#!/bin/bash # Edit your commands in this file. if [ "$1" = "source" ];then # Edit the token in here source token # Set INLINE to 1 in order to receive inline queries. # To enable this option in your bot, send the /setinline command to @BotFather. INLINE=0 # Set to .* to allow sending files from all locations FILE_REGEX='/home/user/allowed/.*' else ALLOW="${URLS[PHOTO]} ${URLS[STICKER]} ${URLS[DOCUMENT]}" ALLOW="$(echo "$ALLOW" | sed 's/^\s*//g;s/\s*$//g')" [ ! -z $ALLOW ] && { send_action ${USER[ID]} typing if echo "$ALLOW" | grep -qE '.jpg$\|.png$\|.jpeg$'; then wut=$ALLOW else wget "$ALLOW" -qO /tmp/$(basename $ALLOW) convert /tmp/$(basename $ALLOW) /tmp/$MESSAGE_ID.jpg wut=/tmp/$MESSAGE_ID.jpg fi result=$(./captionbot.sh $wut script) rm /tmp/$MESSAGE_ID.jpg /tmp/$(basename $ALLOW) &>/dev/null res=$(curl -s "$MSG_URL" -d "chat_id=${USER[ID]}" -d "text=$result" -d "reply_to_message_id=$MESSAGE_ID") return } case $MESSAGE in '/start'*) send_message "${USER[ID]}" "This is a bot client for captionbot.ai written in bash. This bot will try to recognize the content of any image you give him using Microsoft's captionbot.ai website api. Available commands: /start: Start bot and image recognition process. /info: Get shorter info message about this bot. /cancel: Cancel any currently running interactive chats. Captionbot client written by Daniil Gentili @danogentili. Contribute to the project: https://github.com/danog/captionbot-clients Bot written by @topkecleon, Juan Potato (@awkward_potato), Lorenzo Santina (BigNerd95) and Daniil Gentili (@danogentili) Contribute to the project: https://github.com/topkecleon/telegram-bot-bash Do check out my other projects @ https://daniil.it and Check out my other bots: @video_dl_bot, @mklwp_bot, @caption_ai_bot, @cowsaysbot, @cowthinksbot, @figletsbot, @lolcatzbot, @filtersbot, @id3bot, @pwrtelegrambot! To start, send me a photo. " ;; *) #[ "$GROUP" = "y" ] && result=$(./captionbot.sh "$MESSAGE" script) && res=$(curl -s "$MSG_URL" -d "chat_id=${USER[ID]}" -d "text=$result" -d "reply_to_message_id=$MESSAGE_ID") ;; esac fi