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2016-07-16 02:27:14 +02:00
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'ast/selector.dart';
class Extender {
/// A map from all simple selectors in the stylesheet to the rules that
/// contain them.
/// This is used to find which rules an `@extend` applies to.
final _selectors = <SimpleSelector, Set<CssStyleRule>>{};
final _extensions = <SimpleSelector, Set<SelectorList>>{};
Set<PseudoSelector> _seen;
CssStyleRule addSelector(SelectorList selector, {FileSpan span}) {
if (_extensions.isNotEmpty) selector = _extendList(selector);
var rule = new CssStyleRule(selector, span: span);
for (var complex in selector.components) {
for (var maybeCompound in complex.components) {
if (maybeCompound is CompoundSelector) {
for (var simple in maybeCompound.components) {
_selectors.putIfAbsent(simple, () => new Set()).add(rule);
return rule;
SelectorList _extendList(SelectorList selector) {
// This could be written more simply using [List.map], but we want to avoid
// any allocations in the common case where no extends apply.
var changed = false;
List<ComplexSelector> newComponents;
for (var i = 0; i < selector.components.length; i++) {
var complex = selector.components[i];
var extended = _extendComplex(complex);
if (extended == null) {
if (changed) newComponents.add(complex);
} else {
if (!changed) newComponents = selector.components.take(i).toList();
changed = true;
if (!changed) return selector;
// TODO: compute new line breaks
return new SelectorList(newComponents.where((complex) => complex != null));
List<ComplexSelector> _extendComplex(ComplexSelector selector) {
// This could be written more simply using [List.map], but we want to avoid
// any allocations in the common case where no extends apply.
var changed = false;
List<List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>> extendedNotExpanded;
for (var i = 0; i < selector.components.length; i++) {
var component = selector.components[i];
if (component is CompoundSelector) {
var extended = _extendCompound(component);
// TODO: follow the first law of extend (https://github.com/sass/sass/blob/7774aa3/lib/sass/selector/sequence.rb#L114-L118)
if (extended == null) {
if (changed) extendedNotExpanded.add([[component]]);
} else {
if (!changed) {
extendedNotExpanded =
selector.components.take(i).map((component) => [[component]]);
changed = true;
} else {
if (changed) extendedNotExpanded.add([[component]]);
if (!changed) return null;
// TODO: preserve line breaks
2016-07-29 00:45:29 +02:00
var weaves = paths(extendedNotExpanded)
.map((path) => _weave(path))
2016-07-16 02:27:14 +02:00
return _trim(weaves).map((components) => new ComplexSelector(components));
List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>> _extendCompound(
CompoundSelector selector) {
var changed = false;
List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>> extended;
for (var i = 0; i < selector.components.length; i++) {
var simple = selector.components[i];
// TODO: handle extending into pseudo selectors, tracking sources, extend
// failures
var extenders = _extensions[simple];
if (extenders == null) continue;
var componentsWithoutSimple =
for (var list in extenders) {
for (var complex in list.components) {
var compound = complex.members.last as CompoundSelector;
var unified = _unifyCompound(
compound.components, componentsWithoutSimple);
if (unified == null) continue;
if (!changed) extended = [[selector]];
changed = true;
.take(compound.members.length - 1)
return extended;
List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>> _weave(
List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>> path) {
var prefixes = [path.first];
for (var components in path.skip(1)) {
if (components.isEmpty) continue;
var target = components.last;
if (components.length == 1) {
for (var prefix in prefixes) {
var parents = components.take(components.length - 1).toList();
prefixes = prefixes.expand((prefix) {
var parentPrefixes = _weaveParents(prefix, parents);
if (parentPrefixes == null) return const [];
return parentPrefixes.map((parentPrefix) => parentPrefix.add(target));
return prefixes;
List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>> _weaveParents(
List<ComplexSelectorComponent> parents1,
List<ComplexSelectorComponent> parents2) {
var queue1 = new Queue.from(parents1);
var queue2 = new Queue.from(parents2);
var initialCombinator = _mergeInitialCombinators(queue1, queue2);
if (initialCombinator == null) return null;
var finalCombinator = _mergeFinalCombinators(queue1, queue2);
if (finalCombinator == null) return null;
// Make sure there's at most one `:root` in the output.
var root1 = _hasRoot(queue1.first) ? queue1.removeFirst() : null;
var root2 = _hasRoot(queue2.first) ? queue2.removeFirst() : null;
if (root1 != null && root2 != null) {
var root = root1.unify(root2);
if (root == null) return null;
} else if (root1 != null) {
} else if (root2 != null) {
var groups1 = _groupSelectors(queue1);
var groups2 = _groupSelectors(queue2);
var lcs = longestCommonSubsequence(groups1, groups2, (group1, group2) {
if (listEquals(group1, group2)) return group1;
if (group1.first is! CompoundSelector ||
group2.first is! CompoundSelector) {
return null;
if (_isParentSuperselector(group1, group2)) return group2;
if (_isParentSuperselector(group2, group1)) return group1;
if (!_mustUnify(group1, group2)) return null;
var unified = _unifyComplex(group1, group2);
if (unified == null) return null;
if (unified.members.length > 1) return null;
return unified.members.first.members;
var choices = [[initialCombinator]];
for (var group in lcs) {
choices.add(_chunks(groups1, groups2,
(sequence) => _isParentSuperselector(sequence.first, group)));
choices.add(_chunks(groups1, groups2, (sequence) => sequence.isEmpty));
return paths(choices.where((choice) => choice.isNotEmpty))
.map((path) => path.expand((group) => group));
List<Combinator> _mergeInitialCombinators(
Queue<ComplexSelectorComponent> components1,
Queue<ComplexSelectorComponent> components2) {
var combinators1 = <Combinator>[];
while (components1.first is Combinator) {
combinators1.add(components1.first as Combinator);
var combinators2 = <Combinator>[];
while (components2.first is Combinator) {
combinators2.add(components2.first as Combinator);
// If neither sequence of combinators is a subsequence of the other, they
// cannot be merged successfully.
var lcs = leastCommonSubsequence(combinators1, combinators2);
if (listEquals(lcs, combinators1)) return combinators2;
if (listEquals(lcs, combinators2)) return combinators1;
return null;
List<List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>> _mergeFinalCombinators(
Queue<ComplexSelectorComponent> components1,
Queue<ComplexSelectorComponent> components2,
[QueueList<List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>> result]) {
result ??= new QueueList();
if ((components1.isEmpty || components1.last is! Combinator) &&
(components2.isEmpty || components2.last is! Combinator)) {
return result;
var combinators1 = <Combinator>[];
while (components1.last is Combinator) {
combinators1.add(components1.last as Combinator);
var combinators2 = <Combinator>[];
while (components2.last is Combinator) {
combinators2.add(components2.last as Combinator);
if (combinators1.length > 1 || combinators2.length > 1) {
// If there are multiple combinators, something hacky's going on. If one
// is a supersequence of the other, use that, otherwise give up.
var lcs = leastCommonSubsequence(combinators1, combinators2);
if (listEquals(lcs, combinators1)) {
} else if (listEquals(lcs, combinators2)) {
return result;
// This code looks complicated, but it's actually just a bunch of special
// cases for interactions between different combinators.
var combinator1 = combinators1.isEmpty ? null : combinators1.first;
var combinator2 = combinators2.isEmpty ? null : combinators2.first;
if (combinator1 != null && combinator2 != null) {
var compound1 = components1.removeLast() as CompoundSelector;
var compound2 = components2.removeLast() as CompoundSelector;
if (combinator1 == Combinator.followingSibling &&
combinator2 == Combinator.followingSibling) {
if (compound1.isSuperselectorOf(compound2)) {
result.addFirst([[compound2, Combinator.followingSibling]]);
} else if (compound2.isSuperselectorOf(compound1)) {
result.addFirst([[compound1, Combinator.followingSibling]]);
} else {
var choices = [
compound1, Combinator.followingSibling,
compound2, Combinator.followingSibling
compound2, Combinator.followingSibling,
compound1, Combinator.followingSibling
var unified = _unifyCompound(compound1.members, compound2.members);
if (unified != null) {
choices.add([unified, Combinator.followingSibling]);
} else if (
(combinator1 == Combinator.followingSibling &&
combinator2 == Combinator.nextSibling) ||
(combinator1 == Combinator.nextSibling &&
combinator2 == Combinator.followingSibling)) {
var followingSiblingSelector =
combinator1 == Combinator.followingSibling ? compound1 : compound2;
var nextSiblingSelector =
combinator1 == Combinator.followingSibling ? compound2 : compound1;
if (followingSiblingSelector.isSuperselectorOf(nextSiblingSelector)) {
result.addFirst([[nextSiblingSelector, Combinator.nextSibling]]);
} else {
var choices = [
followingSiblingSelector, Combinator.followingSibling,
nextSiblingSelector, Combinator.nextSibling
var unified = _unifyCompound(compound1.members, compound2.members);
if (unified != null) choices.add([unified, Combinator.nextSibling]);
} else if (combinator1 == Combinator.child &&
(combinator2 == Combinator.nextSibling ||
combinator2 == Combinator.followingSibling)) {
result.addFirst([[compound2, combinator2]]);
} else if (combinator2 == Combinator.child &&
(combinator1 == Combinator.nextSibling ||
combinator1 == Combinator.followingSibling)) {
result.addFirst([[compound2, combinator2]]);
} else if (combinator1 == combinator2) {
var unified = _unifyCompound(compound1.members, compound2.members);
if (unified == null) return null;
result.addFirst([[merged, combinator1]]);
} else {
return null;
return _mergeFinalCombinators(components1, components2, result);
} else if (combinator1 != null) {
if (combinator1 == Combinator.child &&
components2.isNotEmpty &&
components2.last.isSuperselectorOf(components1.last)) {
result.addFirst([[components1.removeLast(), combinator1]]);
return _mergeFinalCombinators(components1, components2, result);
} else {
assert(combinator1 != null);
if (combinator2 == Combinator.child &&
components1.isNotEmpty &&
components1.last.isSuperselectorOf(components2.last)) {
result.addFirst([[components2.removeLast(), combinator2]]);
return _mergeFinalCombinators(components1, components2, result);
2016-07-29 00:45:29 +02:00
List<List/*<T>*/> _chunks/*<T>*/(Queue<List/*<T>*/> queue1,
Queue<List/*<T>*/> queue2, bool done(Queue<List/*<T>*/> queue)) {
var chunk1 = /*<T>*/[];
while (!done(queue1)) {
var chunk2 = /*<T>*/[];
while (!done(queue2)) {
if (chunk1.isEmpty && chunk2.isEmpty) return [];
if (chunk1.isEmpty) return [chunk2];
if (chunk2.isEmpty) return [chunk1];
return [chunk1.toList()..addAll(chunk2), chunk2.addAll(chunk1)];
Queue<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>> _groupSelectors(
Iterable<ComplexSelectorComponent> selectors) {
var groups = new Queue<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>();
var iterator = selectors.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
var group = <ComplexSelectorComponent>[];
do {
} while ((iterator.current is Combinator || group.last is Combinator) &&
return groups;
bool _isParentSuperselector(List<ComplexSelectorComponent> selectors1,
List<ComplexSelectorComponent> selectors2) {
// Try some simple heuristics to see if we can avoid allocations.
if (selectors1.first is Combinator) return false;
if (selectors2.first is Combinator) return false;
if (selectors1.length > selectors2.length) return false;
// TODO(nweiz): There's got to be a way to do this without a bunch of extra
// allocations...
var base = new CompoundSelector([new PlaceholderSelector('<temp>')]);
return _isSuperselector(
selectors1..toList().add(base), selectors2..toList().add(base));
bool _isParentSuperselector(List<ComplexSelectorComponent> selectors1,
List<ComplexSelectorComponent> selectors2) {
// Selectors with trailing operators are neither superselectors nor
// subselectors.
if (selectors1.last is Combinator) return false;
if (selectors2.last is Combinator) return false;
var i1 = 0;
var i2 = 0;
while (true) {
var remaining1 = selectors1.length - i1;
var remaining2 = selectors2.length - i2;
if (remaining1 == 0 || remaining2 == 0) return false;
// More complex selectors are never superselectors of less complex ones.
if (remaining1 > remaining2) return false;
// Selectors with leading operators are neither superselectors nor
// subselectors.
if (selectors1[i1] is Combinator) return false;
if (selectors2[i2] is Combinator) return false;
if (remaining1 == 1) {
var selector = selectors1[i1] as CompoundSelector;
return selector.isSuperselectorOfComplex(selectors2.sublist(i2));
// Find the first index where `selectors2.sublist(i2, afterSuperselector)`
// is a subselector of `selectors1[i1]`. We stop before the superselector
// would encompass all of [selectors2] because we know [selectors1] has
// more than one element, and consuming all of [selectors2] wouldn't leave
// anything for the rest of [selectors1] to match.
var afterSuperselector = i2 + 1;
for (; afterSuperselector <= selectors2.length; afterSuperselector++) {
if (selectors2[afterSuperselector - 1] is Combinator) continue;
if (selectors1[i1].isSuperselectorOfComplex(
selectors2.sublist(i2, afterSuperselector))) {
if (afterSuperselector == selectors2.length) return false;
var combinator1 = selectors1[i1 + 1];
var combinator2 = selectors1[afterSuperselector];
if (combinator1 is Combinator) {
if (combinator2 is! Combinator) return false;
// `.foo ~ .bar` is a superselector of `.foo + .bar`, but otherwise the
// combinators must match.
if (combinator1 == Combinator.followingSibling) {
if (combinator2 == Combinator.child) return false;
} else if (combinator2 != combinator1) {
return false;
// `.foo > .baz` is not a superselector of `.foo > .bar > .baz` or
// `.foo > .bar .baz`, despite the fact that `.baz` is a superselector of
// `.bar > .baz` and `.bar .baz`. Same goes for `+` and `~`.
if (remaining1 == 3 && remaining2 > 3) return false;
i1 += 2;
i2 = afterSuperselector + 1;
} else if (combinator2 is Combinator) {
if (combinator2 != Combinator2.child) return false;
i2 = afterSuperselector + 1;
} else {
i2 = afterSuperselector;
List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>> _trim(
List<List<List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>> weaves) {
// Avoid truly horrific quadratic behavior.
// TODO(nweiz): I think there may be a way to get perfect trimming without
// going quadratic by building some sort of trie-like data structure that
// can be used to look up superselectors.
if (path.length > 100) return weave.expand((selectors) => selectors);
// This is n² on the sequences, but only comparing between separate
// sequences should limit the quadratic behavior.
var result = <List<ComplexSelectorComponent>>[];
for (var i = 0; i < weaves.length; i++) {
for (var selector1 in weaves[1]) {
// The maximum specificity of the sources that caused [selector1] to be
// generated. In order for [selector1] to be removed, there must be another
// selector that's a superselector of it *and* that has specificity
// greater or equal to this.
var maxSpecificity =
maxBy(_sources(selector1), (source) => source.maxSpecificity) ?? 0;
// Look in [result] rather than [weaves] for selectors before [i]. This
// ensures that we aren't comparing against a selector that's already
// been trimmed, and thus that if there are two identical selectors only
// one is trimmed.
if (result.any((selector2) =>
selector2.minSpecificity >= maxSpecificity &&
_isSuperselector(selector2, selector1))) {
return false;
if (weaves.skip(i + 1).any((selector2) =>
selector2.minSpecificity >= maxSpecificity &&
_isSuperselector(selector2, selector1))) {
return false;
return result;
2016-07-16 02:27:14 +02:00