*/ final class Coroutine implements Promise { use Internal\Placeholder; /** * Attempts to transform the non-promise yielded from the generator into a promise, otherwise returns an instance * `Amp\Failure` failed with an instance of `Amp\InvalidYieldError`. * * @param mixed $yielded Non-promise yielded from generator. * @param \Generator $generator No type for performance, we already know the type. * * @return Promise */ private static function transform(mixed $yielded, \Generator $generator): Promise { $exception = null; // initialize here, see https://github.com/vimeo/psalm/issues/2951 try { if (\is_array($yielded)) { return Promise\all($yielded); } if ($yielded instanceof ReactPromise) { return Promise\adapt($yielded); } // No match, continue to returning Failure below. } catch (\Throwable $exception) { // Conversion to promise failed, fall-through to returning Failure below. } return new Failure(new InvalidYieldError( $generator, \sprintf( "Unexpected yield; Expected an instance of %s or %s or an array of such instances", Promise::class, ReactPromise::class ), $exception )); } /** * @param \Generator $generator * @psalm-param \Generator,mixed,Promise|ReactPromise|TReturn> $generator */ public function __construct(\Generator $generator) { try { $yielded = $generator->current(); if (!$yielded instanceof Promise) { if (!$generator->valid()) { $this->resolve($generator->getReturn()); return; } $yielded = self::transform($yielded, $generator); } } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->fail($exception); return; } /** * @param \Throwable|null $e Exception to be thrown into the generator. * @param mixed $v Value to be sent into the generator. * * @return void * * @psalm-suppress MissingClosureParamType * @psalm-suppress MissingClosureReturnType */ $onResolve = function (?\Throwable $e, mixed $v) use ($generator, &$onResolve): void { /** @var bool $immediate Used to control iterative coroutine continuation. */ static $immediate = true; /** @var \Throwable|null $exception Promise failure reason when executing next coroutine step, null at all other times. */ static $exception; /** @var mixed $value Promise success value when executing next coroutine step, null at all other times. */ static $value; $exception = $e; /** @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */ $value = $v; if (!$immediate) { $immediate = true; return; } try { try { do { if ($exception) { // Throw exception at current execution point. $yielded = $generator->throw($exception); } else { // Send the new value and execute to next yield statement. $yielded = $generator->send($value); } if (!$yielded instanceof Promise) { if (!$generator->valid()) { $this->resolve($generator->getReturn()); $onResolve = null; return; } $yielded = self::transform($yielded, $generator); } $immediate = false; $yielded->onResolve($onResolve); } while ($immediate); $immediate = true; } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $this->fail($exception); $onResolve = null; } finally { $exception = null; $value = null; } } catch (\Throwable $e) { Loop::defer(static function () use ($e) { throw $e; }); } }; try { $yielded->onResolve($onResolve); unset($generator, $yielded, $onResolve); } catch (\Throwable $e) { Loop::defer(static function () use ($e) { throw $e; }); } } }