, \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream $file, string $caption = '', ?string $parseMode = null, ?callable $callback = null, ?string $fileName = null, ?int $ttl = null, bool $spoiler = false, ?int $replyToMsgId = null, ?int $topMsgId = null, ?array $replyMarkup = null, string|int|null $sendAs = null, ?int $scheduleDate = null, bool $silent = false, bool $noForwards = false, bool $background = false, bool $clearDraft = false, bool $updateStickersetsOrder = false): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->sendPhoto($peer, $file, $caption, $parseMode, $callback, $fileName, $ttl, $spoiler, $replyToMsgId, $topMsgId, $replyMarkup, $sendAs, $scheduleDate, $silent, $noForwards, $background, $clearDraft, $updateStickersetsOrder); } /** * Set NOOP update handler, ignoring all updates. */ public function setNoop(): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->setNoop(); } /** * Set peer(s) where to send errors occurred in the event loop. * * @param int|string|array $userOrId Username(s) or peer ID(s) */ public function setReportPeers(array|string|int $userOrId): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->setReportPeers($userOrId); } /** * Set webhook update handler. * * @param string $webhookUrl Webhook URL */ public function setWebhook(string $webhookUrl): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->setWebhook($webhookUrl); } /** * Setup logger. */ public function setupLogger(): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->setupLogger(); } /** * Asynchronously sleep. * * @param float $time Number of seconds to sleep for */ public static function sleep(float $time): void { \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::sleep($time); } /** * Resolves with a two-item array delineating successful and failed Promise results. * The returned promise will only fail if the given number of required promises fail. * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @param array<(Future|Generator)> $promises Promises */ public static function some(array $promises) { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::some($promises); } /** * Log in to telegram (via CLI or web). */ public function start() { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->start(); } /** * Stop update loop. */ public function stop(): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->stop(); } /** * Converts a string into an async amphp stream. */ public static function stringToStream(string $str): \Amp\ByteStream\ReadableBuffer { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::stringToStream($str); } /** * Subscribe to event handler updates for a channel/supergroup we're not a member of. * * @param mixed $channel Channel/supergroup to subscribe to * * @return bool False if we were already subscribed */ public function subscribeToUpdates(mixed $channel): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->subscribeToUpdates($channel); } /** * Convert TD to MTProto parameters. * * @param array $params Parameters */ public function tdToMTProto(array $params): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->tdToMTProto($params); } /** * Convert TD parameters to tdcli. * * @param mixed $params Parameters */ public function tdToTdcli(mixed $params) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->tdToTdcli($params); } /** * Convert tdcli parameters to tdcli. * * @param mixed $params Params * @param array $key Key */ public function tdcliToTd(&$params, ?array $key = null): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->tdcliToTd($params, $key); } /** * Test fibers. * * @return array{maxFibers: int, realMemoryMb: int, maps: ?int, maxMaps: ?int} */ public static function testFibers(int $fiberCount = 100000): array { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::testFibers($fiberCount); } /** * Create an artificial timeout for any Generator or Promise. * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @param int $timeout In milliseconds */ public static function timeout(\Generator|\Amp\Future $promise, int $timeout): mixed { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::timeout($promise, $timeout); } /** * Creates an artificial timeout for any `Promise`. * * If the promise is resolved before the timeout expires, the result is returned * * If the timeout expires before the promise is resolved, a default value is returned * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @template TReturnAlt * @template TReturn * @template TGenerator of Generator * @param Future|TGenerator $promise Promise to which the timeout is applied. * @param int $timeout Timeout in milliseconds. * @param TReturnAlt $default * @return TReturn|TReturnAlt */ public static function timeoutWithDefault($promise, int $timeout, $default = null): mixed { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::timeoutWithDefault($promise, $timeout, $default); } /** * Convert to camelCase. * * @param string $input String */ public static function toCamelCase(string $input): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\StrTools::toCamelCase($input); } /** * Convert to snake_case. * * @param string $input String */ public static function toSnakeCase(string $input): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\StrTools::toSnakeCase($input); } /** * Convert MTProto channel ID to bot API channel ID. * * @param int $id MTProto channel ID */ public static function toSupergroup(int $id): int { return \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::toSupergroup($id); } /** * Unpack binary double. * * @param string $value Value to unpack */ public static function unpackDouble(string $value): float { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackDouble($value); } /** * Unpack bot API file ID. * * @param string $fileId Bot API file ID * @return array Unpacked file ID */ public function unpackFileId(string $fileId): array { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->unpackFileId($fileId); } /** * Unpack base256 signed int. * * @param string $value base256 int */ public static function unpackSignedInt(string $value): int { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedInt($value); } /** * Unpack base256 signed long. * * @param string $value base256 long */ public static function unpackSignedLong(string $value): int { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedLong($value); } /** * Unpack base256 signed long to string. * * @param string|int|array $value base256 long */ public static function unpackSignedLongString(array|string|int $value): string { return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedLongString($value); } /** * Unset event handler. * */ public function unsetEventHandler(): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->unsetEventHandler(); } /** * Update the 2FA password. * * The params array can contain password, new_password, email and hint params. * * @param array{password?: string, new_password?: string, email?: string, hint?: string} $params The params */ public function update2fa(array $params): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->update2fa($params); } /** * Parse, update and store settings. * * @param SettingsAbstract $settings Settings */ public function updateSettings(\danog\MadelineProto\SettingsAbstract $settings): void { $this->wrapper->getAPI()->updateSettings($settings); } /** * Upload file. * * @param FileCallbackInterface|LocalFile|RemoteUrl|BotApiFileId|string|array $file File, URL or Telegram file to upload * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats */ public function upload(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|array|string $file, string $fileName = '', ?callable $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->upload($file, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted); } /** * Upload file to secret chat. * * @param FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file File, URL or Telegram file to upload * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) */ public function uploadEncrypted(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|array|string $file, string $fileName = '', ?callable $cb = null) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->uploadEncrypted($file, $fileName, $cb); } /** * Upload file from callable. * * The callable must accept two parameters: int $offset, int $size * The callable must return a string with the contest of the file at the specified offset and size. * * @param mixed $callable Callable * @param integer $size File size * @param string $mime Mime type * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback * @param boolean $seekable Whether chunks can be fetched out of order * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats */ public function uploadFromCallable(callable $callable, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName = '', ?callable $cb = null, bool $seekable = true, bool $encrypted = false) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->uploadFromCallable($callable, $size, $mime, $fileName, $cb, $seekable, $encrypted); } /** * Upload file from stream. * * @param mixed $stream PHP resource or AMPHP async stream * @param integer $size File size * @param string $mime Mime type * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface) * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats */ public function uploadFromStream(mixed $stream, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName = '', ?callable $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->uploadFromStream($stream, $size, $mime, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted); } /** * Reupload telegram file. * * @param mixed $media Telegram file * @param callable $cb Callback * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats */ public function uploadFromTgfile(mixed $media, ?callable $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->uploadFromTgfile($media, $cb, $encrypted); } /** * Upload file from URL. * * @param string|FileCallbackInterface $url URL of file * @param integer $size Size of file * @param string $fileName File name * @param callable $cb Callback * @param boolean $encrypted Whether to encrypt file for secret chats */ public function uploadFromUrl(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string $url, int $size = 0, string $fileName = '', ?callable $cb = null, bool $encrypted = false) { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->uploadFromUrl($url, $size, $fileName, $cb, $encrypted); } /** * Perform static analysis on a certain event handler class, to make sure it satisfies some performance requirements. * * @param class-string $class Class name * * @throws AssertionError If validation fails. */ public static function validateEventHandlerClass(string $class): void { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::validateEventHandlerClass($class); } /** * Perform static analysis on a certain event handler class, to make sure it satisfies some performance requirements. * * @param string $code Code of the class. * @param bool $plugin Whether the class is a plugin or normal event handler class. * * @throws AssertionError If validation fails. */ public static function validateEventHandlerCode(string $code, bool $plugin = true): void { \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::validateEventHandlerCode($code, $plugin); } /** * Mark sponsored message as read. * * @param int|array $peer Channel ID, or Update, or Message, or Peer. * @param string|array{random_id: string} $message Random ID or sponsored message to mark as read. */ public function viewSponsoredMessage(array|int $peer, array|string $message): bool { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->viewSponsoredMessage($peer, $message); } /** * Synchronously wait for a Future|generator. * * @deprecated Coroutines are deprecated since amp v3 * @param Generator|Future $promise The promise to wait for */ public static function wait(\Generator|\Amp\Future $promise) { return \danog\MadelineProto\AsyncTools::wait($promise); } /** * Wrap a media constructor into an abstract Media object. */ public function wrapMedia(array $media, bool $protected): ?\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->wrapMedia($media, $protected); } /** * Wrap a Message constructor into an abstract Message object. */ public function wrapMessage(array $message): ?\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->wrapMessage($message); } /** * Wrap an Update constructor into an abstract Update object. */ public function wrapUpdate(array $update): ?\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Update { return $this->wrapper->getAPI()->wrapUpdate($update); } }