base = event_base_new(); /** * Prior to PHP7 we can't cancel closure watchers inside their own callbacks * because PHP will fatal. In legacy versions we schedule manual GC workarounds. * * @link */ if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 7) { $this->gcEvent = event_new(); event_timer_set($this->gcEvent, function() { $this->garbage = []; $this->isGcScheduled = false; event_del($this->gcEvent); }); event_base_set($this->gcEvent, $this->base); } $this->onCoroutineResolution = function($e = null, $r = null) { if ($e) { $this->onCallbackError($e); } }; self::$instanceCount++; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function run(callable $onStart = null) { if ($this->isRunning) { return; } $this->isRunning = true; if ($onStart) { $this->immediately($onStart); } while ($this->isRunning) { if ($this->immediates && !$this->doImmediates()) { break; } if (empty($this->enabledWatcherCount)) { break; } event_base_loop($this->base, EVLOOP_ONCE | (empty($this->immediates) ? 0 : EVLOOP_NONBLOCK)); } if ($this->stopException) { $e = $this->stopException; $this->stopException = null; throw $e; } } private function doImmediates() { $immediates = $this->immediates; foreach ($immediates as $watcherId => $watcher) { try { $this->enabledWatcherCount--; unset( $this->immediates[$watcherId], $this->watchers[$watcherId] ); $result = \call_user_func($watcher->callback, $this, $watcherId, $watcher->callbackData); if ($result instanceof \Generator) { Coroutine::resolve($result, $this)->when($this->onCoroutineResolution); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { // @TODO Remove coverage ignore block once PHP5 support is no longer required // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $this->onCallbackError($e); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } catch (\Exception $e) { // @TODO Remove this catch block once PHP5 support is no longer required $this->onCallbackError($e); } if (!$this->isRunning) { // If one of the immediately watchers stops the reactor break out of the loop return false; } } return $this->isRunning; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function tick($noWait = false) { $noWait = (bool) $noWait; $this->isRunning = true; if (empty($this->immediates) || $this->doImmediates()) { $flags = $noWait || !empty($this->immediates) ? (EVLOOP_ONCE | EVLOOP_NONBLOCK) : EVLOOP_ONCE; event_base_loop($this->base, $flags); } $this->isRunning = false; if ($this->stopException) { $e = $this->stopException; $this->stopException = null; throw $e; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function stop() { event_base_loopexit($this->base); $this->isRunning = false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function immediately(callable $callback, array $options = []) { $watcher = $this->initWatcher(Watcher::IMMEDIATE, $callback, $options); if ($watcher->isEnabled) { $this->enabledWatcherCount++; $this->immediates[$watcher->id] = $watcher; } return $watcher->id; } private function initWatcher($type, $callback, $options) { $watcherId = $this->lastWatcherId++; $this->watchers[$watcherId] = $watcher = new \StdClass; $watcher->id = $watcherId; $watcher->type = $type; $watcher->callback = $callback; $watcher->callbackData = @$options["cb_data"]; $watcher->isEnabled = isset($options["enable"]) ? (bool) $options["enable"] : true; if ($type !== Watcher::IMMEDIATE) { $watcher->eventResource = event_new(); } return $watcher; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function once(callable $callback, $msDelay, array $options = []) { assert(($msDelay >= 0), "\$msDelay at Argument 2 expects integer >= 0"); $watcher = $this->initWatcher(Watcher::TIMER_ONCE, $callback, $options); $watcher->msDelay = ($msDelay * $this->resolution); event_timer_set($watcher->eventResource, $this->wrapCallback($watcher)); event_base_set($watcher->eventResource, $this->base); if ($watcher->isEnabled) { $this->enabledWatcherCount++; event_add($watcher->eventResource, $watcher->msDelay); } return $watcher->id; } private function wrapCallback($watcher) { return function() use ($watcher) { try { switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::IO_READER: // fallthrough case Watcher::IO_WRITER: $result = \call_user_func($watcher->callback, $this, $watcher->id, $watcher->stream, $watcher->callbackData); break; case Watcher::TIMER_ONCE: $result = \call_user_func($watcher->callback, $this, $watcher->id, $watcher->callbackData); $this->cancel($watcher->id); break; case Watcher::TIMER_REPEAT: $result = \call_user_func($watcher->callback, $this, $watcher->id, $watcher->callbackData); // If the watcher cancelled itself this will no longer exist if (isset($this->watchers[$watcher->id])) { event_add($watcher->eventResource, $watcher->msInterval); } break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: $result = \call_user_func($watcher->callback, $this, $watcher->id, $watcher->signo, $watcher->callbackData); break; } if ($result instanceof \Generator) { Coroutine::resolve($result, $this)->when($this->onCoroutineResolution); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { // @TODO Remove coverage ignore block once PHP5 support is no longer required // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $this->onCallbackError($e); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } catch (\Exception $e) { // @TODO Remove this catch block once PHP5 support is no longer required $this->onCallbackError($e); } }; } /** *@TODO Add a \Throwable typehint once PHP5 is no longer required */ private function onCallbackError($e) { if (empty($this->onError)) { $this->stopException = $e; $this->stop(); } else { $this->tryUserErrorCallback($e); } } /** *@TODO Add a \Throwable typehint once PHP5 is no longer required */ private function tryUserErrorCallback($e) { try { \call_user_func($this->onError, $e); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // @TODO Remove coverage ignore block once PHP5 support is no longer required // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $this->stopException = $e; $this->stop(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } catch (\Exception $e) { // @TODO Remove this catch block once PHP5 support is no longer required $this->stopException = $e; $this->stop(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function repeat(callable $callback, $msInterval, array $options = []) { assert(($msInterval >= 0), "\$msInterval at Argument 2 expects integer >= 0"); if (isset($options["ms_delay"])) { $msDelay = (int) $options["ms_delay"]; assert(($msDelay >= 0), "ms_delay option expects integer >= 0"); $msDelay = ($msDelay * $this->resolution); } else { $msDelay = $msInterval; } $watcher = $this->initWatcher(Watcher::TIMER_REPEAT, $callback, $options); $watcher->msInterval = (int) $msInterval; event_timer_set($watcher->eventResource, $this->wrapCallback($watcher)); event_base_set($watcher->eventResource, $this->base); if ($watcher->isEnabled) { $this->enabledWatcherCount++; event_add($watcher->eventResource, $msDelay); } return $watcher->id; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function onReadable($stream, callable $callback, array $options = []) { $watcher = $this->initWatcher(Watcher::IO_READER, $callback, $options); $watcher->stream = $stream; $evFlags = EV_PERSIST|EV_READ; event_set($watcher->eventResource, $stream, $evFlags, $this->wrapCallback($watcher)); event_base_set($watcher->eventResource, $this->base); if ($watcher->isEnabled) { $this->enabledWatcherCount++; event_add($watcher->eventResource); } return $watcher->id; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function onWritable($stream, callable $callback, array $options = []) { $watcher = $this->initWatcher(Watcher::IO_WRITER, $callback, $options); $watcher->stream = $stream; $evFlags = EV_PERSIST|EV_WRITE; event_set($watcher->eventResource, $stream, $evFlags, $this->wrapCallback($watcher)); event_base_set($watcher->eventResource, $this->base); if ($watcher->isEnabled) { $this->enabledWatcherCount++; event_add($watcher->eventResource); } return $watcher->id; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function onSignal($signo, callable $callback, array $options = []) { $watcher = $this->initWatcher(Watcher::SIGNAL, $callback, $options); $watcher->signo = $signo = (int) $signo; $evFlags = EV_SIGNAL | EV_PERSIST; event_set($watcher->eventResource, $signo, $evFlags, $this->wrapCallback($watcher)); event_base_set($watcher->eventResource, $this->base); if ($watcher->isEnabled) { $this->enabledWatcherCount++; event_add($watcher->eventResource); } return $watcher->id; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function cancel($watcherId) { if (empty($this->watchers[$watcherId])) { return; } $watcher = $this->watchers[$watcherId]; if ($watcher->isEnabled) { $this->enabledWatcherCount--; } if ($watcher->type === Watcher::IMMEDIATE) { unset( $this->immediates[$watcherId], $this->watchers[$watcherId] ); } else { event_del($watcher->eventResource); unset($this->watchers[$watcherId]); } if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 7) { $this->garbage[] = $watcher; $this->scheduleGarbageCollection(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function disable($watcherId) { if (empty($this->watchers[$watcherId])) { return; } $watcher = $this->watchers[$watcherId]; if (!$watcher->isEnabled) { return; } switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::IMMEDIATE: unset($this->immediates[$watcherId]); break; case Watcher::IO_READER: // fallthrough case Watcher::IO_WRITER: // fallthrough case Watcher::SIGNAL: // fallthrough case Watcher::TIMER_ONCE: // fallthrough case Watcher::TIMER_REPEAT: event_del($watcher->eventResource); break; } $watcher->isEnabled = false; $this->enabledWatcherCount--; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function enable($watcherId) { if (empty($this->watchers[$watcherId])) { return; } $watcher = $this->watchers[$watcherId]; if ($watcher->isEnabled) { return; } switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::IMMEDIATE: $this->immediates[$watcherId] = $watcher; break; case Watcher::TIMER_ONCE: event_add($watcher->eventResource, $watcher->msDelay); break; case Watcher::TIMER_REPEAT: event_add($watcher->eventResource, $watcher->msInterval); break; case Watcher::IO_READER: // fallthrough case Watcher::IO_WRITER: // fallthrough case Watcher::SIGNAL: event_add($watcher->eventResource); break; } $watcher->isEnabled = true; $this->enabledWatcherCount++; } private function scheduleGarbageCollection() { if (!$this->isGcScheduled) { event_add($this->gcEvent, 0); $this->isGcScheduled = true; } } /** * Access the underlying libevent extension event base * * This method exists outside the base Reactor API. It provides access to the underlying * libevent base for code that wishes to interact with lower-level libevent extension * functionality. * * @return resource */ public function getUnderlyingLoop() { return $this->base; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function onError(callable $callback) { $this->onError = $callback; } public function __destruct() { self::$instanceCount--; } public function __debugInfo() { $immediates = $timers = $readers = $writers = $signals = $disabled = 0; foreach ($this->watchers as $watcher) { if (!$watcher->isEnabled) { $disabled++; continue; } switch ($watcher->type) { case Watcher::IMMEDIATE: $immediates++; break; case Watcher::TIMER_ONCE: case Watcher::TIMER_REPEAT: $timers++; break; case Watcher::IO_READER: $readers++; break; case Watcher::IO_WRITER: $writers++; break; case Watcher::SIGNAL: $signals++; break; } } return [ "immediates" => $immediates, "timers" => $timers, "io_readers" => $readers, "io_writers" => $writers, "signals" => $signals, "disabled" => $disabled, "last_watcher_id" => $this->lastWatcherId, "instances" => self::$instanceCount, ]; } }