// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an // MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:sass/sass.dart'; import 'from_import_importer.dart'; import 'test_importer.dart'; import '../utils.dart'; void main() { test("uses an importer to resolve an @import", () { var css = compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [ TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) { var color = url.path; return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}', indented: false); }) ]); expect(css, equals(".orange {\n color: orange;\n}")); }); test("passes the canonicalized URL to the importer", () { var css = compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [ TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse('u:blue'), (url) { var color = url.path; return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}', indented: false); }) ]); expect(css, equals(".blue {\n color: blue;\n}")); }); test("only invokes the importer once for a given canonicalization", () { var css = compileString(""" @import "orange"; @import "orange"; """, importers: [ TestImporter( (url) => Uri.parse('u:blue'), expectAsync1((url) { var color = url.path; return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}', indented: false); }, count: 1)) ]); expect(css, equals(""" .blue { color: blue; } .blue { color: blue; }""")); }); test("resolves URLs relative to the pre-canonicalized URL", () { var times = 0; var css = compileString('@import "foo:bar/baz";', importers: [ TestImporter( expectAsync1((url) { times++; if (times == 1) return Uri(path: 'first'); expect(url, equals(Uri.parse('foo:bar/bang'))); return Uri(path: 'second'); }, count: 2), expectAsync1((url) { return ImporterResult( times == 1 ? ''' .first {url: "$url"} @import "bang"; ''' : '.second {url: "$url"}', indented: false); }, count: 2)) ], logger: Logger.quiet); expect(css, equalsIgnoringWhitespace(''' .first { url: "first"; } .second { url: "second"; } ''')); }); group("the imported URL", () { // Regression test for #1137. test("isn't changed if it's root-relative", () { compileString('@import "/orange";', importers: [ TestImporter(expectAsync1((url) { expect(url, equals(Uri.parse("/orange"))); return Uri.parse("u:$url"); }), (url) => ImporterResult('', syntax: Syntax.scss)) ]); }); test("is converted to a file: URL if it's an absolute Windows path", () { compileString('@import "C:/orange";', importers: [ TestImporter(expectAsync1((url) { expect(url, equals(Uri.parse("file:///C:/orange"))); return Uri.parse("u:$url"); }), (url) => ImporterResult('', syntax: Syntax.scss)) ]); }); }); test("uses an importer's source map URL", () { var result = compileStringToResult('@import "orange";', importers: [ TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) { var color = url.path; return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}', sourceMapUrl: Uri.parse("u:blue"), indented: false); }) ], sourceMap: true); expect(result.sourceMap!.urls, contains("u:blue")); }); test("uses a data: source map URL if the importer doesn't provide one", () { var result = compileStringToResult('@import "orange";', importers: [ TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) { var color = url.path; return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}', indented: false); }) ], sourceMap: true); expect( result.sourceMap!.urls, contains(Uri.dataFromString(".orange {color: orange}", encoding: utf8) .toString())); }); test("wraps an error in canonicalize()", () { expect(() { compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [ TestImporter((url) { throw "this import is bad actually"; }, expectNever1) ]); }, throwsA(predicate((error) { expect(error, const TypeMatcher()); expect( error.toString(), startsWith("Error: this import is bad actually")); return true; }))); }); test("wraps an error in load()", () { expect(() { compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [ TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) { throw "this import is bad actually"; }) ]); }, throwsA(predicate((error) { expect(error, const TypeMatcher()); expect( error.toString(), startsWith("Error: this import is bad actually")); return true; }))); }); test("prefers .message to .toString() for an importer error", () { expect(() { compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [ TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) { throw FormatException("bad format somehow"); }) ]); }, throwsA(predicate((error) { expect(error, const TypeMatcher()); // FormatException.toString() starts with "FormatException:", but // the error message should not. expect(error.toString(), startsWith("Error: bad format somehow")); return true; }))); }); test("avoids importer when only load() returns null", () { expect(() { compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [ TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) => null) ]); }, throwsA(predicate((error) { expect(error, const TypeMatcher()); expect(error.toString(), startsWith("Error: Can't find stylesheet to import")); return true; }))); }); group("currentLoadFromImport is", () { test("true from an @import", () { compileString('@import "foo"', importers: [FromImportImporter(true)]); }); test("false from a @use", () { compileString('@use "foo"', importers: [FromImportImporter(false)]); }); test("false from a @forward", () { compileString('@forward "foo"', importers: [FromImportImporter(false)]); }); test("false from meta.load-css", () { compileString('@use "sass:meta"; @include meta.load-css("")', importers: [FromImportImporter(false)]); }); }); }