when(function($e, $r) use (&$invoked) { $invoked++; $this->assertSame(42, $r); }); $this->assertSame(1, $invoked); } public function testPipeAbortsIfOriginalPromiseFails() { $invoked = 0; $failure = new Failure(new \RuntimeException); $promise = \Amp\pipe($failure, function(){}); $promise->when(function($e, $r) use (&$invoked) { $invoked++; $this->assertInstanceOf("RuntimeException", $e); }); $this->assertSame(1, $invoked); } public function testPipeAbortsIfFunctorThrows() { $invoked = 0; $promise = \Amp\pipe(42, function(){ throw new \RuntimeException; }); $promise->when(function($e, $r) use (&$invoked) { $invoked++; $this->assertInstanceOf("RuntimeException", $e); }); $this->assertSame(1, $invoked); } public function testAllResolutionWhenNoPromiseInstancesCombined() { $promises = [null, 1, 2, true]; \Amp\all($promises)->when(function($e, $r) { list($a, $b, $c, $d) = $r; $this->assertNull($a); $this->assertSame(1, $b); $this->assertSame(2, $c); $this->assertSame(true, $d); }); } public function testSomeResolutionWhenNoPromiseInstancesCombined() { $promises = [null, 1, 2, true]; \Amp\some($promises)->when(function($e, $r) { list($errors, $results) = $r; list($a, $b, $c, $d) = $results; $this->assertNull($a); $this->assertSame(1, $b); $this->assertSame(2, $c); $this->assertSame(true, $d); }); } public function testAnyResolutionWhenNoPromiseInstancesCombined() { $promises = [null, 1, 2, true]; \Amp\any($promises)->when(function($e, $r) { list($errors, $results) = $r; list($a, $b, $c, $d) = $results; $this->assertNull($a); $this->assertSame(1, $b); $this->assertSame(2, $c); $this->assertSame(true, $d); }); } public function testAllResolvesWithArrayOfResults() { \Amp\all(['r1' => 42, 'r2' => new Success(41)])->when(function($error, $result) { $expected = ['r1' => 42, 'r2' => 41]; $this->assertSame($expected, $result); }); } /** * @expectedException \RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage zanzibar */ public function testAllThrowsIfAnyIndividualPromiseFails() { $exception = new \RuntimeException('zanzibar'); \Amp\all([ 'r1' => new Success(42), 'r2' => new Failure($exception), 'r3' => new Success(40), ])->when(function($error) { throw $error; }); } public function testSomeReturnsArrayOfErrorsAndResults() { $exception = new \RuntimeException('zanzibar'); \Amp\some([ 'r1' => new Success(42), 'r2' => new Failure($exception), 'r3' => new Success(40), ])->when(function($error, $result) use ($exception) { list($errors, $results) = (yield \Amp\some($promises)); $this->assertSame(['r2' => $exception], $errors); $this->assertSame(['r1' => 42, 'r3' => 40], $results); }); } /** * @expectedException \RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage All promises failed */ public function testSomeThrowsIfNoPromisesResolveSuccessfully() { \Amp\some([ 'r1' => new Failure(new \RuntimeException), 'r2' => new Failure(new \RuntimeException), ])->when(function($error) { throw $error; }); } public function testResolutionFailuresAreThrownIntoGenerator() { $foo = function() { $a = (yield new Success(21)); $b = 1; try { yield new Failure(new \Exception('test')); $this->fail('Code path should not be reached'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertSame('test', $e->getMessage()); $b = 2; } }; (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) use ($foo) { $result = (yield \Amp\resolve($foo(), $reactor)); }); } /** * @expectedException \Exception * @expectedExceptionMessage When in the chronicle of wasted time */ public function testUncaughtGeneratorExceptionFailsResolverPromise() { (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) { $gen = function() { yield; throw new \Exception('When in the chronicle of wasted time'); yield; }; yield \Amp\resolve($gen(), $reactor); }); } public function testAllCombinatorResolution() { (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) { list($a, $b) = (yield \Amp\all([ new Success(21), new Success(2), ])); $result = ($a * $b); $this->assertSame(42, $result); }); } public function testAllCombinatorResolutionWithNonPromises() { (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) { list($a, $b, $c) = (yield \Amp\all([new Success(21), new Success(2), 10])); $result = ($a * $b * $c); $this->assertSame(420, $result); }); } /** * @expectedException \Exception * @expectedExceptionMessage When in the chronicle of wasted time */ public function testAllCombinatorResolutionThrowsIfAnyOnePromiseFails() { (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) { list($a, $b) = (yield \Amp\all([ new Success(21), new Failure(new \Exception('When in the chronicle of wasted time')), ])); }); } public function testExplicitAllCombinatorResolution() { (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) { list($a, $b, $c) = (yield \Amp\all([ new Success(21), new Success(2), 10 ])); $this->assertSame(420, ($a * $b * $c)); }); } public function testExplicitAnyCombinatorResolution() { (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) { list($errors, $results) = (yield \Amp\any([ 'a' => new Success(21), 'b' => new Failure(new \Exception('test')), ])); $this->assertSame('test', $errors['b']->getMessage()); $this->assertSame(21, $results['a']); }); } /** * @expectedException \RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage All promises failed */ public function testExplicitSomeCombinatorResolutionFailsOnError() { (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) { yield \Amp\some([ 'r1' => new Failure(new \RuntimeException), 'r2' => new Failure(new \RuntimeException), ]); }); } public function testCoroutineReturnValue() { $co = function() { yield; yield "return" => 42; yield; }; (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) use ($co) { $result = (yield \Amp\resolve($co())); $this->assertSame(42, $result); }); } public function testCoroutineResolutionBuffersYieldedPromiseStream() { (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) { $promisor = new Deferred; $reactor->repeat(function($reactor, $watcherId) use (&$i, $promisor) { $i++; $promisor->update($i); if ($i === 3) { $reactor->cancel($watcherId); $promisor->succeed(); } }, 10); $result = (yield new PromiseStream($promisor->promise())); $this->assertSame([1, 2, 3], $result); }); } /** * @expectedException \Exception * @expectedExceptionMessage test */ public function testCoroutineResolutionThrowsOnPromiseStreamBufferFailure() { (new NativeReactor)->run(function($reactor) { $promisor = new Deferred; $reactor->repeat(function($reactor, $watcherId) use (&$i, $promisor) { $promisor->fail(new \Exception("test")); }, 10); $result = (yield new PromiseStream($promisor->promise())); }); } }