next(new Success); } /** * @psalm-param TSend $value * * @psalm-return Promise */ public function send(mixed $value): mixed { if ($this->consumePosition === 0) { throw new \Error("Must initialize async generator by calling continue() first"); } return $this->next(new Success($value)); } /** * @psalm-return mixed */ public function throw(\Throwable $exception): mixed { if ($this->consumePosition === 0) { throw new \Error("Must initialize async generator by calling continue() first"); } return $this->next(new Failure($exception)); } /** * @psalm-param Promise $promise * * @psalm-return TValue */ private function next(Promise $promise): mixed { $position = $this->consumePosition++; if (isset($this->backPressure[$position - 1])) { $deferred = $this->backPressure[$position - 1]; unset($this->backPressure[$position - 1]); $deferred->resolve($promise); } elseif ($position > 0) { // Send-values are indexed as $this->consumePosition - 1. $this->sendValues[$position - 1] = $promise; } if (\array_key_exists($position, $this->emittedValues)) { $value = $this->emittedValues[$position]; unset($this->emittedValues[$position]); // Defer next value to avoid creating a blocking loop. return await(new Success($value)); } if ($this->result) { return await($this->result); } $this->waiting[$position] = $deferred = new Deferred; return await($deferred->promise()); } public function pipe(): Pipeline { if ($this->used) { throw new \Error("A pipeline may be started only once"); } $this->used = true; return new AutoDisposingPipeline($this); } /** * @return void * * @see Pipeline::dispose() */ public function dispose(): void { $this->cancel(true); } public function destroy(): void { $this->cancel(false); } private function cancel(bool $cancelPending): void { try { if ($this->result) { return; // Pipeline already completed or failed. } $this->finalize(new Failure(new DisposedException), true); } finally { if ($this->disposed && $cancelPending) { $this->triggerDisposal(); } } } /** * @param callable():void $onDispose * * @return void * * @see Pipeline::onDisposal() */ public function onDisposal(callable $onDisposal): void { if ($this->disposed) { try { $onDisposal(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { Loop::defer(static function () use ($e) { throw $e; }); } return; } if ($this->result) { return; } $this->onDisposal[] = $onDisposal; } /** * Emits a value from the pipeline. The returned promise is resolved once the emitted value has been consumed or * if the pipeline is completed, failed, or disposed. * * @param mixed $value * * @psalm-param TValue $value * * @return Promise Resolves with the sent value once the value has been consumed. Fails with the failure * reason if the {@see fail()} is called, or with {@see DisposedException} if the pipeline * is destroyed. * * @psalm-return Promise * * @throws \Error If the pipeline has completed. */ public function emit(mixed $value): Promise { if ($value === null) { throw new \TypeError("Pipelines cannot emit NULL"); } if ($value instanceof Promise) { throw new \TypeError("Pipelines cannot emit promises"); } $position = $this->emitPosition++; if (isset($this->waiting[$position])) { $deferred = $this->waiting[$position]; unset($this->waiting[$position]); $deferred->resolve($value); // Send-values are indexed as $this->consumePosition - 1, so use $position for the next value. if (isset($this->sendValues[$position])) { $promise = $this->sendValues[$position]; unset($this->sendValues[$position]); return $promise; } } elseif ($this->result) { if ($this->completed) { throw new \Error("Pipelines cannot emit values after calling complete"); } return $this->result; } else { $this->emittedValues[$position] = $value; } if ($this->disposed) { if (empty($this->waiting)) { $this->triggerDisposal(); } return new Success; } $this->backPressure[$position] = $deferred = new Deferred; return $deferred->promise(); } /** * @return bool True if the pipeline has been completed or failed. */ public function isComplete(): bool { return $this->completed; } /** * @return bool True if the pipeline was disposed. */ public function isDisposed(): bool { return $this->disposed && empty($this->waiting); } /** * Completes the pipeline. * * @return void * * @throws \Error If the iterator has already been completed. */ public function complete(): void { $this->finalize(new Success); } /** * Fails the pipeline. * * @param \Throwable $exception * * @return void */ public function fail(\Throwable $exception): void { if ($exception instanceof DisposedException) { throw new \Error("Cannot fail a pipeline with an instance of " . DisposedException::class); } $this->finalize(new Failure($exception)); } /** * @param Promise $result * @param bool $disposed Flag if the generator was disposed. * * @return void */ private function finalize(Promise $result, bool $disposed = false): void { if ($this->completed) { $message = "Pipeline has already been completed"; if (isset($this->resolutionTrace)) { $trace = formatStacktrace($this->resolutionTrace); $message .= ". Previous completion trace:\n\n{$trace}\n\n"; } else { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $message .= ", define environment variable AMP_DEBUG or const AMP_DEBUG = true and enable assertions " . "for a stacktrace of the previous resolution."; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } throw new \Error($message); } $this->completed = $this->completed ?: !$disposed; // $disposed is false if complete() or fail() invoked $this->disposed = $this->disposed ?: $disposed; // Once disposed, do not change flag if ($this->completed) { // Record stack trace when calling complete() or fail() \assert((function () { if (isDebugEnabled()) { $trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); \array_shift($trace); // remove current closure $this->resolutionTrace = $trace; } return true; })()); } if ($this->result) { return; } $this->result = $result; if ($this->disposed) { if (empty($this->waiting)) { $this->triggerDisposal(); } } else { $this->resolvePending(); } } /** * Resolves all pending promises returned from {@see continue()} with the result promise. */ private function resolvePending(): void { $backPressure = $this->backPressure; $this->backPressure = []; $waiting = $this->waiting; $this->waiting = []; foreach ($backPressure as $deferred) { $deferred->resolve($this->result); } foreach ($waiting as $deferred) { $deferred->resolve($this->result); } } /** * Invokes all pending {@see onDisposal()} callbacks and fails pending {@see continue()} promises. */ private function triggerDisposal(): void { \assert($this->disposed, "Pipeline was not disposed on triggering disposal"); if ($this->onDisposal === null) { return; } $onDisposal = $this->onDisposal; $this->onDisposal = null; $this->resolvePending(); /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullIterator $alreadyDisposed is a guard against $this->onDisposal being null */ foreach ($onDisposal as $callback) { try { $callback(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { Loop::defer(static function () use ($e) { throw $e; }); } } } }