\'[^\\\\\']*+(?:\\\\.[^\\\\\']*+)*+\') (?"[^\\\\"]*+(?:\\\\.[^\\\\"]*+)*+") (?(?&singleQuotedString)|(?&doubleQuotedString)) (?/\*[^*]*+(?:\*(?!/)[^*]*+)*+\*/) (?\{[^\'"/{}]*+(?:(?:(?&string)|(?&comment)|(?&code)|/)[^\'"/{}]*+)*+}) )'; const PARAMS = '\[(?[^[\]]*+(?:\[(?¶ms)\][^[\]]*+)*+)\]'; const ARGS = '\((?[^()]*+(?:\((?&args)\)[^()]*+)*+)\)'; /////////////////// /// Main script /// /////////////////// echo '

echo 'Building temporary preproprocessed grammar file.', "\n";

$grammarCode = file_get_contents(GRAMMAR_FILE);

$grammarCode = resolveConstants($grammarCode);
$grammarCode = resolveNodes($grammarCode);
$grammarCode = resolveMacros($grammarCode);
$grammarCode = resolveArrays($grammarCode);

file_put_contents(TMP_FILE, $grammarCode);

echo 'Building parser. Output: "',
     trim(shell_exec('kmyacc -l -m kmyacc.php.parser -p PHPParser_Parser ' . TMP_FILE . ' 2>&1')),
     '"', "\n";

rename(RESULT_FILE, '../lib/PHPParser/Parser.php');

if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
    echo 'Building debug parser. Output: "',
    trim(shell_exec('kmyacc -t -v -l -m kmyacc.php.parser -p PHPParser_Parser ' . TMP_FILE . ' 2>&1')),
    '"', "\n";

    if (!is_dir('../lib/PHPParser/Parser')) {
    rename(RESULT_FILE, '../lib/PHPParser/Parser/Debug.php');


echo 'The following temporary preproprocessed grammar file was used:', "\n", $grammarCode;

echo '
'; /////////////////////////////// /// Preprocessing functions /// /////////////////////////////// function resolveConstants($code) { return preg_replace('~[A-Z][a-zA-Z_]++::~', 'PHPParser_Node_$0', $code); } function resolveNodes($code) { return preg_replace_callback( '~(?[A-Z][a-zA-Z_]++)\s*' . PARAMS . '~', function($matches) { // recurse $matches['params'] = resolveNodes($matches['params']); $params = magicSplit( '(?:' . PARAMS . '|' . ARGS . ')(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|,', $matches['params'] ); $paramCode = ''; foreach ($params as $param) { $paramCode .= $param . ', '; } return 'new PHPParser_Node_' . $matches['name'] . '(' . $paramCode . '$line, $docComment)'; }, $code ); } function resolveMacros($code) { return preg_replace_callback( '~\b(?)(?!array\()(?[a-z][A-Za-z]++)' . ARGS . '~', function($matches) { // recurse $matches['args'] = resolveMacros($matches['args']); $name = $matches['name']; $args = magicSplit( '(?:' . PARAMS . '|' . ARGS . ')(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|,', $matches['args'] ); if ('error' == $name) { assertArgs(1, $args, $name); return 'throw new PHPParser_Error(' . $args[0] . ')'; } if ('init' == $name) { return '$$ = array(' . implode(', ', $args) . ')'; } if ('push' == $name) { assertArgs(2, $args, $name); return $args[0] . '[] = ' . $args[1] . '; $$ = ' . $args[0]; } if ('pushNormalizing' == $name) { assertArgs(2, $args, $name); return 'if (is_array(' . $args[1] . ')) { $$ = array_merge(' . $args[0] . ', ' . $args[1] . '); } else { ' . $args[0] . '[] = ' . $args[1] . '; $$ = ' . $args[0] . '; }'; } if ('toArray' == $name) { assertArgs(1, $args, $name); return 'is_array(' . $args[0] . ') ? ' . $args[0] . ' : array(' . $args[0] . ')'; } if ('parseVar' == $name) { assertArgs(1, $args, $name); return 'substr(' . $args[0] . ', 1)'; } if ('parseDNumber' == $name) { assertArgs(1, $args, $name); return '(double) ' . $args[0]; } if ('parseEncapsed' == $name) { assertArgs(2, $args, $name); return 'foreach (' . $args[0] . ' as &$s) { if (is_string($s)) { $s = PHPParser_Node_Scalar_String::parseEscapeSequences($s, ' . $args[1] . '); } }'; } if ('parseEncapsedDoc' == $name) { assertArgs(1, $args, $name); return 'foreach (' . $args[0] . ' as &$s) { if (is_string($s)) { $s = PHPParser_Node_Scalar_String::parseEscapeSequences($s, null); } } $s = preg_replace(\'~(\r\n|\n|\r)$~\', \'\', $s); if (\'\' === $s) array_pop(' . $args[0] . ');'; } throw new Exception(sprintf('Unknown macro "%s"', $name)); }, $code ); } function assertArgs($num, $args, $name) { if ($num != count($args)) { die('Wrong argument count for ' . $name . '().'); } } function resolveArrays($code) { return preg_replace_callback( '~' . PARAMS . '~', function ($matches) { $elements = magicSplit( '(?:' . PARAMS . '|' . ARGS . ')(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|,', $matches['params'] ); // don't convert [] to array, it might have different meaning if (empty($elements)) { return $matches[0]; } $elementCodes = array(); foreach ($elements as $element) { // convert only arrays where all elements have keys if (false === strpos($element, ':')) { return $matches[0]; } list($key, $value) = explode(':', $element, 2); $elementCodes[] = "'" . $key . "' =>" . $value; } return 'array(' . implode(', ', $elementCodes) . ')'; }, $code ); } ////////////////////////////// /// Regex helper functions /// ////////////////////////////// function regex($regex) { return '~' . LIB . '(?:' . str_replace('~', '\~', $regex) . ')~'; } function magicSplit($regex, $string) { $pieces = preg_split(regex('(?:(?&string)|(?&comment)|(?&code))(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|' . $regex), $string); foreach ($pieces as &$piece) { $piece = trim($piece); } return array_filter($pieces); }