resolved) { if ($this->result instanceof Promise) { $this->result->onResolve($onResolved); return; } try { $result = $onResolved(null, $this->result); if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { Promise\rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { Loop::defer(static function () use ($exception) { throw $exception; }); } return; } if (null === $this->onResolved) { $this->onResolved = $onResolved; return; } if (!$this->onResolved instanceof ResolutionQueue) { $this->onResolved = new ResolutionQueue($this->onResolved); } $this->onResolved->push($onResolved); } /** * @param mixed $value * * @throws \Error Thrown if the promise has already been resolved. */ private function resolve($value = null) { if ($this->resolved) { $message = "Promise has already been resolved"; if (isset($this->resolutionTrace)) { $trace = formatStacktrace($this->resolutionTrace); $message .= ". Previous resolution trace:\n\n{$trace}\n\n"; } else { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $message .= ", define environment variable AMP_DEBUG or const AMP_DEBUG = true and enable assertions " . "for a stacktrace of the previous resolution."; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } throw new \Error($message); } \assert((function () { $env = \getenv("AMP_DEBUG") ?: "0"; if (($env !== "0" && $env !== "false") || (\defined("AMP_DEBUG") && \AMP_DEBUG)) { $trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); \array_shift($trace); // remove current closure $this->resolutionTrace = $trace; } return true; })()); if ($value instanceof ReactPromise) { $value = Promise\adapt($value); } $this->resolved = true; $this->result = $value; if ($this->onResolved === null) { return; } $onResolved = $this->onResolved; $this->onResolved = null; if ($this->result instanceof Promise) { $this->result->onResolve($onResolved); return; } try { $result = $onResolved(null, $this->result); $onResolved = null; // allow garbage collection of $onResolved, to catch any exceptions from destructors if ($result === null) { return; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise || $result instanceof ReactPromise) { Promise\rethrow($result); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { Loop::defer(static function () use ($exception) { throw $exception; }); } } /** * @param \Throwable $reason Failure reason. */ private function fail(\Throwable $reason) { $this->resolve(new Failure($reason)); } public function __destruct() { try { $this->result = null; } catch (\Throwable $e) { Loop::defer(static function () use ($e) { throw $e; }); } } }