2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
# import "TGDraggableCollectionView.h"
# import "TGDraggableCollectionViewFlowLayout.h"
# import "TGImageUtils.h"
NSString * const TGDraggableCollectionViewLayoutKey = @ "collectionViewLayout" ;
const UIEdgeInsets TGDraggableDefaultScrollingTriggerEdgeInsets = { 60 , 60 , 60 , 60 } ;
const CGFloat TGDraggableDefaultScrollingSpeed = 300.0 f ;
typedef enum
TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionUnknown ,
TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionUp ,
TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionLeft ,
TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionRight ,
} TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirection ;
@ interface TGDraggableCollectionView ( ) < UIGestureRecognizerDelegate >
UIView * _draggedView ;
UIView * _insideSnapshotView ;
UIView * _outsideSnapshotView ;
NSIndexPath * _lastIndexPath ;
UIPanGestureRecognizer * _panGestureRecognizer ;
UILongPressGestureRecognizer * _pressGestureRecognizer ;
CADisplayLink * _scrollingDisplayLink ;
TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirection _scrollingDirection ;
@ end
@ implementation TGDraggableCollectionView
- ( instancetype ) initWithFrame : ( CGRect ) frame collectionViewLayout : ( UICollectionViewLayout * ) layout
NSAssert ( [ layout isKindOfClass : [ TGDraggableCollectionViewFlowLayout class ] ] , @ "collectionViewLayout must be an instance of TGDraggableCollectionViewFlowLayout" ) ;
self = [ super initWithFrame : frame collectionViewLayout : layout ] ;
if ( self ! = nil )
_scrollingTriggerEdgeInsets = TGDraggableDefaultScrollingTriggerEdgeInsets ;
_scrollingSpeed = TGDraggableDefaultScrollingSpeed ;
_panGestureRecognizer = [ [ UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc ] initWithTarget : self action : @ selector ( handleDragPan : ) ] ;
_panGestureRecognizer . delegate = self ;
[ self addGestureRecognizer : _panGestureRecognizer ] ;
_pressGestureRecognizer = [ [ UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc ] initWithTarget : self action : @ selector ( handleDragPress : ) ] ;
_pressGestureRecognizer . minimumPressDuration = 0.25 f ;
_pressGestureRecognizer . delegate = self ;
for ( UIGestureRecognizer * gestureRecognizer in self . gestureRecognizers )
if ( [ gestureRecognizer isKindOfClass : [ UILongPressGestureRecognizer class ] ] )
[ gestureRecognizer requireGestureRecognizerToFail : _pressGestureRecognizer ] ;
[ self addGestureRecognizer : _pressGestureRecognizer ] ;
[ [ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] addObserver : self
selector : @ selector ( handleApplicationWillResignActive : )
name : UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification
object : nil ] ;
return self ;
- ( void ) dealloc
[ [ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] removeObserver : self
name : UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification
object : nil ] ;
- ( void ) handleApplicationWillResignActive : ( NSNotification * ) __unused notification
_pressGestureRecognizer . enabled = false ;
_pressGestureRecognizer . enabled = true ;
- ( void ) setDraggable : ( bool ) draggable
_draggable = draggable ;
_pressGestureRecognizer . enabled = draggable ;
_panGestureRecognizer . enabled = draggable ;
# pragma mark - Items
- ( TGDraggableCollectionViewFlowLayout * ) draggableLayout
return ( TGDraggableCollectionViewFlowLayout * ) self . draggableLayout ;
- ( NSIndexPath * ) indexPathForItemNearPoint : ( CGPoint ) point
NSIndexPath * destinationIndexPath = self . draggableLayout . destinationIndexPath ;
self . draggableLayout . destinationIndexPath = nil ;
NSArray * layoutAttributes = [ self . draggableLayout layoutAttributesForElementsInRect : self . bounds ] ;
self . draggableLayout . destinationIndexPath = destinationIndexPath ;
NSIndexPath * nearestItemIndexPath = nil ;
CGFloat minDistance = FLT_MAX ;
for ( UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes * attributes in layoutAttributes )
CGFloat deltaX = attributes . center . x - point . x ;
CGFloat deltaY = attributes . center . y - point . y ;
CGFloat distance = ( CGFloat ) sqrt ( deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY ) ;
if ( distance < minDistance )
minDistance = distance ;
nearestItemIndexPath = attributes . indexPath ;
return nearestItemIndexPath ;
# pragma mark - Dragged View
- ( UIView * ) _draggedViewSuperview
return ( self . draggedViewSuperview ! = nil ) ? self . draggedViewSuperview : self ;
- ( UIView * ) _prepareDraggedViewForCell : ( UICollectionViewCell * ) cell
UIView * view = [ [ UIView alloc ] initWithFrame : [ self convertRect : cell . frame toView : [ self _draggedViewSuperview ] ] ] ;
view . layer . rasterizationScale = TGScreenScaling ( ) ;
_outsideSnapshotView = [ cell snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates : false ] ;
[ view addSubview : _outsideSnapshotView ] ;
_insideSnapshotView = [ cell snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates : false ] ;
_outsideSnapshotView . layer . shadowOffset = CGSizeZero ;
_outsideSnapshotView . layer . shadowColor = [ UIColor blackColor ] . CGColor ;
_outsideSnapshotView . layer . shadowRadius = 3.0 f ;
_outsideSnapshotView . layer . shadowOpacity = 0.87 f ;
_outsideSnapshotView . layer . shadowPath = [ UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect : view . bounds ] . CGPath ;
return view ;
- ( void ) _performDraggedViewHighlightTransitionWithDuration : ( CGFloat ) duration completion : ( void ( ^ ) ( void ) ) completion
[ self addSubview : _insideSnapshotView ] ;
_insideSnapshotView . center = [ self convertPoint : _draggedView . center fromView : [ self _draggedViewSuperview ] ] ;
_draggedView . layer . shouldRasterize = true ;
_draggedView . alpha = 0.0 f ;
[ UIView animateWithDuration : duration delay : 0.0 f options : UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState animations : ^
_draggedView . alpha = 1.0 f ;
_draggedView . transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale ( 1.12 f , 1.12 f ) ;
_insideSnapshotView . transform = _draggedView . transform ;
} completion : ^ ( BOOL finished )
if ( finished )
_insideSnapshotView . hidden = true ;
if ( completion ! = nil )
completion ( ) ;
} ] ;
- ( void ) _performDraggedViewUnhighlightTransitionWithDuration : ( CGFloat ) duration targetCellCenter : ( CGPoint ) targetCellCenter completion : ( void ( ^ ) ( void ) ) completion
_insideSnapshotView . center = [ self convertPoint : _draggedView . center fromView : [ self _draggedViewSuperview ] ] ;
_insideSnapshotView . hidden = false ;
[ UIView animateWithDuration : duration delay : 0.0 f options : UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState animations : ^
_draggedView . alpha = 0.0 f ;
_draggedView . transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity ;
_insideSnapshotView . transform = _draggedView . transform ;
_draggedView . center = [ self convertPoint : targetCellCenter toView : [ self _draggedViewSuperview ] ] ;
_insideSnapshotView . center = targetCellCenter ;
} completion : ^ ( __unused BOOL finished )
if ( completion ! = nil )
completion ( ) ;
} ] ;
- ( void ) _performDraggedViewDropToIndexPath : ( NSIndexPath * ) destinationIndexPath completion : ( void ( ^ ) ( void ) ) completion
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes * layoutAttributes = [ self layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath : destinationIndexPath ] ;
[ self _performDraggedViewUnhighlightTransitionWithDuration : 0.25 f targetCellCenter : layoutAttributes . center completion : ^
[ _draggedView removeFromSuperview ] ;
_draggedView = nil ;
[ _outsideSnapshotView removeFromSuperview ] ;
_outsideSnapshotView = nil ;
[ _insideSnapshotView removeFromSuperview ] ;
_insideSnapshotView = nil ;
if ( completion ! = nil )
completion ( ) ;
} ] ;
- ( void ) updateDestinationIndexPath : ( NSIndexPath * ) indexPath
if ( indexPath = = nil || [ _lastIndexPath isEqual : indexPath ] )
return ;
_lastIndexPath = indexPath ;
id < TGDraggableCollectionViewDataSource > dataSource = ( id < TGDraggableCollectionViewDataSource > ) self . dataSource ;
if ( [ dataSource respondsToSelector : @ selector ( collectionView : canMoveItemAtIndexPath : toIndexPath : ) ] &&
! [ dataSource collectionView : self canMoveItemAtIndexPath : self . draggableLayout . sourceIndexPath toIndexPath : indexPath ] )
return ;
[ self performBatchUpdates : ^
self . draggableLayout . hiddenIndexPath = indexPath ;
self . draggableLayout . destinationIndexPath = indexPath ;
} completion : nil ] ;
# pragma mark - Gesture Handling
- ( void ) handleDragPress : ( UILongPressGestureRecognizer * ) gestureRecognizer
switch ( gestureRecognizer . state )
case UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan :
CGPoint location = [ gestureRecognizer locationInView : self ] ;
NSIndexPath * indexPath = [ self indexPathForItemAtPoint : location ] ;
if ( indexPath = = nil )
return ;
id < TGDraggableCollectionViewDataSource > dataSource = ( id < TGDraggableCollectionViewDataSource > ) self . dataSource ;
if ( [ dataSource respondsToSelector : @ selector ( collectionView : canMoveItemAtIndexPath : ) ] &&
! [ dataSource collectionView : self canMoveItemAtIndexPath : indexPath ] )
return ;
[ _draggedView removeFromSuperview ] ;
_draggedView = [ self _prepareDraggedViewForCell : [ self cellForItemAtIndexPath : indexPath ] ] ;
[ [ self _draggedViewSuperview ] addSubview : _draggedView ] ;
[ self _performDraggedViewHighlightTransitionWithDuration : 0.25 f completion : nil ] ;
_lastIndexPath = indexPath ;
self . draggableLayout . sourceIndexPath = indexPath ;
self . draggableLayout . destinationIndexPath = indexPath ;
self . draggableLayout . hiddenIndexPath = indexPath ;
[ self . draggableLayout invalidateLayout ] ;
break ;
case UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded :
case UIGestureRecognizerStateCancelled :
if ( self . draggableLayout . sourceIndexPath = = nil )
return ;
NSIndexPath * sourceIndexPath = self . draggableLayout . sourceIndexPath ;
NSIndexPath * destinationIndexPath = self . draggableLayout . destinationIndexPath ;
id < TGDraggableCollectionViewDataSource > dataSource = ( id < TGDraggableCollectionViewDataSource > ) self . dataSource ;
[ dataSource collectionView : self itemAtIndexPath : sourceIndexPath willMoveToIndexPath : destinationIndexPath ] ;
[ self performBatchUpdates : ^
[ self moveItemAtIndexPath : sourceIndexPath toIndexPath : destinationIndexPath ] ;
self . draggableLayout . sourceIndexPath = nil ;
self . draggableLayout . destinationIndexPath = nil ;
} completion : nil ] ;
_pressGestureRecognizer . enabled = false ;
[ self _performDraggedViewDropToIndexPath : destinationIndexPath completion : ^
_pressGestureRecognizer . enabled = true ;
if ( [ dataSource respondsToSelector : @ selector ( collectionView : itemAtIndexPath : didMoveToIndexPath : ) ] )
[ dataSource collectionView : self itemAtIndexPath : sourceIndexPath didMoveToIndexPath : destinationIndexPath ] ;
self . draggableLayout . hiddenIndexPath = nil ;
[ self . draggableLayout invalidateLayout ] ;
} ] ;
_lastIndexPath = nil ;
[ self invalidateScrolling ] ;
break ;
default :
break ;
- ( void ) handleDragPan : ( UIPanGestureRecognizer * ) gestureRecognizer
if ( self . draggableLayout . sourceIndexPath = = nil )
return ;
switch ( gestureRecognizer . state )
case UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan :
case UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged :
CGPoint translation = [ gestureRecognizer translationInView : self ] ;
[ gestureRecognizer setTranslation : CGPointZero inView : self ] ;
_draggedView . center = CGPointMake ( _draggedView . center . x + translation . x ,
_draggedView . center . y + translation . y ) ;
CGPoint center = [ self convertPoint : _draggedView . center fromView : [ self _draggedViewSuperview ] ] ;
_insideSnapshotView . center = center ;
UICollectionViewFlowLayout * layout = ( UICollectionViewFlowLayout * ) self . draggableLayout ;
switch ( layout . scrollDirection )
case UICollectionViewScrollDirectionHorizontal :
if ( center . x < ( CGRectGetMinX ( self . bounds ) + self . scrollingTriggerEdgeInsets . left ) )
[ self setupScrollForDraggingInDirection : TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionLeft ] ;
if ( center . x > ( CGRectGetMaxX ( self . bounds ) - self . scrollingTriggerEdgeInsets . right ) )
[ self setupScrollForDraggingInDirection : TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionRight ] ;
[ self invalidateScrolling ] ;
break ;
case UICollectionViewScrollDirectionVertical :
if ( center . y < ( CGRectGetMinY ( self . bounds ) + self . scrollingTriggerEdgeInsets . top ) )
[ self setupScrollForDraggingInDirection : TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionUp ] ;
if ( center . y > ( CGRectGetMaxY ( self . bounds ) - self . scrollingTriggerEdgeInsets . bottom ) )
[ self setupScrollForDraggingInDirection : TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionDown ] ;
[ self invalidateScrolling ] ;
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
case UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded :
case UIGestureRecognizerStateCancelled :
[ self invalidateScrolling ] ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( _scrollingDirection ! = TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionUnknown )
return ;
CGPoint location = [ gestureRecognizer locationInView : self ] ;
NSIndexPath * indexPath = [ self indexPathForItemNearPoint : location ] ;
[ self updateDestinationIndexPath : indexPath ] ;
- ( BOOL ) gestureRecognizerShouldBegin : ( UIGestureRecognizer * ) gestureRecognizer
2016-02-25 01:03:51 +01:00
if ( self . draggable && gestureRecognizer = = _panGestureRecognizer )
2015-10-01 18:19:52 +02:00
return ( self . draggableLayout . sourceIndexPath ! = nil ) ;
return true ;
- ( BOOL ) gestureRecognizer : ( UIGestureRecognizer * ) gestureRecognizer shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer : ( UIGestureRecognizer * ) otherGestureRecognizer
if ( gestureRecognizer = = _pressGestureRecognizer && otherGestureRecognizer = = _panGestureRecognizer )
return true ;
else if ( gestureRecognizer = = _panGestureRecognizer && otherGestureRecognizer = = _pressGestureRecognizer )
return true ;
return false ;
# pragma mark - Scrolling
- ( void ) setupScrollForDraggingInDirection : ( TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirection ) direction
if ( _scrollingDirection = = direction )
return ;
[ self invalidateScrolling ] ;
_scrollingDirection = direction ;
_scrollingDisplayLink = [ CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget : self selector : @ selector ( handleDragScroll : ) ] ;
[ _scrollingDisplayLink addToRunLoop : [ NSRunLoop mainRunLoop ] forMode : NSRunLoopCommonModes ] ;
- ( void ) handleDragScroll : ( CADisplayLink * ) displayLink
if ( _scrollingDirection = = TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionUnknown )
return ;
CGSize frameSize = self . bounds . size ;
CGSize contentSize = self . contentSize ;
CGPoint contentOffset = self . contentOffset ;
UIEdgeInsets contentInset = self . contentInset ;
CGFloat distance = ( CGFloat ) rint ( self . scrollingSpeed * displayLink . duration ) ;
CGPoint translation = CGPointZero ;
switch ( _scrollingDirection )
case TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionUp :
distance = - distance ;
if ( contentOffset . y + distance <= - contentInset . top )
distance = - contentOffset . y - contentInset . top ;
translation = CGPointMake ( 0 , distance ) ;
break ;
case TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionDown :
CGFloat maxY = contentSize . height - frameSize . height + contentInset . bottom ;
if ( ( contentOffset . y + distance ) >= maxY )
distance = maxY - contentOffset . y ;
translation = CGPointMake ( 0 , distance ) ;
break ;
case TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionLeft :
distance = - distance ;
if ( contentOffset . x + distance <= - contentInset . left )
distance = - contentOffset . x - contentInset . left ;
translation = CGPointMake ( distance , 0 ) ;
break ;
case TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionRight :
CGFloat maxX = contentSize . width - frameSize . width + contentInset . right ;
if ( ( contentOffset . x + distance ) >= maxX )
distance = maxX - contentOffset . x ;
translation = CGPointMake ( distance , 0 ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
self . contentOffset = CGPointMake ( contentOffset . x + translation . x ,
contentOffset . y + translation . y ) ;
NSIndexPath * indexPath = [ self indexPathForItemNearPoint : _draggedView . center ] ;
[ self updateDestinationIndexPath : indexPath ] ;
- ( void ) invalidateScrolling
[ _scrollingDisplayLink invalidate ] ;
_scrollingDisplayLink = nil ;
_scrollingDirection = TGDraggableCollectionScrollingDirectionUnknown ;
@ end