# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/schema.json site_name: Valinor site_url: https://valinor.cuyz.io/ repo_url: https://github.com/CuyZ/Valinor repo_name: CuyZ/Valinor edit_uri: edit/master/docs/pages/ docs_dir: pages extra: meta: title: Valinor • PHP object mapper with strong type support description: PHP library that helps to map any input into a strongly-typed value object structure. image: img/valinor-banner.png social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: https://github.com/CuyZ - icon: fontawesome/solid/globe link: https://cuyz.io version: provider: mike extra_css: - stylesheets/extra.css plugins: - mike: canonical_version: latest/ theme: name: material custom_dir: overrides favicon: img/valinor-icon.svg logo: img/valinor-icon.svg features: - navigation.sections - navigation.top - navigation.indexes - content.code.annotate palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default primary: teal accent: teal toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Switch to dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: teal accent: teal toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Switch to light mode markdown_extensions: - meta - toc: permalink: true - pymdownx.highlight: anchor_linenums: true extend_pygments_lang: - name: php lang: php options: startinline: true - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.snippets: auto_append: - docs/includes/links.md - pymdownx.superfences - admonition nav: - Introduction: index.md - Getting Started: getting-started.md - Credits: credits.md - Changelog: changelog.md - Usage: - Validation: validation.md - Message customization: message-customization.md - Source: source.md - Mapping: - Type strictness: mapping/type-strictness.md - Construction strategy: mapping/construction-strategy.md - Inferring interfaces: mapping/inferring-interfaces.md - Handled types: mapping/handled-types.md - Other: - Performance & caching: other/performance-and-cache.md - Dealing with dates: other/dealing-with-dates.md - Static analysis: other/static-analysis.md