2019-10-25 22:00:47 +02:00
// Copyright 2019 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
2019-11-05 04:50:50 +01:00
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart' as source_maps;
2019-10-25 22:00:47 +02:00
import 'package:test/test.dart';
2019-11-05 04:50:50 +01:00
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
2019-10-25 22:00:47 +02:00
import 'package:sass_embedded/src/embedded_sass.pb.dart';
import 'embedded_process.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() {
EmbeddedProcess process;
setUp(() async {
process = await EmbeddedProcess.start();
2020-08-26 23:10:13 +02:00
group("exits upon protocol error", () {
2019-10-25 22:00:47 +02:00
test("caused by an empty message", () async {
await expectParseError(process, "InboundMessage.message is not set.");
2020-08-26 23:10:13 +02:00
expect(await process.exitCode, 76);
2019-10-25 22:00:47 +02:00
test("caused by an invalid message", () async {
process.stdin.add([1, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
await expectParseError(
process, "Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero).");
2020-08-26 23:10:13 +02:00
expect(await process.exitCode, 76);
2019-10-25 22:00:47 +02:00
2019-11-05 04:50:50 +01:00
group("compiles CSS from", () {
test("an SCSS string by default", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}"));
await expectLater(process.outbound, emits(isSuccess("a { b: 3px; }")));
await process.kill();
test("an SCSS string explicitly", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}",
syntax: InboundMessage_Syntax.SCSS));
await expectLater(process.outbound, emits(isSuccess("a { b: 3px; }")));
await process.kill();
test("an indented syntax string", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a\n b: 1px + 2px",
syntax: InboundMessage_Syntax.INDENTED));
await expectLater(process.outbound, emits(isSuccess("a { b: 3px; }")));
await process.kill();
test("a plain CSS string", () async {
.add(compileString("a {b: c}", syntax: InboundMessage_Syntax.CSS));
await expectLater(process.outbound, emits(isSuccess("a { b: c; }")));
await process.kill();
test("an absolute path", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: 1px + 2px}").create();
..compileRequest = (InboundMessage_CompileRequest()
..path = p.absolute(d.path("test.scss"))));
await expectLater(process.outbound, emits(isSuccess("a { b: 3px; }")));
await process.kill();
test("a relative path", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: 1px + 2px}").create();
..compileRequest = (InboundMessage_CompileRequest()
..path = p.relative(d.path("test.scss"))));
await expectLater(process.outbound, emits(isSuccess("a { b: 3px; }")));
await process.kill();
group("compiles CSS in", () {
test("expanded mode", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}",
style: InboundMessage_CompileRequest_OutputStyle.EXPANDED));
await expectLater(
process.outbound, emits(isSuccess(equals("a {\n b: 3px;\n}"))));
await process.kill();
test("compressed mode", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}",
style: InboundMessage_CompileRequest_OutputStyle.COMPRESSED));
await expectLater(process.outbound, emits(isSuccess(equals("a{b:3px}"))));
await process.kill();
test("expanded mode when nested mode is passed", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}",
style: InboundMessage_CompileRequest_OutputStyle.NESTED));
await expectLater(
process.outbound, emits(isSuccess(equals("a {\n b: 3px;\n}"))));
await process.kill();
test("expanded mode when compact mode is passed", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}",
style: InboundMessage_CompileRequest_OutputStyle.COMPACT));
await expectLater(
process.outbound, emits(isSuccess(equals("a {\n b: 3px;\n}"))));
await process.kill();
test("doesn't include a source map by default", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}"));
await expectLater(process.outbound,
emits(isSuccess("a { b: 3px; }", sourceMap: isEmpty)));
await process.kill();
test("doesn't include a source map with source_map: false", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}", sourceMap: false));
await expectLater(process.outbound,
emits(isSuccess("a { b: 3px; }", sourceMap: isEmpty)));
2019-10-25 22:00:47 +02:00
await process.kill();
2019-11-05 04:50:50 +01:00
test("includes a source map if source_map is true", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}", sourceMap: true));
await expectLater(
2019-11-08 01:03:47 +01:00
emits(isSuccess("a { b: 3px; }", sourceMap: (map) {
2019-11-05 04:50:50 +01:00
var mapping = source_maps.parse(map);
var span = mapping.spanFor(2, 5);
expect(span.start.line, equals(0));
expect(span.start.column, equals(3));
expect(span.end, equals(span.start));
return true;
2019-11-08 01:03:47 +01:00
2019-11-05 04:50:50 +01:00
await process.kill();
2019-11-05 22:51:08 +01:00
group("emits a log event", () {
test("for a @debug rule", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {@debug hello}"));
var logEvent = getLogEvent(await process.outbound.next);
expect(logEvent.compilationId, equals(0));
expect(logEvent.type, equals(OutboundMessage_LogEvent_Type.DEBUG));
expect(logEvent.message, equals("hello"));
expect(logEvent.span.text, equals("@debug hello"));
expect(logEvent.span.start, equals(location(3, 0, 3)));
expect(logEvent.span.end, equals(location(15, 0, 15)));
expect(logEvent.span.context, equals("a {@debug hello}"));
expect(logEvent.stackTrace, isEmpty);
await process.kill();
test("for a @warn rule", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {@warn hello}"));
var logEvent = getLogEvent(await process.outbound.next);
expect(logEvent.compilationId, equals(0));
expect(logEvent.type, equals(OutboundMessage_LogEvent_Type.WARNING));
expect(logEvent.message, equals("hello"));
expect(logEvent.span, equals(SourceSpan()));
expect(logEvent.stackTrace, equals("- 1:4 root stylesheet\n"));
await process.kill();
test("for a parse-time deprecation warning", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("@if true {} @elseif true {}"));
var logEvent = getLogEvent(await process.outbound.next);
expect(logEvent.compilationId, equals(0));
'@elseif is deprecated and will not be supported in future Sass '
'Use "@else if" instead.'));
expect(logEvent.span.text, equals("@elseif"));
expect(logEvent.span.start, equals(location(12, 0, 12)));
expect(logEvent.span.end, equals(location(19, 0, 19)));
expect(logEvent.span.context, equals("@if true {} @elseif true {}"));
expect(logEvent.stackTrace, isEmpty);
await process.kill();
test("for a runtime deprecation warning", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {\$var: value !global}"));
var logEvent = getLogEvent(await process.outbound.next);
expect(logEvent.compilationId, equals(0));
equals("As of Dart Sass 2.0.0, !global assignments won't be able to\n"
"declare new variables. Consider adding `\$var: null` at the "
"root of the\n"
expect(logEvent.span.text, equals("\$var: value !global"));
expect(logEvent.span.start, equals(location(3, 0, 3)));
expect(logEvent.span.end, equals(location(22, 0, 22)));
expect(logEvent.span.context, equals("a {\$var: value !global}"));
expect(logEvent.stackTrace, "- 1:4 root stylesheet\n");
await process.kill();
test("with the same ID as the CompileRequest", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("@debug hello", id: 12345));
var logEvent = getLogEvent(await process.outbound.next);
expect(logEvent.compilationId, equals(12345));
await process.kill();
2019-11-05 04:50:50 +01:00
group("gracefully handles an error", () {
test("from invalid syntax", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: }"));
var failure = getCompileFailure(await process.outbound.next);
expect(failure.message, equals("Expected expression."));
expect(failure.span.text, isEmpty);
expect(failure.span.start, equals(location(6, 0, 6)));
expect(failure.span.end, equals(location(6, 0, 6)));
expect(failure.span.url, isEmpty);
expect(failure.span.context, equals("a {b: }"));
expect(failure.stackTrace, equals("- 1:7 root stylesheet\n"));
await process.kill();
test("from the runtime", () async {
process.inbound.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 1em}"));
var failure = getCompileFailure(await process.outbound.next);
expect(failure.message, equals("Incompatible units em and px."));
expect(failure.span.text, "1px + 1em");
expect(failure.span.start, equals(location(6, 0, 6)));
expect(failure.span.end, equals(location(15, 0, 15)));
expect(failure.span.url, isEmpty);
expect(failure.span.context, equals("a {b: 1px + 1em}"));
expect(failure.stackTrace, equals("- 1:7 root stylesheet\n"));
await process.kill();
test("from a missing file", () async {
..compileRequest =
(InboundMessage_CompileRequest()..path = d.path("test.scss")));
var failure = getCompileFailure(await process.outbound.next);
expect(failure.message, startsWith("Cannot open file: "));
expect(failure.span, equals(SourceSpan()));
expect(failure.stackTrace, isEmpty);
await process.kill();
test("with a multi-line source span", () async {
a {
b: 1px +
var failure = getCompileFailure(await process.outbound.next);
expect(failure.span.text, "1px +\n 1em");
expect(failure.span.start, equals(location(9, 1, 5)));
expect(failure.span.end, equals(location(23, 2, 8)));
expect(failure.span.url, isEmpty);
expect(failure.span.context, equals(" b: 1px +\n 1em;\n"));
expect(failure.stackTrace, equals("- 2:6 root stylesheet\n"));
await process.kill();
test("with multiple stack trace entries", () async {
@function fail() {
@return 1px + 1em;
a {
b: fail();
var failure = getCompileFailure(await process.outbound.next);
equals("- 2:11 fail()\n"
"- 6:6 root stylesheet\n"));
await process.kill();
group("and includes the URL from", () {
test("a string input", () async {
.add(compileString("a {b: 1px + 1em}", url: "foo://bar/baz"));
var failure = getCompileFailure(await process.outbound.next);
expect(failure.span.url, equals("foo://bar/baz"));
failure.stackTrace, equals("foo://bar/baz 1:7 root stylesheet\n"));
await process.kill();
test("a path input", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: 1px + 1em}").create();
var path = d.path("test.scss");
..compileRequest = (InboundMessage_CompileRequest()..path = path));
var failure = getCompileFailure(await process.outbound.next);
expect(p.fromUri(failure.span.url), equalsPath(path));
expect(failure.stackTrace, endsWith(" 1:7 root stylesheet\n"));
expect(failure.stackTrace.split(" ").first, equalsPath(path));
await process.kill();
test("caused by using Sass features in CSS", () async {
compileString("a {b: 1px + 2px}", syntax: InboundMessage_Syntax.CSS));
var failure = getCompileFailure(await process.outbound.next);
expect(failure.message, equals("Operators aren't allowed in plain CSS."));
expect(failure.span.text, "+");
expect(failure.span.start, equals(location(10, 0, 10)));
expect(failure.span.end, equals(location(11, 0, 11)));
expect(failure.span.url, isEmpty);
expect(failure.span.context, equals("a {b: 1px + 2px}"));
expect(failure.stackTrace, equals("- 1:11 root stylesheet\n"));
await process.kill();
2019-10-25 22:00:47 +02:00