/** Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "POPAnimatable.h" #import "POPAnimationInternal.h" #import "POPAnimationTestsExtras.h" #import "POPBaseAnimationTests.h" #import "POPCGUtils.h" @interface POPSpringAnimationTests : POPBaseAnimationTests @end @implementation POPSpringAnimationTests static NSString *animationKey = @"key"; - (POPSpringAnimation *)_positionAnimation { POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.fromValue = @0.0; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerPositionX]; anim.springBounciness = 4.0; return anim; } - (void)testCompletion { // animation // the default from, to and bounciness values are used NSArray *markers = @[@0.5, @0.75, @1.0]; POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerPosition]; anim.progressMarkers = markers; XCTAssertEqualObjects(markers, anim.progressMarkers, @"%@ shoudl equal %@", markers, anim.progressMarkers); // delegate id delegate = [OCMockObject niceMockForProtocol:@protocol(POPAnimationDelegate)]; // expect start, progress & stop to all be called [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStart:anim]; [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStop:anim finished:YES]; anim.delegate = delegate; // layer id layer = [OCMockObject niceMockForClass:[CALayer class]]; // expect position to be called CGPoint position = CGPointMake(100, 100); [(CALayer *)[[layer stub] andReturnValue:OCMOCK_VALUE(position)] position]; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@"key"]; POPAnimatorRenderTimes(self.animator, self.beginTime, @[@0.0, @0.1, @0.2]); [layer verify]; [delegate verify]; } - (void)testConvergence { POPAnimatable *circle = [POPAnimatable new]; POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerPositionX]; anim.fromValue = @0.0; anim.toValue = @100.0; anim.velocity = @100.0; anim.springBounciness = 0.5; POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; [circle pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@"key"]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 1.0, 1.0/60.0); [tracer stop]; // finished POPAnimationValueEvent *stopEvent = [[tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventDidStop] lastObject]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(stopEvent.value, @YES, @"unexpected stop event %@", stopEvent); // convergence threshold NSArray *writeEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite]; NSUInteger toValueFrameCount = POPAnimationCountLastEventValues(writeEvents, anim.toValue, anim.property.threshold); XCTAssertTrue(toValueFrameCount < kPOPAnimationConvergenceMaxFrameCount, @"unexpected convergence; toValueFrameCount: %lu", (unsigned long)toValueFrameCount); } - (void)testConvergenceRounded { POPAnimatable *circle = [POPAnimatable new]; POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerPositionX]; anim.fromValue = @0.0; anim.toValue = @100.0; anim.velocity = @100.0; anim.springBounciness = 0.5; anim.roundingFactor = 1.0; POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; [circle pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@"key"]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 1.0, 1.0/60.0); [tracer stop]; // finished POPAnimationValueEvent *stopEvent = [[tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventDidStop] lastObject]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(stopEvent.value, @YES, @"unexpected stop event %@", stopEvent); // convergence threshold NSArray *writeEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite]; NSUInteger toValueFrameCount = POPAnimationCountLastEventValues(writeEvents, anim.toValue); XCTAssertTrue(toValueFrameCount < kPOPAnimationConvergenceMaxFrameCount, @"unexpected convergence; toValueFrameCount: %lu", (unsigned long)toValueFrameCount); } - (void)testConvergenceClampedRounded { POPAnimatable *circle = [POPAnimatable new]; POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerPositionX]; anim.fromValue = @0.0; anim.toValue = @100.0; anim.velocity = @100.0; anim.springBounciness = 0.5; anim.roundingFactor = 1.0; anim.clampMode = kPOPAnimationClampEnd; POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; [circle pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@"key"]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 1.0, 1.0/60.0); [tracer stop]; // finished POPAnimationValueEvent *stopEvent = [[tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventDidStop] lastObject]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(stopEvent.value, @YES, @"unexpected stop event %@", stopEvent); // convergence threshold NSArray *writeEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite]; NSUInteger toValueFrameCount = POPAnimationCountLastEventValues(writeEvents, anim.toValue); XCTAssertTrue(toValueFrameCount < kPOPAnimationConvergenceMaxFrameCount, @"unexpected convergence; toValueFrameCount: %lu", (unsigned long)toValueFrameCount); } - (void)testRemovedOnCompletionNoStartStopBasics { CALayer *layer = self.layer1; POPSpringAnimation *anim = self._positionAnimation; POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; id delegate = [OCMockObject niceMockForProtocol:@protocol(POPAnimationDelegate)]; // cleanup [layer pop_removeAllAnimations]; // configure animation anim.removedOnCompletion = NO; anim.toValue = @5.0; anim.delegate = delegate; __block BOOL completionBlock = NO; __block BOOL completionBlockFinished = NO; anim.completionBlock = ^(POPAnimation *a, BOOL finished) { completionBlock = YES; completionBlockFinished = finished; }; // start tracer [tracer start]; // expect start and stopped [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStart:anim]; [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStop:anim finished:YES]; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:animationKey]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 20.0, 1.0/60.0); NSArray *allEvents = tracer.allEvents; // verify delegate [delegate verify]; XCTAssertTrue(completionBlock, @"completion block did not execute %@", allEvents); XCTAssertTrue(completionBlockFinished, @"completion block did not finish %@", allEvents); // assert animation has not been removed XCTAssertTrue(anim == [layer pop_animationForKey:animationKey], @"expected animation on layer animations:%@", [layer pop_animationKeys]); } - (void)testRemovedOnCompletionNoContinuations { static NSString *animationKey = @"key"; static NSArray *toValues = @[@50.0, @100.0, @20.0, @80.0]; static NSArray *durations = @[@2.0, @0.3, @0.4, @2.0]; CALayer *layer = self.layer1; POPSpringAnimation *anim = self._positionAnimation; POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; id delegate = [OCMockObject niceMockForProtocol:@protocol(POPAnimationDelegate)]; // cleanup [layer pop_removeAllAnimations]; // configure animation anim.removedOnCompletion = NO; anim.delegate = delegate; // start tracer [tracer start]; __block CFTimeInterval beginTime; __block BOOL completionBlock = NO; __block BOOL completionBlockFinished = NO; [toValues enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *ptrStop) { anim.toValue = obj; if (0 == idx) { [tracer reset]; // starts and stops [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStart:anim]; [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStop:anim finished:YES]; anim.completionBlock = ^(POPAnimation *a, BOOL finished) { completionBlock = YES; completionBlockFinished = finished; }; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:animationKey]; beginTime = self.beginTime; CFTimeInterval dt = [durations[idx] doubleValue]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, beginTime, dt, 1.0/60.0); beginTime += dt; NSArray *allEvents = tracer.allEvents; NSArray *didReachEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventDidReachToValue]; // verify delegate [delegate verify]; XCTAssertTrue(1 == didReachEvents.count, @"unexpected didReachEvents %@", didReachEvents); XCTAssertTrue(completionBlock, @"completion block did not execute %@", allEvents); XCTAssertTrue(completionBlockFinished, @"completion block did not finish %@", allEvents); } else if (toValues.count - 1 == idx) { // continue stoped animation [tracer reset]; completionBlock = NO; completionBlockFinished = NO; [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStop:anim finished:YES]; CFTimeInterval dt = [durations[idx] doubleValue]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, beginTime, dt, 1.0/60.0); beginTime += dt; NSArray *allEvents = tracer.allEvents; NSArray *didReachEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventDidReachToValue]; // verify delegate [delegate verify]; XCTAssertTrue(1 == didReachEvents.count, @"unexpected didReachEvents %@", didReachEvents); XCTAssertTrue(completionBlock, @"completion block did not execute %@", allEvents); XCTAssertTrue(completionBlockFinished, @"completion block did not finish %@", allEvents); } else { // continue stoped (idx = 1) or started animation if (1 == idx) { [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStart:anim]; } // reset state [tracer reset]; completionBlock = NO; completionBlockFinished = NO; CFTimeInterval dt = [durations[idx] doubleValue]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, beginTime, dt, 1.0/60.0); beginTime += dt; NSArray *allEvents = tracer.allEvents; NSArray *didReachEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventDidReachToValue]; // verify delegate [delegate verify]; XCTAssertTrue(1 == didReachEvents.count, @"unexpected didReachEvents %@", didReachEvents); XCTAssertFalse(completionBlock, @"completion block did not execute %@ %@", anim, allEvents); XCTAssertFalse(completionBlockFinished, @"completion block did not finish %@ %@", anim, allEvents); } // assert animation has not been removed XCTAssertTrue(anim == [layer pop_animationForKey:animationKey], @"expected animation on layer animations:%@", [layer pop_animationKeys]); }]; } - (void)testNoOperationAnimation { const CGPoint initialValue = CGPointMake(100, 100); CALayer *layer = self.layer1; layer.position = initialValue; [layer pop_removeAllAnimations]; POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerPosition]; id delegate = [OCMockObject niceMockForProtocol:@protocol(POPAnimationDelegate)]; anim.delegate = delegate; // starts and stops [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStart:anim]; [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStop:anim finished:YES]; POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:animationKey]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 5, 1.0/60.0); // verify delegate [delegate verify]; // verify number values NSArray *writeEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite]; for (POPAnimationValueEvent *writeEvent in writeEvents) { XCTAssertEqualObjects(writeEvent.value, [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:initialValue], @"unexpected write event:%@ anim:%@", writeEvent, anim); } } - (void)testLazyValueInitialization { CALayer *layer = self.layer1; layer.position = CGPointZero; POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerPositionX]; anim.fromValue = @100.0; anim.beginTime = self.beginTime + 0.3; POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; // add animation, but do not start [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:animationKey]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 0.2, 1.0/60.0); XCTAssertNotNil(anim.fromValue, @"unexpected from value %@", anim); XCTAssertNil(anim.toValue, @"unexpected to value %@", anim); // start animation POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime + 0.2, 0.2, 1.0/60.0); XCTAssertNotNil(anim.fromValue, @"unexpected from value %@", anim); XCTAssertNotNil(anim.toValue, @"unexpected to value %@", anim); // continue running animation anim.fromValue = nil; anim.toValue = @200.0; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime + 0.4, 0.2, 1.0/60.0); XCTAssertNotNil(anim.fromValue, @"unexpected from value %@", anim); XCTAssertNotNil(anim.toValue, @"unexpected to value %@", anim); } - (void)testLatentSpring { POPSpringAnimation *translationAnimation = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; translationAnimation.dynamicsTension = 990; translationAnimation.dynamicsFriction = 230; translationAnimation.dynamicsMass = 1.0; translationAnimation.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerOpacity]; translationAnimation.removedOnCompletion = NO; [self pop_addAnimation:translationAnimation forKey:@"test"]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime + 0.4, 0.2, 1.0/60.0); } - (void)testRectSupport { const CGRect fromRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0); const CGRect toRect = CGRectMake(100, 200, 200, 400); const CGRect velocityRect = CGRectMake(1000, 1000, 1000, 1000); POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerBounds]; anim.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGRect:fromRect]; anim.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGRect:toRect]; anim.velocity = [NSValue valueWithCGRect:velocityRect]; id delegate = [OCMockObject niceMockForProtocol:@protocol(POPAnimationDelegate)]; anim.delegate = delegate; // expect start and stop to be called [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStart:anim]; [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStop:anim finished:YES]; // start tracer POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; CALayer *layer = [CALayer layer]; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@""]; // run animation POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 3, 1.0/60.0); NSArray *writeEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite]; // verify delegate [delegate verify]; POPAnimationValueEvent *lastEvent = [writeEvents lastObject]; CGRect lastRect = [lastEvent.value CGRectValue]; // verify last rect is to rect XCTAssertTrue(CGRectEqualToRect(lastRect, toRect), @"unexpected last rect value: %@", lastEvent); } #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE - (void)testEdgeInsetsSupport { const UIEdgeInsets fromEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsZero; const UIEdgeInsets toEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(100, 200, 200, 400); const UIEdgeInsets velocityEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(1000, 1000, 1000, 1000); POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPScrollViewContentInset]; anim.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithUIEdgeInsets:fromEdgeInsets]; anim.toValue = [NSValue valueWithUIEdgeInsets:toEdgeInsets]; anim.velocity = [NSValue valueWithUIEdgeInsets:velocityEdgeInsets]; id delegate = [OCMockObject niceMockForProtocol:@protocol(POPAnimationDelegate)]; anim.delegate = delegate; // expect start and stop to be called [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStart:anim]; [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStop:anim finished:YES]; // start tracer POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; id scrollView = [OCMockObject niceMockForClass:[UIScrollView class]]; [scrollView pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:nil]; // expect final value to be set [[scrollView expect] setContentInset:toEdgeInsets]; // run animation POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 3, 1.0/60.0); NSArray *writeEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite]; // verify delegate [delegate verify]; // verify scroll view [scrollView verify]; POPAnimationValueEvent *lastEvent = [writeEvents lastObject]; UIEdgeInsets lastEdgeInsets = [lastEvent.value UIEdgeInsetsValue]; // verify last insets are to insets XCTAssertTrue(UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(lastEdgeInsets, toEdgeInsets), @"unexpected last edge insets value: %@", lastEvent); } #endif - (void)testColorSupport { CGFloat fromValues[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; CGFloat toValues[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; CGColorRef fromColor = POPCGColorRGBACreate(fromValues); CGColorRef toColor = POPCGColorRGBACreate(toValues); POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerBounds]; anim.fromValue = (__bridge_transfer id)fromColor; anim.toValue = (__bridge_transfer id)toColor; id delegate = [OCMockObject niceMockForProtocol:@protocol(POPAnimationDelegate)]; anim.delegate = delegate; // start tracer POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; CALayer *layer = [CALayer layer]; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@""]; // run animation POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 3, 1.0/60.0); NSArray *writeEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite]; // verify delegate [delegate verify]; // expect some interpolation XCTAssertTrue(writeEvents.count > 1, @"unexpected write events %@", writeEvents); POPAnimationValueEvent *lastEvent = [writeEvents lastObject]; // verify last written color is to color POPAssertColorEqual((__bridge CGColorRef)lastEvent.value, (__bridge CGColorRef)anim.toValue); } static BOOL _floatingPointEqual(CGFloat a, CGFloat b) { CGFloat epsilon = 0.0001; return fabsf(a - b) < epsilon; } - (void)testBouncinessSpeedToTensionFrictionConversion { CGFloat sampleBounciness = 12.0; CGFloat sampleSpeed = 5.0; CGFloat tension, friction, mass; [POPSpringAnimation convertBounciness:sampleBounciness speed:sampleSpeed toTension:&tension friction:&friction mass:&mass]; CGFloat outBounciness, outSpeed; [POPSpringAnimation convertTension:tension friction:friction toBounciness:&outBounciness speed:&outSpeed]; XCTAssertTrue(_floatingPointEqual(sampleBounciness, outBounciness) && _floatingPointEqual(sampleSpeed, outSpeed), @"(bounciness, speed) conversion failed. Mapped (%f, %f) back to (%f, %f)", sampleBounciness, sampleSpeed, outBounciness, outSpeed); } - (void)testTensionFrictionToBouncinessSpeedConversion { CGFloat sampleTension = 240.0; CGFloat sampleFriction = 25.0; CGFloat bounciness, speed; [POPSpringAnimation convertTension:sampleTension friction:sampleFriction toBounciness:&bounciness speed:&speed]; CGFloat outTension, outFriction, outMass; [POPSpringAnimation convertBounciness:bounciness speed:speed toTension:&outTension friction:&outFriction mass:&outMass]; XCTAssertTrue(_floatingPointEqual(sampleTension, outTension) && _floatingPointEqual(sampleFriction, outFriction), @"(tension, friction) conversion failed. Mapped (%f, %f) back to (%f, %f)", sampleTension, sampleFriction, outTension, outFriction); } - (void)testRemovedOnCompletionNoContinuationValues { static CGFloat fromValue = 400.0; static NSArray *toValues = @[@200.0, @400.0]; // configure animation POPSpringAnimation *anim = self._positionAnimation; anim.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:fromValue]; anim.toValue = toValues[0]; anim.removedOnCompletion = NO; // run animation, from 400 to 200 CALayer *layer = [CALayer layer]; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@""]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 3, 1.0/60.0); // assert reached to value XCTAssertTrue(layer.position.x == [anim.toValue floatValue], @"unexpected value:%@ %@", layer, anim); // start tracer POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; // update to value, animate from 200 to 400 anim.toValue = toValues[1]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 3, 1.0/60.0); // verify from 200 to 400 NSArray *writeEvents = [tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite]; XCTAssertTrue(writeEvents.count > 5, @"unexpected frame count %@", writeEvents); CGFloat firstValue = [[(POPAnimationValueEvent *)[writeEvents firstObject] value] floatValue]; CGFloat lastValue = [[(POPAnimationValueEvent *)[writeEvents lastObject] value] floatValue]; XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(((CGFloat)[toValues[0] floatValue]), firstValue, 10, @"unexpected first value %@", writeEvents); XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(((CGFloat)[toValues[1] floatValue]), lastValue, 10, @"unexpected last value %@", writeEvents); } - (void)testNilColor { POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; anim.property = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:kPOPLayerBackgroundColor]; #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE anim.toValue = (__bridge id)[UIColor redColor].CGColor; #else anim.toValue = (__bridge id)[NSColor redColor].CGColor; #endif // start tracer POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; // run animation CALayer *layer = [CALayer layer]; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@""]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 3, 1.0/60.0); // verify valid from color exists CGColorRef fromColor = (__bridge CGColorRef)anim.fromValue; XCTAssertTrue(fromColor, @"unexpected value %p", fromColor); // verify from color clear #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE POPAssertColorEqual(fromColor, [UIColor clearColor].CGColor); #else POPAssertColorEqual(fromColor, [NSColor clearColor].CGColor); #endif } - (void)testExcessiveJumpInTime { POPSpringAnimation *anim = self._positionAnimation; anim.toValue = @(1000.0); // start tracer POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; id delegate = [OCMockObject niceMockForProtocol:@protocol(POPAnimationDelegate)]; anim.delegate = delegate; // expect start and stop to be called [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStart:anim]; [[delegate expect] pop_animationDidStop:anim finished:YES]; CALayer *layer = [CALayer layer]; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:animationKey]; // render with large time jump POPAnimatorRenderTimes(self.animator, self.beginTime, @[@0.0, @0.01, @300]); // verify start stop [delegate verify]; // verify last write event value POPAnimationValueEvent *writeEvent = [[tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite] lastObject]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(writeEvent.value, anim.toValue, @"unexpected last write event %@", writeEvent); } - (void)testEquivalentFromToValues { POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animationWithPropertyNamed:kPOPLayerPosition]; anim.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointZero]; anim.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointZero]; anim.velocity = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(1000.0, 1000.0)]; // start tracer POPAnimationTracer *tracer = anim.tracer; [tracer start]; // run animation CALayer *layer = [CALayer layer]; [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@""]; POPAnimatorRenderDuration(self.animator, self.beginTime, 3, 1.0/60.0); // verify last write event value POPAnimationValueEvent *writeEvent = [[tracer eventsWithType:kPOPAnimationEventPropertyWrite] lastObject]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(writeEvent.value, anim.toValue, @"unexpected last write event %@", writeEvent); } @end