Fix units for coercing number operations.

This commit is contained in:
Natalie Weizenbaum 2016-10-18 16:48:42 -07:00
parent acb3b3712d
commit 4d54c5d351

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@ -418,24 +418,24 @@ class SassNumber extends Value {
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this <= $other".');
Value modulo(Value other) {
SassNumber modulo(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return new SassNumber(_coerceUnits(other, (num1, num2) => num1 % num2));
return _coerceNumber(other, (num1, num2) => num1 % num2);
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this % $other".');
Value plus(Value other) {
SassNumber plus(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return new SassNumber(_coerceUnits(other, (num1, num2) => num1 + num2));
return _coerceNumber(other, (num1, num2) => num1 + num2);
if (other is! SassColor) return;
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this + $other".');
Value minus(Value other) {
SassNumber minus(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return new SassNumber(_coerceUnits(other, (num1, num2) => num1 - num2));
return _coerceNumber(other, (num1, num2) => num1 - num2);
if (other is! SassColor) return super.minus(other);
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this - $other".');
@ -476,6 +476,20 @@ class SassNumber extends Value {
Value unaryMinus() => new SassNumber(-value);
/// Converts [other]'s value to be compatible with this number's, calls
/// [operation] with the resulting numbers, and wraps the result in a
/// [SassNumber].
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] if the two numbers' units are incompatible.
SassNumber _coerceNumber(
SassNumber other, num operation(num num1, num num2)) {
var result = _coerceUnits(other, operation);
return new SassNumber.withUnits(result,
numeratorUnits: hasUnits ? this.numeratorUnits : other.numeratorUnits,
hasUnits ? this.denominatorUnits : other.denominatorUnits);
/// Converts [other]'s value to be compatible with this number's, and calls
/// [operation] with the resulting numbers.