mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 18:38:17 +01:00
Simplifies fiber running the loop. Control complexity seems unnecessary now since the loop should not need to be started by the user.
1677 lines
57 KiB
1677 lines
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namespace Amp\Test\Loop;
use Amp\Deferred;
use Amp\Failure;
use Amp\Loop;
use Amp\Loop\Driver;
use Amp\Loop\DriverControl;
use Amp\Loop\InvalidWatcherError;
use Amp\Loop\UnsupportedFeatureException;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use function Amp\asyncCallable;
use function Amp\await;
use function Amp\getCurrentTime;
use function Amp\sleep;
use function React\Promise\reject;
if (!\defined("SIGUSR1")) {
\define("SIGUSR1", 30);
if (!\defined("SIGUSR2")) {
\define("SIGUSR2", 31);
if (!\defined("PHP_INT_MIN")) {
\define("PHP_INT_MIN", ~PHP_INT_MAX);
abstract class DriverTest extends TestCase
* The DriverFactory to run this test on.
* @return callable
abstract public function getFactory(): callable;
/** @var Driver */
public $loop;
public function setUp(): void
$this->loop = ($this->getFactory())();
if (!$this->loop instanceof Driver) {
$this->fail("Factory did not return a loop Driver");
// Required for error handler to work
public function tearDown(): void
protected function start($cb): void
// Note: The running nesting is important for being able to continue actually still running loops (i.e. running flag set, if the driver has one) inside register_shutdown_function() for example
public function testLoopRunsCanBeConsecutiveAndNested(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->defer(function () use (&$run) {
echo $run = 1;
if (!$run) {
$this->fail("A loop stop before a run must not impact that run");
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop): void {
echo 5;
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop): void {
echo 6;
$loop->defer(function () {
$this->fail("A loop stopped at all levels must not execute further defers");
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop): void {
echo 2;
$loop->defer(function () {
echo 4;
$loop->defer(function (): void {
echo 3;
public function testCorrectTimeoutIfBlockingBeforeActivate(): void
$start = 0;
$invoked = 0;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$start, &$invoked): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, &$start, &$invoked) {
$start = getCurrentTime();
$loop->delay(1000, function () use (&$invoked) {
$invoked = getCurrentTime();
$this->assertNotSame(0, $start);
$this->assertNotSame(0, $invoked);
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(999, $invoked - $start);
$this->assertLessThan(1100, $invoked - $start);
public function testCorrectTimeoutIfBlockingBeforeDelay(): void
$start = 0;
$invoked = 0;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$start, &$invoked): void {
$start = getCurrentTime();
$loop->delay(1000, function () use (&$invoked) {
$invoked = getCurrentTime();
$this->assertNotSame(0, $start);
$this->assertNotSame(0, $invoked);
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(1500, $invoked - $start);
$this->assertLessThan(1600, $invoked - $start);
public function testLoopTerminatesWithOnlyUnreferencedWatchers(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$end): void {
$loop->unreference($loop->onReadable(STDIN, function (): void {
$w = $loop->delay(10000000, function (): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $w): void {
$end = true;
/** This MUST NOT have a "test" prefix, otherwise it's executed as test and marked as risky. */
public function checkForSignalCapability(): void
try {
$watcher = $this->loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, function (): void {
} catch (UnsupportedFeatureException $e) {
$this->markTestSkipped("The loop is not capable of handling signals properly. Skipping.");
public function testWatcherUnrefRerefRunResult(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$watcher = $loop->defer(function () use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked = true;
public function testDeferWatcherUnrefRunResult(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$watcher = $loop->defer(function () use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked = true;
public function testOnceWatcherUnrefRunResult(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$watcher = $loop->delay(2000, function () use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked = true;
public function testRepeatWatcherUnrefRunResult(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$watcher = $loop->repeat(2000, function () use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked = true;
public function testOnReadableWatcherUnrefRunResult(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$watcher = $loop->onReadable(STDIN, function () use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked = true;
public function testOnWritableWatcherKeepAliveRunResult(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$watcher = $loop->onWritable(STDOUT, function () use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked = true;
public function testOnSignalWatcherKeepAliveRunResult(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$watcher = $loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, function () {
// empty
$watcher = $loop->delay(100, function () use (&$invoked, $loop, $watcher): void {
$invoked = true;
public function testUnreferencedDeferWatcherStillExecutes(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$watcher = $loop->defer(function () use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked = true;
$loop->defer(function () {
// just to keep loop running
public function testLoopDoesNotBlockOnNegativeTimerExpiration(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$loop->delay(1, function () use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked = true;
\usleep(1000 * 10);
public function testDisabledDeferReenableInSubsequentTick(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) {
$watcherId = $loop->defer(function ($watcherId): void {
echo 3;
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $watcherId): void {
echo 2;
echo 1;
public function provideRegistrationArgs(): array
$args = [
function () {
function () {
function () {
function () {
function () {
function () {
return $args;
* @requires PHP 7
* @dataProvider provideRegistrationArgs
public function testWeakTypes(string $type, array $args): void
if ($type == "onSignal") {
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use ($type, $args, &$invoked): void {
if ($type == "onReadable") {
$ends = \stream_socket_pair(
\stripos(PHP_OS, "win") === 0 ? STREAM_PF_INET : STREAM_PF_UNIX,
\fwrite($ends[0], "trigger readability watcher");
$args = [$ends[1]];
} else {
$expectedData = 20.75;
if (\substr($type, 0, 2) == "on") {
$args[] = function ($watcherId, $arg, int $data) use ($loop, &$invoked, $expectedData): void {
$invoked = true;
$this->assertSame((int) $expectedData, $data);
} else {
$args[] = function ($watcherId, int $data) use ($loop, &$invoked, $expectedData, $type): void {
$invoked = true;
$this->assertSame((int) $expectedData, $data);
if ($type == "repeat") {
$args[] = $expectedData;
\call_user_func_array([$loop, $type], $args);
if ($type == "onSignal") {
$loop->defer(function (): void {
\posix_kill(\getmypid(), \SIGUSR1);
/** @dataProvider provideRegistrationArgs */
public function testDisableWithConsecutiveCancel(string $type, array $args): void
if ($type === "onSignal") {
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked, $type, $args): void {
$func = [$loop, $type];
$watcherId = \call_user_func_array($func, $args);
$loop->defer(function () use (&$invoked, $loop, $watcherId): void {
$invoked = true;
/** @dataProvider provideRegistrationArgs */
public function testWatcherReferenceInfo(string $type, array $args): void
if ($type === "onSignal") {
$loop = $this->loop;
$func = [$loop, $type];
if (\substr($type, 0, 2) === "on") {
$type = "on_" . \lcfirst(\substr($type, 2));
// being referenced is the default
$watcherId1 = \call_user_func_array($func, $args);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 1, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
$expected = ["referenced" => 1, "unreferenced" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info["enabled_watchers"]);
// explicitly reference() even though it's the default setting
$argsCopy = $args;
$watcherId2 = \call_user_func_array($func, $argsCopy);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 2, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
$expected = ["referenced" => 2, "unreferenced" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info["enabled_watchers"]);
// disabling a referenced watcher should decrement the referenced count
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["referenced" => 1, "unreferenced" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info["enabled_watchers"]);
// enabling a referenced watcher should increment the referenced count
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["referenced" => 2, "unreferenced" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info["enabled_watchers"]);
// cancelling an referenced watcher should decrement the referenced count
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["referenced" => 1, "unreferenced" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info["enabled_watchers"]);
// unreference() should just increment unreferenced count
$watcherId2 = \call_user_func_array($func, $args);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 2, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
$expected = ["referenced" => 1, "unreferenced" => 1];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info["enabled_watchers"]);
/** @dataProvider provideRegistrationArgs */
public function testWatcherRegistrationAndCancellationInfo(string $type, array $args): void
if ($type === "onSignal") {
$loop = $this->loop;
$func = [$loop, $type];
if (\substr($type, 0, 2) === "on") {
$type = "on_" . \lcfirst(\substr($type, 2));
$watcherId = \call_user_func_array($func, $args);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 1, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
// invoke enable() on active watcher to ensure it has no side-effects
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 1, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
// invoke disable() twice to ensure it has no side-effects
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 0, "disabled" => 1];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 0, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
$watcherId = \call_user_func_array($func, $args);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 1, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 0, "disabled" => 1];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 1, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 0, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
$info = $loop->getInfo();
$expected = ["enabled" => 0, "disabled" => 0];
$this->assertSame($expected, $info[$type]);
* @dataProvider provideRegistrationArgs
* @group memoryleak
public function testNoMemoryLeak(string $type, array $args): void
if ($this->getTestResultObject()->getCollectCodeCoverageInformation()) {
$this->markTestSkipped("Cannot run this test with code coverage active [code coverage consumes memory which makes it impossible to rely on memory_get_usage()]");
$runs = 2000;
if ($type === "onSignal") {
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use ($type, $args, $runs) {
$initialMem = \memory_get_usage();
$cb = function ($runs) use ($loop, $type, $args): void {
$func = [$loop, $type];
for ($watchers = [], $i = 0; $i < $runs; $i++) {
$watchers[] = \call_user_func_array($func, $args);
foreach ($watchers as $watcher) {
for ($watchers = [], $i = 0; $i < $runs; $i++) {
$watchers[] = \call_user_func_array($func, $args);
foreach ($watchers as $watcher) {
for ($watchers = [], $i = 0; $i < $runs; $i++) {
$watchers[] = \call_user_func_array($func, $args);
if ($type === "repeat") {
$loop->delay($msInterval = 7, function () use ($loop, $watchers): void {
foreach ($watchers as $watcher) {
} elseif ($type !== "defer" && $type !== "delay") {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $watchers) {
foreach ($watchers as $watcher) {
if ($type === "defer") {
$loop->defer($fn = function ($watcherId, $i) use (&$fn, $loop): void {
if ($i) {
$loop->defer($fn, --$i);
}, $runs);
if ($type === "delay") {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 0, $fn = function ($watcherId, $i) use (&$fn, $loop): void {
if ($i) {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 0, $fn, --$i);
}, $runs);
if ($type === "repeat") {
$loop->repeat($msDelay = 0, $fn = function ($watcherId, $i) use (&$fn, $loop): void {
if ($i) {
$loop->repeat($msDelay = 0, $fn, --$i);
}, $runs);
if ($type === "onWritable") {
$loop->defer(function ($watcherId, $runs) use ($loop): void {
$fn = function ($watcherId, $socket, $i) use (&$fn, $loop): void {
if ($socket) {
\fwrite($socket, ".");
if ($i) {
// explicitly use *different* streams with *different* resource ids
$ends = \stream_socket_pair(
$loop->onWritable($ends[0], $fn, --$i);
$loop->onReadable($ends[1], function ($watcherId) use ($loop): void {
$fn($watcherId, null, $runs);
}, $runs + 1);
if ($type === "onSignal") {
$sendSignal = function (): void {
\posix_kill(\getmypid(), \SIGUSR1);
$loop->onSignal(\SIGUSR1, $fn = function ($watcherId, $signo, $i) use (&$fn, $loop, $sendSignal): void {
if ($i) {
$loop->onSignal(\SIGUSR1, $fn, --$i);
}, $runs);
$closureMem = \memory_get_usage() - $initialMem;
$cb($runs); /* just to set up eventual structures inside loop without counting towards memory comparison */
$initialMem = \memory_get_usage() - $closureMem;
$endMem = \memory_get_usage();
/* this is allowing some memory usage due to runtime caches etc., but nothing actually leaking */
$this->assertLessThan($runs * 4, $endMem - $initialMem); // * 4, as 4 is minimal sizeof(void *)
* The first number of each tuple indicates the tick in which the watcher is supposed to execute, the second digit
* indicates the order within the tick.
public function testExecutionOrderGuarantees(): void
$this->expectOutputString("01 02 03 04 " . \str_repeat("05 ", 8) . "10 11 12 " . \str_repeat(
"13 ",
) . "20 " . \str_repeat("21 ", 4) . "30 40 41 ");
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
// Wrap in extra defer, so driver creation time doesn't count for timers, as timers are driver creation
// relative instead of last tick relative before first tick.
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop): void {
$f = function () use ($loop): callable {
$args = \func_get_args();
return function ($watcherId) use ($loop, &$args): void {
if (!$args) {
$this->fail("Watcher callback called too often");
echo \array_shift($args) . \array_shift($args), " ";
$loop->onWritable(STDOUT, $f(0, 5));
$writ1 = $loop->onWritable(STDOUT, $f(0, 5));
$writ2 = $loop->onWritable(STDOUT, $f(0, 5));
$loop->delay($msDelay = 0, $f(0, 5));
$del1 = $loop->delay($msDelay = 0, $f(0, 5));
$del2 = $loop->delay($msDelay = 0, $f(0, 5));
$del3 = $loop->delay($msDelay = 0, $f());
$del4 = $loop->delay($msDelay = 0, $f(1, 3));
$del5 = $loop->delay($msDelay = 0, $f(2, 0));
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $del5): void {
$writ3 = $loop->onWritable(STDOUT, $f());
$writ4 = $loop->onWritable(STDOUT, $f(1, 3));
$loop->onWritable(STDOUT, $f(0, 5));
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $writ4, $f): void {
$loop->onWritable(STDOUT, $f(1, 3));
$loop->delay($msDelay = 0, $f(0, 5));
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $del4, $f): void {
$loop->onWritable(STDOUT, $f(1, 3));
$loop->delay($msDelay = 1000, $f(4, 1));
$loop->delay($msDelay = 600, $f(3, 0));
$loop->delay($msDelay = 500, $f(2, 1));
$loop->repeat($msDelay = 500, $f(2, 1));
$rep1 = $loop->repeat($msDelay = 250, $f(2, 1));
$loop->delay($msDelay = 500, $f(2, 1));
$loop->defer($f(0, 1));
$def1 = $loop->defer($f(0, 3));
$def2 = $loop->defer($f(1, 1));
$def3 = $loop->defer($f());
$loop->defer($f(0, 2));
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $def2, $del5, $f): void {
$tick = $f(0, 4);
$loop->defer($f(1, 0));
$loop->defer($f(1, 2));
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $del5, $f): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $f): void {
\usleep(700000); // to have $msDelay == 500 and $msDelay == 600 run at the same tick (but not $msDelay == 150)
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $f): void {
$loop->defer($f(4, 0));
public function testSignalExecutionOrder(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$f = function ($i) use ($loop) {
return function ($watcherId) use ($loop, $i): void {
echo $i;
$loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, $f(2));
$sig1 = $loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, $f(2));
$sig2 = $loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, $f(2));
$sig3 = $loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, $f(" FAIL - MUST NOT BE CALLED "));
$loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, $f(2));
$loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, $f(2));
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $sig2): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop): void {
\posix_kill(\getmypid(), \SIGUSR1);
$loop->delay($msDelay = 10, function () use ($loop): void {
public function testExceptionOnEnableNonexistentWatcher(): void
try {
} catch (InvalidWatcherError $e) {
$this->assertSame("nonexistentWatcher", $e->getWatcherId());
throw $e;
public function testSuccessOnDisableNonexistentWatcher(): void
// Otherwise risky, throwing fails the test
public function testSuccessOnCancelNonexistentWatcher(): void
// Otherwise risky, throwing fails the test
public function testExceptionOnReferenceNonexistentWatcher(): void
try {
} catch (InvalidWatcherError $e) {
$this->assertSame("nonexistentWatcher", $e->getWatcherId());
throw $e;
public function testSuccessOnUnreferenceNonexistentWatcher(): void
// Otherwise risky, throwing fails the test
public function testWatcherInvalidityOnDefer(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->defer(function ($watcher) use ($loop): void {
public function testWatcherInvalidityOnDelay(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 0, function ($watcher) use ($loop): void {
public function testEventsNotExecutedInSameTickAsEnabled(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, &$diswatchers, &$watchers): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $diswatchers): void {
foreach ($diswatchers as $watcher) {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $diswatchers): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $diswatchers): void {
foreach ($diswatchers as $watcher) {
foreach ($diswatchers as $watcher) {
foreach ($watchers as $watcher) {
foreach ($diswatchers as $watcher) {
$f = function () use ($loop): array {
$watchers[] = $loop->defer([$this, "fail"]);
$watchers[] = $loop->delay($msDelay = 0, [$this, "fail"]);
$watchers[] = $loop->repeat($msDelay = 0, [$this, "fail"]);
$watchers[] = $loop->onWritable(STDIN, [$this, "fail"]);
return $watchers;
$watchers = $f();
$diswatchers = $f();
// Otherwise risky, as we only rely on $this->fail()
public function testEnablingWatcherAllowsSubsequentInvocation(): void
$increment = 0;
$watcherId = $this->loop->defer(function () use (&$increment): void {
$this->loop->delay($msDelay = 5, [$this->loop, "stop"]);
$this->assertSame(0, $increment);
$this->loop->delay($msDelay = 5, [$this->loop, "stop"]);
$this->assertSame(1, $increment);
public function testUnresolvedEventsAreReenabledOnRunFollowingPreviousStop(): void
$increment = 0;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$increment): void {
$loop->defer([$loop, "stop"]);
$loop->defer(function () use (&$increment, $loop): void {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 100, function () use ($loop, &$increment): void {
$this->assertSame(0, $increment);
$this->assertSame(1, $increment);
public function testTimerWatcherParameterOrder(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$counter = 0;
$loop->defer(function ($watcherId) use ($loop, &$counter): void {
if (++$counter === 3) {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 5, function ($watcherId) use ($loop, &$counter): void {
if (++$counter === 3) {
$loop->repeat($msDelay = 5, function ($watcherId) use ($loop, &$counter): void {
if (++$counter === 3) {
public function testStreamWatcherParameterOrder(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked = 0;
$loop->onWritable(STDOUT, function ($watcherId, $stream) use ($loop, &$invoked): void {
$this->assertSame(STDOUT, $stream);
$this->assertSame(1, $invoked);
public function testDisablingWatcherPreventsSubsequentInvocation(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$increment = 0;
$watcherId = $loop->defer(function () use (&$increment): void {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 5, [$loop, "stop"]);
$this->assertSame(0, $increment);
public function testImmediateExecution(): void
$loop = $this->loop;
$increment = 0;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$increment): void {
$loop->defer(function () use (&$increment): void {
$loop->defer([$loop, "stop"]);
$this->assertSame(1, $increment);
public function testImmediatelyCallbacksDoNotRecurseInSameTick(): void
$increment = 0;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$increment): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, &$increment) {
$loop->defer(function () use (&$increment) {
$loop->defer([$loop, "stop"]);
$this->assertSame(1, $increment);
public function testRunExecutesEventsUntilExplicitlyStopped(): void
$increment = 0;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$increment): void {
$loop->repeat($msInterval = 5, function ($watcherId) use ($loop, &$increment): void {
if ($increment === 10) {
$this->assertSame(10, $increment);
public function testLoopAllowsExceptionToBubbleUpDuringStart(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage("loop error");
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->defer(function (): void {
throw new \Exception("loop error");
public function testLoopAllowsExceptionToBubbleUpFromRepeatingAlarmDuringStart(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->repeat($msInterval = 1, function (): void {
throw new \RuntimeException("test");
public function testErrorHandlerCapturesUncaughtException(): void
$msg = "";
$this->loop->setErrorHandler($f = function (): void {
$oldErrorHandler = $this->loop->setErrorHandler(function (\Exception $error) use (&$msg): void{
$msg = $error->getMessage();
$this->assertSame($f, $oldErrorHandler);
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) {
$loop->defer(function () {
throw new \Exception("loop error");
$this->assertSame("loop error", $msg);
public function testOnErrorFailure(): void
$this->loop->setErrorHandler(function (): void {
throw new \Exception("errorception");
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 5, function () {
throw new \Exception("error");
public function testLoopException(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop): void {
// force next tick, outside of primary startup tick
$loop->defer(function () {
throw new \RuntimeException("test");
public function testOnSignalWatcher(): void
$this->expectOutputString("caught SIGUSR1");
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 1, function () use ($loop): void {
\posix_kill(\getmypid(), \SIGUSR1);
$loop->delay($msDelay = 10, [$loop, "stop"]);
$loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, function ($watcherId) use ($loop): void {
echo "caught SIGUSR1";
public function testInitiallyDisabledOnSignalWatcher(): void
$this->expectOutputString("caught SIGUSR1");
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$stop = $loop->delay($msDelay = 100, function () use ($loop): void {
echo "ERROR: manual stop";
$watcherId = $loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, function ($watcherId) use ($loop, $stop): void {
echo "caught SIGUSR1";
$loop->delay($msDelay = 1, function () use ($loop, $watcherId): void {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 1, function () {
\posix_kill(\getmypid(), SIGUSR1);
public function testNestedLoopSignalDispatch(): void
$this->expectOutputString("inner SIGUSR2\nouter SIGUSR1\n");
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 300, function () use ($loop): void {
$loop->onSignal(SIGUSR1, function () use ($loop): void {
echo "outer SIGUSR1\n";
$loop->delay($msDelay = 1, function (): void {
/** @var Driver $loop */
$loop = ($this->getFactory())();
$stop = $loop->delay($msDelay = 100, function () use ($loop): void {
echo "ERROR: manual stop";
$loop->onSignal(SIGUSR2, function ($watcherId) use ($loop, $stop): void {
echo "inner SIGUSR2\n";
$loop->delay($msDelay = 1, function (): void {
\posix_kill(\getmypid(), SIGUSR2);
$loop->delay($msDelay = 20, function (): void {
\posix_kill(\getmypid(), \SIGUSR1);
public function testCancelRemovesWatcher(): void
$invoked = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$invoked): void {
$watcherId = $loop->delay($msDelay = 10, function (): void {
$this->fail('Watcher was not cancelled as expected');
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $watcherId, &$invoked): void {
$invoked = true;
$loop->delay($msDelay = 5, [$loop, "stop"]);
public function testOnWritableWatcher(): void
$flag = false;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$flag): void {
$loop->onWritable(STDOUT, function () use ($loop, &$flag) {
$flag = true;
$loop->delay($msDelay = 5, [$loop, "stop"]);
public function testInitiallyDisabledWriteWatcher(): void
$increment = 0;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$watcherId = $loop->onWritable(STDOUT, function () use (&$increment): void {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 5, [$loop, "stop"]);
$this->assertSame(0, $increment);
public function testInitiallyDisabledWriteWatcherIsTriggeredOnceEnabled(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$watcherId = $loop->onWritable(STDOUT, function () use ($loop): void {
echo 2;
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, $watcherId): void {
echo 1;
public function testStreamWatcherDoesntSwallowExceptions(): void
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->onWritable(STDOUT, function () {
throw new \RuntimeException;
$loop->delay($msDelay = 5, [$loop, "stop"]);
public function testReactorRunsUntilNoWatchersRemain(): void
$var1 = $var2 = 0;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$var1, &$var2): void {
$loop->repeat($msDelay = 1, function ($watcherId) use ($loop, &$var1): void {
if (++$var1 === 3) {
$loop->onWritable(STDOUT, function ($watcherId) use ($loop, &$var2): void {
if (++$var2 === 4) {
$this->assertSame(3, $var1);
$this->assertSame(4, $var2);
public function testReactorRunsUntilNoWatchersRemainWhenStartedDeferred(): void
$var1 = $var2 = 0;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use (&$var1, &$var2): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop, &$var1, &$var2): void {
$loop->repeat($msDelay = 1, function ($watcherId) use ($loop, &$var1): void {
if (++$var1 === 3) {
$loop->onWritable(STDOUT, function ($watcherId) use ($loop, &$var2): void {
if (++$var2 === 4) {
$this->assertSame(3, $var1);
$this->assertSame(4, $var2);
public function testOptionalCallbackDataPassedOnInvocation(): void
$callbackData = new \StdClass;
$this->start(function (Driver $loop) use ($callbackData): void {
$loop->defer(function ($watcherId, $callbackData): void {
$callbackData->defer = true;
}, $callbackData);
$loop->delay($msDelay = 1, function ($watcherId, $callbackData): void {
$callbackData->delay = true;
}, $callbackData);
$loop->repeat($msDelay = 1, function ($watcherId, $callbackData) use ($loop): void {
$callbackData->repeat = true;
}, $callbackData);
$loop->onWritable(STDERR, function ($watcherId, $stream, $callbackData) use ($loop): void {
$callbackData->onWritable = true;
}, $callbackData);
public function testLoopStopPreventsTimerExecution(): void
$t = \microtime(1);
$this->start(function (Driver $loop): void {
$loop->defer(function () use ($loop): void {
$loop->delay($msDelay = 1000, function (): void {
$this->fail("Timer was executed despite stopped loop");
$loop->defer([$loop, "stop"]);
$this->assertGreaterThan(\microtime(1), $t + 0.1);
public function testDeferEnabledInNextTick(): void
$tick = function () {
$this->loop->defer([$this->loop, "stop"]);
$invoked = 0;
$watcher = $this->loop->onWritable(STDOUT, function () use (&$invoked): void {
$tick(); // disable + immediate enable after a tick should have no effect either
$this->assertSame(4, $invoked);
// getState and setState are final, but test it here again to be sure
public function testRegistry(): void
$this->loop->setState("foo", NAN);
$this->loop->setState("foo", "1");
$this->loop->setState("baz", -INF);
// running must not affect state
$this->loop->defer([$this->loop, "stop"]);
$this->assertSame(-INF, $this->loop->getState("baz"));
$this->assertSame("1", $this->loop->getState("foo"));
/** @dataProvider provideRegistryValues */
public function testRegistryValues($val): void
$this->loop->setState("foo", $val);
$this->assertSame($val, $this->loop->getState("foo"));
public function provideRegistryValues(): array
return [
[new \StdClass],
public function testRethrowsFromCallbacks(): void
foreach (["onReadable", "onWritable", "defer", "delay", "repeat", "onSignal"] as $watcher) {
$promises = [
new Failure(new \Exception("rethrow test")),
reject(new \Exception("rethrow test")),
foreach ($promises as $promise) {
if ($watcher === "onSignal") {
try {
$args = [];
switch ($watcher) {
case "onSignal":
$args[] = SIGUSR1;
case "onWritable":
$args[] = STDOUT;
case "onReadable":
$ends = \stream_socket_pair(
\stripos(PHP_OS, "win") === 0 ? STREAM_PF_INET : STREAM_PF_UNIX,
\fwrite($ends[0], "trigger readability watcher");
$args[] = $ends[1];
case "delay":
case "repeat":
$args[] = 5;
if ($promise === null) {
$args[] = function ($watcherId) {
throw new \Exception("rethrow test");
} else {
$args[] = function ($watcherId) use ($promise) {
return $promise;
\call_user_func_array([$this->loop, $watcher], $args);
if ($watcher == "onSignal") {
$this->loop->delay(100, function () {
\posix_kill(\getmypid(), \SIGUSR1);
$this->fail("Didn't throw expected exception.");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertSame("rethrow test", $e->getMessage());
public function testMultipleWatchersOnSameDescriptor(): void
$sockets = \stream_socket_pair(
\stripos(PHP_OS, "win") === 0 ? STREAM_PF_INET : STREAM_PF_UNIX,
\fwrite($sockets[1], "testing");
$invoked = 0;
$watcher1 = $this->loop->onReadable($sockets[0], function ($watcher) use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked += 1;
$watcher2 = $this->loop->onReadable($sockets[0], function ($watcher) use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked += 10;
$watcher3 = $this->loop->onWritable($sockets[0], function ($watcher) use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked += 100;
$watcher4 = $this->loop->onWritable($sockets[0], function ($watcher) use (&$invoked): void {
$invoked += 1000;
$this->loop->defer(function () use ($watcher1, $watcher3): void {
$this->loop->delay(200, function () use ($watcher1, $watcher3): void {
$this->assertSame(1212, $invoked);
$this->loop->delay(100, function () use ($watcher2, $watcher4) {
$this->assertSame(2323, $invoked);
public function testTimerIntervalCountedWhenNotRunning(): void
$this->loop->delay(1000, function () use (&$start): void {
$this->assertLessThan(0.5, \microtime(true) - $start);
\usleep(600000); // 600ms instead of 500ms to allow for variations in timing.
$start = \microtime(true);
public function testShortTimerDoesNotBlockOtherTimers(): void
$this->loop->repeat(0, function (): void {
static $i = 0;
if (++$i === 5) {
$this->fail("Loop continues with repeat watcher");
$this->loop->delay(2, function (): void {
public function testTwoShortRepeatTimersWorkAsExpected(): void
$this->loop->repeat(0, function () use (&$j): void {
static $i = 0;
if (++$i === 5) {
$j = $i;
$this->loop->repeat(0, function () use (&$k): void {
static $i = 0;
if (++$i === 5) {
$k = $i;
$this->assertLessThan(2, \abs($j - $k));
$this->assertNotSame(0, $j);
public function testNow(): void
$now = $this->loop->now();
$this->loop->delay(100, function () use ($now): void {
$now += 100;
$new = $this->loop->now();
// Allow a few milliseconds of inaccuracy.
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($now - 1, $new);
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual($now + 10, $new);
public function testBug163ConsecutiveDelayed(): void
$deferred = new Deferred;
$emits = 3;
$this->loop->defer(asyncCallable(function () use (&$time, $deferred, $emits) {
try {
$time = \microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $emits; ++$i) {
$time = \microtime(true) - $time;
} catch (\Throwable $exception) {
$this->assertGreaterThan(100 * $emits - 1 /* 1ms grace period */, $time * 1000);