|gift|[Bool](/API_docs/types/Bool.html) | Optional|Whether this boost was applied because the channel [directly gifted a subscription to the user](https://core.telegram.org/api/giveaways).|
|giveaway|[Bool](/API_docs/types/Bool.html) | Optional|Whether this boost was applied because the user was chosen in a [giveaway started by the channel](https://core.telegram.org/api/giveaways).|
|unclaimed|[Bool](/API_docs/types/Bool.html) | Optional|If set, the user hasn't yet invoked [payments.applyGiftCode](../methods/payments.applyGiftCode.html) to claim a subscription gifted [directly or in a giveaway by the channel](https://core.telegram.org/api/giveaways).|
|id|[string](/API_docs/types/string.html) | Yes|Unique ID for this set of boosts.|
|user\_id|[long](/API_docs/types/long.html) | Optional|ID of the user that applied the boost.|
|giveaway\_msg\_id|[int](/API_docs/types/int.html) | Optional|The message ID of the [giveaway](https://core.telegram.org/api/giveaways)|
|date|[int](/API_docs/types/int.html) | Yes|When was the boost applied|
|expires|[int](/API_docs/types/int.html) | Yes|When does the boost expire|
|used\_gift\_slug|[string](/API_docs/types/string.html) | Optional|The created Telegram Premium gift code, only set if either `gift` or `giveaway` are set AND it is either a gift code for the currently logged in user or if it was already claimed.|
|multiplier|[int](/API_docs/types/int.html) | Optional|If set, this boost counts as `multiplier` boosts, otherwise it counts as a single boost.|