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namespace Amp;
class Coroutine {
* Return a new function that will be resolved as a coroutine when invoked
* @param callable $func The callable to be wrapped for coroutine resolution
* @param \Amp\Reactor $reactor
* @return callable Returns a wrapped callable
* @TODO Use variadic function instead of func_get_args() once PHP5.5 is no longer supported
public static function wrap(callable $func, Reactor $reactor = null) {
return function() use ($func, $reactor) {
$result = \call_user_func_array($func, \func_get_args());
return ($result instanceof \Generator)
? self::resolve($result, $reactor)
: $result;
* Create a "return" value for a generator coroutine
* Prior to PHP7 Generators do not support return expressions. In order to work around
* this language limitation coroutine authors may yield the result of this function to
* indicate a coroutine's "return" value in a cross-version-compatible manner.
* Amp users who want their code to work in both PHP5 and PHP7 environments should yield
* this function's return value to indicate coroutine results.
* Example:
* // PHP 5 can't use generator return expressions
* function() {
* $foo = (yield someAsyncThing());
* yield Coroutine::result($foo + 42);
* };
* // PHP 7 doesn't require any extra work:
* function() {
* $foo = (yield someAsyncThing());
* return $foo + 42;
* };
* @param mixed $result The coroutine "return" result
* @return \Amp\CoroutineResult
* @TODO This method is only necessary for PHP5; remove once PHP7 is required
public static function result($result) {
return new CoroutineResult($result);
* Resolve a Generator function as a coroutine
* Upon resolution the Generator return value is used to succeed the promised result. If an
* error occurs during coroutine resolution the promise fails.
* @param \Generator $generator The generator to resolve as a coroutine
* @param \Amp\Reactor $reactor
public static function resolve(\Generator $generator, Reactor $reactor = null) {
$cs = new CoroutineState;
$cs->reactor = $reactor ?: reactor();
$cs->promisor = new Deferred;
$cs->generator = $generator;
$cs->returnValue = null;
$cs->currentPromise = null;
$cs->nestingLevel = 0;
return $cs->promisor->promise();
private static function __advance(CoroutineState $cs) {
try {
$yielded = $cs->generator->current();
if (!isset($yielded)) {
if ($cs->generator->valid()) {
$cs->reactor->immediately("Amp\Coroutine::__nextTick", ["cb_data" => $cs]);
} elseif (isset($cs->returnValue)) {
} else {
$result = (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7) ? $cs->generator->getReturn() : null;
} elseif ($yielded instanceof Promise) {
if ($cs->nestingLevel < 3) {
$yielded->when("Amp\Coroutine::__send", $cs);
} else {
$cs->currentPromise = $yielded;
$cs->reactor->immediately("Amp\Coroutine::__nextTick", ["cb_data" => $cs]);
} elseif ($yielded instanceof CoroutineResult) {
* @TODO This block is necessary for PHP5; remove once PHP7 is required and
* we have return expressions in generators
$cs->returnValue = $yielded->getReturn();
self::__send(null, null, $cs);
} else {
* @TODO Remove CoroutineResult from error message once PHP7 is required
$error = new \DomainException(makeGeneratorError($cs->generator, \sprintf(
"Unexpected yield (Promise|CoroutineResult|null expected); %s yielded at key %s",
\is_object($yielded) ? \get_class($yielded) : \gettype($yielded),
$cs->reactor->immediately(function() use ($cs, $error) {
} catch (\Throwable $uncaught) {
* @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
* @TODO Remove these coverage ignore lines once PHP7 is required
$cs->reactor->immediately(function() use ($cs, $uncaught) {
* @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
} catch (\Exception $uncaught) {
* @TODO This extra catch block is necessary for PHP5; remove once PHP7 is required
$cs->reactor->immediately(function() use ($cs, $uncaught) {
* This method is only public for performance reasons. It must not be considered
* part of the public API and library users should never invoke it directly.
public static function __nextTick(Reactor $reactor, $watcherId, CoroutineState $cs) {
if ($cs->currentPromise) {
$promise = $cs->currentPromise;
$cs->currentPromise = null;
$promise->when("Amp\Coroutine::__send", $cs);
} else {
self::__send(null, null, $cs);
* This method is only public for performance reasons. It must not be considered
* part of the public API and library users should never invoke it directly.
public static function __send($error, $result, CoroutineState $cs) {
try {
if ($error) {
} else {
} catch (\Exception $uncaught) {
$cs->reactor->immediately(function() use ($cs, $uncaught) {