parts); } public function pVariable(Node_Variable $node) { if ($node->name instanceof Node_Expr) { return '${' . $this->p($node->name) . '}'; } elseif ($node->name instanceof Node_Variable) { return '$' . $this->p($node->name); } else { return '$' . $node->name; } } // Magic Constants public function pScalar_ClassConst(Node_Scalar_ClassConst $node) { return '__CLASS__'; } public function pScalar_DirConst(Node_Scalar_DirConst $node) { return '__DIR__'; } public function pScalar_FileConst(Node_Scalar_FileConst $node) { return '__FILE__'; } public function pScalar_FuncConst(Node_Scalar_FuncConst $node) { return '__FUNCTION__'; } public function pScalar_LineConst(Node_Scalar_LineConst $node) { return '__LINE__'; } public function pScalar_MethodConst(Node_Scalar_MethodConst $node) { return '__METHOD__'; } public function pScalar_NSConst(Node_Scalar_NSConst $node) { return '__NAMESPACE__'; } // Scalars public function pScalar_String(Node_Scalar_String $node) { return ($node->isBinary ? 'b' : '') . (Node_Scalar_String::SINGLE_QUOTED === $node->type ? '\'' . addcslashes($node->value, '\'\\') . '\'' : '"' . addcslashes($node->value, "\n\r\t\f\v$\"\\") . '"' ); } public function pScalar_LNumber(Node_Scalar_LNumber $node) { return (string) $node->value; } public function pScalar_DNumber(Node_Scalar_DNumber $node) { return (string) $node->value; } // Assignments public function pExpr_Assign(Node_Expr_Assign $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' = ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignRef(Node_Expr_AssignRef $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' =& ' . $this->p($node->refVar); } public function pExpr_AssignPlus(Node_Expr_AssignPlus $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' += ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignMinus(Node_Expr_AssignMinus $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' -= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignMul(Node_Expr_AssignMul $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' *= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignDiv(Node_Expr_AssignDiv $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' /= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignConcat(Node_Expr_AssignConcat $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' .= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignMod(Node_Expr_AssignMod $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' %= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignBinAnd(Node_Expr_AssignBinAnd $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' &= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignBinOr(Node_Expr_AssignBinOr $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' |= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignBinXor(Node_Expr_AssignBinXor $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' ^= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignShiftLeft(Node_Expr_AssignShiftLeft $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' <<= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_AssignShiftRight(Node_Expr_AssignShiftRight $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . ' >>= ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_List(Node_Expr_List $node) { $pAssignList = array(); foreach ($node->assignList as $element) { if (null === $element) { $pAssignList[] = ''; } else { $pAssignList[] = $this->p($element); } } return 'list(' . implode(', ', $pAssignList) . ') = ' . $this->p($node->expr); } // Binary expressions public function pExpr_Plus(Node_Expr_Plus $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' + ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Minus(Node_Expr_Minus $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' - ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Mul(Node_Expr_Mul $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' * ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Div(Node_Expr_Div $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' / ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Concat(Node_Expr_Concat $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' . ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Mod(Node_Expr_Mod $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' % ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_BooleanAnd(Node_Expr_BooleanAnd $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' && ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_BooleanOr(Node_Expr_BooleanOr $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' || ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_BinaryAnd(Node_Expr_BinaryAnd $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' & ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_BinaryOr(Node_Expr_BinaryOr $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' | ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_BinaryXor(Node_Expr_BinaryXor $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' ^ ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_LogicalAnd(Node_Expr_LogicalAnd $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' and ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_LogicalOr(Node_Expr_LogicalOr $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' or ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_LogicalXor(Node_Expr_LogicalXor $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' xor ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Equal(Node_Expr_Equal $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' == ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_NotEqual(Node_Expr_NotEqual $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' != ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Identical(Node_Expr_Identical $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' === ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_NotIdentical(Node_Expr_NotIdentical $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' !== ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Greater(Node_Expr_Greater $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' > ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_GreaterOrEqual(Node_Expr_GreaterOrEqual $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' >= ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Smaller(Node_Expr_Smaller $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' < ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_SmallerOrEqual(Node_Expr_SmallerOrEqual $node) { return $this->p($node->left) . ' <= ' . $this->p($node->right); } public function pExpr_Instanceof(Node_Expr_Instanceof $node) { return $this->p($node->expr) . ' instanceof ' . $this->p($node->class); } // Unary expressions public function pExpr_BooleanNot(Node_Expr_BooleanNot $node) { return '!' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_UnaryMinus(Node_Expr_UnaryMinus $node) { return '-' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_PreInc(Node_Expr_PreInc $node) { return '++' . $this->p($node->var); } public function pExpr_PreDec(Node_Expr_PreDec $node) { return '--' . $this->p($node->var); } public function pExpr_PostInc(Node_Expr_PostInc $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . '++'; } public function pExpr_PostDec(Node_Expr_PostDec $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . '--'; } // Casts public function pExpr_IntCast(Node_Expr_IntCast $node) { return '(int) ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_DoubleCast(Node_Expr_DoubleCast $node) { return '(double) ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_StringCast(Node_Expr_StringCast $node) { return '(string) ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_ArrayCast(Node_Expr_ArrayCast $node) { return '(array) ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_ObjectCast(Node_Expr_ObjectCast $node) { return '(object) ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_BoolCast(Node_Expr_BoolCast $node) { return '(bool) ' . $this->p($node->expr); } public function pExpr_UnsetCast(Node_Expr_UnsetCast $node) { return '(unset) ' . $this->p($node->expr); } // Function calls and similar constructs public function pExpr_FuncCall(Node_Expr_FuncCall $node) { return $this->p($node->func) . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->args) . ')'; } public function pExpr_FuncCallArg(Node_Expr_FuncCallArg $node) { return ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . $this->p($node->value); } public function pExpr_MethodCall(Node_Expr_MethodCall $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . '->' . $this->pObjectProperty($node->name) . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->args) . ')'; } public function pExpr_StaticCall(Node_Expr_StaticCall $node) { return $this->p($node->class) . '::' . ($node->func instanceof Node_Variable ? $this->p($node->func) : $node->func) . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->args) . ')'; } public function pExpr_Empty(Node_Expr_Empty $node) { return 'empty(' . $this->p($node->var) . ')'; } public function pExpr_Isset(Node_Expr_Isset $node) { return 'isset(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->vars) . ')'; } public function pExpr_Include(Node_Expr_Include $node) { static $map = array( Node_Expr_Include::TYPE_INCLUDE => 'include', Node_Expr_Include::TYPE_INCLUDE_ONCE => 'include_once', Node_Expr_Include::TYPE_REQUIRE => 'require', Node_Expr_Include::TYPE_REQUIRE_ONCE => 'require_once', ); return $map[$node->type] . ' ' . $this->p($node->expr); } // Other public function pExpr_Array(Node_Expr_Array $node) { return 'array(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->items) . ')'; } public function pExpr_ArrayItem(Node_Expr_ArrayItem $node) { return (null !== $node->key ? $this->p($node->key) . ' => ' : '') . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . $this->p($node->value); } public function pExpr_ArrayDimFetch(Node_Expr_ArrayDimFetch $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . '[' . (null !== $node->dim ? $this->p($node->dim) : '') . ']'; } public function pExpr_ConstFetch(Node_Expr_ConstFetch $node) { return $this->p($node->name); } public function pExpr_ClassConstFetch(Node_Expr_ClassConstFetch $node) { return $this->pClassName($node->class) . '::' . $node->name; } public function pExpr_PropertyFetch(Node_Expr_PropertyFetch $node) { return $this->p($node->var) . '->' . $this->pObjectProperty($node->name); } public function pExpr_StaticPropertyFetch(Node_Expr_StaticPropertyFetch $node) { return $this->p($node->class) . '::$' . $this->pObjectProperty($node->name); } public function pExpr_LambdaFunc(Node_Expr_LambdaFunc $node) { return 'function ' . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->params) . ')' . (!empty($node->useVars) ? ' use(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->useVars) . ')': '') . ' {' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}'; } public function pExpr_LambdaFuncUse(Node_Expr_LambdaFuncUse $node) { return ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . '$' . $node->var; } public function pExpr_New(Node_Expr_New $node) { return 'new ' . $this->p($node->class) . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->args) . ')'; } public function pExpr_Ternary(Node_Expr_Ternary $node) { return $this->p($node->cond) . ' ?' . (null !== $node->if ? ' ' . $this->p($node->if) . ' ' : '') . ': ' . $this->p($node->else); } public function pExpr_Exit(Node_Expr_Exit $node) { return 'die' . (null !== $node->expr ? '(' . $this->p($node->expr) . ')' : ''); } // Declarations public function pStmt_Class(Node_Stmt_Class $node) { return $this->pModifiers($node->type) . 'class ' . $node->name . (null !== $node->extends ? ' extends ' . $this->p($node->extends) : '') . (!empty($node->implements) ? ' implements ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->implements) : '') . "\n" . '{' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}'; } public function pStmt_Property(Node_Stmt_Property $node) { return $this->pModifiers($node->type) . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->props); } public function pStmt_PropertyProperty(Node_Stmt_PropertyProperty $node) { return '$' . $node->name . (null !== $node->default ? ' = ' . $this->p($node->default) : ''); } public function pStmt_ClassMethod(Node_Stmt_ClassMethod $node) { return $this->pModifiers($node->type) . 'function ' . $node->name . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->params) . ')' . "\n" . '{' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}'; } public function pStmt_ClassConst(Node_Stmt_ClassConst $node) { return 'const ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->consts); } public function pStmt_ClassConstConst(Node_Stmt_ClassConstConst $node) { return $node->name . ' = ' . $this->p($node->value); } public function pStmt_Func(Node_Stmt_Func $node) { return 'function ' . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . $node->name . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->params) . ')' . "\n" . '{' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}'; } public function pStmt_FuncParam(Node_Stmt_FuncParam $node) { return ($node->type ? ('array' == $node->type ? 'array' : $this->p($node->type)) . ' ' : '') . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . '$' . $node->name . ($node->default ? ' = ' . $this->p($node->default) : ''); } public function pStmt_Const(Node_Stmt_Const $node) { return 'const ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->consts); } public function pStmt_ConstConst(Node_Stmt_ConstConst $node) { return $node->name . ' = ' . $this->p($node->value); } // Control flow public function pStmt_If(Node_Stmt_If $node) { return 'if (' . $this->p($node->cond) . ') {' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}' . $this->pImplode($node->elseifList) . (null !== $node->else ? $this->p($node->else) : ''); } public function pStmt_Elseif(Node_Stmt_Elseif $node) { return ' elseif (' . $this->p($node->cond) . ') {' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}'; } public function pStmt_Else(Node_Stmt_Else $node) { return ' else {' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}'; } public function pStmt_For(Node_Stmt_For $node) { return 'for (' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->init) . ';' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->cond) . ';' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->loop) . ') {' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}'; } public function pStmt_Foreach(Node_Stmt_Foreach $node) { return 'foreach (' . $this->p($node->expr) . ' as ' . (null !== $node->keyVar ? $this->p($node->keyVar) . ' => ' : '') . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . $this->p($node->valueVar) . ') {' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}'; } public function pStmt_While(Node_Stmt_While $node) { return 'while (' . $this->p($node->cond) . ') {' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)) . '}'; } public function pStmt_Switch(Node_Stmt_Switch $node) { return 'switch (' . $this->p($node->cond) . ') {' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pImplode($node->caseList)) . '}'; } public function pStmt_Case(Node_Stmt_Case $node) { return (null !== $node->cond ? 'case ' . $this->p($node->cond) : 'default') . ':' . "\n" . $this->pIndent($this->pStmts($node->stmts)); } public function pStmt_Break(Node_Stmt_Break $node) { return 'break' . ($node->num !== null ? ' ' . $node->num : ''); } public function pStmt_Continue(Node_Stmt_Continue $node) { return 'continue' . ($node->num !== null ? ' ' . $node->num : ''); } public function pStmt_Return(Node_Stmt_Return $node) { return 'return' . (null !== $node->expr ? ' ' . $this->p($node->expr) : ''); } public function pStmt_Throw(Node_Stmt_Throw $node) { return 'throw' . (null !== $node->expr ? ' ' . $this->p($node->expr) : ''); } // Other public function pStmt_Echo(Node_Stmt_Echo $node) { return 'echo ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->exprs); } public function pStmt_Noop(Node_Stmt_Noop $node) { return ''; } public function pStmt_Static(Node_Stmt_Static $node) { return 'static ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->vars); } public function pStmt_StaticVar(Node_Stmt_StaticVar $node) { return '$' . $node->name . (null !== $node->default ? ' = ' . $this->p($node->default) : ''); } // Helpers public function pObjectProperty($node) { if ($node instanceof Node_Expr) { return '{' . $this->p($node) . '}'; } elseif ($node instanceof Node_Variable) { return $this->pVariable($node); } else { return $node; } } public function pClassName($node) { if ($node instanceof Node_Name) { return $this->pName($node); } elseif ($node == 'static') { return 'static'; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(); } } public function pModifiers($modifiers) { return ($modifiers & Node_Stmt_Class::MODIFIER_PUBLIC ? 'public ' : '') . ($modifiers & Node_Stmt_Class::MODIFIER_PROTECTED ? 'protected ' : '') . ($modifiers & Node_Stmt_Class::MODIFIER_PRIVATE ? 'private ' : '') . ($modifiers & Node_Stmt_Class::MODIFIER_STATIC ? 'static ' : '') . ($modifiers & Node_Stmt_Class::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($modifiers & Node_Stmt_Class::MODIFIER_FINAL ? 'final ' : ''); } }