isResolved) { call_user_func($func, $this->error, $this->result, $data); } else { $this->whens[] = [$func, $data]; } } /** * Notify the $func callback when resolution progress events are emitted * * @param callable $func A callback to invoke when data updates are available * @param mixed $data Optional data to pass as a second parameter to $func * @return void */ public function watch(callable $func, $data = null) { if (!$this->isResolved) { $this->watchers[] = [$func, $data]; } } private function update($progress) { if ($this->isResolved) { throw new \LogicException( "Cannot update resolved promise" ); } foreach ($this->watchers as $watcher) { call_user_func($watcher[0], $progress, $watcher[1]); } } private function resolve(\Exception $error = null, $result = null) { if ($this->isResolved) { throw new \LogicException( "Promise already resolved" ); } elseif ($result === $this) { throw new \LogicException( "A Promise cannot act as its own resolution result" ); } elseif ($result instanceof Promise) { $result->when(function($error, $result) { $this->resolve($error, $result); }); } else { $this->isResolved = true; $this->error = $error; $this->result = $result; foreach ($this->whens as $when) { call_user_func($when[0], $error, $result, $when[1]); } $this->whens = $this->watchers = []; } } }