mirror of https://github.com/danog/byte-stream.git synced 2024-11-30 04:19:23 +01:00
2018-09-22 16:04:00 +02:00

57 lines
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// Adopted from ReactPHP's stream package
// https://github.com/reactphp/stream/blob/b996af99fd1169ff74e93ef69c1513b7d0db19d0/examples/benchmark-throughput.php
use Amp\ByteStream\ResourceInputStream;
use Amp\ByteStream\ResourceOutputStream;
use Amp\Loop;
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
Loop::set(new Loop\NativeDriver());
$args = \getopt('i:o:t:');
$if = isset($args['i']) ? $args['i'] : '/dev/zero';
$of = isset($args['o']) ? $args['o'] : '/dev/null';
$t = isset($args['t']) ? $args['t'] : 30;
// passing file descriptors requires mapping paths (https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53465)
$if = \preg_replace('(^/dev/fd/)', 'php://fd/', $if);
$of = \preg_replace('(^/dev/fd/)', 'php://fd/', $of);
$stderr = new ResourceOutputStream(STDERR);
$in = new ResourceInputStream(\fopen($if, 'r'), 65536 /* Default size used by React to allow comparisons */);
$out = new ResourceOutputStream(\fopen($of, 'w'));
if (\extension_loaded('xdebug')) {
$stderr->write('NOTICE: The "xdebug" extension is loaded, this has a major impact on performance.' . PHP_EOL);
try {
if (!@\assert(false)) {
$stderr->write("NOTICE: Assertions are enabled, this has a major impact on performance." . PHP_EOL);
} catch (AssertionError $exception) {
$stderr->write("NOTICE: Assertions are enabled, this has a major impact on performance." . PHP_EOL);
$stderr->write('piping from ' . $if . ' to ' . $of . ' (for max ' . $t . ' second(s)) ...'. PHP_EOL);
Loop::delay($t * 1000, [$in, "close"]);
Loop::run(function () use ($stderr, $in, $out) {
$start = \microtime(true);
while (($chunk = yield $in->read()) !== null) {
yield $out->write($chunk);
$t = \microtime(true) - $start;
$bytes = \ftell($out->getResource());
$stderr->write('read ' . $bytes . ' byte(s) in ' . \round($t, 3) . ' second(s) => ' . \round($bytes / 1024 / 1024 / $t, 1) . ' MiB/s' . PHP_EOL);
$stderr->write('peak memory usage of ' . \round(\memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, 1) . ' MiB' . PHP_EOL);