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# TelegramApiServer
Fast, simple, async php telegram api server:
[MadelineProto](https://github.com/danog/MadelineProto) and [AmpPhp](https://github.com/amphp/amp) Server
* Online server for tests: [tg.i-c-a.su](https://tg.i-c-a.su)
* My content aggregator: [i-c-a.su](https://i-c-a.su)
* Im using this micro-service with: [my TelegramRSS micro-service](https://github.com/xtrime-ru/TelegramRSS)
* Fast async server
* Full access to telegram api: bot and user
**Example Architecture**
![Proposed Architecture](https://hsto.org/webt/j-/ob/ky/j-obkye1dv68ngsrgi12qevutra.png)
1. Git clone this repo
1. `composer install -o --no-dev` to install required libs
1. Create .env from .env.example
1. Fill variables in .env
1. Get app_id and app_hash at [my.telegram.org](https://my.telegram.org/) or leave blank.
MadelineProto will generate them on start.
1. Use supervisor to monitor and restart swoole/amphp servers. Example of `/etc/supervisor/conf.d/telegram_api_server.conf`:
command=/usr/bin/php /home/admin/web/tg.i-c-a.su/TelegramApiServer/server.php
1. Run server/parser
php server.php [--help] [-a|--address=] [-p|--port=9503]
--help Show this message
-a --address Server ip (optional) (example:
-p --port Server port (optional) (example: 9503)
-s --session Prefix for session file (optional) (example: xtrime)
Also options can be set in .env file (see .env.example)
1. Access telegram api directly via simple get requests.
* All methods from MadelineProto supported: [Methods List](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/methods/)
* Url: `http://%address%:%port%/api/%class%.%method%/?%param1%=%val%`
* <b>Important: api available only from ip in whitelist.</b>
By default it is: ``
You can add client ip in .env file to `API_CLIENT_WHITELIST` (use json format)
* If method is inside class (messages, contacts and etc.) use '.' to separate class from method:
* If method requires array of values, use any name of array, for example 'data':
`?data[peer]=@xtrime&data[message]=Hello!`. Order of parameters does't matter in this case.
* If method requires one or multiple separate parameters (not inside array) then pass parameters with any names but **in strict order**:
`` or `` works the same
* get_info about channel/user: ``
* get_info about currect account: ``
* repost: `[from_peer]=@xtrime&data[to_peer]=@xtrime&data[id]=1234`
* get messages from channel/user: `[peer]=@breakingmash&data[limit]=10`
* get messages with text in HTML: `[peer]=@breakingmash&data[limit]=10`
* search: `[q]=Hello%20World&data[limit]=10`
* sendMessage: `[peer]=@xtrime&data[message]=Hello!`
* copy message from one channel to other (not repost): `[from_peer]=@xtrime&data[to_peer]=@xtrime&data[id][0]=1`
* Telegram: [@xtrime](tg://resolve?domain=xtrime)
* Email: alexander(at)i-c-a.su
* BTC: 1BE1nitXgEAxg7A5tgec67ucNryQwusoiP
* ETH: 0x0e2d369E28DCA2336803b9dE696eCDa50ff61e27