2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
* This is the source code of Telegram for iOS v . 1.1
* It is licensed under GNU GPL v . 2 or later .
* You should have received a copy of the license in this archive ( see LICENSE ) .
* Copyright Peter Iakovlev , 2013.
# ifndef Telegraph_TGCommon_h
# define Telegraph_TGCommon_h
# import "ASCommon.h"
# import <UIKit / UIKit.h>
# define TGUseSocial true
# define TGAssert(expr) assert(expr)
# define UIColorRGB(rgb) ([[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:(((rgb >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f) green:(((rgb >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f) blue:(((rgb) & 0xff) / 255.0f) alpha:1.0f])
# define UIColorRGBA(rgb,a) ([[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:(((rgb >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f) green:(((rgb >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f) blue:(((rgb) & 0xff) / 255.0f) alpha:a])
# define TGRestrictedToMainThread {if(![[NSThread currentThread] isMainThread]) TGLog(@"***** Warning: main thread-bound operation is running in background! *****");}
extern int TGLocalizedStaticVersion ;
# define TGLocalizedStatic(s) ({ static int _localizedStringVersion = 0; static NSString *_localizedString = nil; if (_localizedString == nil || _localizedStringVersion != TGLocalizedStaticVersion) { _localizedString = TGLocalized(s); _localizedStringVersion = TGLocalizedStaticVersion; } _localizedString; })
# define TG_TIMESTAMP_DEFINE(s) CFAbsoluteTime tg_timestamp_##s = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); int tg_timestamp_line_##s = __LINE__;
# define TG_TIMESTAMP_MEASURE(s) { CFAbsoluteTime tg_timestamp_current_time = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); TGLog(@"%s %d-%d: %f ms", #s, tg_timestamp_line_##s, __LINE__, (tg_timestamp_current_time - tg_timestamp_##s) * 1000.0); tg_timestamp_##s = tg_timestamp_current_time; tg_timestamp_line_##s = __LINE__; }
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C " {
# endif
int cpuCoreCount ( ) ;
bool hasModernCpu ( ) ;
int deviceMemorySize ( ) ;
void TGSetLocalizationFromFile ( NSString * filePath ) ;
bool TGIsCustomLocalizationActive ( ) ;
void TGResetLocalization ( ) ;
NSString * TGLocalized ( NSString * s ) ;
bool TGObjectCompare ( id obj1 , id obj2 ) ;
bool TGStringCompare ( NSString * s1 , NSString * s2 ) ;
NSTimeInterval TGCurrentSystemTime ( ) ;
NSString * TGStringMD5 ( NSString * string ) ;
int iosMajorVersion ( ) ;
int iosMinorVersion ( ) ;
void printMemoryUsage ( NSString * tag ) ;
void TGDumpViews ( UIView * view , NSString * indent ) ;
NSString * TGEncodeText ( NSString * string , int key ) ;
inline void TGDispatchOnMainThread ( dispatch_block_t block )
if ( [ NSThread isMainThread ] )
block ( ) ;
dispatch_async ( dispatch_get_main_queue ( ) , block ) ;
inline void TGDispatchAfter ( double delay , dispatch_queue_t queue , dispatch_block_t block )
dispatch_after ( dispatch_time ( DISPATCH_TIME_NOW , ( int64_t ) ( ( delay ) * NSEC_PER_SEC ) ) , queue , block ) ;
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
@ interface NSNumber ( IntegerTypes )
- ( int32_t ) int32Value ;
- ( int64_t ) int64Value ;
@ end
# ifdef __LP64__
# define CGFloor floor
# else
# define CGFloor floorf
# endif
# ifdef __LP64__
# define CGRound round
# define CGCeil ceil
# define CGPow pow
# define CGSin sin
# define CGCos cos
# define CGSqrt sqrt
# else
# define CGRound roundf
# define CGCeil ceilf
# define CGPow powf
# define CGSin sinf
# define CGCos cosf
# define CGSqrt sqrtf
# endif
# define CGEven(x) ((((int)x) & 1) ? (x + 1) : x)
# define CGOdd(x) ((((int)x) & 1) ? x : (x + 1))
# import "TGAppearance.h"
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
# import "TGColor.h"
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
# endif