|no\_webpage|[Bool](/API_docs/types/Bool.html) | Disable generation of the webpage preview | Optional|
|invert\_media|[Bool](/API_docs/types/Bool.html) | If set, any eventual webpage preview will be shown on top of the message instead of at the bottom. | Optional|
|reply\_to|[InputReplyTo](/API_docs/types/InputReplyTo.html) | If set, indicates that the message should be sent in reply to the specified message or story. | Optional|
|peer|[Username, chat ID, Update, Message or InputPeer](/API_docs/types/InputPeer.html) | Destination of the message that should be sent | Optional|
|message|[string](/API_docs/types/string.html) | The draft | Optional|
|entities|Array of [MessageEntity](/API_docs/types/MessageEntity.html) | Message [entities](https://core.telegram.org/api/entities) for styled text | Optional|
|parse\_mode| [string](/API_docs/types/string.html) | Whether to parse HTML or Markdown markup in the message| Optional |
|media|[MessageMedia, Update, Message or InputMedia](/API_docs/types/InputMedia.html) | Attached media | Optional|
If the length of the provided message is bigger than 4096, the message will be split in chunks and the method will be called multiple times, with the same parameters (except for the message), and an array of [Bool](../types/Bool.html) will be returned instead.
## Usage of parse_mode:
Set parse_mode to html to enable HTML parsing of the message.
Set parse_mode to Markdown to enable markdown parsing of the message.
The following tags are currently supported:
<br>a newline
<b><i>bold works ok, internal tags are stripped</i></b>
<prelanguage="json">Pre tags can have a language attribute</pre>
You can also use normal markdown ([bot API MarkdownV2 syntax](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#markdownv2-style)), note that to create mentions you can also use the `mention:` syntax like in html: