. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2023 Daniil Gentili * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3 * @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation */ use danog\MadelineProto\API; use danog\MadelineProto\Broadcast\Progress; use danog\MadelineProto\Broadcast\Status; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Attributes\Cron; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Attributes\Handler; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Filter\FilterCommand; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Filter\FilterRegex; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Filter\FilterText; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Filter\FilterTextCaseInsensitive; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message\Service\DialogPhotoChanged; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Plugin\RestartPlugin; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\SimpleFilter\FromAdmin; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\SimpleFilter\Incoming; use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\SimpleFilter\IsReply; use danog\MadelineProto\Logger; use danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode; use danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\Database\Mysql; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\Database\Postgres; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\Database\Redis; use danog\MadelineProto\SimpleEventHandler; use danog\MadelineProto\VoIP; // MadelineProto is already loaded if (class_exists(API::class)) { // Otherwise, if a stable version of MadelineProto was installed via composer, load composer autoloader } elseif (file_exists('vendor/autoload.php')) { require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; } else { // Otherwise download an !!! alpha !!! version of MadelineProto via madeline.php if (!file_exists('madeline.php')) { copy('https://phar.madelineproto.xyz/madeline.php', 'madeline.php'); } require_once 'madeline.php'; } /** * Event handler class. * * NOTE: ALL of the following methods are OPTIONAL. * You can even provide an empty event handler if you want. * * All properties returned by __sleep are automatically stored in the database. */ class MyEventHandler extends SimpleEventHandler { /** * @var int|string Username or ID of bot admin */ const ADMIN = "@me"; // !!! Change this to your username !!! /** * @var array */ private array $notifiedChats = []; /** * Returns a list of names for properties that will be automatically saved to the session database (MySQL/postgres/redis if configured, the session file otherwise). */ public function __sleep(): array { return ['notifiedChats']; } /** * Get peer(s) where to report errors. * * @return int|string|array */ public function getReportPeers() { return [self::ADMIN]; } /** * Initialization logic. */ public function onStart(): void { $this->logger("The bot was started!"); $this->logger($this->getFullInfo('MadelineProto')); $this->sendMessageToAdmins("The bot was started!"); } /** * Returns a set of plugins to activate. */ public static function getPlugins(): array { return [ // Offers a /restart command to admins that can be used to restart the bot, applying changes. // Make sure to run in a bash while loop when running via CLI to allow self-restarts. RestartPlugin::class ]; } /** * This cron function will be executed forever, every 60 seconds. */ #[Cron(period: 60.0)] public function cron1(): void { $this->sendMessageToAdmins("The bot is online, current time ".date(DATE_RFC850)."!"); } /** * Handle incoming updates from users, chats and channels. */ #[Handler] public function handleMessage(Incoming&Message $message): void { // In this example code, send the "This userbot is powered by MadelineProto!" message only once per chat. // Ignore all further messages coming from this chat. if (!isset($this->notifiedChats[$message->chatId])) { $this->notifiedChats[$message->chatId] = true; $message->reply( message: "This userbot is powered by [MadelineProto](https://t.me/MadelineProto)!", parseMode: ParseMode::MARKDOWN ); } } /** * Reposts a media file as a Telegram story. */ #[FilterCommand('story')] public function storyCommand(Message & FromAdmin $message): void { if ($this->isSelfBot()) { $message->reply("Only users can post Telegram Stories!"); return; } $media = $message->getReply(Message::class)?->media; if (!$media) { $message->reply("You should reply to a photo or video to repost it as a story!"); return; } $this->stories->sendStory( peer: 'me', media: $media, caption: "This story was posted using [MadelineProto](https://t.me/MadelineProto)!", parse_mode: ParseMode::MARKDOWN, privacy_rules: [['_' => 'inputPrivacyValueAllowAll']] ); } /** * Downloads all telegram stories of a user (including protected ones). * * The bot must be started via web for this command to work. * * You can also start it via CLI but you'll have to specify a download script URL in the settings: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/FILES.html#getting-a-download-link-cli-bots. */ #[FilterCommand('dlStories')] public function dlStoriesCommand(Message $message): void { if (!$message->commandArgs) { $message->reply("You must specify the @username or the Telegram ID of a user to download their stories!"); return; } $stories = $this->stories->getUserStories(user_id: $message->commandArgs[0])['stories']['stories']; // Skip deleted stories $stories = array_filter($stories, fn (array $s): bool => $s['_'] === 'storyItem'); // Sort by date usort($stories, fn ($a, $b) => $a['date'] <=> $b['date']); $result = "Total stories: ".count($stories)."\n\n"; foreach ($stories as $story) { $cur = "- ID {$story['id']}, posted ".date(DATE_RFC850, $story['date']); if (isset($story['caption'])) { $cur .= ', "'.self::markdownEscape($story['caption']).'"'; } $result .= "$cur; [click here to download ยป]({$this->getDownloadLink($story)})\n"; } $message->reply($result, parseMode: ParseMode::MARKDOWN); } #[FilterCommand('broadcast')] public function broadcastCommand(Message & FromAdmin $message): void { // We can broadcast messages to all users with /broadcast if (!$message->replyToMsgId) { $message->reply("You should reply to the message you want to broadcast."); return; } $this->broadcastForwardMessages( from_peer: $message->senderId, message_ids: [$message->replyToMsgId], drop_author: true, pin: true, ); } private int $lastLog = 0; /** * Handles updates to an in-progress broadcast. */ #[Handler] public function handleBroadcastProgress(Progress $progress): void { if (time() - $this->lastLog > 5 || $progress->status === Status::FINISHED) { $this->lastLog = time(); $this->sendMessageToAdmins((string) $progress); } } #[FilterCommand('echo')] public function echoCmd(Message $message): void { // Contains the arguments of the command $args = $message->commandArgs; $message->reply($args[0] ?? ''); } #[FilterRegex('/.*(mt?proto)[^.]?.*/i')] public function testRegex(Incoming & Message $message): void { $message->reply("Did you mean to write MadelineProto instead of ".$message->matches[1].'?'); } #[FilterText('test')] public function pingCommand(Message $message): void { $message->reply('test reply'); } #[FilterCommand('react')] public function reactCommand(Message&IsReply $message): void { $message->getReply(Message::class)->addReaction('๐Ÿ‘Œ'); } #[FilterCommand('unreact')] public function unreactCommand(Message&IsReply $message): void { $message->getReply(Message::class)->delReaction('๐Ÿ‘Œ'); } #[FilterTextCaseInsensitive('hi')] public function pingCommandCaseInsensitive(Message $message): void { $message->reply('hello'); } /** * Called when the dialog photo of a chat or channel changes. */ #[Handler] public function logPhotoChanged(Incoming&DialogPhotoChanged $message): void { if ($message->photo) { $message->reply("Nice! Here's a download link for the photo: ".$message->photo->getDownloadLink()); } // The group photo was deleted } /** * Gets a download link for any file up to 4GB! * * The bot must be started via web for this command to work. * * You can also start it via CLI but you'll have to specify a download script URL in the settings: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/FILES.html#getting-a-download-link-cli-bots. */ #[FilterCommand('dl')] public function downloadLink(Incoming&Message $message): void { $reply = $message->getReply(Message::class); if (!$reply?->media) { $message->reply("This command must reply to a media message!"); return; } $reply->reply("Download link: ".$reply->media->getDownloadLink()); } #[FilterCommand('call')] public function callVoip(Incoming&Message $message): void { $this->requestCall($message->senderId)->play(new RemoteUrl('http://icestreaming.rai.it/1.mp3')); } #[Handler] public function handleIncomingCall(VoIP&Incoming $call): void { $call->accept()->play(new RemoteUrl('http://icestreaming.rai.it/1.mp3')); } public static function getPluginPaths(): string|array|null { return 'plugins/'; } } $settings = new Settings; $settings->getLogger()->setLevel(Logger::LEVEL_ULTRA_VERBOSE); // You can also use Redis, MySQL or PostgreSQL. // Data is migrated automatically. // // $settings->setDb((new Redis)->setDatabase(0)->setPassword('pony')); // $settings->setDb((new Postgres)->setDatabase('MadelineProto')->setUsername('daniil')->setPassword('pony')); // $settings->setDb((new Mysql)->setDatabase('MadelineProto')->setUsername('daniil')->setPassword('pony')); // For users or bots MyEventHandler::startAndLoop('bot.madeline', $settings); // For bots only // MyEventHandler::startAndLoopBot('bot.madeline', 'bot token', $settings);