|suggest|[Bool](/API_docs/types/Bool.html) | If set, will send a [messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto](../constructors/messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto.html) service message to `user_id`, suggesting them to use the specified profile picture; otherwise, will set a personal profile picture for the user (only visible to the current user). | Optional|
|save|[Bool](/API_docs/types/Bool.html) | If set, removes a previously set personal profile picture (does not affect suggested profile pictures, to remove them simply deleted the [messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto](../constructors/messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto.html) service message with [messages.deleteMessages](../methods/messages.deleteMessages.html)). | Optional|
|user\_id|[Username, chat ID, Update, Message or InputUser](/API_docs/types/InputUser.html) | The contact | Optional|
|file|[File path or InputFile](/API_docs/types/InputFile.html) | Profile photo | Optional|
|video|[File path or InputFile](/API_docs/types/InputFile.html) | [Animated profile picture](https://core.telegram.org/api/files#animated-profile-pictures) video | Optional|
|video\_start\_ts|[double](/API_docs/types/double.html) | Floating point UNIX timestamp in seconds, indicating the frame of the video/sticker that should be used as static preview; can only be used if `video` or `video_emoji_markup` is set. | Optional|
|video\_emoji\_markup|[VideoSize](/API_docs/types/VideoSize.html) | Animated sticker profile picture, must contain either a [videoSizeEmojiMarkup](../constructors/videoSizeEmojiMarkup.html) or a [videoSizeStickerMarkup](../constructors/videoSizeStickerMarkup.html) constructor. | Optional|