mirror of https://github.com/danog/amp.git synced 2024-12-14 18:37:30 +01:00
2014-08-19 14:20:04 -04:00

478 lines
15 KiB

namespace Alert;
class UvReactor implements SignalReactor {
private $loop;
private $lastWatcherId = 0;
private $watchers;
private $gcWatcher;
private $gcCallback;
private $garbage = [];
private $isGcScheduled = false;
private $isRunning = false;
private $stopException;
private $resolution = 1000;
private $isWindows;
private $immediates = [];
private static $MODE_ONCE = 0;
private static $MODE_REPEAT = 1;
private static $MODE_STREAM = 2;
private static $MODE_SIGNAL = 3;
private static $MODE_IMMEDIATE = 4;
public function __construct($newLoop = false) {
$this->loop = $newLoop ? uv_loop_new() : uv_default_loop();
$this->gcWatcher = uv_timer_init($this->loop);
$this->gcCallback = function() { $this->collectGarbage(); };
$this->isWindows = (stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') === 0);
private function collectGarbage() {
$this->garbage = [];
$this->isGcScheduled = false;
* Start the event reactor and assume program flow control
* @param callable $onStart Optional callback to invoke immediately upon reactor start
* @throws \Exception Will throw if code executed during the event loop throws
* @return void
public function run(callable $onStart = null) {
if ($this->isRunning) {
$this->isRunning = true;
if ($onStart) {
$this->immediately(function() use ($onStart) { $onStart($this); });
while ($this->isRunning) {
if ($this->immediates && !$this->doImmediates()) {
uv_run($this->loop, \UV::RUN_NOWAIT | \UV::RUN_ONCE);
if ($this->stopException) {
$e = $this->stopException;
$this->stopException = null;
throw $e;
private function doImmediates() {
$immediates = $this->immediates;
foreach ($immediates as $watcherId => $callback) {
$callback($this, $watcherId);
if (!$this->isRunning) {
// If a watcher stops the reactor break out of the loop
return $this->isRunning;
* Execute a single event loop iteration
* @throws \Exception will throw any uncaught exception encountered during the loop iteration
* @return void
public function tick() {
if ($this->isRunning) {
$this->isRunning = true;
if (empty($this->immediates) || $this->doImmediates()) {
uv_run($this->loop, \UV::RUN_NOWAIT | \UV::RUN_ONCE);
$this->isRunning = false;
if ($this->stopException) {
$e = $this->stopException;
$this->stopException = null;
throw $e;
* Stop the event reactor
* @return void
public function stop() {
$this->isRunning = false;
* Schedule a callback for immediate invocation in the next event loop iteration
* @param callable $callback Any valid PHP callable
* @return int Returns a unique integer watcher ID
public function immediately(callable $callback) {
$watcherId = $this->lastWatcherId++;
$this->immediates[$watcherId] = $callback;
$watcher = new \StdClass;
$watcher->id = $watcherId;
$watcher->mode = self::$MODE_IMMEDIATE;
$watcher->callback = $callback;
$watcher->isEnabled = true;
$this->watchers[$watcher->id] = $watcher;
return $watcherId;
* Schedule a callback to execute once
* @param callable $callback Any valid PHP callable
* @param int $msDelay The delay in milliseconds before the callback will trigger (may be zero)
* @return int Returns a unique integer watcher ID
public function once(callable $callback, $msDelay) {
return $this->startTimer($callback, $msDelay, $msInterval = 0, self::$MODE_ONCE);
* Schedule a recurring callback to execute every $msInterval seconds until cancelled
* @param callable $callback Any valid PHP callable
* @param int $msInterval The interval in milliseconds between callback invocations
* @return int Returns a unique integer watcher ID
public function repeat(callable $callback, $msInterval) {
// A zero interval is interpreted as a "non-repeating" timer by php-uv. Here
// we use a hack to notify on STDOUT writability for 0 interval repeating
// callbacks because it's much more performant than churning 1ms timers.
$msInterval = ($msInterval && $msInterval > 0) ? (int) $msInterval : -1;
return ($msInterval === -1)
? $this->watchStream(STDOUT, $callback, self::WATCH_WRITE | self::WATCH_NOW)
: $this->startTimer($callback, $msInterval, $msInterval, self::$MODE_REPEAT);
private function startTimer($callback, $msDelay, $msInterval, $mode) {
$watcher = new UvTimerWatcher;
$watcher->id = $this->lastWatcherId++;
$watcher->mode = $mode;
$watcher->uvStruct = uv_timer_init($this->loop);
$watcher->callback = $this->wrapTimerCallback($watcher, $callback);
$watcher->msDelay = ($msDelay > 0) ? (int) $msDelay : 0;
$watcher->msInterval = ($msInterval > 0) ? (int) $msInterval : 0;
$watcher->isEnabled = true;
$this->watchers[$watcher->id] = $watcher;
uv_timer_start($watcher->uvStruct, $watcher->msDelay, $watcher->msInterval, $watcher->callback);
return $watcher->id;
private function wrapTimerCallback($watcher, $callback) {
return function() use ($watcher, $callback) {
try {
$callback($this, $watcher->id);
if ($watcher->mode === self::$MODE_ONCE) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->stopException = $e;
* Schedule an event to trigger once at the specified time
* @param callable $callback Any valid PHP callable
* @param mixed[int|string] $unixTimeOrStr A future unix timestamp or string parsable by strtotime()
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException On invalid future time
* @return int Returns a unique integer watcher ID
public function at(callable $callback, $unixTimeOrStr) {
$now = time();
if (is_int($unixTimeOrStr) && $unixTimeOrStr > $now) {
$secondsUntil = ($unixTimeOrStr - $now);
} elseif (($executeAt = @strtotime($unixTimeOrStr)) && $executeAt > $now) {
$secondsUntil = ($executeAt - $now);
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Unix timestamp or future time string (parsable by strtotime()) required'
$msDelay = $secondsUntil * $this->resolution;
return $this->once($callback, $msDelay);
* Watch a stream resource for IO readable data and trigger the callback when actionable
* @param resource $stream A stream resource to watch for readable data
* @param callable $callback Any valid PHP callable
* @param bool $enableNow Should the watcher be enabled now or held for later use?
* @return int Returns a unique integer watcher ID
public function onReadable($stream, callable $callback, $enableNow = true) {
$flags = $enableNow ? (self::WATCH_READ | self::WATCH_NOW) : self::WATCH_READ;
return $this->watchStream($stream, $callback, $flags);
* Watch a stream resource to become writable and trigger the callback when actionable
* @param resource $stream A stream resource to watch for writability
* @param callable $callback Any valid PHP callable
* @param bool $enableNow Should the watcher be enabled now or held for later use?
* @return int Returns a unique integer watcher ID
public function onWritable($stream, callable $callback, $enableNow = true) {
$flags = $enableNow ? (self::WATCH_WRITE | self::WATCH_NOW) : self::WATCH_WRITE;
return $this->watchStream($stream, $callback, $flags);
* Watch a stream resource for reads or writes (but not both) with additional option flags
* @param resource $stream
* @param callable $callback
* @param int $flags A bitmask of watch flags
* @throws \DomainException if no read/write flag specified
* @return int Returns a unique integer watcher ID
public function watchStream($stream, callable $callback, $flags) {
$flags = (int) $flags;
if ($flags & self::WATCH_READ) {
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */
$pollFlag = \UV::READABLE;
} elseif ($flags & self::WATCH_WRITE) {
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */
$pollFlag = \UV::WRITABLE;
} else {
throw new \DomainException(
'Stream watchers must specify either a WATCH_READ or WATCH_WRITE flag'
// Windows requires the socket-specific init function, so make sure we choose that
// specifically when using tcp/ssl streams
$pollStartFunc = $this->isWindows
? $this->chooseWindowsPollingFunction($stream)
: 'uv_poll_init';
$watcherId = $this->lastWatcherId++;
$watcher = new UvIoWatcher;
$watcher->id = $watcherId;
$watcher->mode = self::$MODE_STREAM;
$watcher->stream = $stream;
$watcher->pollFlag = $pollFlag;
$watcher->uvStruct = $pollStartFunc($this->loop, $stream);
$watcher->callback = $this->wrapStreamCallback($watcher, $callback);
if ($watcher->isEnabled = ($flags & self::WATCH_NOW)) {
uv_poll_start($watcher->uvStruct, $watcher->pollFlag, $watcher->callback);
$this->watchers[$watcherId] = $watcher;
return $watcherId;
private function chooseWindowsPollingFunction($stream) {
return (stream_get_meta_data($stream)['stream_type'] === 'tcp_socket/ssl')
? 'uv_poll_init_socket'
: 'uv_poll_init';
private function wrapStreamCallback($watcher, $callback) {
return function() use ($watcher, $callback) {
try {
$callback($this, $watcher->id, $watcher->stream);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->stopException = $e;
* React to process control signals
* @param int $signo The signal number to watch for (e.g. 2 for Uv::SIGINT)
* @param callable $onSignal
* @return int Returns a unique integer watcher ID
public function onSignal($signo, callable $onSignal) {
$watcher = new UvSignalWatcher;
$watcher->id = $this->lastWatcherId++;
$watcher->mode = self::$MODE_SIGNAL;
$watcher->signo = $signo;
$watcher->uvStruct = uv_signal_init($this->loop);
$watcher->callback = $this->wrapSignalCallback($watcher, $onSignal);
$watcher->isEnabled = true;
uv_signal_start($watcher->uvStruct, $watcher->callback, $watcher->signo);
$this->watchers[$watcher->id] = $watcher;
return $watcher->id;
private function wrapSignalCallback($watcher, $callback) {
return function() use ($watcher, $callback) {
try {
$callback($this, $watcher->id, $watcher->signo);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->stopException = $e;
* Cancel an existing watcher
* @param int $watcherId
* @return void
public function cancel($watcherId) {
if (isset($this->watchers[$watcherId])) {
private function clearWatcher($watcherId) {
$watcher = $this->watchers[$watcherId];
if ($watcher->isEnabled) {
switch ($watcher->mode) {
case self::$MODE_STREAM:
case self::$MODE_SIGNAL:
case self::$MODE_IMMEDIATE:
$this->garbage[] = $watcher;
if (!$this->isGcScheduled) {
uv_timer_start($this->gcWatcher, 250, 0, $this->gcCallback);
$this->isGcScheduled = true;
* Temporarily disable (but don't cancel) an existing timer/stream watcher
* @param int $watcherId
* @return void
public function disable($watcherId) {
if (!isset($this->watchers[$watcherId])) {
$watcher = $this->watchers[$watcherId];
if (!$watcher->isEnabled) {
switch ($watcher->mode) {
case self::$MODE_STREAM:
case self::$MODE_SIGNAL:
case self::$MODE_IMMEDIATE:
$watcher->isEnabled = false;
* Enable a disabled timer/stream watcher
* @param int $watcherId
* @return void
public function enable($watcherId) {
if (!isset($this->watchers[$watcherId])) {
$watcher = $this->watchers[$watcherId];
if ($watcher->isEnabled) {
switch ($watcher->mode) {
case self::$MODE_STREAM:
uv_poll_start($watcher->uvStruct, $watcher->pollFlag, $watcher->callback);
case self::$MODE_SIGNAL:
uv_signal_start($watcher->uvStruct, $watcher->callback, $watcher->signo);
case self::$MODE_IMMEDIATE:
$this->immediates[$watcher->id] = $watcher->callback;
uv_timer_start($watcher->uvStruct, $watcher->msDelay, $watcher->msInterval, $watcher->callback);
$watcher->isEnabled = true;
* Access the underlying php-uv extension loop resource
* This method exists outside the base Reactor API. It provides access to the underlying php-uv
* event loop resource for code that wishes to interact with lower-level php-uv extension
* functionality.
* @return resource
public function getUnderlyingLoop() {
return $this->loop;