. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2023 Daniil Gentili * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3 * @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\CancelledException; use Amp\DeferredFuture; use Amp\Future; use Amp\Future\UnhandledFutureError; use Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket; use Amp\SignalException; use Amp\TimeoutException; use danog\MadelineProto\ApiWrappers\Start; use danog\MadelineProto\Ipc\Client; use danog\MadelineProto\Ipc\Server; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\Ipc as SettingsIpc; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\Logger as SettingsLogger; use Revolt\EventLoop; use Revolt\EventLoop\UncaughtThrowable; use Throwable; use Webmozart\Assert\Assert; use function Amp\async; use function Amp\Future\await; use function Amp\Future\awaitFirst; /** * Main API wrapper for MadelineProto. */ final class API extends AbstractAPI { /** * Release version. * * @var string */ public const RELEASE = '8.1.1'; /** * We're not logged in. * * @var int */ public const NOT_LOGGED_IN = 0; /** * We're waiting for the login code. * * @var int */ public const WAITING_CODE = 1; /** * We're waiting for parameters to sign up. * * @var int */ public const WAITING_SIGNUP = -1; /** * We're waiting for the 2FA password. * * @var int */ public const WAITING_PASSWORD = 2; /** * We're logged in. * * @var int */ public const LOGGED_IN = 3; /** * We're logged out, the session will be deleted ASAP. * * @var int */ public const LOGGED_OUT = 4; /** * This peer is a user. * * @var string */ public const PEER_TYPE_USER = 'user'; /** * This peer is a bot. * * @var string */ public const PEER_TYPE_BOT = 'bot'; /** * This peer is a normal group. * * @var string */ public const PEER_TYPE_GROUP = 'chat'; /** * This peer is a supergroup. * * @var string */ public const PEER_TYPE_SUPERGROUP = 'supergroup'; /** * This peer is a channel. * * @var string */ public const PEER_TYPE_CHANNEL = 'channel'; /** * Whether to generate only peer information. */ public const INFO_TYPE_PEER = 0; /** * Whether to generate only constructor information. */ public const INFO_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR = 1; /** * Whether to generate only ID information. */ public const INFO_TYPE_ID = 2; /** * Whether to generate all information. */ public const INFO_TYPE_ALL = 3; /** * Whether to generate all usernames. */ public const INFO_TYPE_USERNAMES = 4; /** * Whether to generate just type info. */ public const INFO_TYPE_TYPE = 5; use Start; /** * Session paths. * * @internal */ private SessionPaths $session; /** * Unlock callback. * * @var ?callable */ private $unlock = null; /** * Obtain the API ID UI template. */ public function getWebAPITemplate(): string { return $this->wrapper->getWebApiTemplate(); } /** * Set the API ID UI template. */ public function setWebApiTemplate(string $template): void { $this->wrapper->setWebApiTemplate($template); } /** * Constructor function. * * @param string $session Session name * @param SettingsAbstract $settings Settings */ public function __construct(string $session, ?SettingsAbstract $settings = null) { Magic::start(light: true); $settings ??= new SettingsEmpty; $this->session = new SessionPaths($session); $this->wrapper = new APIWrapper($this->session); $this->exportNamespaces(); Logger::constructorFromSettings($settings instanceof Settings ? $settings->getLogger() : ($settings instanceof SettingsLogger ? $settings : new SettingsLogger)); if ($this->connectToMadelineProto($settings)) { if (!$settings instanceof SettingsEmpty) { EventLoop::queue($this->updateSettings(...), $settings); } return; // OK } if (!$settings instanceof Settings) { $newSettings = new Settings; $newSettings->merge($settings); $settings = $newSettings; } $appInfo = $settings->getAppInfo(); if (!$appInfo->hasApiInfo()) { if (!$appInfo->getShowPrompt()) { throw new Exception("No API ID or API hash was provided, please specify them in the settings!"); } $app = $this->APIStart($settings); if (!$app) { die(); } $appInfo->setApiId($app['api_id']); $appInfo->setApiHash($app['api_hash']); } $this->wrapper->setAPI(new MTProto($settings, $this->wrapper)); $this->wrapper->logger('Prompting initial serialization...'); $this->wrapper->serialize(); $this->wrapper->logger('Done initial serialization!'); $this->wrapper->logger(Lang::$current_lang['madelineproto_ready'], Logger::NOTICE); } /** * Reconnect to full instance. */ protected function reconnectFull(): bool { if ($this->wrapper->getAPI() instanceof Client) { $this->wrapper->logger('Restarting to full instance...'); try { if (!isset($_GET['MadelineSelfRestart']) && (($this->hasEventHandler()) || !($this->isIpcWorker()))) { $this->wrapper->logger('Restarting to full instance: the bot is already running!'); Tools::closeConnection($this->getWebMessage(Lang::$current_lang['botAlreadyRunning'])); return false; } $this->wrapper->logger('Restarting to full instance: stopping IPC server...'); $this->wrapper->getAPI()->stopIpcServer(); } catch (SecurityException|SignalException $e) { throw $e; } catch (Throwable $e) { if ($e instanceof UncaughtThrowable) { $e = $e->getPrevious(); if ($e instanceof SecurityException || $e instanceof SignalException) { throw $e; } } $this->wrapper->logger("Restarting to full instance: error $e"); } $this->wrapper->logger('Restarting to full instance: reconnecting...'); $cancel = new DeferredFuture; $cb = function () use ($cancel, &$cb): void { [$result] = Serialization::tryConnect($this->session->getIpcPath(), $cancel->getFuture()); if ($result instanceof ChannelledSocket) { try { if (!$this->wrapper->getAPI() instanceof Client) { $this->wrapper->logger('Restarting to full instance (again): the bot is already running!'); $result->disconnect(); return; } $this->wrapper->logger('Restarting to full instance (again): sending shutdown signal!'); $result->send(Server::SHUTDOWN); $result->disconnect(); } catch (SecurityException|SignalException $e) { throw $e; } catch (Throwable $e) { if ($e instanceof UncaughtThrowable) { $e = $e->getPrevious(); if ($e instanceof SecurityException || $e instanceof SignalException) { throw $e; } } $this->wrapper->logger("Restarting to full instance: error in stop loop $e"); } EventLoop::queue($cb); } }; EventLoop::queue($cb); $this->connectToMadelineProto(new SettingsEmpty, true); $cancel->complete(new Exception('Connected!')); } return true; } /** * Connect to MadelineProto. * * @param SettingsAbstract $settings Settings * @param bool $forceFull Whether to force full initialization */ protected function connectToMadelineProto(SettingsAbstract $settings, bool $forceFull = false, bool $tryReconnect = true): bool { if ($settings instanceof SettingsIpc) { $forceFull = $forceFull || $settings->getSlow(); } elseif ($settings instanceof Settings) { $forceFull = $forceFull || $settings->getIpc()->getSlow(); } $forceFull = $forceFull || isset($_GET['MadelineSelfRestart']) || Magic::$altervista; try { [$unserialized, $this->unlock] = async( Serialization::unserialize(...), $this->session, $settings, $forceFull )->await(Tools::getTimeoutCancellation(30.0)); } catch (CancelledException $e) { if (!$e->getPrevious() instanceof TimeoutException) { throw $e; } [$unserialized, $this->unlock] = [0, null]; } if ($unserialized === 0) { // Timeout throw new Exception(Lang::$current_lang['could_not_connect_to_MadelineProto']); } elseif ($unserialized instanceof Throwable) { // IPC server error throw $unserialized; } elseif ($unserialized instanceof ChannelledSocket) { // Success, IPC client $this->wrapper->setAPI(new Client($unserialized, $this->session, Logger::$default)); return true; } elseif ($unserialized) { // Success, full session $this->wrapper->getAPI()?->unreference(); $this->wrapper = $unserialized; $this->wrapper->setSession($this->session); $this->exportNamespaces(); if ($this->wrapper->getAPI()) { unset($unserialized); if ($settings instanceof SettingsIpc) { $settings = new SettingsEmpty; } $this->wrapper->getAPI()->wakeup($settings, $this->wrapper); $this->wrapper->logger(Lang::$current_lang['madelineproto_ready'], Logger::NOTICE); return true; } } return false; } /** * Wakeup function. */ public function __wakeup(): void { $this->__construct($this->session->getSessionDirectoryPath()); } public function __sleep(): array { return ['session']; } /** * @var array> */ private static array $destructors = []; /** * @internal */ public static function finalize(): void { if (self::$destructors) { await(self::$destructors); } } /** * Destruct function. * * @internal */ public function __destruct() { $id = \count(self::$destructors); self::$destructors[$id] = async(function () use ($id): void { $this->wrapper->logger('Shutting down MadelineProto ('.static::class.')'); $this->wrapper->getAPI()?->unreference(); if (isset($this->wrapper)) { $this->wrapper->logger('Prompting final serialization...'); $this->wrapper->serialize(); $this->wrapper->logger('Done final serialization!'); } if ($this->unlock) { ($this->unlock)(); } unset(self::$destructors[$id]); }); } /** * Start multiple instances of MadelineProto and the event handlers (enables async). * * @param array $instances Instances of madeline * @param array>|class-string $eventHandler Event handler(s) */ public static function startAndLoopMulti(array $instances, array|string $eventHandler): void { if (\is_string($eventHandler)) { Assert::classExists($eventHandler); $eventHandler::cachePlugins($eventHandler); $eventHandler = array_fill_keys(array_keys($instances), $eventHandler); } else { Assert::notEmpty($eventHandler); Assert::allClassExists($eventHandler); foreach ($eventHandler as $c) { $c::cachePlugins($c); } } $errors = []; $started = array_fill_keys(array_keys($instances), false); $instanceOne = array_values($instances)[0]; $prev = EventLoop::getErrorHandler(); EventLoop::setErrorHandler( $cb = static function (Throwable $e) use ($instanceOne, &$errors, &$started, $eventHandler): void { if ($e instanceof UnhandledFutureError) { $e = $e->getPrevious(); } if ($e instanceof SecurityException || $e instanceof SignalException) { throw $e; } if (str_starts_with($e->getMessage(), 'Could not connect to DC ')) { throw $e; } $t = time(); $errors = [$t => $errors[$t] ?? 0]; $errors[$t]++; if ($errors[$t] > 10 && array_sum($started) !== \count($eventHandler)) { $instanceOne->wrapper->logger('More than 10 errors in a second and not inited, exiting!', Logger::FATAL_ERROR); return; } echo $e; $instanceOne->wrapper->logger((string) $e, Logger::FATAL_ERROR); $instanceOne->report("Surfaced: $e"); } ); try { $promises = []; foreach ($instances as $k => $instance) { $instance->start(); $promises []= async(static function () use ($k, $instance, $eventHandler, &$started): void { $instance->startAndLoopLogic($eventHandler[$k], $started[$k]); }); } awaitFirst($promises); } finally { if (EventLoop::getErrorHandler() === $cb) { EventLoop::setErrorHandler($prev); } } } }