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synced 2024-12-11 08:59:46 +01:00
Simplifies fiber running the loop. Control complexity seems unnecessary now since the loop should not need to be started by the user.
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namespace Amp
use React\Promise\PromiseInterface as ReactPromise;
* Await the resolution of the given promise. The function does not return until the promise has been
* resolved. The promise resolution value is returned or the promise failure reason is thrown.
* @template TValue
* @param Promise|ReactPromise|array<Promise|ReactPromise> $promise
* @psalm-param Promise<TValue>|ReactPromise|array<Promise<TValue>|ReactPromise> $promise
* @return mixed Promise resolution value.
* @throws \Throwable Promise failure reason.
* @psalm-return TValue|array<TValue>
function await(Promise|ReactPromise|array $promise): mixed
if (!$promise instanceof Promise) {
if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) {
$promise = Promise\adapt($promise);
} else {
$promise = Promise\all($promise);
return \Fiber::await($promise, Loop::get());
* Creates a green thread using the given callable and argument list.
* @template TValue
* @param callable(mixed ...$args):TValue $callback
* @param mixed ...$args
* @return Promise
* @psalm-return Promise<TValue>
function async(callable $callback, mixed ...$args): Promise
$deferred = new Deferred;
Loop::defer(static fn() => \Fiber::run(static function () use ($deferred, $callback, $args): void {
try {
} catch (\Throwable $exception) {
return $deferred->promise();
* Returns a callable that when invoked creates a new green thread using the given callable using {@see async()},
* passing any arguments to the function as the argument list to async() and returning promise created by async().
* @param callable $callback Green thread to create each time the function returned is invoked.
* @return callable(mixed ...$args):Promise Creates a new green thread each time the returned function is invoked.
* The arguments given to the returned function are passed through to the callable.
function asyncCallable(callable $callback): callable
return static fn(mixed ...$args): Promise => async($callback, ...$args);
* Returns a new function that wraps $callback in a promise/coroutine-aware function that automatically runs
* Generators as coroutines. The returned function always returns a promise when invoked. Errors have to be handled
* by the callback caller or they will go unnoticed.
* Use this function to create a coroutine-aware callable for a promise-aware callback caller.
* @template TReturn
* @template TPromise
* @template TGeneratorReturn
* @template TGeneratorPromise
* @template TGenerator as TGeneratorReturn|Promise<TGeneratorPromise>
* @template T as TReturn|Promise<TPromise>|\Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, TGenerator>
* @formatter:off
* @param callable(...mixed): T $callback
* @return callable
* @psalm-return (T is Promise ? (callable(mixed...): Promise<TPromise>) : (T is \Generator ? (TGenerator is Promise ? (callable(mixed...): Promise<TGeneratorPromise>) : (callable(mixed...): Promise<TGeneratorReturn>)) : (callable(mixed...): Promise<TReturn>)))
* @formatter:on
* @see asyncCoroutine()
* @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType
* @deprecated No longer necessary with ext-fiber
function coroutine(callable $callback): callable
/** @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnStatement */
return static fn(...$args): Promise => call($callback, ...$args);
* Returns a new function that wraps $callback in a promise/coroutine-aware function that automatically runs
* Generators as coroutines. The returned function always returns void when invoked. Errors are forwarded to the
* loop's error handler using `Amp\Promise\rethrow()`.
* Use this function to create a coroutine-aware callable for a non-promise-aware callback caller.
* @param callable(...mixed): mixed $callback
* @return callable
* @psalm-return callable(mixed...): void
* @see coroutine()
* @deprecated No longer necessary with ext-fiber
function asyncCoroutine(callable $callback): callable
return static fn(...$args) => Promise\rethrow(call($callback, ...$args));
* Calls the given function, always returning a promise. If the function returns a Generator, it will be run as a
* coroutine. If the function throws, a failed promise will be returned.
* @template TReturn
* @template TPromise
* @template TGeneratorReturn
* @template TGeneratorPromise
* @template TGenerator as TGeneratorReturn|Promise<TGeneratorPromise>
* @template T as TReturn|Promise<TPromise>|\Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, TGenerator>
* @formatter:off
* @param callable(...mixed): T $callback
* @param mixed ...$args Arguments to pass to the function.
* @return Promise
* @psalm-return (T is Promise ? Promise<TPromise> : (T is \Generator ? (TGenerator is Promise ? Promise<TGeneratorPromise> : Promise<TGeneratorReturn>) : Promise<TReturn>))
* @formatter:on
* @deprecated No longer necessary with ext-fiber
function call(callable $callback, ...$args): Promise
try {
$result = $callback(...$args);
} catch (\Throwable $exception) {
return new Failure($exception);
if ($result instanceof \Generator) {
return new Coroutine($result);
if ($result instanceof Promise) {
return $result;
if ($result instanceof ReactPromise) {
return Promise\adapt($result);
return new Success($result);
* Calls the given function. If the function returns a Generator, it will be run as a coroutine. If the function
* throws or returns a failing promise, the failure is forwarded to the loop error handler.
* @param callable(...mixed): mixed $callback
* @param mixed ...$args Arguments to pass to the function.
* @return void
* @deprecated No longer necessary with ext-fiber
function asyncCall(callable $callback, ...$args): void
Promise\rethrow(call($callback, ...$args));
* Returns a promise that is resolved in the specified number of milliseconds.
function delay(int $milliseconds): Delayed
return new Delayed($milliseconds);
* Returns the current time relative to an arbitrary point in time.
* @return int Time in milliseconds.
function getCurrentTime(): int
return Internal\getCurrentTime();
* Async sleep for the specified number of milliseconds.
function sleep(int $milliseconds): void
namespace Amp\Promise
use Amp\Deferred;
use Amp\Failure;
use Amp\Loop;
use Amp\MultiReasonException;
use Amp\Promise;
use Amp\Success;
use Amp\TimeoutException;
use React\Promise\PromiseInterface as ReactPromise;
use function Amp\await;
use function Amp\call;
use function Amp\Internal\createTypeError;
* Registers a callback that will forward the failure reason to the event loop's error handler if the promise fails.
* Use this function if you neither return the promise nor handle a possible error yourself to prevent errors from
* going entirely unnoticed.
* @param Promise|ReactPromise $promise Promise to register the handler on.
* @return void
* @throws \TypeError If $promise is not an instance of \Amp\Promise or \React\Promise\PromiseInterface.
function rethrow(Promise|ReactPromise $promise)
if (!$promise instanceof Promise) {
$promise = adapt($promise);
$promise->onResolve(static function ($exception) {
if ($exception) {
throw $exception;
* Returns a successful promise using the given value, which can be anything other than a promise. This function
* optimizes the case where null is used as the value, always returning the same object.
* @template TValue
* @param mixed $value Anything other than a Promise object.
* @psalm-param TValue $value
* @return Promise
* @psalm-return Promise<TValue>
* @throws \Error If a promise is given as the value.
function succeed(mixed $value = null): Promise
static $empty;
if ($value === null) {
return $empty ?? ($empty = new Success);
return new Success($value);
* Returns a failed promise using the given exception.
* @template TValue
* @param \Throwable $exception
* @return Promise
* @psalm-return Promise<TValue>
function fail(\Throwable $exception): Promise
return new Failure($exception);
* @param Promise|ReactPromise $promise Promise to wait for.
* @return mixed Promise success value.
* @psalm-param T $promise
* @psalm-return (T is Promise ? TPromise : mixed)
* @throws \Throwable Promise failure reason.
* @deprecated Use {@see await()} instead.
* @template TPromise
* @template T as Promise<TPromise>|ReactPromise
function wait(Promise|ReactPromise $promise): mixed
return await($promise);
* Creates an artificial timeout for any `Promise`.
* If the timeout expires before the promise is resolved, the returned promise fails with an instance of
* `Amp\TimeoutException`.
* @template TReturn
* @param Promise<TReturn>|ReactPromise $promise Promise to which the timeout is applied.
* @param int $timeout Timeout in milliseconds.
* @return Promise<TReturn>
* @throws \TypeError If $promise is not an instance of \Amp\Promise or \React\Promise\PromiseInterface.
function timeout(Promise|ReactPromise $promise, int $timeout): Promise
if (!$promise instanceof Promise) {
$promise = adapt($promise);
$deferred = new Deferred;
$watcher = Loop::delay($timeout, static function () use (&$deferred) {
$temp = $deferred; // prevent double resolve
$deferred = null;
$temp->fail(new TimeoutException);
$promise->onResolve(function () use (&$deferred, $promise, $watcher) {
if ($deferred !== null) {
return $deferred->promise();
* Creates an artificial timeout for any `Promise`.
* If the promise is resolved before the timeout expires, the result is returned
* If the timeout expires before the promise is resolved, a default value is returned
* @template TReturn
* @param Promise<TReturn>|ReactPromise $promise Promise to which the timeout is applied.
* @param int $timeout Timeout in milliseconds.
* @param TReturn $default
* @return Promise<TReturn>
* @throws \TypeError If $promise is not an instance of \Amp\Promise or \React\Promise\PromiseInterface.
function timeoutWithDefault(Promise|ReactPromise $promise, int $timeout, mixed $default = null): Promise
$promise = timeout($promise, $timeout);
return call(static function () use ($promise, $default) {
try {
return yield $promise;
} catch (TimeoutException $exception) {
return $default;
* Adapts any object with a done(callable $onFulfilled, callable $onRejected) or then(callable $onFulfilled,
* callable $onRejected) method to a promise usable by components depending on placeholders implementing
* \AsyncInterop\Promise.
* @param object $promise Object with a done() or then() method.
* @return Promise Promise resolved by the $thenable object.
* @throws \Error If the provided object does not have a then() method.
function adapt(object $promise): Promise
$deferred = new Deferred;
if (\method_exists($promise, 'done')) {
$promise->done([$deferred, 'resolve'], [$deferred, 'fail']);
} elseif (\method_exists($promise, 'then')) {
$promise->then([$deferred, 'resolve'], [$deferred, 'fail']);
} else {
throw new \Error("Object must have a 'then' or 'done' method");
return $deferred->promise();
* Returns a promise that is resolved when all promises are resolved. The returned promise will not fail.
* Returned promise succeeds with a two-item array delineating successful and failed promise results,
* with keys identical and corresponding to the original given array.
* This function is the same as some() with the notable exception that it will never fail even
* if all promises in the array resolve unsuccessfully.
* @param Promise[]|ReactPromise[] $promises
* @return Promise
* @throws \Error If a non-Promise is in the array.
function any(array $promises): Promise
return some($promises, 0);
* Returns a promise that succeeds when all promises succeed, and fails if any promise fails. Returned
* promise succeeds with an array of values used to succeed each contained promise, with keys corresponding to
* the array of promises.
* @param Promise[]|ReactPromise[] $promises Array of only promises.
* @return Promise
* @throws \Error If a non-Promise is in the array.
* @template TValue
* @psalm-param array<array-key, Promise<TValue>|ReactPromise> $promises
* @psalm-assert array<array-key, Promise<TValue>|ReactPromise> $promises $promises
* @psalm-return Promise<array<array-key, TValue>>
function all(array $promises): Promise
if (empty($promises)) {
return new Success([]);
$deferred = new Deferred;
$result = $deferred->promise();
$pending = \count($promises);
$values = [];
foreach ($promises as $key => $promise) {
if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) {
$promise = adapt($promise);
} elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) {
throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise);
$values[$key] = null; // add entry to array to preserve order
$promise->onResolve(function ($exception, $value) use (&$deferred, &$values, &$pending, $key) {
if ($pending === 0) {
if ($exception) {
$pending = 0;
$deferred = null;
$values[$key] = $value;
if (0 === --$pending) {
return $result;
* Returns a promise that succeeds when the first promise succeeds, and fails only if all promises fail.
* @param Promise[]|ReactPromise[] $promises Array of only promises.
* @return Promise
* @throws \Error If the array is empty or a non-Promise is in the array.
function first(array $promises): Promise
if (empty($promises)) {
throw new \Error("No promises provided");
$deferred = new Deferred;
$result = $deferred->promise();
$pending = \count($promises);
$exceptions = [];
foreach ($promises as $key => $promise) {
if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) {
$promise = adapt($promise);
} elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) {
throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise);
$exceptions[$key] = null; // add entry to array to preserve order
$promise->onResolve(function ($error, $value) use (&$deferred, &$exceptions, &$pending, $key) {
if ($pending === 0) {
if (!$error) {
$pending = 0;
$deferred = null;
$exceptions[$key] = $error;
if (0 === --$pending) {
$deferred->fail(new MultiReasonException($exceptions));
return $result;
* Resolves with a two-item array delineating successful and failed Promise results.
* The returned promise will only fail if the given number of required promises fail.
* @param Promise[]|ReactPromise[] $promises Array of only promises.
* @param int $required Number of promises that must succeed for the
* returned promise to succeed.
* @return Promise
* @throws \Error If a non-Promise is in the array.
function some(array $promises, int $required = 1): Promise
if ($required < 0) {
throw new \Error("Number of promises required must be non-negative");
$pending = \count($promises);
if ($required > $pending) {
throw new \Error("Too few promises provided");
if (empty($promises)) {
return new Success([[], []]);
$deferred = new Deferred;
$result = $deferred->promise();
$values = [];
$exceptions = [];
foreach ($promises as $key => $promise) {
if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) {
$promise = adapt($promise);
} elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) {
throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise);
$values[$key] = $exceptions[$key] = null; // add entry to arrays to preserve order
$promise->onResolve(static function ($exception, $value) use (
) {
if ($exception) {
$exceptions[$key] = $exception;
} else {
$values[$key] = $value;
if (0 === --$pending) {
if (\count($values) < $required) {
$deferred->fail(new MultiReasonException($exceptions));
} else {
$deferred->resolve([$exceptions, $values]);
return $result;
* Wraps a promise into another promise, altering the exception or result.
* @param Promise|ReactPromise $promise
* @param callable $callback
* @return Promise
function wrap($promise, callable $callback): Promise
if ($promise instanceof ReactPromise) {
$promise = adapt($promise);
} elseif (!$promise instanceof Promise) {
throw createTypeError([Promise::class, ReactPromise::class], $promise);
$deferred = new Deferred();
$promise->onResolve(static function (\Throwable $exception = null, $result) use ($deferred, $callback) {
try {
$result = $callback($exception, $result);
} catch (\Throwable $exception) {
return $deferred->promise();
namespace Amp\Iterator
use Amp\Delayed;
use Amp\Emitter;
use Amp\Iterator;
use Amp\Pipeline;
use Amp\Producer;
use Amp\Promise;
use function Amp\call;
use function Amp\coroutine;
use function Amp\Internal\createTypeError;
* Creates an iterator from the given iterable, emitting the each value. The iterable may contain promises. If any
* promise fails, the iterator will fail with the same reason.
* @param iterable $iterable Elements to emit.
* @param int $delay Delay between element emissions in milliseconds.
* @return Iterator
* @throws \TypeError If the argument is not an array or instance of \Traversable.
function fromIterable(iterable $iterable, int $delay = 0): Iterator
if ($delay) {
return new Producer(static function (callable $emit) use ($iterable, $delay) {
foreach ($iterable as $value) {
yield new Delayed($delay);
yield $emit($value);
return new Producer(static function (callable $emit) use ($iterable) {
foreach ($iterable as $value) {
yield $emit($value);
* @template TValue
* @template TReturn
* @param Iterator<TValue> $iterator
* @param callable (TValue $value): TReturn $onEmit
* @return Iterator<TReturn>
function map(Iterator $iterator, callable $onEmit): Iterator
return new Producer(static function (callable $emit) use ($iterator, $onEmit) {
while (yield $iterator->advance()) {
yield $emit($onEmit($iterator->getCurrent()));
* @template TValue
* @param Iterator<TValue> $iterator
* @param callable(TValue $value):bool $filter
* @return Iterator<TValue>
function filter(Iterator $iterator, callable $filter): Iterator
return new Producer(static function (callable $emit) use ($iterator, $filter) {
while (yield $iterator->advance()) {
if ($filter($iterator->getCurrent())) {
yield $emit($iterator->getCurrent());
* Creates an iterator that emits values emitted from any iterator in the array of iterators.
* @param Iterator[] $iterators
* @return Iterator
function merge(array $iterators): Iterator
$emitter = new Emitter;
$result = $emitter->iterate();
$coroutine = coroutine(static function (Iterator $iterator) use (&$emitter) {
while ((yield $iterator->advance()) && $emitter !== null) {
yield $emitter->emit($iterator->getCurrent());
$coroutines = [];
foreach ($iterators as $iterator) {
if (!$iterator instanceof Iterator) {
throw createTypeError([Iterator::class], $iterator);
$coroutines[] = $coroutine($iterator);
Promise\all($coroutines)->onResolve(static function ($exception) use (&$emitter) {
if ($exception) {
$emitter = null;
} else {
return $result;
* Concatenates the given iterators into a single iterator, emitting values from a single iterator at a time. The
* prior iterator must complete before values are emitted from any subsequent iterators. Iterators are concatenated
* in the order given (iteration order of the array).
* @param Iterator[] $iterators
* @return Iterator
function concat(array $iterators): Iterator
foreach ($iterators as $iterator) {
if (!$iterator instanceof Iterator) {
throw createTypeError([Iterator::class], $iterator);
return new Producer(function (callable $emit) use ($iterators) {
foreach ($iterators as $iterator) {
while (yield $iterator->advance()) {
yield $emit($iterator->getCurrent());
* Discards all remaining items and returns the number of discarded items.
* @template TValue
* @param Iterator $iterator
* @return Promise
* @psalm-param Iterator<TValue> $iterator
* @psalm-return Promise<int>
function discard(Iterator $iterator): Promise
return call(static function () use ($iterator): \Generator {
$count = 0;
while (yield $iterator->advance()) {
return $count;
* Collects all items from an iterator into an array.
* @template TValue
* @param Iterator $iterator
* @psalm-param Iterator<TValue> $iterator
* @return Promise
* @psalm-return Promise<array<int, TValue>>
function toArray(Iterator $iterator): Promise
return call(static function () use ($iterator): \Generator {
/** @psalm-var list $array */
$array = [];
while (yield $iterator->advance()) {
$array[] = $iterator->getCurrent();
return $array;
* @template TValue
* @param Pipeline $stream
* @psalm-param Pipeline<TValue> $pipeline
* @return Iterator
* @psalm-return Iterator<TValue>
function fromPipeline(Pipeline $stream): Iterator
return new Producer(function (callable $emit) use ($stream): \Generator {
while (null !== $value = yield $stream->continue()) {
yield $emit($value);
namespace Amp\Pipeline
use Amp\AsyncGenerator;
use Amp\Pipeline;
use Amp\PipelineSource;
use Amp\Promise;
use React\Promise\PromiseInterface as ReactPromise;
use function Amp\async;
use function Amp\asyncCallable;
use function Amp\await;
use function Amp\sleep;
use function Amp\Internal\createTypeError;
* Creates a pipeline from the given iterable, emitting the each value. The iterable may contain promises. If any
* promise fails, the returned pipeline will fail with the same reason.
* @template TValue
* @param iterable $iterable Elements to emit.
* @param int $delay Delay between elements emitted in milliseconds.
* @psalm-param iterable<TValue> $iterable
* @return Pipeline
* @psalm-return Pipeline<TValue>
* @throws \TypeError If the argument is not an array or instance of \Traversable.
function fromIterable(iterable $iterable, int $delay = 0): Pipeline
return new AsyncGenerator(static function () use ($iterable, $delay): \Generator {
foreach ($iterable as $value) {
if ($delay) {
if ($value instanceof Promise || $value instanceof ReactPromise) {
$value = await($value);
yield $value;
* @template TValue
* @template TReturn
* @param Pipeline $pipeline
* @param callable(TValue $value):TReturn $onEmit
* @psalm-param Pipeline<TValue> $pipeline
* @return Pipeline
* @psalm-return Pipeline<TReturn>
function map(Pipeline $pipeline, callable $onEmit): Pipeline
return new AsyncGenerator(static function () use ($pipeline, $onEmit): \Generator {
while (null !== $value = $pipeline->continue()) {
yield $onEmit($value);
* @template TValue
* @param Pipeline $pipeline
* @param callable(TValue $value):bool $filter
* @psalm-param Pipeline<TValue> $pipeline
* @return Pipeline
* @psalm-return Pipeline<TValue>
function filter(Pipeline $pipeline, callable $filter): Pipeline
return new AsyncGenerator(static function () use ($pipeline, $filter): \Generator {
while (null !== $value = $pipeline->continue()) {
if ($filter($value)) {
yield $value;
* Creates a pipeline that emits values emitted from any pipeline in the array of pipelines.
* @param Pipeline[] $pipelines
* @return Pipeline
function merge(array $pipelines): Pipeline
$source = new PipelineSource;
$result = $source->pipe();
$coroutine = asyncCallable(static function (Pipeline $stream) use (&$source) {
while ((null !== $value = $stream->continue()) && $source !== null) {
$coroutines = [];
foreach ($pipelines as $pipeline) {
if (!$pipeline instanceof Pipeline) {
throw createTypeError([Pipeline::class], $pipeline);
$coroutines[] = $coroutine($pipeline);
Promise\all($coroutines)->onResolve(static function ($exception) use (&$source) {
$temp = $source;
$source = null;
if ($exception) {
} else {
return $result;
* Concatenates the given pipelines into a single pipeline, emitting from a single pipeline at a time. The
* prior pipeline must complete before values are emitted from any subsequent pipelines. Streams are concatenated
* in the order given (iteration order of the array).
* @param Pipeline[] $pipelines
* @return Pipeline
function concat(array $pipelines): Pipeline
foreach ($pipelines as $pipeline) {
if (!$pipeline instanceof Pipeline) {
throw createTypeError([Pipeline::class], $pipeline);
return new AsyncGenerator(function () use ($pipelines): \Generator {
foreach ($pipelines as $stream) {
while ($value = $stream->continue()) {
yield $value;
* Discards all remaining items and returns the number of discarded items.
* @template TValue
* @param Pipeline $pipeline
* @psalm-param Pipeline<TValue> $pipeline
* @return Promise<int>
function discard(Pipeline $pipeline): Promise
return async(static function () use ($pipeline): int {
$count = 0;
while (null !== $pipeline->continue()) {
return $count;
* Collects all items from a pipeline into an array.
* @template TValue
* @param Pipeline $pipeline
* @psalm-param Pipeline<TValue> $pipeline
* @return array
* @psalm-return array<int, TValue>
function toArray(Pipeline $pipeline): array
/** @psalm-var list<TValue> $array */
$array = [];
while (null !== $value = $pipeline->continue()) {
$array[] = $value;
return $array;
* Converts the given pipeline to an object implementing \Iterator.
* @template TValue
* @param Pipeline $pipeline
* @psalm-param Pipeline<TValue> $pipeline
* @return \Iterator
* @psalm-return \Iterator<TValue>
function toIterator(Pipeline $pipeline): \Iterator
while (null !== $value = $pipeline->continue()) {
yield $value;