mirror of https://github.com/danog/MadelineProto.git synced 2024-12-02 16:17:46 +01:00
2024-03-08 15:10:22 +01:00

465 lines
18 KiB

* This file is part of MadelineProto.
* MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @author Daniil Gentili <daniil@daniil.it>
* @copyright 2016-2023 Daniil Gentili <daniil@daniil.it>
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3
* @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation
namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL;
use AssertionError;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\MinDatabase;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\PeerDatabase;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\ReferenceDatabase;
use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\TLSchema;
use ReflectionFunction;
use Webmozart\Assert\Assert;
* @internal
final class Builder
* TL instance.
private TL $TL;
private readonly array $byType;
private readonly array $idByPredicate;
private readonly array $typeByPredicate;
private readonly array $constructorByPredicate;
private $output;
public function __construct(
TLSchema $settings,
* Output file.
string $output,
* Output namespace.
private string $namespace,
) {
$this->output = fopen($output, 'w');
$this->TL = new TL();
$byType = [];
$idByPredicate = ['vector' => var_export(hex2bin('1cb5c415'), true)];
$constructorByPredicate = [];
foreach ($this->TL->getConstructors()->by_id as $id => $constructor) {
foreach ($constructor['params'] as &$param) {
if ($constructor['predicate'] === 'photoStrippedSize'
&& $param['name'] === 'bytes'
) {
$param['name'] = 'inflated';
$param['type'] = 'inflated';
if ($constructor['predicate'] === 'rpc_result' && $param['name'] === 'result') {
$param['type'] = 'MethodResult';
if ($param['name'] === 'random_bytes') {
$param['type'] = 'random_bytes';
if (isset($constructor['layer'])) {
$constructor['predicate'] .= '_'.$constructor['layer'];
$constructor['id'] = $id;
$constructorByPredicate[$constructor['predicate']] = $constructor;
$idByPredicate[$constructor['predicate']] = var_export($id, true);
$typeByPredicate[$constructor['predicate']] = $constructor['type'];
$byType[$constructor['type']][$id]= $constructor;
$this->byType = $byType;
$this->idByPredicate = $idByPredicate;
$this->typeByPredicate = $typeByPredicate;
$this->constructorByPredicate = $constructorByPredicate;
private static function escapeConstructorName(array $constructor): string
return str_replace(['.', ' '], '___', $constructor['predicate']).(isset($constructor['layer']) ?'_'.$constructor['layer'] : '');
private static function escapeTypeName(string $name): string
return str_replace(['.', ' '], '___', $name);
private function needFullConstructor(string $predicate): bool
if (isset($this->TL->beforeConstructorDeserialization[$predicate])
|| isset($this->TL->afterConstructorDeserialization[$predicate])) {
return true;
return false;
private static function methodFromClosure(ReflectionFunction $closure): string
$refl = new ReflectionFunction($closure);
return match ($refl->getClosureThis()::class) {
PeerDatabase::class => '$this->peerDatabase',
MinDatabase::class => '$this->minDatabase?',
ReferenceDatabase::class => '$this->referenceDatabase?',
MTProto::class => '$this->API',
private function buildTypes(array $constructors, string $type): string
$typeMethod = "_type_".self::escapeTypeName($type);
$result = "match (stream_get_contents(\$stream, 4)) {\n";
foreach ($constructors as ['predicate' => $predicate, 'id' => $id]) {
if ($predicate === 'gzip_packed') {
if ($predicate === 'jsonObjectValue') {
throw new AssertionError("Impossible!");
$result .= var_export($id, true)." => ";
$result .= $this->buildConstructor($predicate);
$result .= ",\n";
$result .= $this->idByPredicate['gzip_packed']." => ".$this->methodCall("deserialize$typeMethod", 'self::gzdecode($stream)').",\n";
$result .= "default => self::err(\$stream)\n";
return $result."}\n";
private array $createdConstructors = [];
public function buildConstructor(string $predicate): string
$constructor = $this->constructorByPredicate[$predicate];
Assert::notFalse($constructor, "Missing constructor $predicate");
'flags' => $flags,
'params' => $params,
] = $constructor;
if ($flags) {
$result = $this->buildConstructorFull($predicate, $params, $flags);
} else {
$result = $this->buildConstructorShort($predicate, $params, $flags);
if (!$this->needFullConstructor($predicate)) {
return $result;
$result = "\$tmp = $result";
$pre = '';
foreach ($this->TL->beforeConstructorDeserialization as $closure) {
$pre .= self::methodFromClosure($closure)."('$predicate');\n";
$result = $pre.$result;
foreach ($this->TL->afterConstructorDeserialization as $closure) {
$result .= self::methodFromClosure($closure)."(\$tmp);\n";
$nameEscaped = self::escapeConstructorName($constructor);
if (!isset($this->createdConstructors[$predicate])) {
$this->createdConstructors[$predicate] = true;
$this->m("deserialize_$nameEscaped", $result);
return $this->methodCall("deserialize_$nameEscaped");
private function buildConstructorFull(string $predicate, array $params, array $flags): string
$result = "\$tmp = ['_' => '$predicate'];\n";
$flagNames = [];
foreach ($flags as ['flag' => $flag]) {
$flagNames[$flag] = true;
foreach ($params as $param) {
$name = $param['name'];
if (!isset($param['pow'])) {
$code = $this->buildParam($param);
if (isset($flagNames[$name])) {
$result .= "\$$name = $code;\n";
} else {
$result .= "\$tmp['$name'] = $code;\n";
$flag = "(\${$param['flag']} & {$param['pow']}) !== 0";
if ($param['type'] === 'true') {
$result .= "\$tmp['$name'] = $flag;\n";
$code = $this->buildParam($param);
$result .= "if ($flag) \$tmp['$name'] = $code;\n";
return "$result\nreturn \$tmp;";
private function buildConstructorShort(string $predicate, array $params = []): string
if ($predicate === 'dataJSON') {
return 'json_decode('.$this->buildParam(['type' => 'string']).', true, 512, \\JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR)';
if ($predicate === 'jsonNull') {
return 'null';
$superBare = $this->typeByPredicate[$predicate] === 'JSONValue'
|| $this->typeByPredicate[$predicate] === 'Peer';
$result = '';
if (!$superBare) {
$result .= "[\n";
$result .= "'_' => '$predicate',\n";
foreach ($params as $param) {
$code = $this->buildParam($param);
if ($superBare) {
$result .= $code;
} else {
$result .= var_export($param['name'], true)." => $code,\n";
if (!$superBare) {
$result .= ']';
if ($predicate === 'peerChat') {
$result = "-$result";
} elseif ($predicate === 'peerChannel') {
$result = "-1000000000000 - $result";
return $result;
private function buildParam(array $param): string
if (isset($param['subtype'])) {
return $this->buildVector($param['subtype']);
return match ($type = $param['type']) {
'#' => "unpack('V', stream_get_contents(\$stream, 4))[1]",
'int' => "unpack('l', stream_get_contents(\$stream, 4))[1]",
'long' => "unpack('q', stream_get_contents(\$stream, 8))[1]",
'double' => "unpack('d', stream_get_contents(\$stream, 8))[1]",
'Bool' => 'match (stream_get_contents($stream, 4)) {'.
$this->idByPredicate['boolTrue'].' => true,'.
$this->idByPredicate['boolFalse'].' => false, default => '.$this->methodCall('err').' }',
'strlong' => 'stream_get_contents($stream, 8)',
'int128' => 'stream_get_contents($stream, 16)',
'int256' => 'stream_get_contents($stream, 32)',
'int512' => 'stream_get_contents($stream, 64)',
'string', 'bytes', 'waveform', 'random_bytes' =>
'inflated' =>
'new Types\Bytes(Tools::inflateStripped('.$this->methodCall("deserialize_string").'))',
default => $this->buildType($type)
private array $createdVectors = [];
private function buildVector(string $type, ?string $payload = null): string
if (!isset($this->createdVectors[$type])) {
$this->createdVectors[$type] = true;
if ($type === 'JSONObjectValue') {
$payload = '$result['.$this->buildParam(['type' => 'string']).'] = '.$this->buildParam(['type' => 'JSONValue']);
} elseif (isset($this->byType[$type])) {
$payload = '$result []= '.$this->buildTypes($this->byType[$type], $type);
} elseif ($payload === null) {
if ($type === '%MTMessage') {
$type = 'MTmessage';
$payload = '$result []= '.$this->buildConstructor($type);
$this->m("deserialize_type_array_of_{$this->escapeTypeName($type)}", '
$stream = match(stream_get_contents($stream, 4)) {
'.$this->idByPredicate['vector'].' => $stream,
'.$this->idByPredicate['gzip_packed'].' => self::gzdecode_vector($stream)
$result = [];
for ($x = unpack("V", stream_get_contents($stream, 4))[1]; $x > 0; --$x) {
return $result;
', 'array', static: $type === 'JSONValue');
return $this->methodCall("deserialize_type_array_of_{$this->escapeTypeName($type)}");
private array $createdTypes = ['Object' => true, 'MethodResult' => true];
private array $typeStack = [];
private function buildType(string $type): string
if (!isset($this->createdTypes[$type])) {
$this->createdTypes[$type] = true;
"return {$this->buildTypes($this->byType[$type], $type)};",
static: $type === 'JSONValue'
$had = array_search($type, $this->typeStack) !== false;
$this->typeStack []= $type;
try {
if (!$had && $type !== 'MethodResult') {
return $this->buildTypes($this->byType[$type], $type);
return $this->methodCall("deserialize_type_{$this->escapeTypeName($type)}");
} finally {
private array $methodsCreated = [];
private function methodCall(string $method, string $stream = '$stream'): string
return ($this->methodsCreated[$method] ?? true)
? "\$this->$method($stream)"
: "self::$method($stream)";
public function m(string $methodName, string $body, string $returnType = 'mixed', bool $public = false, bool $static = false): void
if (isset($this->methodsCreated[$methodName])) {
throw new AssertionError("Already created $methodName!");
$this->methodsCreated[$methodName] = $static;
$public = $public ? 'public' : 'private';
$static = $static ? 'static' : '';
$this->w(" $public $static function $methodName(mixed \$stream): $returnType {\n{$body}\n }\n");
private function w(string $data): void
fwrite($this->output, $data);
public function build(): void
$this->w("<?php namespace {$this->namespace};\n/** @internal Autogenerated using tools/TL/Builder.php */\nfinal class TLParser {\n");
$this->m('err', '
fseek($stream, -4, SEEK_CUR);
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected ID ".bin2hex(fread($stream, 4)));
', 'never');
$this->m("gzdecode", "
\$res = fopen('php://memory', 'rw+b');
fwrite(\$res, gzdecode(self::deserialize_string(\$stream)));
return \$res;
$this->m('gzdecode_vector', "
\$res = fopen('php://memory', 'rw+b');
fwrite(\$res, gzdecode(self::deserialize_string(\$stream)));
return match (stream_get_contents(\$stream, 4)) {
{$this->idByPredicate['vector']} => \$stream,
default => self::err(\$stream)
$block_str = '
$l = \ord(stream_get_contents($stream, 1));
if ($l > 254) {
throw new Exception(Lang::$current_lang["length_too_big"]);
if ($l === 254) {
$l = unpack("V", stream_get_contents($stream, 3).\chr(0))[1];
$x = stream_get_contents($stream, $l);
$resto = (-$l) % 4;
$resto = $resto < 0 ? $resto + 4 : $resto;
if ($resto > 0) {
stream_get_contents($stream, $resto);
} else {
$x = $l ? stream_get_contents($stream, $l) : "";
$resto = (-$l+1) % 4;
$resto = $resto < 0 ? $resto + 4 : $resto;
if ($resto > 0) {
stream_get_contents($stream, $resto);
$this->m("deserialize_bytes", "
return new Types\Bytes(\$x);
$this->m("deserialize_string", "
return \$x;
$this->m("deserialize_waveform", "
return TL::extractWaveform(\$x);
$this->m('deserialize_random_bytes', '
$l = \ord(stream_get_contents($stream, 1));
if ($l > 254) {
throw new Exception(Lang::$current_lang["length_too_big"]);
if ($l === 254) {
$l = unpack("V", stream_get_contents($stream, 3).\chr(0))[1];
if ($l < 15) {
throw new SecurityException("Random_bytes is too small!");
} else {
if ($l < 15) {
throw new SecurityException("Random_bytes is too small!");
$l += 1;
$resto = (-$l) % 4;
$resto = $resto < 0 ? $resto + 4 : $resto;
if ($resto > 0) {
$l += $resto;
stream_get_contents($stream, $l);
', 'void');
foreach (['int', 'long', 'double', 'strlong', 'string', 'bytes'] as $type) {
$this->buildVector($type, $this->buildParam(['type' => $type]));
$methodConstructors = [];
foreach ($this->TL->getMethods()->by_id as ['type' => $type]) {
if ($type === 'X') {
$methodConstructors = array_merge($methodConstructors, $this->byType[$type]);
$this->m("deserialize_type_MethodResult", "return {$this->buildTypes($methodConstructors, 'MethodResult')};", 'mixed', false, static: false);
$initial_constructors = array_filter(
static fn (array $arr) => (
$arr['type'] === 'Update'
|| $arr['predicate'] === 'rpc_result'
|| !$arr['encrypted']
) && (
$arr['predicate'] !== 'rpc_error'
&& $arr['predicate'] !== 'MTmessage'
$this->m("deserialize_type_Object", "return {$this->buildTypes($initial_constructors, 'Object')};", 'mixed', true, static: false);