complete($callback()); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $state->error($exception); } } /** * Formats a stacktrace obtained via `debug_backtrace()`. * * @param array $trace Output of * `debug_backtrace()`. * * @return string Formatted stacktrace. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @internal */ function formatStacktrace(array $trace): string { return \implode("\n", \array_map(static function ($e, $i) { $line = "#{$i} "; if (isset($e["file"])) { $line .= "{$e['file']}:{$e['line']} "; } if (isset($e["type"])) { $line .= $e["class"] . $e["type"]; } return $line . $e["function"] . "()"; }, $trace, \array_keys($trace))); } /** * Creates a `TypeError` with a standardized error message. * * @param string[] $expected Expected types. * @param mixed $given Given value. * * @return \TypeError * * @internal */ function createTypeError(array $expected, mixed $given): \TypeError { $givenType = \is_object($given) ? \sprintf("instance of %s", \get_class($given)) : \gettype($given); if (\count($expected) === 1) { $expectedType = "Expected the following type: " . \array_pop($expected); } else { $expectedType = "Expected one of the following types: " . \implode(", ", $expected); } return new \TypeError("{$expectedType}; {$givenType} given"); } /** * @return bool True if AMP_DEBUG is set to a truthy value. */ function isDebugEnabled(): bool { $env = \getenv("AMP_DEBUG") ?: "0"; return ($env !== "0" && $env !== "false") || (\defined("AMP_DEBUG") && \AMP_DEBUG); }