#!/bin/bash -e # Configure export PATH="$HOME/.local/php/$PHP_VERSION:$PATH" PHP_MAJOR_VERSION=$(php -r 'echo PHP_MAJOR_VERSION;') PHP_MINOR_VERSION=$(php -r 'echo PHP_MINOR_VERSION;') php=$PHP_MAJOR_VERSION$PHP_MINOR_VERSION [[ "$TAG" == *.9999 ]] && exit 0 [[ "$TAG" == *.9998 ]] && exit 0 COMMIT="$(git log -1 --pretty=%H)" BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) COMMIT_MESSAGE="$(git log -1 --pretty=%B HEAD)" echo "PHP: $php" echo "Branch: $BRANCH" echo "Commit: $COMMIT" echo "Latest tag: $TAG" # Clean up madelinePath=$PWD sed 's/php-64bit/php/g' -i composer.json git commit -am 'Temp' git tag -d "90$TAG" || : git tag "90$TAG" php8.0 $(which composer) update php8.0 vendor/bin/phabel publish -d "90$TAG" git checkout "90$TAG.9998" cd .. rm -rf phar mkdir phar cd phar # Install echo '{ "name": "danog/madelineprotophar", "require": { "danog/madelineproto": "90'$TAG'.9998" }, "authors": [ { "name": "Daniil Gentili", "email": "daniil@daniil.it" } ], "repositories": [ { "type": "path", "url": "'$madelinePath'", "options":{"symlink": false} } ] }' > composer.json php $(which composer) update --no-cache php $(which composer) dumpautoload --optimize rm -rf vendor/phabel/phabel/tests* vendor/danog/madelineproto/docs cd .. branch="-$BRANCH" cd $madelinePath export TEST_SECRET_CHAT=test export TEST_USERNAME=danogentili export TEST_DESTINATION_GROUPS='["@danogentili"]' export MTPROTO_SETTINGS='{"logger":{"logger_level":5}}' runTestSimple() { tests/testing.php || { cat MadelineProto.log sleep 10 exit 1 } } runTest() { [ "$1" != "" ] && p="$1" || p=php echo "m $API_ID $API_HASH b $BOT_TOKEN n n n " | $p tests/testing.php || { cat MadelineProto.log sleep 10 exit 1 } } k() { while :; do pkill -f 'MadelineProto worker .*' -P $$ || break && sleep 1; done } reset() { sed 's|phar.madelineproto.xyz/madeline|empty.madelineproto.xyz/madeline|g' tools/phar.php > madeline.php cp madeline.php madelineBackup.php } k rm -f madeline.phar testing.madeline* echo "Testing with previous version..." export ACTIONS_FORCE_PREVIOUS=1 runTest k echo "Testing with new version (upgrade)..." php tools/makephar.php $madelinePath/../phar "madeline$php$branch.phar" "$COMMIT-$php" cp "madeline$php$branch.phar" "madeline-$php.phar" export ACTIONS_PHAR=1 reset runTestSimple k echo "Testing with new version (restart)" reset rm -f testing.madeline* || echo runTest echo "Testing with new version (reload)" reset runTestSimple k echo "Testing with new version (kill+reload)" reset runTestSimple echo "Checking syntax of madeline.php" php -l ./tools/phar.php if [ "$SSH_KEY" != "" ]; then eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" echo -e "$SSH_KEY" > madeline_rsa chmod 600 madeline_rsa ssh-add madeline_rsa fi git config --global user.email "41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com" git config --global user.name "Github Actions" input=$PWD cd ~/MadelineProtoPhar git pull cp "$input/madeline$php$branch.phar" "madeline$php.phar" cp "$input/tools/phar.php" . echo -n "$COMMIT-$php" > release$php git add -A git commit -am "Release $BRANCH - $COMMIT_MESSAGE" while :; do git push origin master && break || { git fetch git rebase origin/master } done for chat_id in $DESTINATIONS;do curl -s https://api.telegram.org/bot$BOT_TOKEN/sendMessage -F disable_web_page_preview=1 -F text=" Recent Commits to MadelineProto:$BRANCH $COMMIT_MESSAGE (PHP $PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.$PHP_MINOR_VERSION) $COMMIT_MESSAGE" -F parse_mode=HTML -F chat_id="$chat_id" done k