/* * This is the source code of Telegram for iOS v. 1.1 * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Peter Iakovlev, 2013. */ #import "TGSupportPeerActor.h" #import "TGUserDataRequestBuilder.h" #import "ActionStage.h" #import "TGTelegraph.h" #import "TGDatabase.h" @implementation TGSupportPeerActor + (void)load { [ASActor registerActorClass:self]; } + (NSString *)genericPath { return @"/tg/support/preferredPeer"; } - (void)execute:(NSDictionary *)__unused options { __weak TGSupportPeerActor *weakSelf = self; self.cancelToken = [TGTelegraphInstance doRequestPrefferredSuportPeer:^(TLhelp_Support *supportDesc) { __strong TGSupportPeerActor *strongSelf = weakSelf; [strongSelf requestCompleted:supportDesc]; } fail:^ { __strong TGSupportPeerActor *strongSelf = weakSelf; [strongSelf requestFailed]; }]; } - (void)requestCompleted:(TLhelp_Support *)supportDesc { [TGUserDataRequestBuilder executeUserDataUpdate:@[supportDesc.user]]; int32_t uid = supportDesc.user.n_id; [TGDatabaseInstance() setCustomProperty:@"supportAccountUid" value:[[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&uid length:4]]; [ActionStageInstance() actionCompleted:self.path result:@{@"uid": @(supportDesc.user.n_id)}]; } - (void)requestFailed { [ActionStageInstance() actionFailed:self.path reason:-1]; } @end