mirror of https://github.com/danog/amp.git synced 2025-01-22 05:11:42 +01:00
2015-05-25 13:33:06 -04:00

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namespace Amp\Test;
abstract class ReactorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
abstract protected function getReactor();
public function testEnablingWatcherAllowsSubsequentInvocation() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$increment = 0;
$watcherId = $reactor->immediately(function() use (&$increment) { $increment++; });
$reactor->once([$reactor, "stop"], $msDelay = 50);
$this->assertEquals(0, $increment);
$reactor->once([$reactor, "stop"], $msDelay = 50);
$this->assertEquals(1, $increment);
public function testTimerWatcherParameterOrder() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$counter = 0;
$reactor->immediately(function($reactorArg, $watcherId) use ($reactor, &$counter) {
$this->assertSame($reactor, $reactorArg);
if (++$counter === 3) {
$reactor->once(function($reactorArg, $watcherId) use ($reactor, &$counter) {
$this->assertSame($reactor, $reactorArg);
if (++$counter === 3) {
}, $msDelay = 1);
$reactor->repeat(function($reactorArg, $watcherId) use ($reactor, &$counter) {
$this->assertSame($reactor, $reactorArg);
if (++$counter === 3) {
}, $msDelay = 1);
public function testStreamWatcherParameterOrder() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$reactor->onWritable(STDOUT, function($reactorArg, $watcherId) use ($reactor) {
$this->assertSame($reactor, $reactorArg);
public function testDisablingWatcherPreventsSubsequentInvocation() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$increment = 0;
$watcherId = $reactor->immediately(function() use (&$increment) {
$reactor->once([$reactor, "stop"], $msDelay = 50);
$this->assertEquals(0, $increment);
public function testUnresolvedEventsAreReenabledOnRunFollowingPreviousStop() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$increment = 0;
$reactor->once(function($reactor) use (&$increment) {
}, $msDelay = 200);
$reactor->run(function($reactor) {
$this->assertEquals(0, $increment);
$this->assertEquals(1, $increment);
public function testImmediateExecution() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$increment = 0;
$reactor->immediately(function() use (&$increment) { $increment++; });
$this->assertEquals(1, $increment);
public function testImmediatelyCallbacksDontRecurseInSameTick() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$increment = 0;
$reactor->immediately(function() use (&$increment, $reactor) {
$reactor->immediately(function() use (&$increment) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $increment);
public function testTickExecutesReadyEvents() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$increment = 0;
$reactor->immediately(function() use (&$increment) { $increment++; });
$this->assertEquals(1, $increment);
public function testRunExecutesEventsUntilExplicitlyStopped() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$increment = 0;
$reactor->repeat(function($reactor, $watcherId) use (&$increment) {
if ($increment === 10) {
}, $msInterval = 5);
$this->assertEquals(10, $increment);
public function testOnceReturnsEventWatcher() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$firstWatcherId = 'a';
$watcherId = $reactor->once(function(){}, $delay = 0);
$this->assertSame($firstWatcherId, $watcherId);
$watcherId = $reactor->immediately(function(){});
$this->assertSame(++$firstWatcherId, $watcherId);
* @expectedException RuntimeException
* @expectedExceptionMessage test
public function testReactorAllowsExceptionToBubbleUpDuringTick() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$reactor->immediately(function(){ throw new \RuntimeException('test'); });
* @expectedException RuntimeException
* @expectedExceptionMessage test
public function testReactorAllowsExceptionToBubbleUpDuringRun() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$reactor->immediately(function(){ throw new \RuntimeException('test'); });
* @expectedException RuntimeException
* @expectedExceptionMessage test
public function testReactorAllowsExceptionToBubbleUpFromRepeatingAlarmDuringRun() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$reactor->repeat(function(){ throw new \RuntimeException('test'); }, $msInterval = 0);
public function testRepeatReturnsEventWatcher() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$firstWatcherId = 'a';
$watcherId = $reactor->repeat(function(){}, $msInterval = 1000);
$this->assertSame($firstWatcherId, $watcherId);
$watcherId = $reactor->repeat(function(){}, $msInterval = 1000);
$this->assertSame(++$firstWatcherId, $watcherId);
public function testCancelRemovesWatcher() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$watcherId = $reactor->once(function(){
$this->fail('Watcher was not cancelled as expected');
}, $msDelay = 20);
$reactor->immediately(function() use ($reactor, $watcherId) { $reactor->cancel($watcherId); });
$reactor->once(function() use ($reactor) { $reactor->stop(); }, $msDelay = 5);
public function testOnWritableWatcher() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$flag = FALSE;
$reactor->onWritable(STDOUT, function() use ($reactor, &$flag) {
$flag = TRUE;
$reactor->once([$reactor, "stop"], $msDelay = 50);
public function testInitiallyDisabledWriteWatcher() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$increment = 0;
$options = ["enable" => false];
$reactor->onWritable(STDOUT, function() use (&$increment) { $increment++; }, $options);
$reactor->once([$reactor, "stop"], $msDelay = 50);
$this->assertSame(0, $increment);
public function testInitiallyDisabledWriteWatcherIsTriggeredOnceEnabled() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$increment = 0;
$options = ["enable" => false];
$watcherId = $reactor->onWritable(STDOUT, function() use (&$increment) { $increment++; }, $options);
$reactor->immediately(function() use ($reactor, $watcherId) {
$reactor->once([$reactor, "stop"], $msDelay = 250);
$this->assertTrue($increment > 0);
* @expectedException RuntimeException
public function testStreamWatcherDoesntSwallowExceptions() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$reactor->onWritable(STDOUT, function() { throw new \RuntimeException; });
$reactor->once([$reactor, "stop"], $msDelay = 50);
public function testGarbageCollection() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$reactor->once([$reactor, "stop"], $msDelay = 100);
public function testOnStartGeneratorResolvesAutomatically() {
$test = '';
$this->getReactor()->run(function($reactor) use (&$test) {
$test = "Thus Spake Zarathustra";
$reactor->once(function() use ($reactor) { $reactor->stop(); }, 1);
$this->assertSame("Thus Spake Zarathustra", $test);
public function testImmediatelyGeneratorResolvesAutomatically() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$test = '';
$reactor->immediately(function($reactor) use (&$test) {
$test = "The abyss will gaze back into you";
$reactor->once(function($reactor) { $reactor->stop(); }, 50);
$this->assertSame("The abyss will gaze back into you", $test);
public function testOnceGeneratorResolvesAutomatically() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$test = '';
$gen = function($reactor) use (&$test) {
$test = "There are no facts, only interpretations.";
$reactor->once(function() use ($reactor) { $reactor->stop(); }, 50);
$reactor->once($gen, 1);
$this->assertSame("There are no facts, only interpretations.", $test);
public function testRepeatGeneratorResolvesAutomatically() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$test = '';
$gen = function($reactor, $watcherId) use (&$test) {
$test = "Art is the supreme task";
$reactor->repeat($gen, 50);
$this->assertSame("Art is the supreme task", $test);
public function testOnErrorCallbackInterceptsUncaughtException() {
$var = null;
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$reactor->onError(function($e) use (&$var) { $var = $e->getMessage(); });
$reactor->run(function() { throw new \Exception('test'); });
$this->assertSame('test', $var);
public function testReactorRunsUntilNoWatchersRemain() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$var1 = 0;
$reactor->repeat(function($reactor, $watcherId) use (&$var1) {
if (++$var1 === 3) {
}, 0);
$var2 = 0;
$reactor->onWritable(STDOUT, function($reactor, $watcherId) use (&$var2) {
if (++$var2 === 4) {
$this->assertSame(3, $var1);
$this->assertSame(4, $var2);
public function testReactorRunsUntilNoWatchersRemainWhenStartedImmediately() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$var1 = 0;
$var2 = 0;
$reactor->run(function($reactor) use (&$var1, &$var2) {
$reactor->repeat(function($reactor, $watcherId) use (&$var1) {
if (++$var1 === 3) {
}, 0);
$reactor->onWritable(STDOUT, function($reactor, $watcherId) use (&$var2) {
if (++$var2 === 4) {
$this->assertSame(3, $var1);
$this->assertSame(4, $var2);
public function testOptionalCallbackDataPassedOnInvocation() {
$callbackData = new \StdClass;
$options = ["cb_data" => $callbackData];
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$reactor->immediately(function($reactor, $watcherId, $callbackData) {
$callbackData->immediately = true;
}, $options);
$reactor->once(function($reactor, $watcherId, $callbackData) {
$callbackData->once = true;
}, 1, $options);
$reactor->repeat(function($reactor, $watcherId, $callbackData) {
$callbackData->repeat = true;
}, 1, $options);
$reactor->onWritable(STDERR, function($reactor, $watcherId, $stream, $callbackData) {
$callbackData->onWritable = true;
}, $options);
public function testOptionalRepeatWatcherDelay() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$invoked = false;
$reactor->repeat(function($reactor, $watcherId) use (&$invoked) {
$invoked = true;
}, $msInterval = 10000, $options = ["ms_delay" => 1]);
$reactor->once([$reactor, "stop"], 50);
public function testOptionalDisable() {
$reactor = $this->getReactor();
$options = ["enable" => false];
$reactor->immediately(function($reactor, $watcherId, $callbackData) {
$this->fail("disabled watcher should not invoke callback");
}, $options);
$reactor->once(function($reactor, $watcherId, $callbackData) {
$this->fail("disabled watcher should not invoke callback");
}, 1, $options);
$reactor->repeat(function($reactor, $watcherId, $callbackData) {
$this->fail("disabled watcher should not invoke callback");
}, 1, $options);
$reactor->onWritable(STDERR, function($reactor, $watcherId, $stream, $callbackData) {
$this->fail("disabled watcher should not invoke callback");
}, $options);