# TelegramApiServer Fast, simple, async php telegram api server: [MadelineProto](https://github.com/danog/MadelineProto) and [Amp](https://github.com/amphp/amp) Http Server * Online demo (getHistory + Media Download): [tg.i-c-a.su](https://tg.i-c-a.su) * My content aggregator: [i-c-a.su](https://i-c-a.su) * Get telegram channels in RSS: [TelegramRSS](https://github.com/xtrime-ru/TelegramRSS) ## Features * Fast async Amp Http Server * Full access to telegram api: bot and user * Multiple sessions * Stream media (view files in a browser) * Upload media * Websocket endpoints for events and logs * MadelineProto optimized settings to reduce memory consumption **Architecture Example** ![Architecture Example](https://hsto.org/webt/j-/ob/ky/j-obkye1dv68ngsrgi12qevutra.png) ## Installation ```shell git clone https://github.com/xtrime-ru/TelegramApiServer.git TelegramApiServer cd TelegramApiServer cp .env.docker.example .env.docker docker compose pull ``` ## Authorization 1. Get app_id and app_hash at [my.telegram.org](https://my.telegram.org/). Only one app_id needed for any amount of users and bots. 1. Fill app_id and app_hash in `.env.docker`. 1. Start TelegramApiServer in cli: 1. Start container interactively: `docker compose run --rm api` 2. If you need to start multiple sessions, create docker-compose.override.yml. Add additional containers there. Use unique ports and session names in `command`. 1. Authorize your session: 1. After promt fill your phone number, or bot hash. 1. Follow instructions 1. Wait 10-30 seconds until session is started. You will see logs: ```text TelegramApiServer ready. Number of sessions: 1. ``` 1. Exit with `Ctrl + C` 1. Run container in background `docker compose up -d`. ## Update * `git pull` or `git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master` * `rm -rf vendor/` * Compare `.env.docker` or `.env` with corresponding `.env.example`. Update if needed. * Recreate containers: ```shell docker compose pull docker compose down docker compose up -d ``` ## Usage 1. Run server/parser ``` usage: php server.php [--help] [-a=|--address=] [-p=|--port=9503] [-s=|--session=] [-e=|--env=.env] [--docker] Options: --help Show this message -a --address Server ip (optional) (default: To listen external connections use and fill IP_WHITELIST in .env -p --port Server port (optional) (default: 9503) -s --session Name for session file (optional) Multiple sessions can be specified: "--session=user --session=bot" Each session is stored in `sessions/{$session}.madeline`. Nested folders supported. See README for more examples. -e --env .env file name. (default: .env). Helpful when need multiple instances with different settings --docker Apply some settings for docker: add docker network to whitelist. Also some options can be set in .env file (see .env.example) ``` 1. Access Telegram API with simple GET/POST requests. Regular and application/json POST supported. It's recommended to use http_build_query, when using GET requests. **Rules:** * All methods from MadelineProto supported: [Methods List](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/methods/) * Url: `http://%address%:%port%/api[/%session%]/%class%.%method%/?%param%=%val%` * Important: api available only from ip in whitelist. By default it is: `` You can add a client IP in .env file to `IP_WHITELIST` (separate with a comma) In docker version by default api available only from localhost ( To allow connections from the internet, need to change ports in docker-compose.yml to `9503:9503` and recreate the container: `docker compose up -d`. This is very insecure, because this will open TAS port to anyone from the internet. Only protection is the `IP_WHITELIST`, and there are no warranties that it will secure your accounts. * If method is inside class (messages, contacts and etc.) use '.' to separate class from method: `` * If method requires array of values, use any name of array, for example 'data': `?data[peer]=@xtrime&data[message]=Hello!`. Order of parameters does't matter in this case. * If method requires one or multiple separate parameters (not inside array) then pass parameters with any names but **in strict order**: `` or `` works the same **Examples:** * get_info about channel/user: `` * get_info about currect account: `` * repost: `[from_peer]=@xtrime&data[to_peer]=@xtrime&data[id]=1234` * get messages from channel/user: `[peer]=@breakingmash&data[limit]=10` * get messages with text in HTML: `[peer]=@breakingmash&data[limit]=10` * search: `[q]=Hello%20World&data[limit]=10` * sendMessage: `[peer]=@xtrime&data[message]=Hello!` * copy message from one channel to another (not repost): `[from_peer]=@xtrime&data[to_peer]=@xtrime&data[id][0]=1` ## Advanced features ### Get events/updates Telegram is event driven platform. For example: every time your account receives a message you immediately get an update. There are multiple ways of [getting updates](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/UPDATES.html) in TelegramApiServer / MadelineProto: 1. [Websocket](#eventhandler-updates-webhooks) 2. Long Polling: send request to getUpdates endpoint `curl "[limit]=3&data[offset]=0&data[timeout]=10.0" -g` 3. Webhook: Redirect all updates to your endpoint, just like bot api! `curl "" -g ` Example uses urlencoded url in query. ### Uploading files. There are few options to upload and send media files: - Custom method `sendMedia` supports upload from form: ```shell script curl "[peer]=xtrime&data[message]=Hello" -g \ -F "file=@/Users/xtrime/Downloads/test.txt" ``` - use custom `uploadMediaForm` method and then pass result to `messages.sendMedia`: 1. `curl "" -g -F "file=@/Users/xtrime/Downloads/test.txt"` Method supports `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and `multipart/form-data`. 2. Send result from `uploadMediaForm` to `messages.sendMedia` or `sendMedia`: ```shell script curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "data":{ "peer": "@xtrime", "media": { "_": "inputMediaUploadedDocument", "file": { "_": "inputFile", "id": 1164670976363200575, "parts": 1, "name": "test.txt", "mime_type": "text/plain", "md5_checksum": "" }, "attributes": [ { "_": "documentAttributeFilename", "file_name": "test.txt" } ] } } }' ``` - See other options: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/FILES.html#uploading-files ### Downloading files ```shell script curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "media": { "_": "messageMediaDocument", "document": { "_": "document", "id": 5470079466401169993, "access_hash": -6754208767885394084, "file_reference": { "_": "bytes", "bytes": "AkKdqJkAACnyXshwzMhdzeC5RkdVZeh58sAB/UU=" }, "date": 1551713685, "mime_type": "video/mp4", "size": 400967, "dc_id": 2, "attributes": [ { "_": "documentAttributeFilename", "file_name": "одолдол.mp4" } ] } } }' ``` Also see: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/FILES.html#downloading-files ### Multiple sessions support **WARNING: running multiple sessions in one instance is unstable.** Crash/error in one session will crash all of them. Correct way: override docker-compose.yml and add containers with different ports and session names for each session. When running multiple sessions, need to define which session to use for request. Each session stored in `sessions/{$session}.madeline`. Nested folders supported. **Examples:** * `php server.php --session=bot --session=users/xtrime --session=users/user1` * `` * `` * `` * sessions file paths are: `sessions/bot.madeline`, `sessions/users/xtrime.madeline` and `sessions/users/user1.madeline` * glob syntax for sessions: * `--session=*` to use all `sessions/*.madeline` files (in subfolders too). * `--session=users/* --session=bots/*` to use all session files from `sessions/bots` and `sessions/users` folders. ### Different settings for sessions * Use `--env` argument to define the relative path to env file. Example: ```php server.php --env=.env```, ```php server.php --env=sessions/.env.session``` This is helpful to define unique settings for different instances of TelegramApiServer. You can start multiple instances of TelegramApiServer with different sessions on different ports with their own settings. * Another way to manage settings - put %sessionName%.settings.json in sessions folder. Example of `session.settings.json` to add proxy for the one session: ```json { "connection": { "proxies": { "\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Proxy\\SocksProxy": [ { "address": "", "port": 1234, "username": "user", "password": "pass" } ], "\\danog\\MadelineProto\\Stream\\Proxy\\HttpProxy": [ { "address": "", "port": 1234, "username": "user", "password": "pass" } ] } } } ``` Methods to work with settings files: * `[app_info][app_id]=xxx&settings[app_info][app_hash]=xxx` * `` * Provide settings as second argument when adding session: `[app_info][app_id]=xxx&&settings[app_info][app_hash]=xxx` These settings will be saved into json file and will apply after the restart. ### Session management **Examples:** * Session list: `` * Adding session: `` * Removing session (session file will remain): `` Due to madelineProto issue its instance still might be in memory and continue working even after the remove. * Remove session file: `` Don`t forget to logout and call removeSession first! * Close TelegramApiServer (end process): `` Full list of system methods available in [SystemApiExtensions class](https://github.com/xtrime-ru/TelegramApiServer/blob/master/src/MadelineProtoExtensions/SystemApiExtensions.php) ### Authorizing session remotely WARNING: it is recomended to use interactive mode to authorize sessions! If there is no authorization in session, or session file is blank, authorization required: User: * ``, %2B - is urlencoded "+" sign * `` * (optional) `` * (optional) `` Bot: * `` Save new session to file immediately: `` Also, session can be authorized in cli/shell on server start. ### Websocket #### EventHandler updates (webhooks). Connect to `ws://` to get all events in json. This is efficient alternative for webhooks. Each event is json object in [json-rpc 2.0 format](https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#response_object). Example: When using multiple sessions, name of session can be added to path of websocket endpoint: This endpoint will send events only from `users/xtrime` session: `ws://` PHP websocket client example: [websocket-events.php](https://github.com/xtrime-ru/TelegramApiServer/blob/master/examples/websocket-events.php) `php examples/websocket-events.php --url=ws://` #### Logs. Connect to `ws://[/%level%]` to get logs in real time. `%level%` is optional parameter to filter logs. If filter is specified, then only messages with equal or greater level will be send. This endpoint will send only alert and emergency logs: `ws://` Available levels: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency. PHP websocket client example: [websocket-events.php](https://github.com/xtrime-ru/TelegramApiServer/blob/master/examples/websocket-events.php) `php examples/websocket-events.php --url=ws://` ### Custom methods TelegramApiServer extends madelineProto with some handful methods. Full list of custom methods and their parameters available in [ApiExtensions class](https://github.com/xtrime-ru/TelegramApiServer/blob/master/src/MadelineProtoExtensions/ApiExtensions.php#L19) * `getHistory` - same as messages.getHistory, but all params exept peer is optional. * `getHistoryHtml` - message entities converted to html * `formatMessage` - converts entities to html * `copyMessages` - copy message from one peer to onother. Like forwardMessages, but without the link to original. * `getMedia` - download media to stream/browser * `getMediaPreview` - download media preview to stream/browser * `uploadMediaForm` - upload document from POST request. ## Contacts * Telegram: * Author: [@xtrime](https://t.me/xtrime) * [MadelineProto and Amp Support Groups](https://t.me/pwrtelegramgroup) * Use madelineProto support groups to get support for TelegramApiServer. * Email: alexander(at)i-c-a.su