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// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:sass/sass.dart';
void main() {
// Deprecated in all version of Dart Sass
test("callString is violated by passing a string to call", () {
_expectDeprecation("a { b: call(random)}", Deprecation.callString);
// Deprecated in 1.3.2
test("elseIf is violated by using @elseif instead of @else if", () {
_expectDeprecation("@if false {} @elseif {}", Deprecation.elseif);
// Deprecated in 1.7.2
test("mozDocument is violated by most @-moz-document rules", () {
"@-moz-document url-prefix(foo) {}", Deprecation.mozDocument);
// Deprecated in 1.17.2
test("newGlobal is violated by declaring a new variable with !global", () {
_expectDeprecation(r"a {$foo: bar !global;}", Deprecation.newGlobal);
// Deprecated in 1.23.0
group("colorModuleCompat is violated by", () {
var color = "@use 'sass:color'; a { b: color";
test("passing a number to color.invert", () {
_expectDeprecation("$color.invert(0)}", Deprecation.colorModuleCompat);
test("passing a number to color.grayscale", () {
_expectDeprecation("$color.grayscale(0)}", Deprecation.colorModuleCompat);
test("passing a number to color.opacity", () {
_expectDeprecation("$color.opacity(0)}", Deprecation.colorModuleCompat);
test("using color.alpha for a microsoft filter", () {
"$color.alpha(foo=bar)}", Deprecation.colorModuleCompat);
// Deprecated in 1.33.0
test("slashDiv is violated by using / for division", () {
_expectDeprecation(r"a {b: (4/2)}", Deprecation.slashDiv);
// Deprecated in 1.54.0
group("bogusCombinators is violated by", () {
test("adjacent combinators", () {
_expectDeprecation("a > > a {b: c}", Deprecation.bogusCombinators);
test("leading combinators", () {
_expectDeprecation("a > {b: c}", Deprecation.bogusCombinators);
test("trailing combinators", () {
_expectDeprecation("> a {b: c}", Deprecation.bogusCombinators);
// Deprecated in 1.55.0
group("strictUnary is violated by", () {
test("an ambiguous + operator", () {
_expectDeprecation(r"a {b: 1 +2}", Deprecation.strictUnary);
test("an ambiguous - operator", () {
_expectDeprecation(r"a {$x: 2; b: 1 -$x}", Deprecation.strictUnary);
// Deprecated in various Sass versions <=1.56.0
group("functionUnits is violated by", () {
test("a hue with a non-angle unit", () {
_expectDeprecation("a {b: hsl(10px, 0%, 0%)}", Deprecation.functionUnits);
test("a saturation/lightness with a non-percent unit", () {
"a {b: hsl(10deg, 0px, 0%)}", Deprecation.functionUnits);
test("a saturation/lightness with no unit", () {
_expectDeprecation("a {b: hsl(10deg, 0%, 0)}", Deprecation.functionUnits);
test("an alpha value with a percent unit", () {
r"@use 'sass:color'; a {b: color.change(red, $alpha: 1%)}",
test("an alpha value with a non-percent unit", () {
r"@use 'sass:color'; a {b: color.change(red, $alpha: 1px)}",
test("calling math.random with units", () {
_expectDeprecation("@use 'sass:math'; a {b: math.random(100px)}",
test("calling list.nth with units", () {
_expectDeprecation("@use 'sass:list'; a {b: list.nth(1 2, 1px)}",
test("calling list.set-nth with units", () {
_expectDeprecation("@use 'sass:list'; a {b: list.set-nth(1 2, 1px, 3)}",
/// Confirms that [source] will error if [deprecation] is fatal.
void _expectDeprecation(String source, Deprecation deprecation) {
try {
compileStringToResult(source, fatalDeprecations: {deprecation});
} catch (e) {
if (e.toString().contains("$deprecation deprecation to be fatal")) return;
fail('Unexpected error: $e');
fail("No error for violating $deprecation.");