2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
# import "TGChannelStateSignals.h"
# import "TGDatabase.h"
# import "TGPeerIdAdapter.h"
# import "TGTelegramNetworking.h"
# import "TL/TLMetaScheme.h"
# import "TLUpdates_ChannelDifference_manual.h"
# import "TGConversation+Telegraph.h"
# import "TGMessage+Telegraph.h"
# import "TGUserDataRequestBuilder.h"
# import "TGUpdateStateRequestBuilder.h"
# import "TGTelegraph.h"
# import "TGDownloadMessagesSignal.h"
# import "TGConversationAddMessagesActor.h"
# import "TGChannelManagementSignals.h"
# import "TGStringUtils.h"
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
# import "TGModernSendCommonMessageActor.h"
# import "TGPreparedMessage.h"
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
static dispatch_block _t recursiveBlock ( void ( ^ block ) ( dispatch_block _t recurse ) ) {
return ^ {
block ( recursiveBlock ( block ) ) ;
} ;
@ interface TGManagedChannelState : NSObject {
int64_t _peerId ;
SPipe * _updatesPipe ;
SPipe * _pollsPipe ;
id < SDisposable > _disposable ;
SAtomic * _timer ;
SAtomic * _keepPollingBag ;
id < SDisposable > _inviterId ;
@ end
@ implementation TGManagedChannelState
- ( instancetype ) initWithPeerId : ( int64_t ) peerId {
self = [ super init ] ;
if ( self ! = nil ) {
_peerId = peerId ;
_updatesPipe = [ [ SPipe alloc ] init ] ;
_pollsPipe = [ [ SPipe alloc ] init ] ;
_keepPollingBag = [ [ SAtomic alloc ] initWithValue : [ [ SBag alloc ] init ] ] ;
__weak TGManagedChannelState * weakSelf = self ;
SSignal * pollsSignal = [ _pollsPipe . signalProducer ( ) mapToQueue : ^ SSignal * ( __unused id tick ) {
__strong TGManagedChannelState * strongSelf = weakSelf ;
if ( strongSelf ! = nil ) {
return [ [ TGChannelStateSignals pollOnce : peerId ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( NSNumber * nextTimeout ) {
__strong TGManagedChannelState * strongSelf = weakSelf ;
if ( strongSelf ! = nil ) {
STimer * nextTimer = [ [ STimer alloc ] initWithTimeout : [ nextTimeout doubleValue ] repeat : false completion : ^ {
__strong TGManagedChannelState * strongSelf = weakSelf ;
if ( strongSelf ! = nil ) {
if ( [ [ strongSelf -> _keepPollingBag with : ^ id ( SBag * bag ) {
return @ ( ! [ bag isEmpty ] ) ;
} ] boolValue ] ) {
strongSelf -> _pollsPipe . sink ( @ true ) ;
} queue : [ SQueue concurrentDefaultQueue ] ] ;
STimer * previousTimer = [ strongSelf -> _timer swap : nextTimer ] ;
[ previousTimer invalidate ] ;
[ nextTimer start ] ;
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] ;
} else {
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] ;
SSignal * updatesSignal = [ _updatesPipe . signalProducer ( ) mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( NSArray * updates ) {
__strong TGManagedChannelState * strongSelf = weakSelf ;
if ( strongSelf ! = nil ) {
return [ [ strongSelf applyUpdates : updates ] catch : ^ SSignal * ( __unused id error ) {
__strong TGManagedChannelState * strongSelf = weakSelf ;
if ( strongSelf ! = nil ) {
strongSelf -> _pollsPipe . sink ( @ true ) ;
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] ;
} else {
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] ;
SSignal * process = [ [ SSignal mergeSignals : @ [ updatesSignal , pollsSignal ] ] queue ] ;
_disposable = [ process startWithNext : nil ] ;
_inviterId = [ [ [ [ [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) existingChannel : peerId ] filter : ^ bool ( TGConversation * conversation ) {
return conversation . kind = = TGConversationKindPersistentChannel ;
} ] take : 1 ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( TGConversation * conversation ) {
return [ TGChannelStateSignals addInviterMessage : peerId accessHash : conversation . accessHash ] ;
} ] startWithNext : nil ] ;
return self ;
- ( void ) dealloc {
[ _disposable dispose ] ;
STimer * timer = [ _timer swap : nil ] ;
[ timer invalidate ] ;
[ _inviterId dispose ] ;
+ ( SSignal * ) _channelDifference : ( int64_t ) peerId accessHash : ( int64_t ) accessHash pts : ( int32_t ) pts {
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
int32_t limit = 10 ;
# ifdef DEBUG
limit = 2 ;
# endif
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
TLRPCupdates_getChannelDifference $ updates_getChannelDifference * getChannelDifference = [ [ TLRPCupdates_getChannelDifference $ updates_getChannelDifference alloc ] init ] ;
TLInputChannel $ inputChannel * inputChannel = [ [ TLInputChannel $ inputChannel alloc ] init ] ;
inputChannel . channel_id = TGChannelIdFromPeerId ( peerId ) ;
inputChannel . access_hash = accessHash ;
getChannelDifference . channel = inputChannel ;
getChannelDifference . filter = [ [ TLChannelMessagesFilter $ channelMessagesFilterEmpty alloc ] init ] ;
getChannelDifference . pts = MAX ( pts , 1 ) ;
getChannelDifference . limit = limit ;
return [ [ [ TGTelegramNetworking instance ] requestSignal : getChannelDifference ] catch : ^ SSignal * ( __unused id error ) {
TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ empty * empty = [ [ TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ empty alloc ] init ] ;
empty . pts = MAX ( pts , 1 ) ;
empty . flags = 1 ;
empty . timeout = 5 ;
return [ SSignal single : empty ] ;
} ] ;
- ( SSignal * ) applyUpdates : ( NSArray * ) updates {
int64_t peerId = _peerId ;
return [ [ [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) existingChannel : peerId ] take : 1 ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( TGConversation * conversation ) {
NSMutableArray * ptsUpdates = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
NSMutableSet * skipMessageIds = [ [ NSMutableSet alloc ] init ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
int32_t maxReadId = 0 ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
__block bool failed = false ;
bool hasMessageIdUpdates = false ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
for ( id update in updates ) {
if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateNewChannelMessage class ] ] ) {
[ ptsUpdates addObject : update ] ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
} else if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateEditChannelMessage class ] ] ) {
[ ptsUpdates addObject : update ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
} else if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateReadChannelInbox class ] ] ) {
maxReadId = MAX ( maxReadId , ( ( TLUpdate $ updateReadChannelInbox * ) update ) . max_id ) ;
} else if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages class ] ] ) {
[ ptsUpdates addObject : update ] ;
} else if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateChannelTooLong class ] ] ) {
failed = true ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
} else if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateMessageID class ] ] ) {
hasMessageIdUpdates = true ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
SSignal * removeMessagesInProgressSignal = nil ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( hasMessageIdUpdates ) {
NSMutableDictionary * randomIdToMessageId = [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;
for ( id update in updates ) {
if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateMessageID class ] ] ) {
int64_t randomId = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateMessageID * ) update ) . random_id ;
int32_t messageId = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateMessageID * ) update ) . n_id ;
randomIdToMessageId [ @ ( randomId ) ] = @ ( messageId ) ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
removeMessagesInProgressSignal = [ [ SSignal defer : ^ SSignal * {
for ( TGModernSendCommonMessageActor * actor in [ ActionStageInstance ( ) executingActorsWithPathPrefix : [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithFormat : @ "/tg/sendCommonMessage/(%" PRId64 ")/" , peerId ] ] ) {
if ( actor . preparedMessage . randomId ! = 0 ) {
NSNumber * nMessageId = randomIdToMessageId [ @ ( actor . preparedMessage . randomId ) ] ;
if ( nMessageId ! = nil ) {
[ skipMessageIds addObject : nMessageId ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] startOn : [ SQueue wrapConcurrentNativeQueue : [ ActionStageInstance ( ) globalStageDispatchQueue ] ] ] ;
} else {
removeMessagesInProgressSignal = [ SSignal complete ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
return [ removeMessagesInProgressSignal then : [ SSignal defer : ^ SSignal * {
int32_t updatedPts = conversation . pts ;
[ ptsUpdates sortUsingComparator : ^ NSComparisonResult ( id lhs , id rhs ) {
int32_t lhsPts = 0 ;
int32_t rhsPts = 0 ;
if ( [ lhs isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateNewChannelMessage class ] ] ) {
lhsPts = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateNewChannelMessage * ) lhs ) . pts ;
} else if ( [ lhs isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateEditChannelMessage class ] ] ) {
lhsPts = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateEditChannelMessage * ) lhs ) . pts ;
} else if ( [ lhs isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages class ] ] ) {
lhsPts = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages * ) lhs ) . pts ;
if ( [ rhs isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateNewChannelMessage class ] ] ) {
rhsPts = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateNewChannelMessage * ) rhs ) . pts ;
} else if ( [ rhs isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateEditChannelMessage class ] ] ) {
rhsPts = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateEditChannelMessage * ) rhs ) . pts ;
} else if ( [ rhs isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages class ] ] ) {
rhsPts = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages * ) rhs ) . pts ;
return lhsPts < rhsPts ? NSOrderedAscending : NSOrderedDescending ;
} ] ;
NSMutableArray * addedMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableArray * updatedMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableArray * deletedMessageIds = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
for ( id update in ptsUpdates ) {
if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateNewChannelMessage class ] ] ) {
TLUpdate $ updateNewChannelMessage * updateNewChannelMessage = update ;
TGMessage * message = [ [ TGMessage alloc ] initWithTelegraphMessageDesc : updateNewChannelMessage . message ] ;
message . pts = updateNewChannelMessage . pts ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( updateNewChannelMessage . pts <= updatedPts ) {
continue ;
else if ( updatedPts + updateNewChannelMessage . pts_count = = updateNewChannelMessage . pts ) {
if ( message . mid ! = 0 ) {
if ( [ skipMessageIds containsObject : @ ( message . mid ) ] ) {
TGLog ( @ "(Channel State %lld Skipped message %d" , ( long long ) peerId , message . mid ) ;
} else {
[ addedMessages addObject : message ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
updatedPts = updateNewChannelMessage . pts ;
} else {
failed = true ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
} else if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateEditChannelMessage class ] ] ) {
TLUpdate $ updateEditChannelMessage * updateEditMessage = update ;
TGMessage * message = [ [ TGMessage alloc ] initWithTelegraphMessageDesc : updateEditMessage . message ] ;
message . pts = updateEditMessage . pts ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( updateEditMessage . pts <= updatedPts ) {
continue ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
else if ( updatedPts + updateEditMessage . pts_count = = updateEditMessage . pts ) {
if ( message . mid ! = 0 ) {
if ( [ skipMessageIds containsObject : @ ( message . mid ) ] ) {
TGLog ( @ "(Channel State %lld Skipped updated message %d" , ( long long ) peerId , message . mid ) ;
} else {
[ updatedMessages addObject : message ] ;
updatedPts = updateEditMessage . pts ;
} else {
failed = true ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
} else if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages class ] ] ) {
TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages * updateDeleteChannelMessages = update ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( updateDeleteChannelMessages . pts <= updatedPts ) {
continue ;
} else if ( updatedPts + updateDeleteChannelMessages . pts_count = = updateDeleteChannelMessages . pts ) {
[ deletedMessageIds addObjectsFromArray : updateDeleteChannelMessages . messages ] ;
updatedPts = updateDeleteChannelMessages . pts ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
} else {
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
failed = true ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
NSMutableArray * downloadMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableDictionary * addedMessageIdToMessage = [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;
for ( TGMessage * message in addedMessages ) {
addedMessageIdToMessage [ @ ( message . mid ) ] = message ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
for ( TGMessage * message in [ addedMessages arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray : updatedMessages ] )
if ( message . mediaAttachments . count ! = 0 )
for ( id attachment in message . mediaAttachments )
if ( [ attachment isKindOfClass : [ TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment class ] ] )
TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment * replyAttachment = attachment ;
if ( replyAttachment . replyMessage = = nil && replyAttachment . replyMessageId ! = 0 ) {
TGMessage * replyMessage = addedMessageIdToMessage [ @ ( replyAttachment . replyMessageId ) ] ;
if ( replyMessage ! = nil ) {
replyAttachment . replyMessage = replyMessage ;
} else {
[ downloadMessages addObject : [ [ TGDownloadMessage alloc ] initWithPeerId : conversation . conversationId accessHash : conversation . accessHash messageId : replyAttachment . replyMessageId ] ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( downloadMessages . count ! = 0 ) {
return [ [ TGDownloadMessagesSignal downloadMessages : downloadMessages ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( NSArray * messages ) {
return [ [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) modify : ^ id {
for ( TGMessage * message in messages ) {
addedMessageIdToMessage [ @ ( message . mid ) ] = message ;
for ( TGMessage * message in addedMessages )
if ( message . mediaAttachments . count ! = 0 )
for ( id attachment in message . mediaAttachments )
if ( [ attachment isKindOfClass : [ TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment class ] ] )
TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment * replyAttachment = attachment ;
if ( replyAttachment . replyMessage = = nil && replyAttachment . replyMessageId ! = 0 ) {
TGMessage * replyMessage = addedMessageIdToMessage [ @ ( replyAttachment . replyMessageId ) ] ;
if ( replyMessage ! = nil ) {
replyAttachment . replyMessage = replyMessage ;
for ( TGMessage * message in updatedMessages )
if ( message . mediaAttachments . count ! = 0 )
for ( id attachment in message . mediaAttachments )
if ( [ attachment isKindOfClass : [ TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment class ] ] )
TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment * replyAttachment = attachment ;
if ( replyAttachment . replyMessage = = nil && replyAttachment . replyMessageId ! = 0 ) {
TGMessage * replyMessage = addedMessageIdToMessage [ @ ( replyAttachment . replyMessageId ) ] ;
if ( replyMessage ! = nil ) {
replyAttachment . replyMessage = replyMessage ;
static int actionId = 0 ;
[ [ [ TGConversationAddMessagesActor alloc ] initWithPath : [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithFormat : @ "/tg/addmessage/(addMember%d)" , actionId + + ] ] execute : [ [ NSDictionary alloc ] initWithObjectsAndKeys : addedMessages , @ "messages" , @ true , @ "doNotAdd" , nil ] ] ;
if ( updatedMessages . count ! = 0 ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) dispatchOnDatabaseThread : ^ {
for ( TGMessage * message in updatedMessages ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) updateMessageTextOrMedia : message . mid peerId : peerId media : message . mediaAttachments text : message . text dispatch : true ] ;
[ ActionStageInstance ( ) dispatchResource : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "/messagesEditedInConversation/(%lld)" , peerId ] resource : updatedMessages ] ;
} synchronous : false ] ;
if ( updatedPts ! = conversation . pts ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) addMessagesToChannelAndDispatch : peerId messages : addedMessages deletedMessages : deletedMessageIds holes : nil pts : updatedPts ] ;
if ( maxReadId ! = 0 ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) updateChannelRead : peerId maxReadId : maxReadId ] ;
if ( failed ) {
return [ SSignal fail : nil ] ;
} else {
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] switchToLatest ] ;
} ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
} else {
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( conversation . kind = = TGConversationKindPersistentChannel ) {
static int actionId = 0 ;
[ [ [ TGConversationAddMessagesActor alloc ] initWithPath : [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithFormat : @ "/tg/addmessage/(addMember%d)" , actionId + + ] ] execute : [ [ NSDictionary alloc ] initWithObjectsAndKeys : addedMessages , @ "messages" , @ true , @ "doNotAdd" , nil ] ] ;
if ( updatedMessages . count ! = 0 ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) dispatchOnDatabaseThread : ^ {
for ( TGMessage * message in updatedMessages ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) updateMessageTextOrMedia : message . mid peerId : peerId media : message . mediaAttachments = = nil ? @ [ ] : message . mediaAttachments text : message . text dispatch : true ] ;
[ ActionStageInstance ( ) dispatchResource : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "/messagesEditedInConversation/(%lld)" , peerId ] resource : updatedMessages ] ;
} synchronous : false ] ;
if ( updatedPts ! = conversation . pts ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) addMessagesToChannelAndDispatch : peerId messages : addedMessages deletedMessages : deletedMessageIds holes : nil pts : updatedPts ] ;
if ( maxReadId ! = 0 ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) updateChannelRead : peerId maxReadId : maxReadId ] ;
if ( failed ) {
return [ SSignal fail : nil ] ;
} else {
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
} ] ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
} ] ;
} ;
- ( void ) addUpdates : ( NSArray * ) updates {
_updatesPipe . sink ( updates ) ;
- ( SSignal * ) keepPolling {
__weak TGManagedChannelState * weakSelf = self ;
return [ [ SSignal alloc ] initWithGenerator : ^ id < SDisposable > ( __unused SSubscriber * subscriber ) {
__strong TGManagedChannelState * strongSelf = weakSelf ;
if ( strongSelf ! = nil ) {
__block NSInteger index = -1 ;
bool start = [ [ strongSelf -> _keepPollingBag with : ^ id ( SBag * bag ) {
bool shouldStart = [ bag isEmpty ] ;
index = [ bag addItem : @ true ] ;
return @ ( shouldStart ) ;
} ] boolValue ] ;
if ( start ) {
_pollsPipe . sink ( @ true ) ;
return [ [ SBlockDisposable alloc ] initWithBlock : ^ {
__strong TGManagedChannelState * strongSelf = weakSelf ;
if ( strongSelf ! = nil ) {
[ strongSelf -> _keepPollingBag with : ^ id ( SBag * bag ) {
[ bag removeItem : index ] ;
return nil ;
} ] ;
} ] ;
return nil ;
} ] ;
@ end
@ implementation TGChannelStateSignals
+ ( SAtomic * ) channelStates {
static SAtomic * value = nil ;
static dispatch_once _t onceToken ;
dispatch_once ( & onceToken , ^ {
value = [ [ SAtomic alloc ] initWithValue : [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ] ;
} ) ;
return value ;
+ ( void ) clearChannelStates {
[ [ self channelStates ] swap : [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ] ;
+ ( TGManagedChannelState * ) channelState : ( int64_t ) peerId {
return [ [ self channelStates ] with : ^ id ( NSMutableDictionary * dict ) {
TGManagedChannelState * state = dict [ @ ( peerId ) ] ;
if ( state = = nil ) {
state = [ [ TGManagedChannelState alloc ] initWithPeerId : peerId ] ;
dict [ @ ( peerId ) ] = state ;
return state ;
} ] ;
+ ( SSignal * ) addInviterMessage : ( int64_t ) peerId accessHash : ( int64_t ) accessHash {
return [ [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) modify : ^ id {
NSData * stored = [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) conversationCustomPropertySync : peerId name : murMurHash32 ( @ "inviterStored" ) ] ;
if ( stored . length = = 0 ) {
return @ ( false ) ;
} else {
return @ ( true ) ;
} ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( NSNumber * alreadyStored ) {
if ( [ alreadyStored boolValue ] ) {
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} else {
return [ [ [ TGChannelManagementSignals channelInviterUser : peerId accessHash : accessHash ] onNext : ^ ( NSDictionary * dict ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) dispatchOnDatabaseThread : ^ {
NSData * stored = [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) conversationCustomPropertySync : peerId name : murMurHash32 ( @ "inviterStored" ) ] ;
if ( stored . length = = 0 ) {
if ( [ dict [ @ "userId" ] intValue ] ! = 0 ) {
TGMessage * message = [ [ TGMessage alloc ] init ] ;
message . mid = [ [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) generateLocalMids : 1 ] . firstObject intValue ] ;
message . date = [ dict [ @ "timestamp" ] intValue ] ;
TGActionMediaAttachment * attachment = [ [ TGActionMediaAttachment alloc ] init ] ;
attachment . actionType = TGMessageActionChannelInviter ;
attachment . actionData = @ { @ "uid" : dict [ @ "userId" ] } ;
message . mediaAttachments = @ [ attachment ] ;
message . sortKey = TGMessageSortKeyMake ( peerId , TGMessageSpaceImportant , ( int32_t ) message . date , message . mid ) ;
message . fromUid = TGTelegraphInstance . clientUserId ;
message . toUid = peerId ;
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) addMessagesToChannelAndDispatch : peerId messages : @ [ message ] deletedMessages : nil holes : nil pts : 0 ] ;
uint8_t one = 1 ;
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) setConversationCustomProperty : peerId name : murMurHash32 ( @ "inviterStored" ) value : [ NSData dataWithBytes : & one length : 1 ] ] ;
} synchronous : false ] ;
} ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( __unused id next ) {
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] ;
} ] ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
+ ( SSignal * ) validateMessageRanges : ( int64_t ) peerId pts : ( int32_t ) pts validPts : ( int32_t ) validPts messageRanges : ( NSArray * ) messageRanges {
return [ [ [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) existingChannel : peerId ] take : 1 ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( TGConversation * conversation ) {
TLRPCupdates_getChannelDifference $ updates_getChannelDifference * getChannelDifference = [ [ TLRPCupdates_getChannelDifference $ updates_getChannelDifference alloc ] init ] ;
TLChannelMessagesFilter $ channelMessagesFilter * filter = [ [ TLChannelMessagesFilter $ channelMessagesFilter alloc ] init ] ;
filter . flags = 1 < < 1 ;
filter . ranges = messageRanges ;
getChannelDifference . filter = filter ;
getChannelDifference . pts = pts ;
getChannelDifference . limit = 1000 ;
TLInputChannel $ inputChannel * inputChannel = [ [ TLInputChannel $ inputChannel alloc ] init ] ;
inputChannel . channel_id = TGChannelIdFromPeerId ( peerId ) ;
inputChannel . access_hash = conversation . accessHash ;
getChannelDifference . channel = inputChannel ;
return [ [ [ TGTelegramNetworking instance ] requestSignal : getChannelDifference ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( TLupdates_ChannelDifference * result ) {
NSMutableArray * deletedMessageIds = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
if ( [ result isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ channelDifference class ] ] ) {
for ( id update in ( ( TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ channelDifference * ) result ) . other_updates ) {
if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages class ] ] ) {
[ deletedMessageIds addObjectsFromArray : ( ( TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages * ) update ) . messages ] ;
} else if ( [ result isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ empty class ] ] ) {
} else if ( [ result isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ tooLong class ] ] ) {
return [ [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) modify : ^ id {
if ( deletedMessageIds . count ! = 0 ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) addMessagesToChannel : peerId messages : nil deleteMessages : deletedMessageIds unimportantGroups : nil addedHoles : nil removedHoles : nil removedUnimportantHoles : nil updatedMessageSortKeys : nil returnGroups : false keepUnreadCounters : false changedMessages : ^ ( NSArray * addedMessages , NSArray * removedMessages , NSDictionary * updatedMessages , NSArray * addedUnimportantHoles , NSArray * removedUnimportantHoles ) {
NSMutableArray * addedImportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableArray * addedUnimportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
for ( TGMessage * message in addedMessages ) {
if ( message . hole ! = nil ) {
[ addedImportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
[ addedUnimportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
else if ( message . group ! = nil ) {
[ addedImportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
} else if ( TGMessageSortKeySpace ( message . sortKey ) = = TGMessageSpaceImportant ) {
[ addedImportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
[ addedUnimportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
} else {
[ addedUnimportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
[ addedUnimportantMessages addObjectsFromArray : addedUnimportantHoles ] ;
NSMutableArray * removedImportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableArray * removedUnimportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableDictionary * updatedImportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableDictionary * updatedUnimportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;
[ updatedImportantMessages addEntriesFromDictionary : updatedMessages ] ;
[ updatedUnimportantMessages addEntriesFromDictionary : updatedMessages ] ;
[ removedImportantMessages addObjectsFromArray : removedMessages ] ;
[ removedUnimportantMessages addObjectsFromArray : removedMessages ] ;
[ removedUnimportantMessages addObjectsFromArray : removedUnimportantHoles ] ;
[ ActionStageInstance ( ) dispatchResource : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "/tg/conversation/(%lld)/importantMessages" , peerId ] resource : @ { @ "removed" : removedImportantMessages , @ "added" : addedImportantMessages , @ "updated" : updatedImportantMessages } ] ;
[ ActionStageInstance ( ) dispatchResource : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "/tg/conversation/(%lld)/unimportantMessages" , peerId ] resource : @ { @ "removed" : removedUnimportantMessages , @ "added" : addedUnimportantMessages , @ "updated" : updatedUnimportantMessages } ] ;
} ] ;
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) updateMessageRangesPts : peerId messageRanges : messageRanges pts : validPts ] ;
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] switchToLatest ] ;
} ] ;
} ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
+ ( SSignal * ) pollOnce : ( int64_t ) peerId {
return [ [ [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) existingChannel : peerId ] take : 1 ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( TGConversation * conversation ) {
return [ [ SSignal alloc ] initWithGenerator : ^ id < SDisposable > ( SSubscriber * subscriber ) {
SMetaDisposable * disposable = [ [ SMetaDisposable alloc ] init ] ;
void ( ^ start ) ( ) = recursiveBlock ( ^ ( dispatch_block _t recurse ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) channelPts : peerId completion : ^ ( int32_t pts ) {
[ disposable setDisposable : [ [ TGManagedChannelState _channelDifference : peerId accessHash : conversation . accessHash pts : pts ] startWithNext : ^ ( TLupdates_ChannelDifference * result ) {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) dispatchOnDatabaseThread : ^ {
NSMutableArray * messages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableArray * deletedMessageIds = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
bool keepUnreadCount = false ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
NSMutableArray * conversations = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
bool restart = false ;
NSTimeInterval nextTimeout = 5.0 ;
NSArray * users = nil ;
void ( ^ addHole ) ( ) = nil ;
void ( ^ addMessages ) ( ) = nil ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
void ( ^ loadHoles ) ( ) = nil ;
SSignal * removeMessagesInProgressSignal = [ SSignal complete ] ;
NSMutableSet * skipMessageIds = [ [ NSMutableSet alloc ] init ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
if ( [ result isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ empty class ] ] ) {
TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ empty * concreteDifference = ( TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ empty * ) result ;
if ( concreteDifference . flags & ( 1 < < 1 ) ) {
nextTimeout = concreteDifference . timeout ;
} else if ( [ result isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ tooLong class ] ] ) {
TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ tooLong * concreteDifference = ( TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ tooLong * ) result ;
if ( concreteDifference . flags & ( 1 < < 1 ) ) {
nextTimeout = concreteDifference . timeout ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
keepUnreadCount = true ;
TGLog ( @ "(TGChannelStateSignals ChannelDifference for %lld is tooLong topImportant: %d, topMessage: %d)" , peerId , concreteDifference . top_important _message , concreteDifference . top_message ) ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
for ( id messageDesc in concreteDifference . messages ) {
TGMessage * message = [ [ TGMessage alloc ] initWithTelegraphMessageDesc : messageDesc ] ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
message . pts = concreteDifference . pts ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
if ( message . mid ! = 0 ) {
[ messages addObject : message ] ;
NSMutableArray * conversations = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
for ( id chatDesc in concreteDifference . chats ) {
TGConversation * conversation = [ [ TGConversation alloc ] initWithTelegraphChatDesc : chatDesc ] ;
if ( conversation . conversationId ! = 0 ) {
[ conversations addObject : conversation ] ;
users = concreteDifference . users ;
addHole = ^ {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) addTrailingHoleToChannelAndDispatch : peerId messages : messages pts : concreteDifference . pts importantUnreadCount : concreteDifference . unread_important _count unimportantUnreadCount : concreteDifference . unread_count - concreteDifference . unread_important _count maxReadId : concreteDifference . read_inbox _max _id ] ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) updateHistoryPtsForPeerId : peerId pts : concreteDifference . pts ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
} ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( concreteDifference . unread_count ! = 0 || concreteDifference . unread_important _count ! = 0 ) {
loadHoles = ^ {
SMetaDisposable * metaDisposable = [ [ SMetaDisposable alloc ] init ] ;
__weak SMetaDisposable * weakMetaDisposable = metaDisposable ;
id < SDisposable > disposable = [ [ [ TGChannelManagementSignals preloadedHistoryForPeerId : peerId accessHash : conversation . accessHash aroundMessageId : concreteDifference . read_inbox _max _id ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( NSDictionary * dict ) {
return [ [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) modify : ^ {
NSArray * removedImportantHoles = nil ;
NSArray * removedUnimportantHoles = nil ;
removedImportantHoles = dict [ @ "hole" ] = = nil ? nil : @ [ dict [ @ "hole" ] ] ;
removedUnimportantHoles = dict [ @ "hole" ] = = nil ? nil : @ [ dict [ @ "hole" ] ] ;
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) addMessagesToChannel : peerId messages : dict [ @ "messages" ] deleteMessages : nil unimportantGroups : dict [ @ "unimportantGroups" ] addedHoles : nil removedHoles : removedImportantHoles removedUnimportantHoles : removedUnimportantHoles updatedMessageSortKeys : nil returnGroups : false keepUnreadCounters : false changedMessages : ^ ( NSArray * addedMessages , NSArray * removedMessages , NSDictionary * updatedMessages , NSArray * addedUnimportantHoles , NSArray * removedUnimportantHoles ) {
NSMutableArray * addedImportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableArray * addedUnimportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
for ( TGMessage * message in addedMessages ) {
if ( message . hole ! = nil ) {
[ addedImportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
[ addedUnimportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
else if ( message . group ! = nil ) {
[ addedImportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
} else if ( TGMessageSortKeySpace ( message . sortKey ) = = TGMessageSpaceImportant ) {
[ addedImportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
[ addedUnimportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
} else {
[ addedUnimportantMessages addObject : message ] ;
[ addedUnimportantMessages addObjectsFromArray : addedUnimportantHoles ] ;
NSMutableArray * removedImportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableArray * removedUnimportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableDictionary * updatedImportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableDictionary * updatedUnimportantMessages = [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;
[ updatedImportantMessages addEntriesFromDictionary : updatedMessages ] ;
[ updatedUnimportantMessages addEntriesFromDictionary : updatedMessages ] ;
[ removedImportantMessages addObjectsFromArray : removedMessages ] ;
[ removedUnimportantMessages addObjectsFromArray : removedMessages ] ;
[ removedUnimportantMessages addObjectsFromArray : removedUnimportantHoles ] ;
[ ActionStageInstance ( ) dispatchResource : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "/tg/conversation/(%lld)/importantMessages" , peerId ] resource : @ { @ "removed" : removedImportantMessages , @ "added" : addedImportantMessages , @ "updated" : updatedImportantMessages } ] ;
[ ActionStageInstance ( ) dispatchResource : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "/tg/conversation/(%lld)/unimportantMessages" , peerId ] resource : @ { @ "removed" : removedUnimportantMessages , @ "added" : addedUnimportantMessages , @ "updated" : updatedUnimportantMessages } ] ;
} ] ;
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] switchToLatest ] ;
} ] startWithNext : nil error : ^ ( __unused id error ) {
__strong SMetaDisposable * strongMetaDisposable = weakMetaDisposable ;
if ( strongMetaDisposable ! = nil ) {
[ TGTelegraphInstance . disposeOnLogout remove : strongMetaDisposable ] ;
} completed : ^ {
__strong SMetaDisposable * strongMetaDisposable = weakMetaDisposable ;
if ( strongMetaDisposable ! = nil ) {
[ TGTelegraphInstance . disposeOnLogout remove : strongMetaDisposable ] ;
} ] ;
[ metaDisposable setDisposable : disposable ] ;
[ TGTelegraphInstance . disposeOnLogout add : metaDisposable ] ;
} ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
} else if ( [ result isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ channelDifference class ] ] ) {
TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ channelDifference * concreteDifference = ( TLUpdates_ChannelDifference $ channelDifference * ) result ;
if ( concreteDifference . flags & ( 1 < < 1 ) ) {
nextTimeout = concreteDifference . timeout ;
} else {
restart = true ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
bool hasMessageIdUpdates = false ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
for ( id messageDesc in concreteDifference . n_new _messages ) {
TGMessage * message = [ [ TGMessage alloc ] initWithTelegraphMessageDesc : messageDesc ] ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
message . pts = concreteDifference . pts ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
if ( message . mid ! = 0 && message . cid = = peerId ) {
[ messages addObject : message ] ;
for ( id update in concreteDifference . other_updates ) {
if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages class ] ] ) {
[ deletedMessageIds addObjectsFromArray : ( ( TLUpdate $ updateDeleteChannelMessages * ) update ) . messages ] ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
} else if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateMessageID class ] ] ) {
hasMessageIdUpdates = true ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
for ( id channelDesc in concreteDifference . chats ) {
TGConversation * conversation = [ [ TGConversation alloc ] initWithTelegraphChatDesc : channelDesc ] ;
if ( conversation . conversationId ! = 0 ) {
[ conversations addObject : conversation ] ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
SSignal * removeMessagesInProgressSignal = nil ;
if ( hasMessageIdUpdates || true ) {
NSMutableDictionary * randomIdToMessageId = [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;
for ( id update in concreteDifference . other_updates ) {
if ( [ update isKindOfClass : [ TLUpdate $ updateMessageID class ] ] ) {
int64_t randomId = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateMessageID * ) update ) . random_id ;
int32_t messageId = ( ( TLUpdate $ updateMessageID * ) update ) . n_id ;
randomIdToMessageId [ @ ( randomId ) ] = @ ( messageId ) ;
removeMessagesInProgressSignal = [ [ SSignal defer : ^ SSignal * {
for ( TGModernSendCommonMessageActor * actor in [ ActionStageInstance ( ) executingActorsWithPathPrefix : [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithFormat : @ "/tg/sendCommonMessage/(%" PRId64 ")/" , peerId ] ] ) {
if ( actor . preparedMessage . randomId ! = 0 ) {
NSNumber * nMessageId = randomIdToMessageId [ @ ( actor . preparedMessage . randomId ) ] ;
if ( nMessageId ! = nil ) {
[ skipMessageIds addObject : nMessageId ] ;
return [ SSignal complete ] ;
} ] startOn : [ SQueue wrapConcurrentNativeQueue : [ ActionStageInstance ( ) globalStageDispatchQueue ] ] ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
users = concreteDifference . users ;
addMessages = ^ {
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) addMessagesToChannelAndDispatch : peerId messages : messages deletedMessages : deletedMessageIds holes : nil pts : concreteDifference . pts ] ;
} ;
NSMutableArray * downloadMessages = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ] ;
NSMutableDictionary * addedMessageIdToMessage = [ [ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;
for ( TGMessage * message in messages ) {
addedMessageIdToMessage [ @ ( message . mid ) ] = message ;
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
for ( NSInteger i = 0 ; i < ( NSInteger ) messages . count ; i + + )
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
TGMessage * message = messages [ i ] ;
if ( [ skipMessageIds containsObject : @ ( message . mid ) ] ) {
[ messages removeObjectAtIndex : i ] ;
i - - ;
} else {
if ( message . mediaAttachments . count ! = 0 )
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
for ( id attachment in message . mediaAttachments )
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( [ attachment isKindOfClass : [ TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment class ] ] )
TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment * replyAttachment = attachment ;
if ( replyAttachment . replyMessage = = nil && replyAttachment . replyMessageId ! = 0 ) {
TGMessage * replyMessage = addedMessageIdToMessage [ @ ( replyAttachment . replyMessageId ) ] ;
if ( replyMessage ! = nil ) {
replyAttachment . replyMessage = replyMessage ;
} else {
[ downloadMessages addObject : [ [ TGDownloadMessage alloc ] initWithPeerId : conversation . conversationId accessHash : conversation . accessHash messageId : replyAttachment . replyMessageId ] ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
[ disposable setDisposable : [ [ [ removeMessagesInProgressSignal then : [ TGDownloadMessagesSignal downloadMessages : downloadMessages ] ] mapToSignal : ^ SSignal * ( NSArray * updatedMessages ) {
return [ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) modify : ^ id {
for ( TGMessage * message in updatedMessages ) {
addedMessageIdToMessage [ @ ( message . mid ) ] = message ;
for ( TGMessage * message in messages )
if ( message . mediaAttachments . count ! = 0 )
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
for ( id attachment in message . mediaAttachments )
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( [ attachment isKindOfClass : [ TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment class ] ] )
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
TGReplyMessageMediaAttachment * replyAttachment = attachment ;
if ( replyAttachment . replyMessage = = nil && replyAttachment . replyMessageId ! = 0 ) {
TGMessage * replyMessage = addedMessageIdToMessage [ @ ( replyAttachment . replyMessageId ) ] ;
if ( replyMessage ! = nil ) {
replyAttachment . replyMessage = replyMessage ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
[ TGUserDataRequestBuilder executeUserDataUpdate : users ] ;
[ TGDatabaseInstance ( ) updateChannels : conversations ] ;
if ( addHole ) {
addHole ( ) ;
if ( addMessages ) {
addMessages ( ) ;
if ( loadHoles ) {
loadHoles ( ) ;
if ( restart ) {
recurse ( ) ;
} else {
[ subscriber putNext : @ ( nextTimeout ) ] ;
[ subscriber putCompletion ] ;
return nil ;
} ] ;
} ] startWithNext : nil ] ] ;
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
} synchronous : false ] ;
} error : ^ ( __unused id error ) {
} completed : nil ] ] ;
} ] ;
} ) ;
start ( ) ;
return disposable ;
} ] ;
} ] ;
+ ( void ) addChannelUpdates : ( int64_t ) peerId updates : ( NSArray * ) updates {
[ [ self channelState : peerId ] addUpdates : updates ] ;
+ ( SSignal * ) updatedChannel : ( int64_t ) peerId {
return [ [ self channelState : peerId ] keepPolling ] ;
@ end