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* MTProto module.
* This file is part of MadelineProto.
* MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @author Daniil Gentili <daniil@daniil.it>
* @copyright 2016-2023 Daniil Gentili <daniil@daniil.it>
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3
* @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation
namespace danog\MadelineProto;
use Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream;
use Amp\Cache\Cache;
use Amp\Cache\LocalCache;
use Amp\Cancellation;
use Amp\DeferredFuture;
use Amp\Dns\DnsResolver;
use Amp\Future;
use Amp\Future\UnhandledFutureError;
use Amp\Http\Client\HttpClient;
use Amp\Http\Client\Request;
use Amp\SignalException;
use Amp\Sync\LocalKeyedMutex;
use Amp\Sync\LocalMutex;
use AssertionError;
use danog\MadelineProto\Broadcast\Broadcast;
use danog\MadelineProto\Db\DbArray;
use danog\MadelineProto\Db\DbPropertiesFactory;
use danog\MadelineProto\Db\DbPropertiesTrait;
use danog\MadelineProto\Db\MemoryArray;
use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media;
use danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message;
use danog\MadelineProto\Ipc\Server;
use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic\PeriodicLoopInternal;
use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\FeedLoop;
use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\SeqLoop;
use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\UpdateLoop;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\AuthKeyHandler;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\CallHandler;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\CombinedUpdatesState;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Files;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\MinDatabase;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\PasswordCalculator;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\PeerDatabase;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\PeerHandler;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\ReferenceDatabase;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\UpdateHandler;
use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\UpdatesState;
use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\Database\DriverDatabaseAbstract;
use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\TLSchema;
use danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\BotAPI;
use danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\BotAPIFiles;
use danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\TD;
use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL;
use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TLCallback;
use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TLInterface;
use danog\MadelineProto\TL\Types\LoginQrCode;
use danog\MadelineProto\VoIP\CallState;
use danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Ads;
use danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Button;
use danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\DialogHandler;
use danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Events;
use danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Login;
use danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Loop;
use danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Start;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Revolt\EventLoop;
use Throwable;
use Webmozart\Assert\Assert;
use function Amp\async;
use function Amp\File\deleteFile;
use function Amp\File\getSize;
use function Amp\File\openFile;
use function Amp\Future\await;
use function time;
* Manages all of the mtproto stuff.
* @psalm-suppress PropertyNotSetInConstructor
* @internal
final class MTProto implements TLCallback, LoggerGetter, SettingsGetter
use AuthKeyHandler;
use CallHandler;
use PeerHandler;
use UpdateHandler;
use Files;
use \danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats\AuthKeyHandler;
use BotAPI;
use BotAPIFiles;
use TD;
use \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP\AuthKeyHandler;
use Ads;
use Button;
use DialogHandler;
use Events;
use Login;
use Loop;
use Start;
use DbPropertiesTrait;
use Broadcast;
private const MAX_ENTITY_LENGTH = 100;
private const MAX_ENTITY_SIZE = 8110;
* Internal version of MadelineProto.
* Increased every time the default settings array or something big changes
* @internal
* @var int
public const V = 179;
* Bad message error codes.
* @internal
* @var array
public const BAD_MSG_ERROR_CODES = [16 => 'msg_id too low (most likely, client time is wrong; it would be worthwhile to synchronize it using msg_id notifications and re-send the original message with the correct msg_id or wrap it in a container with a new msg_id if the original message had waited too long on the client to be transmitted)', 17 => 'msg_id too high (similar to the previous case, the client time has to be synchronized, and the message re-sent with the correct msg_id)', 18 => 'incorrect two lower order msg_id bits (the server expects client message msg_id to be divisible by 4)', 19 => 'container msg_id is the same as msg_id of a previously received message (this must never happen)', 20 => 'message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not', 32 => 'msg_seqno too low (the server has already received a message with a lower msg_id but with either a higher or an equal and odd seqno)', 33 => 'msg_seqno too high (similarly, there is a message with a higher msg_id but with either a lower or an equal and odd seqno)', 34 => 'an even msg_seqno expected (irrelevant message), but odd received', 35 => 'odd msg_seqno expected (relevant message), but even received', 48 => 'incorrect server salt (in this case, the bad_server_salt response is received with the correct salt, and the message is to be re-sent with it)', 64 => 'invalid container'];
* Localized message info flags.
* @internal
* @var array
public const MSGS_INFO_FLAGS = [1 => 'nothing is known about the message (msg_id too low, the other party may have forgotten it)', 2 => 'message not received (msg_id falls within the range of stored identifiers; however, the other party has certainly not received a message like that)', 3 => 'message not received (msg_id too high; however, the other party has certainly not received it yet)', 4 => 'message received (note that this response is also at the same time a receipt acknowledgment)', 8 => ' and message already acknowledged', 16 => ' and message not requiring acknowledgment', 32 => ' and RPC query contained in message being processed or processing already complete', 64 => ' and content-related response to message already generated', 128 => ' and other party knows for a fact that message is already received'];
* @internal
public const TD_PARAMS_CONVERSION = ['updateNewMessage' => ['_' => 'updateNewMessage', 'disable_notification' => ['message', 'silent'], 'message' => ['message']], 'message' => ['_' => 'message', 'id' => ['id'], 'sender_user_id' => ['from_id'], 'chat_id' => ['peer_id', 'choose_chat_id_from_botapi'], 'send_state' => ['choose_incoming_or_sent'], 'can_be_edited' => ['choose_can_edit'], 'can_be_deleted' => ['choose_can_delete'], 'is_post' => ['post'], 'date' => ['date'], 'edit_date' => ['edit_date'], 'forward_info' => ['fwd_info', 'choose_forward_info'], 'reply_to_message_id' => ['reply_to_msg_id'], 'ttl' => ['choose_ttl'], 'ttl_expires_in' => ['choose_ttl_expires_in'], 'via_bot_user_id' => ['via_bot_id'], 'views' => ['views'], 'content' => ['choose_message_content'], 'reply_markup' => ['reply_markup']], 'messages.sendMessage' => ['chat_id' => ['peer'], 'reply_to_message_id' => ['reply_to_msg_id'], 'disable_notification' => ['silent'], 'from_background' => ['background'], 'input_message_content' => ['choose_message_content'], 'reply_markup' => ['reply_markup']]];
* @internal
public const TD_REVERSE = ['sendMessage' => 'messages.sendMessage'];
* @internal
public const TD_IGNORE = ['updateMessageID'];
* @internal
public const BOTAPI_PARAMS_CONVERSION = ['disable_web_page_preview' => 'no_webpage', 'disable_notification' => 'silent', 'reply_to_message_id' => 'reply_to_msg_id', 'chat_id' => 'peer', 'text' => 'message'];
* Array of references to all instances of MTProto.
* This seems like a recipe for memory leaks, but this is actually required to allow saving the session on shutdown.
* When using a network I/O-based database+the EvDriver of AMPHP, calling die(); causes premature garbage collection of the event loop.
* This garbage collection happens always, even if a reference to the event handler is already present elsewhere (probably ev dark magic).
* Finally, this causes the process to hang on shutdown, since the database driver cannot receive a reply from the server, because the event loop is down.
* To avoid this, we store each MTProto instance in here (unreferencing on shutdown in unreference()), and call serialize() on all instances before calling die; in Magic.
* @var array<self>
public static array $references = [];
* Instance of wrapper API.
public APIWrapper $wrapper;
* Settings object.
public Settings $settings;
* Config array.
private array $config = ['expires' => -1];
* Authorization info (User).
public ?array $authorization = null;
* Whether we're authorized.
public int $authorized = API::NOT_LOGGED_IN;
* Main authorized DC ID.
public ?int $authorized_dc = null;
* RSA keys.
* @var array<RSA>
private array $rsa_keys = [];
* RSA keys.
* @var array<RSA>
private array $test_rsa_keys = [];
* CDN RSA keys.
private array $cdn_rsa_keys = [];
* Diffie-hellman config.
private array $dh_config = ['version' => 0];
* Cached parameters for fetching channel participants.
public DbArray $channelParticipants;
* When we last stored data in remote peer database (now doesn't exist anymore).
public int $last_stored = 0;
* Temporary array of data to be sent to remote peer database.
public array $qres = [];
* Sponsored message database.
public DbArray $sponsoredMessages;
* Latest chat message ID map for update handling.
private array $msg_ids = [];
* Version integer for upgrades.
private int $v = 0;
* Cached getdialogs params.
private array $dialog_params = ['limit' => 0, 'offset_date' => 0, 'offset_id' => 0, 'offset_peer' => ['_' => 'inputPeerEmpty'], 'count' => 0];
* Support user ID.
private int $supportUser = 0;
* File reference database.
public ?ReferenceDatabase $referenceDatabase = null;
* Min database.
public MinDatabase $minDatabase;
* Peer database.
public PeerDatabase $peerDatabase;
* Phone config loop.
public ?PeriodicLoopInternal $phoneConfigLoop = null;
* Config loop.
public ?PeriodicLoopInternal $configLoop = null;
* Autoserialization loop.
private ?PeriodicLoopInternal $serializeLoop = null;
* SEQ update loop.
private ?SeqLoop $seqUpdater = null;
* IPC server.
private ?Server $ipcServer = null;
private ?LoginQrCode $loginQrCode = null;
* Feeder loops.
* @var array<FeedLoop>
public array $feeders = [];
* Updater loops.
* @var array<UpdateLoop>
public array $updaters = [];
* DataCenter instance.
public DataCenter $datacenter;
* Logger instance.
public Logger $logger;
* TL serializer.
private TL $TL;
private Cache $reportCache;
* Snitch.
private Snitch $snitch;
* DC list.
public array $dcList = [
'test' => [
// Test datacenters
'ipv4' => [
// ipv4 addresses
10002 => [
// The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig
'ip_address' => '',
'port' => 443,
'media_only' => false,
'tcpo_only' => false,
'ipv6' => [
// ipv6 addresses
10002 => [
// The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig
'ip_address' => '2001:067c:04e8:f002:0000:0000:0000:000e',
'port' => 443,
'media_only' => false,
'tcpo_only' => false,
'main' => [
// Main datacenters
'ipv4' => [
// ipv4 addresses
2 => [
// The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig
'ip_address' => '',
'port' => 443,
'media_only' => false,
'tcpo_only' => false,
'ipv6' => [
// ipv6 addresses
2 => [
// The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig
'ip_address' => '2001:067c:04e8:f002:0000:0000:0000:000a',
'port' => 443,
'media_only' => false,
'tcpo_only' => false,
* Nullcache array for storing main session file to DB.
public DbArray $session;
* List of properties stored in database (memory or external).
* @see DbPropertiesFactory
protected static array $dbProperties = [
'sponsoredMessages' => ['innerMadelineProto' => true],
'channelParticipants' => ['innerMadelineProto' => true],
'session' => ['innerMadelineProto' => true, 'enableCache' => false],
* Returns an instance of a client by session name.
* @internal
public static function giveInstanceBySession(string $session): MTProto
return self::$references[$session];
* Serialize session, returning object to serialize to db.
* @internal
public function serializeSession(object $data)
/** @psalm-suppress TypeDoesNotContainType */
if (!isset($this->session) || $this->session instanceof MemoryArray) {
return $data;
$this->session['data'] = $data;
return $this->session;
* @internal
* @return array<RSA>
public function getRsaKeys(bool $test, bool $cdn): array
if ($cdn) {
return $this->cdn_rsa_keys;
if ($test) {
return $this->test_rsa_keys;
return $this->rsa_keys;
* Serialize all instances.
* @internal
public static function serializeAll(): void
static $done = false;
if ($done) {
$done = true;
if (self::$references) {
Logger::log('Prompting final serialization (SHUTDOWN)...');
foreach (self::$references as $instance) {
if ($instance->authorized === API::LOGGED_OUT) {
Logger::log('Done final serialization (SHUTDOWN)!');
private ?Future $initPromise = null;
* Constructor function.
* @param Settings|SettingsEmpty $settings Settings
* @param null|APIWrapper $wrapper API wrapper
public function __construct(Settings|SettingsEmpty $settings, ?APIWrapper $wrapper = null)
if ($wrapper) {
$this->wrapper = $wrapper;
self::$references[$this->getSessionName()] = $this;
$initDeferred = new DeferredFuture;
$this->initPromise = $initDeferred->getFuture();
try {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
try {
$this->report((string) $e);
} catch (Throwable) {
throw $e;
} finally {
* Initialization function.
* @internal
private function initialize(Settings|SettingsEmpty $settings): void
// Initialize needed stuffs
Magic::start(light: false);
// Parse and store settings
$this->updateSettingsInternal($settings, false);
// Start IPC server
if (!$this->ipcServer) {
$this->ipcServer = new Server($this);
// Actually instantiate needed classes like a boss
// Load rsa keys
$this->rsa_keys = [];
foreach ($this->settings->getConnection()->getRSAKeys() as $key) {
$key = RSA::load($this->TL, $key);
$this->rsa_keys[$key->fp] = $key;
$this->test_rsa_keys = [];
foreach ($this->settings->getConnection()->getTestRSAKeys() as $key) {
$key = RSA::load($this->TL, $key);
$this->test_rsa_keys[$key->fp] = $key;
// (re)-initialize TL
$callbacks = [$this, $this->peerDatabase];
if ($this->settings->getDb()->getEnableFileReferenceDb()) {
$callbacks []= $this->referenceDatabase;
if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false) && $this->settings->getDb()->getEnableMinDb()) {
$callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase;
$this->TL->init($this->settings->getSchema(), $callbacks);
$this->datacenter->currentDatacenter = $this->settings->getConnection()->getTestMode() ? 10002 : 2;
$this->v = self::V;
* Get API wrapper.
* @internal
public function getWrapper(): APIWrapper
return $this->wrapper;
* Returns the session name.
public function getSessionName(): string
return $this->wrapper->getSession()->getSessionDirectoryPath();
private ?string $tmpDbPrefix = null;
/** @internal */
public function getDbPrefix(): string
$prefix = null;
if ($this->settings->getDb() instanceof DriverDatabaseAbstract) {
$prefix = $this->settings->getDb()->getEphemeralFilesystemPrefix();
$prefix ??= $this->getSelf()['id'] ?? null;
if ($prefix === null) {
$this->tmpDbPrefix ??= 'tmp_'.hash('xxh3', $this->getSessionName());
$prefix = $this->tmpDbPrefix;
return (string) $prefix;
* Sleep function.
* @internal
public function __sleep(): array
return [
// Databases
// Misc caching
// Event handler
// Settings
// Authorization keys
// Authorization state
// Authorization cache
// Update state
// Version
// TL
// Secret chats
// Report URI
* Logger.
* @param mixed $param Parameter
* @param int $level Logging level
* @param string $file File where the message originated
public function logger(mixed $param, int $level = Logger::NOTICE, string $file = ''): void
if (empty($file)) {
$file = basename(debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]['file'], '.php');
($this->logger ?? Logger::$default)->logger($param, $level, $file);
* Get TL namespaces.
public function getMethodNamespaces(): array
return $this->TL->getMethodNamespaces();
* Get namespaced methods (method => namespace).
public function getMethodsNamespaced(): array
return $this->TL->getMethodsNamespaced();
* Get TL serializer.
public function getTL(): TLInterface
return $this->TL;
* Get logger.
public function getLogger(): Logger
return $this->logger;
* Get PSR logger.
public function getPsrLogger(): LoggerInterface
return $this->logger->getPsrLogger();
* Get async HTTP client.
public function getHTTPClient(): HttpClient
return $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient();
* Provide a stream for a file, URL or amp stream.
public function getStream(Message|Media|LocalFile|RemoteUrl|BotApiFileId|ReadableStream $stream, ?Cancellation $cancellation = null): ReadableStream
if ($stream instanceof LocalFile) {
return openFile($stream->file, 'r');
if ($stream instanceof RemoteUrl) {
$request = new Request($stream->url);
return $this->getHTTPClient()->request(
if ($stream instanceof Message) {
$stream = $stream->media;
if ($stream === null) {
throw new AssertionError("The message must be a media message!");
if ($stream instanceof Media) {
return $stream->getStream(cancellation: $cancellation);
if ($stream instanceof BotApiFileId) {
return $this->downloadToReturnedStream($stream, cancellation: $cancellation);
return $stream;
* Get async DNS client.
public function getDNSClient(): DnsResolver
return $this->datacenter->getDNSClient();
* Get contents of remote file asynchronously.
* @param string $url URL
public function fileGetContents(string $url): string
return $this->getHTTPClient()->request(new Request($url))->getBody()->buffer();
* Get main DC ID.
* @internal
public function getDataCenterId(): int|string
return $this->datacenter->currentDatacenter;
* Prompt serialization of instance.
* @internal
public function serialize(): void
if (isset($this->wrapper) && $this->isInited()) {
* Start all internal loops.
private function startLoops(): void
$this->serializeLoop ??= new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, $this->serialize(...), 'serialize', $this->settings->getSerialization()->getInterval());
$this->phoneConfigLoop ??= new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, $this->getPhoneConfig(...), 'phone config', 3600);
$this->configLoop ??= new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, $this->getConfig(...), 'config', 3600);
try {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
if (Magic::$isIpcWorker) {
throw $e;
$this->logger->logger("Error while starting IPC server: $e", Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
* Stop all internal loops.
private function stopLoops(): void
if ($this->serializeLoop) {
$this->serializeLoop = null;
if ($this->phoneConfigLoop) {
$this->phoneConfigLoop = null;
if ($this->configLoop) {
$this->configLoop = null;
if ($this->ipcServer) {
$this->ipcServer = null;
* Clean up properties from previous versions of MadelineProto.
* @internal
private function cleanupProperties(): void
$this->acceptChatMutex ??= new LocalKeyedMutex;
$this->confirmChatMutex ??= new LocalKeyedMutex;
$this->channels_state ??= new CombinedUpdatesState;
$this->datacenter ??= new DataCenter($this);
$this->snitch ??= new Snitch;
$this->referenceDatabase ??= new ReferenceDatabase($this);
$this->minDatabase ??= new MinDatabase($this);
$this->peerDatabase ??= new PeerDatabase($this);
$db = [];
$db []= async($this->referenceDatabase->init(...));
$db []= async($this->minDatabase->init(...));
$db []= async($this->peerDatabase->init(...));
$db []= async($this->initDb(...), $this);
foreach ($this->secretChats as $chat) {
$db []= async($chat->init(...));
if (isset($this->chats) && $this->chats instanceof MemoryArray) {
if (!isset($this->TL)) {
$this->TL = new TL($this);
$callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase, $this->peerDatabase];
if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) {
$callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase;
$this->TL->init($this->settings->getSchema(), $callbacks);
foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) {
$channelId = $state->getChannel();
if (!isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) {
$this->feeders[$channelId] = new FeedLoop($this, $channelId);
if (!isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) {
$this->updaters[$channelId] = new UpdateLoop($this, $channelId);
if (!isset($this->seqUpdater)) {
$this->seqUpdater = new SeqLoop($this);
* Upgrade MadelineProto instance.
private function upgradeMadelineProto(): void
$this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['serialization_ofd'], Logger::WARNING);
foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $dc_id => $socket) {
if ($this->authorized === API::LOGGED_IN && \is_int($dc_id) && $socket->hasPermAuthKey() && $socket->hasTempAuthKey()) {
$this->settings->setSchema(new TLSchema);
$this->resetMTProtoSession(true, true);
$this->config = ['expires' => -1];
$this->dh_config = ['version' => 0];
foreach ($this->secretChats as $chat) {
try {
} catch (RPCErrorException $e) {
* Post-deserialization initialization function.
* @param Settings|SettingsEmpty $settings New settings
* @param APIWrapper $wrapper API wrapper
* @psalm-suppress UnsupportedPropertyReferenceUsage
* @internal
public function wakeup(SettingsAbstract $settings, APIWrapper $wrapper): void
// Setup one-time stuffs
Magic::start(light: false);
// Set API wrapper
$this->wrapper = $wrapper;
// Set reference to itself
self::$references[$this->getSessionName()] = $this;
$deferred = new DeferredFuture;
$this->initPromise = $deferred->getFuture();
try {
// Setup logger
if (!$this->ipcServer) {
$this->ipcServer = new Server($this);
// Cleanup old properties, init new stuffs
// Re-set TL closures
$callbacks = [$this, $this->peerDatabase];
if ($this->settings->getDb()->getEnableFileReferenceDb()) {
$callbacks []= $this->referenceDatabase;
if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false) && $this->settings->getDb()->getEnableMinDb()) {
$callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase;
// Setup language
Lang::$current_lang =& Lang::$lang['en'];
Lang::$currentPercentage = 100;
if (Lang::$lang[$this->settings->getAppInfo()->getLangCode()] ?? false) {
Lang::$current_lang =& Lang::$lang[$this->settings->getAppInfo()->getLangCode()];
Lang::$currentPercentage = Lang::PERCENTAGES[$this->settings->getAppInfo()->getLangCode()];
} else {
Lang::$currentPercentage = 0;
// Reset MTProto session (not related to user session)
// Update settings from constructor
// Update TL callbacks
$callbacks = [$this, $this->peerDatabase];
if ($this->settings->getDb()->getEnableFileReferenceDb()) {
$callbacks[] = $this->referenceDatabase;
if ($this->settings->getDb()->getEnableMinDb() && !($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) {
$callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase;
// Connect to all DCs, start internal loops
if ($this->fullGetSelf()) {
$this->authorized = API::LOGGED_IN;
} else {
// onStart event handler
if ($this->event_handler && class_exists($this->event_handler) && is_subclass_of($this->event_handler, EventHandler::class)) {
if ($this->authorized === API::LOGGED_IN) {
$this->logger->logger("Obtaining updates after deserialization...", Logger::NOTICE);
foreach ($this->broadcasts as $broadcast) {
foreach ($this->calls as $id => $call) {
if ($call->getCallState() === CallState::ENDED) {
} elseif ($call->getCallState() === CallState::REQUESTED && time() - $call->public->date > 5*60) {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
try {
$this->report((string) $e);
} catch (Throwable) {
throw $e;
} finally {
* Unreference instance, allowing destruction.
* @internal
public function unreference(): void
if (!isset($this->logger)) {
$this->logger = new Logger(new \danog\MadelineProto\Settings\Logger);
$this->logger->logger('Will unreference instance');
if (isset($this->wrapper) && isset(self::$references[$this->getSessionName()])) {
if (isset($this->seqUpdater)) {
if (isset($this->channels_state)) {
$channelIds = [];
foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) {
$channelIds[] = $state->getChannel();
foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) {
if (isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) {
if (isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) {
if (isset($this->datacenter)) {
foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $datacenter) {
$this->logger->logger('Unreferenced instance');
if ($this->authorized === API::LOGGED_OUT) {
/** @internal */
public function isCdn(int $dc): bool
$test = $this->settings->getConnection()->getTestMode() ? 'test' : 'main';
$ipv6 = $this->settings->getConnection()->getIpv6() ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4';
return $this->dcList[$test][$ipv6][$dc]['cdn'] ?? false;
* Destructor.
public function __destruct()
$this->logger('Shutting down MadelineProto (MTProto)');
$this->logger('Successfully destroyed MadelineProto');
* @internal
public function isInited(): bool
return $this->initPromise?->isComplete() ?? false;
* @internal
public function waitForInit(): void
* Whether we're an IPC client instance.
public function isIpc(): bool
return false;
* Whether we're an IPC server process (as opposed to an event handler).
public function isIpcWorker(): bool
return Magic::$isIpcWorker;
* Parse, update and store settings.
* @param SettingsAbstract $settings Settings
public function updateSettings(SettingsAbstract $settings): void
* Parse, update and store settings.
* @param SettingsAbstract $settings Settings
private function updateSettingsInternal(SettingsAbstract $settings, bool $recurse = true): void
if ($settings instanceof SettingsEmpty) {
if (!isset($this->settings)) {
$this->settings = new Settings;
} else {
if ($this->v !== self::V || $this->settings->getSchema()->needsUpgrade()) {
$this->logger->logger("Generic settings have changed!", Logger::WARNING);
} else {
if (!isset($this->settings)) {
if ($settings instanceof Settings) {
$this->settings = $settings;
} else {
$this->settings = new Settings;
} else {
if (!$this->settings->getAppInfo()->hasApiInfo()) {
throw new Exception(Lang::$current_lang['api_not_set'], 0, null, 'MadelineProto', 1);
// Setup logger
if ($this->settings->getLogger()->hasChanged() || !isset($this->logger)) {
if ($this->settings->getDb()->hasChanged()) {
$this->logger->logger("The database settings have changed!", Logger::WARNING);
if ($this->settings->getSerialization()->hasChanged()) {
$this->logger->logger("The serialization settings have changed!", Logger::WARNING);
if (isset($this->serializeLoop)) {
$this->serializeLoop = new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, $this->serialize(...), 'serialize', $this->settings->getSerialization()->applyChanges()->getInterval());
if ($recurse && ($this->settings->getAuth()->hasChanged()
|| $this->settings->getConnection()->hasChanged()
|| $this->settings->getSchema()->hasChanged()
|| $this->settings->getSchema()->needsUpgrade()
|| $this->v !== self::V)) {
$this->logger->logger("Generic settings have changed!", Logger::WARNING);
if ($this->v !== self::V || $this->settings->getSchema()->needsUpgrade()) {
* Return current settings.
public function getSettings(): Settings
return $this->settings;
* Setup logger.
* @internal
public function setupLogger(): void
$this->logger = new Logger(
(string) ($this->authorization['user']['username'] ?? $this->authorization['user']['id'] ?? ''),
* Reset all MTProto sessions.
* @param boolean $de Whether to reset the session ID
* @param boolean $auth_key Whether to reset the auth key
* @internal
public function resetMTProtoSession(bool $de = true, bool $auth_key = false): void
if (!\is_object($this->datacenter)) {
throw new Exception(Lang::$current_lang['session_corrupted']);
foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $id => $socket) {
if ($de) {
if ($auth_key) {
* Reset the update state and fetch all updates from the beginning.
public function resetUpdateState(): void
if (isset($this->seqUpdater)) {
$channelIds = [];
$newStates = [];
foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) {
$channelIds[] = $state->getChannel();
$channelId = $state->getChannel();
$pts = $state->pts();
$pts = $channelId ? max(1, $pts - 1000000) : ($pts > 4000000 ? $pts - 1000000 : max(1, $pts - 1000000));
$newStates[$channelId] = new UpdatesState(['pts' => $pts], $channelId);
foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) {
if (isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) {
if (isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) {
* Start the update system.
* @param boolean $anyway Force start update system?
* @internal
public function startUpdateSystem(bool $anyway = false): void
if (!$this->isInited() && !$anyway) {
$this->logger('Not starting update system');
$this->logger('Starting update system');
$channelIds = [];
foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) {
$channelIds[] = $state->getChannel();
foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) {
if (!isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) {
$this->feeders[$channelId] = new FeedLoop($this, $channelId);
if (!isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) {
$this->updaters[$channelId] = new UpdateLoop($this, $channelId);
if (isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) {
if (isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) {
foreach ($this->secretChats as $chat) {
* Store shared phone config.
* @param mixed $watcherId Watcher ID
* @internal
public function getPhoneConfig(mixed $watcherId = null): void
if ($this->authorized === API::LOGGED_IN
&& class_exists(VoIPServerConfigInternal::class)
&& !$this->authorization['user']['bot']
&& $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->authorized_dc)->hasTempAuthKey()) {
$this->logger->logger('Fetching phone config...');
VoIPServerConfig::updateDefault($this->methodCallAsyncRead('phone.getCallConfig', []));
* Store RSA keys for CDN datacenters.
public function getCdnConfig(): void
try {
foreach (($this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getCdnConfig', [], $this->authorized_dc))['public_keys'] as $curkey) {
$curkey = RSA::load($this->TL, $curkey['public_key']);
$this->cdn_rsa_keys[$curkey->fp] = $curkey;
} catch (\danog\MadelineProto\TL\Exception $e) {
$this->logger->logger($e->getMessage(), Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
* Get cached server-side config.
public function getCachedConfig(): array
return $this->config;
* Get cached (or eventually re-fetch) server-side config.
* @param array $config Current config
public function getConfig(array $config = []): array
if ($this->config['expires'] > time()) {
return $this->config;
$this->config = empty($config) ? $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getConfig', $config) : $config;
$this->logger->logger('Updated config!', Logger::NOTICE);
return $this->config;
* Parse cached config.
private function parseConfig(): void
if (isset($this->config['dc_options'])) {
$options = $this->config['dc_options'];
* Whether we're currently connected to the test DCs.
* @return boolean
public function isTestMode(): bool
return $this->settings->getConnection()->getTestMode();
* Parse DC options from config.
* @param array $dc_options DC options
private function parseDcOptions(array $dc_options): void
$new = [];
foreach ($dc_options as $dc) {
if ($dc['static']) {
$test = $this->config['test_mode'] ? 'test' : 'main';
$id = $dc['id'];
if ($this->config['test_mode']) {
$id += 10000;
if ($dc['media_only']) {
$id = -$id;
$ipv6 = $dc['ipv6'] ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4';
unset($dc['media_only'], $dc['id'], $dc['ipv6']);
$new[$test][$ipv6][$id] = $dc;
$this->dcList = $new;
* Get info about the logged-in user, cached.
* Use fullGetSelf to bypass the cache.
public function getSelf(): array|false
return $this->authorization['user'] ?? false;
* Returns whether the current user is a bot.
public function isSelfBot(): bool
return $this->authorization['user']['bot'];
* Returns whether the current user is a user.
public function isSelfUser(): bool
return !$this->authorization['user']['bot'];
* Returns whether the current user is a premium user, cached.
public function isPremium(): bool
return $this->getSelf()['premium'];
* Get info about the logged-in user, not cached.
public function fullGetSelf(): array|false
try {
$this->authorization = ['user' => ($this->methodCallAsyncRead('users.getUsers', ['id' => [['_' => 'inputUserSelf']]]))[0]];
} catch (RPCErrorException $e) {
return false;
return $this->getSelf();
* Get authorization info.
* @return \danog\MadelineProto\API::NOT_LOGGED_IN|\danog\MadelineProto\API::WAITING_CODE|\danog\MadelineProto\API::WAITING_SIGNUP|\danog\MadelineProto\API::WAITING_PASSWORD|\danog\MadelineProto\API::LOGGED_IN|API::LOGGED_OUT
public function getAuthorization(): int
return $this->authorized;
* Get current password hint.
public function getHint(): string
if ($this->authorized !== API::WAITING_PASSWORD) {
throw new Exception('Not waiting for the password!');
return $this->authorization['hint'];
* IDs of peers where to report errors.
* @var list<int>
private array $reportDest = [];
* Admin IDs.
* @var list<int>
private array $admins = [];
* Check if has report peers.
public function hasReportPeers(): bool
return (bool) $this->reportDest;
* Check if has admins.
public function hasAdmins(): bool
return (bool) $this->admins;
* Get admin IDs (equal to all user report peers).
public function getAdminIds(): array
return $this->admins;
* Get a message to show to the user when starting the bot.
public function getWebMessage(string $message): string
$warning = $this->getWebWarnings();
if ($this->hasEventHandler()) {
if (!$this->hasReportPeers()) {
Logger::log('!!! '.Lang::$current_lang['noReportPeers'].' !!!', Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
Logger::log("!!! public function getReportPeers() { return '@yourtelegramusername'; } !!!", Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
$warning .= "<h2 style='color:red;'>".htmlentities(Lang::$current_lang['noReportPeers'])."</h2>";
$warning .= "<code>public function getReportPeers() { return '@yourtelegramusername'; }</code>";
if ($this->event_handler_instance instanceof EventHandler) {
$issues = Tools::validateEventHandlerClass($this->event_handler_instance::class);
foreach ($issues as $issue) {
$warning .= $issue->getHTML();
foreach ($this->pluginInstances as $class => $_) {
$issues = Tools::validateEventHandlerClass($class);
foreach ($issues as $issue) {
$warning .= $issue->getHTML();
return "<html><body><h1>$message</h1>$warning</body></html>";
* Get various warnings to show to the user in the web UI.
public static function getWebWarnings(): string
Magic::start(light: false);
$warning = '';
if (API::RELEASE !== Magic::$latest_release) {
$warning .= "<h2 style='color:red;'>".htmlentities(sprintf(
Magic::$latest_release ?? 'error',
if (!Magic::$hasOpenssl) {
$warning .= "<h2 style='color:red;'>".htmlentities(sprintf(Lang::$current_lang['extensionRecommended'], 'openssl'))."</h2>";
if (!\extension_loaded('gmp')) {
$warning .= "<h2 style='color:red;'>".htmlentities(sprintf(Lang::$current_lang['extensionRecommended'], 'gmp'))."</h2>";
if (!\extension_loaded('uv')) {
$warning .= "<p>".htmlentities(sprintf(Lang::$current_lang['extensionRecommended'], 'uv'))."</p>";
if (Lang::$currentPercentage !== 100) {
$warning .= "<p>".sprintf(Lang::$current_lang['translate_madelineproto_web'], Lang::$currentPercentage)."</p>";
return $warning;
/** @internal */
public function rethrowInner(\Throwable $e, bool $now = false): void
if ($e instanceof UnhandledFutureError) {
$e = $e->getPrevious();
\assert($e !== null);
if ($e instanceof SecurityException || $e instanceof SignalException) {
if ($now) {
throw $e;
if (str_starts_with($e->getMessage(), 'Could not connect to DC ')) {
if ($now) {
throw $e;
echo $e;
$this->wrapper->logger((string) $e, Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
$this->report("Surfaced: $e");
* Sanitize peer(s) where to send errors occurred in the event loop.
* @internal
* @param int|string|array<int|string> $userOrId Username(s) or peer ID(s)
* @return array<int>
public function sanitizeReportPeers(int|string|array $userOrId): array
if (!(\is_array($userOrId) && !isset($userOrId['_']) && !isset($userOrId['id']))) {
$userOrId = [$userOrId];
$selfBot = $this->getSelf()['bot'];
foreach ($userOrId as $k => &$peer) {
try {
$peer = $this->getInfo($peer);
$type = $peer['type'];
$peer = $peer['bot_api_id'];
if ($type === 'bot' && $selfBot) {
$this->logger("Can't use a bot as report peer: $peer", Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$peer = json_encode($peer);
$this->logger("Could not obtain info about report peer $peer: $e", Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
/** @var array<int> $userOrId */
return array_values($userOrId);
* Set peer(s) where to send errors occurred in the event loop.
* @param int|string|array<int|string> $userOrId Username(s) or peer ID(s)
public function setReportPeers(int|string|array $userOrId): void
$this->reportDest = $this->sanitizeReportPeers($userOrId);
$this->admins = array_values(array_filter($this->reportDest, static fn (int $v) => $v > 0));
private ?LocalMutex $reportMutex = null;
* Sends a message to all report peers (admins of the bot).
* @param string $message Message to send
* @param ParseMode $parseMode Parse mode
* @param array|null $replyMarkup Keyboard information.
* @param integer|null $scheduleDate Schedule date.
* @param boolean $silent Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
* @param boolean $background Send this message as background message
* @param boolean $clearDraft Clears the draft field
* @param boolean $noWebpage Set this flag to disable generation of the webpage preview
* @return list<\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message>
public function sendMessageToAdmins(
string $message,
ParseMode $parseMode = ParseMode::TEXT,
?array $replyMarkup = null,
?int $scheduleDate = null,
bool $silent = false,
bool $noForwards = false,
bool $background = false,
bool $clearDraft = false,
bool $noWebpage = false,
?Cancellation $cancellation = null
): array {
$result = [];
foreach ($this->admins as $report) {
$result []= $this->sendMessage(
peer: $report,
message: $message,
parseMode: $parseMode,
replyMarkup: $replyMarkup,
scheduleDate: $scheduleDate,
silent: $silent,
noForwards: $noForwards,
background: $background,
clearDraft: $clearDraft,
noWebpage: $noWebpage,
cancellation: $cancellation
return $result;
* Report an error to the previously set peer.
* @param string $message Error to report
* @param string $parseMode Parse mode
public function report(string $message, string $parseMode = ''): void
if (!$this->reportDest) {
$this->reportCache ??= new LocalCache();
if ($this->reportCache->get($message)) {
$this->reportCache->set($message, true, 60);
$this->reportMutex ??= new LocalMutex;
$lock = $this->reportMutex->acquire();
try {
$file = null;
if ($this->settings->getLogger()->getType() === Logger::FILE_LOGGER
&& $path = $this->settings->getLogger()->getExtra()) {
$temp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'madelinelog');
copy($path, $temp);
$path = $temp;
if (!getSize($path)) {
$message = "!!! WARNING !!!\nThe logfile is empty, please DO NOT delete the logfile to avoid errors in MadelineProto!\n\n$message";
} else {
$file = $this->methodCallAsyncRead(
'peer' => $this->reportDest[0],
'media' => [
'_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument',
'file' => $path,
'attributes' => [
['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => 'MadelineProto.log'],
$sent = false;
foreach ($this->reportDest as $id) {
try {
$this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendMessage', ['peer' => $id, 'message' => $message, 'parse_mode' => $parseMode]);
if ($file) {
$this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendMedia', ['peer' => $id, 'media' => $file]);
$sent = true;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->logger("While reporting to $id: $e", Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
if ($sent && $file) {
} finally {
* Report memory profile with memprof.
public function reportMemoryProfile(): void
if (!\extension_loaded('memprof')) {
throw Exception::extension('memprof');
if (!memprof_enabled()) {
throw new Exception("Memory profiling is not enabled, set the MEMPROF_PROFILE=1 environment variable or GET parameter to enable it.");
$current = "Current memory usage: ".round(memory_get_usage()/1024/1024, 1) . " MB";
$file = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
fseek($file, 0);
$file = [
'_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument',
'file' => $file,
'attributes' => [
['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => 'report.pprof'],
foreach ($this->reportDest as $id) {
try {
$this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendMedia', ['peer' => $id, 'message' => $current, 'media' => $file]);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->logger("While reporting memory profile to $id: $e", Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
* Get full list of MTProto and API methods.
public function getAllMethods(): array
$methods = [];
foreach ($this->getTL()->getMethods()->by_id as $method) {
$methods[] = $method['method'];
return array_merge($methods, get_class_methods(InternalDoc::class));
* @internal
public function getMethodAfterResponseDeserializationCallbacks(): array
return [];
* @internal
public function getMethodBeforeResponseDeserializationCallbacks(): array
return [];
* @internal
public function getConstructorAfterDeserializationCallbacks(): array
return [
'help.support' => [function (array $support): void {
$this->supportUser = $support['user']['id'];
'config' => [function (array $config): void {
$this->config = $config;
* @internal
public function getConstructorBeforeDeserializationCallbacks(): array
return [];
* @internal
public function getConstructorBeforeSerializationCallbacks(): array
return [];
* @internal
public function getTypeMismatchCallbacks(): array
return array_merge(
'InputFileLocation' => $this->getDownloadInfo(...),
'InputPeer' => $this->getInputPeer(...),
'InputCheckPasswordSRP' => fn (string $password): array => (new PasswordCalculator($this->methodCallAsyncRead('account.getPassword', [], $this->authorized_dc)))->getCheckPassword($password),
* Get debug information for var_dump.
public function __debugInfo(): array
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
unset($vars['peerDatabase'], $vars['referenceDatabase'], $vars['minDatabase'], $vars['TL']);
return $vars;