$options['address'] ?? $options['a'] ?? '', 'port' => $options['port'] ?? $options['p'] ?? '', 'session' => (array) ($options['session'] ?? $options['s'] ?? []), 'env' => $options['env'] ?? $options['e'] ?? '.env', 'docker' => isset($options['docker']), 'help' => isset($options['help']), ]; if ($options['help']) { $help = 'Fast, simple, async php telegram parser: MadelineProto + Swoole Server usage: php server.php [--help] [-a=|--address=] [-p=|--port=9503] [-s=|--session=] [-e=|--env=.env] [--docker] Options: --help Show this message -a --address Server ip (optional) (default: To listen external connections use and fill IP_WHITELIST in .env -p --port Server port (optional) (default: 9503) -s --session Name for session file (optional) Multiple sessions can be specified: "--session=user --session=bot" Each session is stored in `sessions/{$session}.madeline`. Nested folders supported. See README for more examples. -e --env .env file name. (default: .env). Helpful when need multiple instances with different settings --docker Apply some settings for docker: add docker network to whitelist. Also some options can be set in .env file (see .env.example) Example: php server.php '; echo $help; exit; } require_once __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php'; SessionsMigration::move(); SwooleToAmpMigration::check(); $mainProcessPid = getmypid(); if (Config::getInstance()->get('health_check.enabled')) { Fork::run(function() use($mainProcessPid) { HealthCheck::start($mainProcessPid); }); } $sessions = []; foreach ($options['session'] as $session) { $session = trim($session); if (mb_substr($session, -1) === '/') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Session name specified as directory'); } $session = Files::getSessionFile($session); if (preg_match('~[' . preg_quote('*?[]!', '~') . ']~', $session)) { $sessions = Files::globRecursive($session); } else { $sessions[] = $session; } $sessions = array_filter($sessions); $sessions = array_unique($sessions); } new TelegramApiServer\Server\Server( $options, $sessions );