Inferring object unions and named constructor are now done using the
same algorithm — in class `ObjectBuilderFilterer` — which is called from
a unique entry point in `ClassNodeBuilder`.
An object may have several ways of being created — in such cases it is
common to use so-called named constructors, also known as static factory
methods. If one or more are found, they can be called during the mapping
to create an instance of the object.
What defines a named constructor is a method that:
1. is public
2. is static
3. returns an instance of the object
4. has one or more arguments
final class Color
* @param int<0, 255> $red
* @param int<0, 255> $green
* @param int<0, 255> $blue
private function __construct(
public readonly int $red,
public readonly int $green,
public readonly int $blue
) {}
* @param int<0, 255> $red
* @param int<0, 255> $green
* @param int<0, 255> $blue
public static function fromRgb(
int $red,
int $green,
int $blue,
): self {
return new self($red, $green, $blue);
* @param non-empty-string $hex
public static function fromHex(string $hex): self
if (strlen($hex) !== 6) {
throw new DomainException('Must be 6 characters long');
/** @var int<0, 255> $red */
$red = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2));
/** @var int<0, 255> $green */
$green = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2));
/** @var int<0, 255> $blue */
$blue = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2));
return new self($red, $green, $blue);
When the mapper needs to map a source to a union of objects, it will try
to guess which object it will map to, based on the needed arguments of
the objects, and the values contained in the source.
final class UnionOfObjects
public readonly SomeFooObject|SomeBarObject $object;
final class SomeFooObject
public readonly string $foo;
final class SomeBarObject
public readonly string $bar;
// Will map to an instance of `SomeFooObject`
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
->map(UnionOfObjects::class, ['foo' => 'foo']);
// Will map to an instance of `SomeBarObject`
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
->map(UnionOfObjects::class, ['bar' => 'bar']);