enterVisitors = $this->leaveVisitors = array(); } /** * Adds a node visitor. * * The callback gets the node passed as only argument and may return a replacement for the node * or return null/nothing, in which case the node is left untouched. * * The mode specifies when the node should be visited: * * using self::ON_ENTER the node is visited before traversing its sub nodes * * using self::ON_LEAVE the node is visited after traversing its sub nodes * * using self::ON_ENTER | self::ON_LEAVE the node is visited both before and after traversing * its subnodes * The default is to visit the node ON_ENTER. * * Visitors are called in the order they were registered in. * * @param callback $visitor Visitor callback * @param int $mode Visitor mode (bitmap using self::ON_ENTER and self::ON_LEAVE) */ public function addVisitor($visitor, $mode = self::ON_ENTER) { if (!is_callable($visitor)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Visitor not callable'); } if ($mode & self::ON_ENTER) { $this->enterVisitors[] = $visitor; } if ($mode & self::ON_LEAVE) { $this->leaveVisitors[] = $visitor; } } /** * Traverses a node or an array using the registered visitors. * * @param PHPParser_NodeAbstract|array $node Node or array * * @return mixed Node after all visitors were applied. */ public function traverse($node) { if ($node instanceof PHPParser_NodeAbstract) { foreach ($this->enterVisitors as $visitor) { if (null !== $return = call_user_func($visitor, $node)) { $node = $return; } } } if (is_array($node) || $node instanceof Traversable) { foreach ($node as &$subNode) { $subNode = $this->traverse($subNode); } } if ($node instanceof PHPParser_NodeAbstract) { foreach ($this->leaveVisitors as $visitor) { if (null !== $return = call_user_func($visitor, $node)) { $node = $return; } } } return $node; } }