Romain Canon 6d427088f7 feat!: improve object binding API
The method `MapperBuilder::bind()` can be used to define a custom way to
build an object during the mapping.

The return type of the callback will be resolved by the mapping to know
when to use it.

The callback can take any arguments, that will automatically be mapped
using the given source. These arguments can then be used to instantiate
the object in the desired way.


(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    ->bind(function(string $string, OtherClass $otherClass): SomeClass {
        $someClass = new SomeClass($string);

        return $someClass;
    ->map(SomeClass::class, [
        // …
2022-02-19 19:58:28 +01:00

47 lines
1.4 KiB

namespace CuyZ\Valinor\Tests\Unit;
use CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeInterface;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use stdClass;
use function sys_get_temp_dir;
final class MapperBuilderTest extends TestCase
private MapperBuilder $mapperBuilder;
protected function setUp(): void
$this->mapperBuilder = new MapperBuilder();
public function test_builder_methods_return_clone_of_builder_instance(): void
$builderA = $this->mapperBuilder;
$builderB = $builderA->infer(DateTimeInterface::class, static fn () => DateTime::class);
$builderC = $builderA->bind(static fn (): stdClass => new stdClass());
$builderD = $builderA->alter(static fn (string $value): string => 'foo');
$builderE = $builderA->withCacheDir(sys_get_temp_dir());
$builderF = $builderA->enableLegacyDoctrineAnnotations();
self::assertNotSame($builderA, $builderB);
self::assertNotSame($builderA, $builderC);
self::assertNotSame($builderA, $builderD);
self::assertNotSame($builderA, $builderE);
self::assertNotSame($builderA, $builderF);
public function test_mapper_instance_is_the_same(): void
self::assertSame($this->mapperBuilder->mapper(), $this->mapperBuilder->mapper());