mirror of https://github.com/danog/Telegram.git synced 2024-12-03 09:57:46 +01:00
2015-10-01 19:19:52 +03:00

80 lines
1.9 KiB

* This is the source code of Telegram for iOS v. 1.1
* It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later.
* You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE).
* Copyright Peter Iakovlev, 2013.
#import "TGCheckCollectionItem.h"
#import "TGCheckCollectionItemView.h"
@implementation TGCheckCollectionItem
- (instancetype)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title action:(SEL)action
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
_title = title;
_action = action;
self.deselectAutomatically = true;
return self;
- (Class)itemViewClass
return [TGCheckCollectionItemView class];
- (CGSize)itemSizeForContainerSize:(CGSize)containerSize
return CGSizeMake(containerSize.width, 44.0f);
- (void)bindView:(TGCollectionItemView *)view
[super bindView:view];
[(TGCheckCollectionItemView *)view setAlignToRight:_alignToRight];
((TGCheckCollectionItemView *)view).drawsFullSeparator = _requiresFullSeparator;
[(TGCheckCollectionItemView *)view setTitle:_title];
[(TGCheckCollectionItemView *)view setIsChecked:_isChecked];
- (void)itemSelected:(id)actionTarget
if (_action != NULL && [actionTarget respondsToSelector:_action])
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
if ([NSStringFromSelector(_action) rangeOfString:@":"].location != NSNotFound)
[actionTarget performSelector:_action withObject:self];
[actionTarget performSelector:_action];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)title
_title = title;
if ([self boundView] != nil)
[(TGCheckCollectionItemView *)[self boundView] setTitle:_title];
- (void)setIsChecked:(bool)isChecked
_isChecked = isChecked;
if ([self boundView] != nil)
[(TGCheckCollectionItemView *)[self boundView] setIsChecked:_isChecked];